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The union’s fixation on “safety” was a mania that amounted to the psychological abuse of children, and it has had lasting effects. This mania had little to do with actual safety, and more to do with signs of fealty to the Democratic Party. It is this fealty—not labor principles or educational concerns—that currently drives the union’s actions. ...
During her congressional testimony on April 26, 2023, Randi Weingarten reiterated her support for teacher vaccine mandates. “There’s someone in this audience here today who disagrees with me about it,” she said, gesturing to the seats behind her. The person she was referring to was Stephanie Edmonds, a New York City public school teacher who was attending the hearing. Edmonds’ religious exemption was denied, and she lost her job due to the city’s vaccine mandate for public employees.
“It seems like a little bit of a mistake to me to admit that she thought it was OK to fire her members,” Edmonds told me. If Weingarten claims to always fight for teachers, why did she find it acceptable for New York City to fire hundreds of union members and flag their fingerprints for the FBI?
“There’s a political power aspect to it,” Edmonds said. Vaccine mandates effectively weed out teachers who don’t share the Democratic Party’s ideology. Edmonds also pointed out that because it controls teachers’ benefits, the union manages billions of dollars of investments. “I think it’s probably connected to a lot of their financial ties,” she said. “Teachers union funds are invested within the pharmaceutical industry.”
But here's someone who did stand up for himself:
Sadder and sadder. I've done any number of tweets in which I've commented on the staggering amount of vax damage that we've probably got hiding in our populations now, waiting to pop out and ruin our economies, and always the response from angry liberals is "There is no vax damage!". And I tweet "Get a d-dimer test for blood clots. Get an EKG for abnormal heart rhythms." And I'm told "How dare you speak your opinion if you aren't a medical doctor!". And every month, more and more news comes out, hinting at the truth.
Folks, we have staggering amounts of vax damage waiting to come out and hit us where it hurts. All of you liberals who swear that this isn't true are on the wrong side of this one. This isn't an issue that you can lie away, because the damage is real, and it's in the bodies of many of the people who took the vaxxes, not the people who didn't. That won't change no matter how loudly you shout.
their entire signal is a screech of feedback generated by the endless repetition of their own unquestioned and unquestionable dogmas that they have mistaken for ideological and intellectual purity and perhaps worse: consensus.
this is the inevitable devolution of the woke virus. it took the post modern/morally relative deconstructionism modalities and added to them non-interrogable salients that transformed them into something akin to a secular jihadi religion.
but they do not realize that they have done this. so they think these arbitrary and nonsensical belief sets are the output of some rigorous and valid selection process not the interminable shouting down of any opposition.
it's just another totalitarian movement but accelerated and made more pernicious by its own lack of awareness that it is a totalitarian movement.
so it breaks the brains of all within it forcing projection and hallucination to resolve the massive cognitive dissonance of quite literally being every single thing they purport to hate.
you need to twist yourself into some pretty dire pretzels to avoid acknowledging that.
these people have driven themselves insane.
and the suppression of debate makes them think that others agree with them.
and i don't think there is any rational way to reach them anymore.
this seems to be the path such people must endlessly walk. they attack, vilify, hector, and hate because, um, they are the side of goodness, light, and rationality.
it’s really quite the transposition.
this is the nature of a cognitive dissonance spiral.
the more insane, aggressive, and hateful they become, the more insane, aggressive, and hateful they must call us in order to avoid the self-examination that would shatter the false sense of self they have created to cast themselves as the heroes of this morality play: for this would destroy them utterly.
they may not be questioned because deep down they know they have no answers but the admission of this would amount to self-abnegation and annihilation.
they have no real self, no real center. they are the activism they inhabit and they must therefore protect it to the last breath because in most truly meaningful ways, they will die if they lose it.
it makes every issue into a seeming existential treat. this is why they go so disproportionately wild when challenged. they will use this hair trigger rage as a weapon seeking to deter others from saying them nay.
but this only matters if you care.
and the time has come to stop.
it's only going to keep getting worse as they keep losing
the pathologies will only intensify as will the desperate need to cling to the totems of their failing faith.
but demanding acquiescence to tantrum is not a valid stance.
and it’s time to start seeing this for what it is and calling it by name. ...
they perceive anything other than themselves and the savage screech of echo chamber feedback that has come to constitute their mindscape and praxis as hellacious, evil, and assaultive and so the more they attack you, the more they will feel themselves attacked.
and rational engagement with this is a mistake.
it will demand to be so engaged and it will mistake itself for reasoned and reasonable.
but it isn’t.
