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Is this because there are puppeteers guiding the mass delusion, introducing these beliefs because they know we’re susceptible to believing them?
No. That would be to entirely miss the point.
Cooties find their way into how in-groups stereotype out-groups in many, most or all societies not because there is a super-cagey cabal creating the perfect narrative.
Rather, the moral here is that these beliefs get selected for over time because they fit our innate preconceptions so well. The mainstream narrative ends up fitting the physics of cooties — as it often does for out-groups — because societies evolve, and the beliefs that conform more closely to our instinctive biases get selected for.
Cooties, cooties everywhere because humans humans everywhere. It’s convergent evolution. Covid hysteria stumbled its way, as all societies do, to treating the out-group in similar, cooties-driven ways.
It’s all there. The narcissism, the relentless fear and hysteria (now totally unmoored from anything actually happening), the emotional self-indulgence, the moral certainty, even towards the end a glimmer of self-awareness: I couldn’t have written a better parody had I tried. You have here the archetypal Corona hystericist, an increasingly obscure species consisting mostly of upper middle-class, morally self-superior insular urbanites – the kinds of people who Trust the Science, buy overpriced granola at the Biomarkt, and derive their opinions from the very state media organs that have spent the last two years carpet bombing our culture with Corona fear porn.
People like this woman spent 2020 and the first part of 2021 being afraid, but then they got vaccinated, and when that didn’t kill the virus, they got angry. They got angry because the virus didn’t go away even though they really really wanted the virus to go away, and because the press and politicians told them that all of this was the fault of the unvaccinated. The article goes into a little more detail about this woman’s anger, not only at her husband, but at all of the unvaccinated – anger at them over their noncompliance, deepened by her powerlessness to make them receive vaccination.
The ‘Science’ of Manipulation: Researchers Craft Messages of Guilt, Shame to Foster Vaccine Compliance
There’s an entire field of research dedicated to developing messaging designed to persuade “vaccine-hesitant” individuals to get the COVID-19 vaccine — and none of it has anything to do with facts.
The Best and the Brightest(TM)
I’m struck by the parallels between the failures of The Best & the Brightest(TM) in the Vietnam War and now in the Covid War.
They begin with high-minded ideals (perhaps).
But their attempts to quantify progress create structural incentives for barbarity. In Vietnam it was body counts in the Covid war it’s vaccine counts.
Eventually as the original goal (winning) slips from their grasp, they throw up their hands and regress into savagery:
“Kill ‘em all and let God sort ‘em out.” —Generals in the Vietnam War
“Vaccinate ‘em all and let God sort whether these things are safe and effective.” —the FDA in the Covid War
This really is a class war.
What few people realized before the invention of the internet was that most bourgeois gatekeepers were always illegitimate. They weren’t smarter, better, nor more talented than the rest of us. Our society was a series of cartels within cartels within cartels.
With the introduction of broadband and then ubiquitous mobile phones, the peasants were able to find each other and compare notes about the various cartels we were living under. Social media gave us a megaphone. Barriers to entry came down. True talent started to emerge. Avenues emerged to challenge power and people started pointing out that the various emperors have never had any clothes. The gatekeepers could no longer control the narrative, the facts, nor the public. And those who had always held the reins of power throughout the developed world started freaking out.
So the gatekeepers instinctively reached for digital book burning and poisonous injections, propaganda, demagoguery, surveillance, and totalitarianism — their every action motivated by defending their crumbling class position. Society must be defended. It’s the hiss that fills every CNN broadcast and every utterance from the mouth of Leana Wen, Michael Osterholm, and Peter Hotez. It’s Gollum hissing my precious as he gazes lovingly upon the idolatrous ring. It’s the mantra of the fascists and the justification that they will use to do literally anything to stay in power. It’s the idea that we must smash.
The ruling class makes the laws.
The laws create massive tension and unrest in the population.
The ruling class uses the media to turn a minority group into the scapegoat for all of society's problems.
The citizens blame and attack each other, instead of their government.
The ruling class gains more wealth, power, and control over society. As the 99% get weaker and more poor.
