by stereotomy ➕follow (0) 💰tip ignore
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She had to support me while I was making the transition. Someone had to bring home the bacon during those years.
Now, she works because it’s flexible and she can do whatever she wants while keeping the health benefits for the family. If her boss pisses her off, her boss can have her job back. It’s a great to be in a position of strength. 😂
The point is that if your wife decides she's done the "laws" will allow her to take you to the cleaners, unless she makes significantly more, in which case she will likely take the kids from you and have no legal problems with it.
Even if you have 'written agreements', it doesn't protect you from the rapacity of the legal process itself, or even necessarily the outcome. All it does is give you a gauge about how things might go once you are in the meat grinder. It doesn't avoid the meat grinder.
That's not the point. The point is that if your wife decides she's done the "laws" will allow her to take you to the cleaners, unless she makes significantly more, in which case she will likely take the kids from you and have no legal problems with it. Opportunity makes thieves. Also as much as I want to believe that some married perfect wives this never held true when I met them. Good if you're on that train though, wish it holds a lifetime ;) I'm still advocating marriage if you want kids, but there are huge tradeoffs people should be aware of.
My wife wouldn't (won't) get a dime from me. Most men become pussies in divorce. Not cut throat. Don't know law. Don't know their rights.
You are never 'protected' from lawyers (conflict tax collectors whose motive is to keep you in conflict), incessant lawfare, or crooked Kommie judges (apparently rampant in Family Law).
Guess how she feels now at 39? "Boo hoo hoo, I should have stayed married and had kids." Much of that is probably her fading
You are never 'protected' from lawyers (conflict tax collectors whose motive is to keep you in conflict), incessant lawfare, or crooked Kommie judges (apparently rampant in Family Law).
In the end, the changeable emotional one can do as she pleases if the Law allows her. Change the Laws!
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