this is a severed and sputtering live wire.
it’s not something you want to touch.
instead, recognize it for what it is: a self-serving, self-centered ideology cum pathology that has driven its more vigorous adherents quite literally mad in a manner that will only accelerate as more and more as the underpinnings of the power base it once provided erode from beneath their feet.
the inhabitants of this delusion will experience reversion to normality as deprivation and invasion. they will mistake the cessation of their noise for din.
this has been a grand abeline paradox in which the majority wound up adhering to a “consensus” that almost none actually believed because they assumed it was what “the group wanted” and humans nearly always fail the asch conformity test, especially when you add in the relentless pressure to comply and apply the cancel culture penalty for failure to do so.
that’s why they do it. the point is to silence dissent. the point is to keep the group from knowing its own mind.
but it’s over. the spell has broken and our speech and and sense of community have returned from this societal kidnapping.
all one need do to break this spell is keep talking.
there was no consensus, only the illusion thereof and we’ve crossed the rubicon into the part where the harder they push it, the more we’ll all push back and the more foolish they will look. it’s just strident streisand effect. it’s a defeated magician whose trick was long since revealed trying to stuff a bunny into a hat that cannot hold it.
this is not “reactionary” it’s “restorative” and the implication that somehow responding to direct assault makes you the bad guy is logical and ethical inversion.
this is self defense.
we are simply taking back society, speech, rights, and association for the people and breaking the cults of compulsion wrought by those who would force us to be remade in images we do not resemble or desire.
we have been made to feel as though were were drowning in the deluge of woke and worrywart imposition.
but this water was never over our heads.
we were only made to believe that this was so.
simply put your feet down firmly and stand up.
it’s pretty obvious once you see it.
Robert Kennedy elaborates on why it's difficult for some to question the vaccines: It threatens their entire world view. If the authorities in our world were lying about something so insidious, then what else are they deceiving us about?
"Mark Twain said, It's easier to fool a man than to persuade him that he's been fooled. Ego, it threatens their world view. There is so many things that are threatening about believing the counter narrative because then can I trust my doctor? Can I trust the authorities? Can I trust my country? It's really just the entire cosmology around which we've weaved and constructed our lives. You have to start questioning everything. And I understand why people don't want to do that."
This is exactly why the plandemic backfired: It caused so many to awaken from their slumber despite those who refuse to think critically.
Once they begin questioning everything, the brainwashing begins to subside.
There is no going back.
“I have called the period from 2020 to the present a propaganda masterpiece….This is the most frightening thing of all: This one has succeeded by making people do it willingly…What the Covid crisis did as propaganda is make millions of people desperate to get a “vaccination.” I mean it’s like getting people to elbow each other out of the way to get on board the cattle cars.”
—Mark Crispin Miller
The entire US “left” lost its mind over Covid, with the exception of Mark Crispin Miller, and Naomi Wolf, as far as well known public intellectuals on the left go.
I hate to say I told you so but I was on record decades ago saying Noam Chomsky was a total phony, despite his “great work.” He clearly coveted the rewards of the orthodoxy, and has now lost all interest in mixing with the slave class who carry the heavy, dark truth burdens.
Mark Crispin Miller is, by contrast, a national treasure, and (apart from Naomi Wolf) America’s only public intellectual of integrity, (I mean on the left.)
Unless I am forgetting somebody.
Oh, I am—Heather Heying and Bret Weinstein. They’re also outstanding. (I’m only counting American public intellectuals, here.)
Then there are the left writers, thorns in the side of the Crazy Left, such as Glenn Greenwald, and Matt Taibbi—”great writers” who speak much truth, but not about the Beast of Beasts. Perhaps they will come along, in the wake of the gigantic culture wave set in motion by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and especially since his shatteringly good interview with Joe Rogan. ...
By contrast, Mark Crispin Miller understood immediately (in 2020) how masks were used as symbols, and instruments of global tyranny and, as he says, the ultimate “propaganda masterpiece.” ...
Meanwhile: TRUMP brought us lockdowns and warp speed. And Reagan was more disastrous than can be put into words, with his 1986 indemnification of Pharma.
But the “left” were supposed to be the “good guys” according to many.
It all unfolded predictably, if one had kept an eye on the left during AIDS: They could not express their fascist tendencies with enough fervor—their desire to arrest, destroy, or even murder anybody who questioned any aspect of the Covid Op.
