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Dr. Elizabeth Char,
Why the Covid Vaccines Were Never Likely to Be Effective
Honest scientists raised key red flags for these vaccines in a top medical journal. They were all ignored.
Are Vaccines Fueling New Covid Variants?
The virus appears to be evolving in ways that evade immunity.
Public-health experts are sounding the alarm about a new Omicron variant dubbed XBB that is rapidly spreading across the Northeast U.S. Some studies suggest it is as different from the original Covid strain from Wuhan as the 2003 SARS virus. Should Americans be worried?
It isn’t clear that XBB is any more lethal than other variants, but its mutations enable it to evade antibodies from prior infection and vaccines as well as existing monoclonal antibody treatments. Growing evidence also suggests that repeated vaccinations may make people more susceptible to XBB and could be fueling the virus’s rapid evolution.
Here's a big kicker from one study, meanwhile:
Notably, workers who had received more doses were at higher risk of getting sick. Those who received three more doses were 3.4 times as likely to get infected as the unvaccinated, while those who received two were only 2.6 times as likely.
This is, to put it mildly, kind of insane. And what are medical officials doing with this information? Are they revising their outlook? Changing their hypotheses?
Well, no:
Two years ago, vaccines were helpful in reducing severe illness, particularly among the elderly and those with health risks like diabetes and obesity. But experts refuse to concede that boosters have yielded diminishing benefits and may even have made individuals and the population as a whole more vulnerable to new variants like XBB.
Like Ron Johnson said: Why does none of this worry the experts?
Rin says
Que as 3 apples per day
So, that's three apples a day keep the doctor away.
A Summer of Illness and Excess Death in Australia
Covid Worsened Dramatically - but no UNVACCINATED in hospitals!
Igor Chudov
14 hr ago
January marks the middle of summer in Australia.
Unfortunately, despite “health experts” hoping that Covid is a seasonal disease and would go away in summer, Australia is in the middle of yet another wave of Covid.
New South Wales, one of the Australian provinces, publishes “weekly surveillance reports.” Compared to November, COVID hospitalizations more than tripled, according to the latest report.
New South Wales, one of the Australian provinces
The history of failed HIV vaccine trials confirms that overvaccination causes class-switching towards non-inflammatory IgG4 antibodies, reducing the effectiveness of the immune response
Our mRNA Covid vaccines have caused exactly the same IgG4 class-switch, presumably in billions, whose immune systems have similarly been taught some measure of tolerance towards the spike protein
The history of failed HIV vaccine trials confirms that overvaccination causes class-switching towards non-inflammatory IgG4 antibodies, reducing the effectiveness of the immune response
Our mRNA Covid vaccines have caused exactly the same IgG4 class-switch, presumably in billions, whose immune systems have similarly been taught some measure of tolerance towards the spike protein
It's possible that the mrna vaccines incorporate into the DNA of cells enough so that once you get an injection you FOREVER produce the spike protein and if this is the case, it seems logical that eventually everybody that took the vaccine will make the IgG4 switch.
if covid vaccines stop covid deaths, then why do they keep bending curves the wrong way?
covid deaths had been tracking at a quite linear trajectory. then, right around the commencement of mass vaccination in the US, they accelerated (despite a less deadly variant, more acquired resistance in the population, and the prior cull of high risk groups.)
the curve bent the wrong way.
the red line shows what a continuation at prior rate would have looked like.
the green line shows the durable shift to a new, steeper slope. (more deaths per day)
this is an unexpected and (obviously) unwanted result. ...
again, the curves bend away from one another in the “wrong” direction. ...
Recent paper on "unexpected rise" of lgG4 antibodies is further evidence the COVID-19 mRNA shots are a crude experiment on all of humanity.
The rise of IgG4 antibodies “to 19.27% late after the third vaccination” was completely unexpected, and, as the authors note later in the study:
The IgG4 subclass does not prevail after repeated vaccination with tetanus toxoid or respiratory syncytial virus infection.
I’ll let the immunologists debate about the significance of this finding and limit my commentary to a few basic observations.
1). The paper is further evidence that the developers of the COVID-19 mRNA shots did NOT understand precisely how they would affect the human immune response.
2). The developers of these products had NO IDEA how they would affect the immune response after three shots.