Divide and conquer 101.
The reason this causes me some considerable trepidation is two-fold: first of all, I am profoundly worried about the mental health of those who were deceived, and what the psychological consequences will be for them as they are confronted with the truth in a way that they can’t dismiss, ridicule, or deny. It’s extremely difficult for any of us to admit we were duped, because it’s such a huge threat to our self-perception and our ego. As Mark Twain so astutely observed, it’s much easier to dupe someone in the first place, than to convince them thereafter that they’ve been deceived. That’s why the “normies” are so absolutely impervious to any amount of evidence that their beliefs are wrong, but, when it comes to the point that all the mainstream channels, all politicians, scientists, doctors, and media talking heads, converge on a narrative-flip and confirm everyone’s been duped – well, denial won’t be an option any more, for anyone, and I don’t know how the collective national psyche is going to process that, because such a monumental, horrifying act of deception has never, to my knowledge, been perpetrated on a people before.
but, when it comes to the point that all the mainstream channels, all politicians, scientists, doctors, and media talking heads, converge on a narrative-flip
The jazz clubs were slow to reopen last summer, and then only on weekends, badly patronized due to mass media induced fear throughout the country. We started playing monthly house concerts in our loft apartment, hoping to play our new repertoire to maybe 10 people, throw in some vino, make a night of it. From the first concert we had more people than we’d ever hoped, and it continues. We played our first house concert of the year this last Saturday and could have filled the place three times over. People are desperate to live their lives again. The unvaccinated are in good company here. And never has a drop of wine been spilled, a glass been broken or a toilet seat been peed on. By now even those who had been holding out for the safer Novavax have decided it’s just not necessary, or worth it. An underground network of Free Spaces, the Volná Zóna, has sprung up, and we’ve discovered a whole new world of pubs, eateries and venues which we never would have considered before, filled with smiling, maskless, people.
Narrative is the use of “facts” to create an alternative “truth.” It’s a lie protected and advanced by recognizable facts, usually presented by an accepted or presumed authority figure. Both the “facts” (which may or may not be accurate) and the authority figure combine to bypass the amygdala—the part of the brain responsible for fear, suspicion, and anger. Persuasion psychologist Robert Cialdini identified authority as one of the six principles of persuasion.
Cialdini likes to cite a study from the 1970s. Researchers placed a handwritten sign on the night-drop box of a bank saying, “Out of Order: Place Deposits in Bag.” Beneath the sign was a canvas back with a metal frame to hold it open.
Would people really drop their cash deposits in a canvas bag?
In one treatment, the bag was left alone. In a second, a man in a suit stood a few feet away. In a third, a man in a rented security guard costume stood a few feet away.
No one left a deposit envelope in the unguarded bag. A few left it next to the man a business suit. Everyone who came by left their bags in the treatment with fake guard.
The guard made no pretense of protecting the bag. None of the subjects asked if he was there to guard the deposits. They simply dropped the night deposit envelopes and carried on.
Such is our blind obedience to authority, real or perceived.
The note on the bank’s night-drop box was a lie, of course. Just like most of the pandemic narrative. And, like the researchers in the 70s, the designers of the Covid narrative relied on our knee-jerk response to authority. Instead of a man in a guard costume, DARPA used Dr. Anthony Fauci, not to bypass the amygdala, but to redirect it.
It’s possible to bypass the amygdala in a neutral mind (hypnosis), but if the person is already scared—if the amygdala are already twitching, attempts to “talk down” the frightened person will only increase their fear response. With a fearful person, you always double down on their fear—and redirect it. Like I wrote a few days back:
People who are scared believe they have good reasons to be scared. If you deny the validity of their fear, they see you as an idiot who doesn’t recognize the danger staring you in the face.
Scared people are attracted to scary things. They want to be scared. Over many years of practice, their minds have determined that the absence of the big scary thing happening is evidence that fear, worry, and conformity work. They see a causal relationship between their feelings of terror and disaster avoidance. Therefore, if you ask a scared person to stop being afraid, you’re asking them to trigger a disaster, at least in their minds.
