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Holy moly.
This study shows that after three months the vaccine effectiveness of Pfizer & Moderna against Omicron is actually negative. Pfizer customers are 76.5% more likely and Moderna customers are 39.3% more likely to be infected than unvaxxed people.
I kid you not, the last line of the study is still “these findings highlight the need for massive rollout of vaccinations and booster vaccinations.”
People who refused the jab are not a control group either.
WASHINGTON, D.C. — In a brief address to the nation after once again testing positive for COVID, President Biden warned that we are now in a pandemic of the "quadruple vaccinated."
"Four shots, it's not enough anymore," said Biden. "You need at least five to five hundred thousand thousand thirty-two, um, um, five thousand, blirteen sixty shots. Science told me. Not a joke! At this point, if you haven't gotten the vaccine at least 5 times you're denying the science. Come on!"
The president is calling on all citizens to get quintuple-vaccinated before he catches COVID a third time.
The White House Communications Team backed up Biden's statement, saying: "The President has been very clear from the very beginning of the pandemic and has never once wavered in his opinion in the slightest, and it is a very clear opinion because the President is always clear and in his right mind and he definitely doesn't have severe dementia. If you don't get jabbed at least 5 times you're killing people with COVID. This shouldn't be hard. The science is clear."
At publishing time, Krispy Kreme announced they will entice people into getting quintuple vaxxed by offering two free doughnuts this time.
The vaccination program began in Uruguay on February 27. So, what happened after that which led the Uruguayan government to bring Pfizer to court?
Almost immediately after Uruguay began injecting Pfizer and Sinopharm products, COVID-19 cases and deaths, which were previously almost non-existent in Uruguay, exploded upward. Uruguay went from having one of the lowest COVID-19 case rates in the world, to the top 30 among nations with populations over a million.
Something else changed, also. During the early weeks of 2021, Uruguay’s case fatality rate (deaths per COVID-19 case) went from around 1% to up over 1.5% where it remained through the end of the year. That is, not only did COVID-19 cases explode in Uruguay following the introduction of the quasi-vaccines, but the cases were more deadly on average.
5. Deaths by Vaccination Status: England
“To summarise, the official UK Government figures published by the UK’s Office for National Statistics, prove that COVID-vaccinated children and teenagers are more likely to die of both Covid-19 and any other cause than unvaccinated children and teenagers.”
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced she tested positive for COVID-19 Monday evening.
The Democrat, who said she has been fully vaccinated and received two booster shots, added that she is experiencing "mild symptoms."
Stacey Abrams
Aug 10
This morning I took my daily COVID test and tested positive for COVID-19. Before my speech yesterday, I tested negative. Today I’m experiencing mild symptoms, and I’m grateful to have been vaccinated and boosted.
Aug 10, 2022
A couple were smoking a cigarette
German Government Now Admits That about One Out of Every 1,500 People Has Suffered a Medically "Serious" Side Effect from the COVID Jab.
Why Are So Many Vaccinated People Dying With COVID?
A question entirely ignored by the media
Frankly, I don't know what is behind this.
JAMA Article: More Evidence of ADE
You cannot get more infections in doubly vaccinated unless there is a problem
James Lyons-Weiler
5 hr ago
Study: Rate of SARS-CoV-2 Reinfection During an Omicron Wave in Iceland
“The probability of reinfection increased with time from the initial infection (odds ratio of 18 months vs 3 months, 1.56; 95% CI, 1.18-2.08) (Figure) and was higher among persons who had received 2 or more doses compared with 1 dose or less of vaccine (odds ratio, 1.42; 95% CI, 1.13-1.78).” ...
“Defining reinfection after 30 or more days or 90 or more days did not qualitatively change the results.”
The higher the vaccination rate, the higher the mortality rate on all continents.
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