3). The developers of these products cannot know what will happen in the event of lgG4 antibody prevalence because they have never observed it before.
Though the authors do not explicitly state it, the careful reader logically deduces that the dramatic rise of lgG4 antibodies relative to other spike-specific lgG antibodies may impair the immune response to SARS-CoV-2. To be sure, the authors try to downplay this concern—probably because they know the danger of challenging COVID-19 Vaccine Orthodoxy—but their findings are nevertheless inherently a matter of concern.
The Irrgang paper reminded me of the Academy of Projectors on the Island of Legado in Swift’s Gulliver’s Travelers, who perform pointless experiments that benefit no one.
The COVID-19 mRNA gene transfer program is an example of scientists grossly and arrogantly overestimating their understanding of nature. Now we see immunologists stating, in effect:“Gee whiz, we didn’t expect that outcome after receiving three shots of a vaccine that doesn’t prevent infection and transmission.”
We are seeing clear evidence of original antigenic sin (I call the sin ‘mortal’ given there is no reversal of the initial primed response that devolves into immune escape and severe illness to the vaccinated), viral immune escape, immune tolerance (IgG4 class-switching), immune fixation/prejudicing/imprinting. There is also the risk of antibody-dependent enhancement of infection (and of disease) and pathogenic priming (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32292901/).
This is designed to happen this way, the pandemic will never end IMO for 100 more years, with infectious variant after another driven by the COVID gene injection itself, and thus the need to keep extending the emergency powers. This is it. The emergency powers will never end because variants keep emerging, yet the variants are emerging due to the gene injection. What a perverse ingenious scheme they have devised. This is a slow-kill bioweapon, IMO, and if I wanted to develop such a bioweapon, a biological weapon, I would bring this type of sub-optimal vaccine just the way it has been developed, and roll it out in the very same manner in the midst of a pandemic.
We are seeing clear evidence of original antigenic sin (I call the sin ‘mortal’ given there is no reversal of the initial primed response that devolves into immune escape and severe illness to the vaccinated), viral immune escape, immune tolerance (IgG4 class-switching), immune fixation/prejudicing/imprinting. There is also the risk of antibody-dependent enhancement of infection (and of disease) and pathogenic priming (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32292901/).
This is designed to happen this way, the pandemic will never end IMO for 100 more years, with infectious variant after another driven by the COVID gene injection itself, and thus the need to keep extending the emergency powers. This is it. The emergency powers will never end because variants keep eme...
The data also show that mRNA boosters are now among the most expensive and useless public health interventions ever tried on healthy adults under 50. That calculation applies even the $30 a jab price paid by governments and even without accounting for any side effects.
The British government calculated that to prevent a single case of severe Covid, nearly 1 million healthy adults under 50 would have to receive a booster. Those boosters would cost almost $30 million for the jabs alone, not counting the cost of administering them. (In the United States, Medicare pays health-care providers $40 per shot, and private insurers usually pay substantially more than Medicare.)
Yes, you read that right.
Almost one million mRNA boosters to stop one hospitalization requiring oxygen or intensive care in healthy people under 50, using optimistic assumptions about vaccine efficacy.
In its report to the government, the British advisory group - called the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation - essentially recommended discontinuing boosters for those adults, calling them of “limited ongoing value.”
During the first 25 days of 2023, we’ve seen skyrocketing all-cause mortality rates in highly vaccinated countries and growing mountains of scientific research arguing against getting the new Covid-19 vaccine.
Six weeks ago, a study in Cell showed that bivalent boosters were colossal failures against the BQ and XBB subvariants. ...
Starting today, the CDC has stopped claiming that the new Covid-19 boosters can reduce your risk of serious illness, hospitalization and death.
For a few months the mRNA vaccines seemed to work as promised. Mission Accomplished! ...
The mRNA Covid vaccines provably began to fail barely six months after their rollout. Those of us outside the walls and looking at the data could see the reality.
But the people inside had too much invested in the jabs to recognize what was happening. Too much money, too much prestige, too much political power. And the further up the chain they were, the more divorced from the raw data they became, and the easier it was for them to hear only what they wanted to hear.
Besides, the vaccines were more than just vaccines. They were symbols of Western and specifically American technological superiority. They were a path forward.