No. The way to win over a fixed-mindset Useful Idiot: begin with a scary story—the more dangerous, the better.
Where do you think I learned that technique? It’s what the government has been doing since March 2020. Think back to that DARPA project, the Narrative Network. It’s obvious what was meant by “narrative.” But what was the “network?”
How about CNN, the New York Times, Johns-Hopkins Medical School, and University of Washington. The World Health Organization.
How many times did you hear the word “pandemic” in the first two weeks of March?
It was natural and proper to have some fear of the Coronavirus. We should always approach the unknown with caution. But the known facts in March 2020 did not support the narrative that emerged the second week of that month.
As Alex Berenson writes in Pandemia:
On March 16, the Imperial College report, Neil Ferguson’s masterpiece, came out. I read it that night. Reread it. Reread it again. I kept coming back to the table on page 5, the one that had estimates of the infection fatality ratios by age. At the top of the table:
Age 0–9, 0.002%—2 deaths in 100,000 infections.
Age 10–19, 0.006%—6 deaths in 100,000 infections. (Both of those estimates were probably high.)
At the bottom: Age 80+, 9.3%–9,300 deaths in 100,000 infections.
I had known the elderly were more vulnerable to Covid than the young. I hadn’t had any idea how much more. This gold-standard report said the oldest people were thousands of times as likely to die as the youngest.
I could almost feel the scales dropping from my eyes.1
The very report that triggered the lockdowns (its conclusions were shared with governments before it was released on the 16th) proved the lockdowns were unnecessary. But you didn’t hear that part, because no one read is aloud. It was “the quiet part.”
We were afraid. They wanted to manipulate us. How do you manipulate a frightened person whose amygdala are all aglow?
You double down on their fear.
A sizeable chunk of the population still thinks the passports would be nice, but this is mostly because they want to uphold their priviledges as vaccinated Good Citizens.
This winter has seen the Omicron variant spread like wildfire among students, faculty, and staff. In response, Dartmouth has reimposed restrictions on socialising on fraternities and sororities, but these are unevenly enforced. Public announcements from the administrators heading the university's Covid response have a detached and unconcerned air about them, as though they accept at last the inevitability of the virus. However, boosters were mandated for all students by the end of January, so they haven't fully seen the light yet. It remains to be seen if masks will disappear from classrooms - professors are some of the most neurotic people when it comes to Covid, as they are also some of the most fervent believers in credentialism. Their graduate degrees got them where they are, after all.
Over the long term, I don't see any Narrative Collapse at all. My aforementioned coworker made it clear that he wants universal mandates and restrictions, he just doesn't see the point in doing them halfway. My peers here are graduate students and newly-minted PhDs with excellent credentials, and they will be the technocrats of tomorrow. They will sit on committees to ‘manage the climate emergency’ and 'fix the misinformation problem,' and they will advise politicians with their myopic opinions. They will look for the next crisis.
Many of them clearly relish the power given to the scientific establishment over the past two years, and they will grab that power for themselves as soon as possible. The coworker I already mentioned thinks that cows should be banned because of global warming. Another told me that he thinks anyone who refuses any sort of yearly booster or vaccine for any disease should be mandated to wear masks indefinitely "so that we know who to avoid and shame." Another highly educated peer is trying to get "the trifecta" of all three available US shots, and literally get the J&J shot, followed by Pfizer and then Moderna boosters. I think he believes that the shots each develop different antibodies, so he'd be protected from more strains.
They did not come to these opinions through careful logic or research, and thus I don't see any reason why they would abandon these opinions as they climb the political ladder of academia and government science.
The cat is out of the bag. COVID showed them that it's possible to have immense power as an academic, and they'll reach for it. Hide your cows.
The progressive people I know and talk to really believe that the government they like is benign and would never do wrong. There is no voter fraud on the left, and no corruption, and health czars really do know best. They believe in experts, and they believe experts are entirely altruistic (at least when it comes to their expertise).