This shocked and dismayed countless people identified as “lefties” but it did not shock me at all. I’ve known for decades how dangerous the “left” had become, and how luridly helpful to the genocidal NWO/Pharma/Fauci/Gates “pandemic” crowd. This merges perfectly, as Miller details, Hitler’s genocidal eugenics with present day “get-your-damn-vaccine” leftists, who dominate media and culture. This mentality is one and the same, spanning a century. This is precisely why, all these years, I have been careful to clarify I do not identify as a “lefty.”
Japan is dumb.
It’s a shame because I used to love that country. I lived there briefly in the mid 90s and always hoped to return one day.
Alas, now, it’s only second to the US on my reverse bucket list, i.e. places I hope never to visit before I die. ...
So, in 2023, they were still wearing stupid masks, even outdoors, still checking temperatures and still interacting through plastic sheets like some gargantuan, condom-laden orgy of stupidity. I make no apology - DUMB!
Then, they go on to explain the current tsunami of excess deaths on denial of healthcare and other knock-on effects of the COVID measures.
Whilst I agree that these are a substantial contributing factor (one that is conveniently overlooked all around the world when considering how those measures would also have increased COVID mortality itself), there is an obvious omission of that big elephant in the room.
Jun 24, 2021
The main reason most of these government officials, public health officials, tech and pharma companies, and everyone else are so aggressive about protecting the coronavirus shots is because they have a RELIGIOUS devotion to vaccines. ...
I can’t overstate how important this is to understand. All humans worship something. Even atheists. Many people, Christians included, have replaced God with Science and Technology as the most important entity in their lives. ...
In the Christian story, Jesus is worshiped as Savior. In the modern age, vaccines are worshiped as Savior. Due to decades of propaganda—particularly regarding polio—many people have come to believe that vaccines saved humanity from certain death. I was one of those people.
For those who worship Science and Technology, protecting the vaccine story is paramount. There is nothing else more important to maintain the faith of its followers than to sustain the myth that vaccines saved humanity from destruction. ...
This is why honest reporting about the experimental nature of the coronavirus vaccines will not be allowed. This is why stories about people who have been killed or their lives ruined by the vaccine will not see the light of day.
This is why rational decision making is not going to happen regarding the coronavirus shots. This is why they’re recommending children who developed myocarditis after the first shot go ahead and get their second. ...
People who subscribe to the religion of Science and Technology do not realize they’re being irrational. They cannot see it when you point it out to them. They are behaving rationally (as far as they can tell) because they believe in Science and Technology’s savior: vaccines.
So as you try and unpack and understand all the irrational behavior so many otherwise intelligent people appear to be exhibiting regarding the coronavirus vaccines, just remember: They are religious zealots who are protecting their savior. Nothing else matters.
Canadian Woman Dies Minutes After Getting 'Booster'; People Who Watched Her Die Remain in Line to Get Their Shot ...
Lambs to the Slaughter
It's bad enough that people will voluntarily get an injection that requires them to wait in a health or medical setting for 15 minutes afterwards in case they suffer a life-threatening reaction. That right there should make people think twice.
What is especially disturbing in this case is that people who were present at the pharmacy, who watched Carol Pearce die right in front of them, kept waiting in line to receive their own potentially lethal injection!
Because, hey, no risk is too great when you're up against an alleged virus with a near 100% infection survival rate!
What's the difference between vaxxers and anti-vaxxers?
Anti-vaxxers seek open public challenge from peers who disagree with them.
Vaxxers avoid such discussions.
Exceptions to the rule are very rare.
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Liberals defend their credentials which allow them to exploit those who don't have the same credentials. Credentials create monopolies, the ability to set high prices regardless of quality of service. It is a way to defeat free market competition.
The funding of universities depends entirely on the demand for their degrees, which they control. Their biggest horror would be a system where anyone could take tests to prove competence in a subject without paying for the years of classes and subjecting themselves to obedience to professors.
- Thomas Frank
Most of academia is less about learning than about paying for a paper proof of status and conformity. Non-conformists are expelled from schools, or failed out. Most teachers do not like their authority to be questioned. Bosses like the academic proof of conformity when they hire. The most "educated" are the most obedient.
Trump was a threat to their credentials and therefore a threat to their incomes and status.
The academic elite need a reason to hate those threatening themselves, therefore they use imaginary "racism", to which there is no defense. The accusation is the conviction.
Then they don't need to worry about the real class problem, which is independent of race. They would be uncomfortable looking at class, because they'd have to look at themselves and their unearned class privileges.
So their faith in the injection is faith in the "expert class" of which they are members, and they demand that the hoi polloi submit to it as an expression of the elite's power and prestige.