The fact that they didn’t work was almost irrelevant.
Until it was.
There are two big differences, though.
First, we could and did send more soldiers to Iraq to fight the insurgents, but we cannot undo whatever the mRNA jabs have done to our immune systems with more jabs. The booster strategy has already failed, which is why countries all over the world are putting tight limits on future shots.
Second, Sars-Cov-2 is a far more implacable and enigmatic enemy than the Iraqi insurgents ever were.
Let’s hope it wants peace - in the form of low virulence - and not war.
There are two big differences, though.
First, we could and did send more soldiers to Iraq to fight the insurgents, but we cannot undo whatever the mRNA jabs have done to our immune systems with more jabs. The booster strategy has already failed, which is why countries all over the world are putting tight limits on future shots.
Why do ppl believe in Big Pharma? And then again, why is it that ppl confuse this topic with Trump vs Biden?
People are reluctant to give into the notion that their teacher, mother, secret lover has been lying to them all their life.
If people simply threw their television away, they'd be free
richwicks says
People are reluctant to give into the notion that their teacher, mother, secret lover has been lying to them all their life.
Ok, but those are friends and lovers, not some MDs who put their uncle into the ICU via mixing Statins with an Antibiotic treatment which made Swiss cheese out of his kidney.
Trust me, many ppl are suspicious of MDs and don't give their unconditional faith (or love) to them as a result of years of poor medical outcomes for their friends and families. This didn't start in March of 2020 but more like 1985-90, when insurance companies started running the entire delivery of medicine for the public.
richwicks says
If people simply threw their television away, they'd be free
I think it's that they associate anyone who's pro-vaccine as being against Donald J Trump. And that's why ppl made a hero out of Tony "American Joe Mengele" Fauci, the most useless talking head I've seen in my entire life & the one who reduced our NIH into the National 'Banana Republic' Institute of Health.
And that's the kicker! When people start to call those who take Vitamins and Supplements ... pro-Trumpers, what can one say? It's like we've been taking those pills, decades before even Trump threw his hat into the election pool.
People are reluctant to give into the notion that their teacher, mother
Television CONSTANTLY creates these fake dichotomies
People are too lazy of even incapable of interpreting reality on their own.
On page 30, you can see the following table, which shows how well 3 shots worked for over 120,000 Kaiser enrollees who were tested for COVID during Omicron. Kaiser did something unusual: it actually sequenced 16,418 positive COVID samples to determine the Omicron subvariant with which the enrollees were infected.
What it found was that for 4 out of 5 Omicron subvariants by 150 days (5 months) post shot, efficacy had fallen into negative territory, and Kaiser’s thrice-vaccinated enrollees were more likely to get COVID than the unvaccinated.
Covid deaths in Canada nearly doubled in 2022 and I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to say why I think it happened
Covid deaths in Canada nearly doubled in 2022 and I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to say why I think it happened
Currently the CDC, FDA, NIH, and most government officials, healthcare professionals and mainstream media, are promoting the false claim that the COVID-19 mRNA biological injections prevent hospitalizations and severe disease. This ‘spin’ was born from the harsh reality that the COVID-19 mRNA biological injections do not prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection or transmission.
If a ‘Vaccine” Can’t Prevent Viral Infection then It Can’t Prevent Severe Disease Either. This is Common Sense. No Expert Opinion Required.
My question is, ‘If a vaccine can not reduce the risk for a viral infection, how can it reduce the risk for the severe disease that is caused by that viral infection?’
The answer is it can’t.
An ineffective and impotent COVID-19 mRNA vaccine (harmful biological agent) that exposes a human’s immune system to a virus or part of a virus (the spike protein), but then does not stimulate the neutralizing antibodies required to protect against future viral infections actually increases the risk for severe respiratory disease due to the well-known, harmful biological response known as vaccine-associated enhanced respiratory disease (VAERD).
The FDA approval documents state that VAERD is an IMPORTANT POTENTIAL RISK for both the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA injections (because the injections increase the risk for both COVID-19 infection and severe disease).
Pfizer even admits that their mRNA injections increase the risk for COVID-19, per a September 17, 2021, post-hoc analysis submitted to the FDA.
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