Whereas everyone from the center to the right tends to suspect government, including one's own candidates, I see an amazingly naive trust on the left. The further left they go, the more they seem to believe it, until you get to the fans of socialism: Socialists would NEVER do anything bad! They are all for the people, all the time!
People center and right tend to look at individuals, not groups, and so evaluate particular politicians, groups of politicians, and parties. Yes, that is an oversimplification. But I think it holds true. Anyway, I don't think the left needs reassurance. I think the left believes its vision of reality -- that experts can make what they want to happen come about by declaring that it is true, and are entirely altruistic -- and sees everyone else as preventing them from making their paradise real by stubbornly refusing to believe. If we won't say their reality is true, they will make us say nothing at all, and then it will BE true.
The leaders do not think this is true. But the average person seems to.
RikardFeb 6·edited Feb 6
"Why is it so hard for them to admit they've been duped?"
Being made to play the fool hurts, simple as that. Being made the fool by someone you trust is even worse, and being made the fool by someone you trust without ever having the chance of getting even sits like a barbed hook in the eylid.
Much easier to just keep trusting and defending that trust.
Psychopaths and predators love to cultivate idiotic wishful thinking and altruism because they regard them as fatal weaknesses that give them an advantage over their prey. You can see it when they make appeals to soppy, sappy emotionalism that they don't share i.e. virtue signaling.
“Howard Stern is a bunch of ugly sticks glued together with dried semen from one of his old wet dreams.
One of the most alarming developments of the past few years has been pandemic groupthink and the ferocity with which it has stifled dissenting views and debate. Anyone who questioned the efficacy of lockdowns was accused of deliberately endangering the lives of others. Those who sought out alternative COVID-19 treatments rejected by mainstream experts, such as hydroxychloroquine, were shamed and even deplatformed by social media companies. The message was simple: Question the COVID narrative, and there will be consequences.
But there were still many brave enough to buck the mob mentality. And as time has gone on and scientific data on COVID and pandemic restrictions have become more accurate, it has become clear that the dissenters were right. Lockdowns didn’t save lives; in fact, they likely cost more lives than they saved. Masks, specifically the cloth masks experts pushed on the public, are ineffective at stopping the spread of the virus and are harmful to children's development. ...
Unfortunately, nonconformists have had to pay an enormous price for being right.
Take, for example, Jennifer Sey, the global brand president of Levi’s, who resigned this week, giving up her two-decade career at the company because it did not want her to speak out against COVID school closures. In an article for Common Sense, Sey wrote:
In the summer of 2020, I finally got the call. “You know when you speak, you speak on behalf of the company,” our head of corporate communications told me, urging me to pipe down. I responded: “My title is not in my Twitter bio. I’m speaking as a public school mom of four kids.”
But the calls kept coming. From legal. From HR. From a board member. And finally, from my boss, the CEO of the company. I explained why I felt so strongly about the issue, citing data on the safety of schools and the harms caused by virtual learning. While they didn’t try to muzzle me outright, I was told repeatedly to “think about what I was saying.”
However, Sey refused to stay silent. She kept speaking up, meeting with local California officials, going on TV, and writing about the danger of remote learning and how it would hurt children. After appearing on Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show, Sey knew her time was up. Sure enough, the head of diversity, equity, and inclusion at Levi’s reached out to her and asked that she do an “apology tour.” ...
This past month, Sey was informed that it had become “untenable” for her to stay on at Levi’s. She was offered a $1 million severance package, but she refused to take it, knowing that if she did, she would have to sign a nondisclosure agreement barring her from speaking about why she was leaving the company.
She lost it all: her career, the chance to become Levi’s next CEO, which was well within her grasp, and the money she was owed — all because she questioned one aspect of the COVID narrative and refused to stay silent.
Here’s another example. Eric Flannery, a veteran who owns a burger joint in Washington, D.C., decided that he would not enforce the city’s vaccine mandate, which required all businesses to ask patrons to show proof of vaccination against COVID-19 when officials implemented it last month. His reasoning was simple: "I’m not a government agent, and quite frankly, it’s not my job to check your personal medical history for you to come in,” he said. “I’m not a medical doctor. I don’t have any opinions on the vaccine. You should talk with your medical doctor and make an informed decision on your own and decide that.”
As a result, Flannery’s bar, the Big Board, was slapped with multiple fines, and its liquor license was revoked. Ultimately, Flannery was ordered to stop doing business altogether by the D.C. Health Department. And last Thursday, D.C.’s Assistant Attorney General Anthony Celo demanded that D.C.’s Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration make its suspension of the Big Board’s liquor license permanent, arguing its “continued operation places the community at risk.”
Just four days later, D.C. announced it would lift the vaccine mandate.
In other words, the city destroyed a man’s small business just to turn around and agree with him that the mandate isn’t necessary. Flannery was right, but he lost his livelihood because he spoke up before anyone else was willing to.
This is not just a pandemic of a virus. It is also a pandemic of mania that has produced some of the most egregious acts of intolerance many of us will ever witness. The latter is the real crisis, as people like Sey and Flannery have learned the hard way. But if we're to break through and dismantle the stifling groupthink that still hangs over society, we'll need many more like them: people who have the courage to stand for what they believe is right, even if it's unpopular, no matter what it costs them.
Furious over the expected easing of 'Covid restrictions,' fanatical New Normal Germans have started a hashtag #DieMaskebleibtauf (i.e., the mask stays on) ... and of course they have. The masks are symbols of allegiance to the new official ideology, as this lapel pin once was
the studies undertaken to “prove” efficacy were shams, lacked control groups, used cherry picked data, fraud, and methodologies so hilariously bad as to call into question the basic competence and honesty of those pushing them. the CDC has been a disgrace.
and yet the intensity of the push for this meaningless mitigation ratcheted ever upward. a certain class of person loved this, demanded this, needed this. no data could dissuade their desire.
even those who gathered the data that proved so helpful in proving this such as emily oster backed away from their own output because it so clearly contradicted the narrative of their tribe. she, an ivy league economics professor, disavowed her own discovery and flipped to team emotion. (another dark day for the gato alma mater)
it was sad to see, but altogether predictable.
masks are signs of subjugation. they dehumanize. they alienate. and this is WHY they are so attractive to so many.
this is why forcing them on kids to dominate them and force them into compliance with state over self or even parents is such a high priority goal for those that have collectivist plans for their futures. it establishes precisely who is in charge.
masks are not about public health.
masks are about hierarchy.
they not only represent a high visibility in-group/out-group tribal marker, but they have wonderous potential as a form of separating the powerful from the powerless, the nobles from the commoners, the dictators from the dictated to.
it has become the opiate of the classes.
perhaps some women are more equal than others?
i suspect that this is why mandating masks is more popular among the well heeled than the working class: the rich and powerful know they will not have to follow these rules in the manner that the grubby commoners shall have to and this frisson of aristocratic privilege thrills them.
this is also why they love making you do this then getting caught not doing it themselves. they do not feel shame. they do not feel hypocrisy. they feel power: the power to flout the very rules they impose and to be free from consequence as they do so. this establishes them as a ruling class possessed of royal prerogative.
CLAREMONT, CA—Sources have confirmed that local assistant professor of Applied Gender Entanglement Studies, Spenther Dillstump, unsealed his front door for the first time in two years then, clutching his emotional support Fauci Doll and whispering a prayer of righteous safetyism to Dr. Rachel Walensky, emerged from his home to face the eerie dystopia of people living normal lives.
“Eeek! What’s that horrific monstrosity! We’re all gonna die!” yelled Dillstump according to witnesses who reported him pointing at the unmasked smiles of an older couple walking past. The quadruple-masked adventurer was also seen trying to ward off the couple with a printout of outdated CDC guidelines while shouting long-disproven facts about natural immunity.
Numerous eyewitness accounts describe Mr. Dillstump as frantically scurrying behind trees and dumpsters whenever humans passed by in their threatening states of happiness and normalcy.
Onlookers later described police arriving at the city park in search of terrorist groups acting violently, as described by an anonymous 911 caller. All they saw were a few families enjoying the fresh air, children laughing and playing, and a crazed man behind some bushes gargling hand sanitizer. Underfunded and overworked, the officers were unable to question the individual—identified by onlookers as Dillstump—as dispatch sent them away to the 39th carjacking that day.
Exhausted and overwrought, Spenther Dillstump eventually snuck back to the eternal safety of his home, having never found a store that sold hazmat suits and still mandated masks, vaccines, social distancing, and BLM attire.
Crafting Messages for Vaccine Compliance. “Guilt, Anger, Embarrassment or Cowardice — What Works Best?”
Researchers Study
this stage of the pandemic is really one of the more mystifying parts. if you listen closely, you can hear the popping of burning wires.
i got vaccinated.
i got covid.
i got really sick.
thank goodness i got vaccinated!
you should get vaccinated too!
i mean, at a certain point you’re thanking your lucky rabbit foot for keeping you from having lost your gold fillings on top of your wristwatch last poker night…
it’s like the last vestiges of observational capability have finally been beaten out of a meaningful portion of the population.
truly, we have entered the post rational world of the unfalsifiable claim.
“it would have been worse if i had not!”
it’s such a wonderful meme. so pervasive. so persuasive. and so totally, utterly impervious to contradiction.
it’s the perfect brainworm to justify what you did.
you can show them all the societal data you like about higher rates of hospitalization this year than last in groups that were 95%+ vaccinated.
it does not matter. no aggregate data can refute any individual belief about one specific datapoint among many.
“i’m sure it helped.”
this belief lets anyone feel good about vaccination and boosting even as they fall ill.
it literally turns the contraction of covid by vaccinated people into the belief that covid vaccines worked for them.
this may be the most successful piece of product positioning in human history.
cognitive bias becomes cognitive dissonance becomes an iron bar certainty that your virtuous behavior saved you.
as a perfect pathway to self justification and validation of priors, it’s near 100% effective if you simply believe hard enough. ...
the alternative is admitting that you were played for a chump. people are highly averse to such conclusions.
of course, spotting the chump is easy:
ask such a person what would convince them that the vaccine did not prevent covid from being worse.
see if they have an answer.
if they do not, well, then it’s pure presumption.
that which cannot be falsified cannot be proven either.
bingo. chumpitude verified.
and boy do people not want things proven.
we’ve reached the point where agencies will no longer publish objective data because it does not support their conclusions.
“we cannot provide data because people might analyze it!” is not much of a mantra, is it? ...
NEW - Public Health Scotland will stop publishing data on Covid deaths and hospitalizations by vaccination status because there are "significant concerns about the data being misused deliberately by anti-vaccination campaigners."
cognitive bias becomes cognitive dissonance becomes an iron bar certainty that your virtuous behavior saved you.
I understand wanting to believe. I want to believe that the vaccinated are at least somewhat protected, either from getting the disease at all or from getting a severe case.
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Liberals defend their credentials which allow them to exploit those who don't have the same credentials. Credentials create monopolies, the ability to set high prices regardless of quality of service. It is a way to defeat free market competition.
The funding of universities depends entirely on the demand for their degrees, which they control. Their biggest horror would be a system where anyone could take tests to prove competence in a subject without paying for the years of classes and subjecting themselves to obedience to professors.
- Thomas Frank
Most of academia is less about learning than about paying for a paper proof of status and conformity. Non-conformists are expelled from schools, or failed out. Most teachers do not like their authority to be questioned. Bosses like the academic proof of conformity when they hire. The most "educated" are the most obedient.
Trump was a threat to their credentials and therefore a threat to their incomes and status.
The academic elite need a reason to hate those threatening themselves, therefore they use imaginary "racism", to which there is no defense. The accusation is the conviction.
Then they don't need to worry about the real class problem, which is independent of race. They would be uncomfortable looking at class, because they'd have to look at themselves and their unearned class privileges.
So their faith in the injection is faith in the "expert class" of which they are members, and they demand that the hoi polloi submit to it as an expression of the elite's power and prestige.