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Demand for mRNA Covid jabs has plunged. Americans have moved on from the virus.
But not every American.
Today we walk with Maggie Gordon on her quest to keep her Covid virginity intact.
Maggie seems nice, in a liberal white lady kinda way. She majored in women’s studies and graduated from Syracuse University in 2008. She is married. She writes for the “Houston Landing,” a local nonprofit journalism site.
And Maggie hates Covid.
Does she ever.
As Maggie explained in a column in Houston Landing Monday about the new booster, to avoid getting Sars-Cov-2 in 2020, she “reconfigured” her wedding, and she and her new husband “skipped holidays with our families in the Northeast to say safe.”
So when Pfizer and Moderna gave us the miracle of mRNA, Maggie was ready. When she couldn’t find a vaccine quickly in Houston, she drove “hundreds of miles” to a rural county near the Louisiana border where “they were offering shots to young, healthy adults even during what was supposed to be a phased release.”
Look, when you need a hit of that sweet mRNA, you do what you gotta do. ...
She rolled up her sleeve and took the shot, either her fourth or more likely fifth shot. (Let’s all take a moment to recall Covid jabs have never been tested past three doses in large or even medium-sized placebo-controlled clinical trials for healthy adults. We have no idea what their long-term effects might be.)
Then the story gets hinky. For Maggie admits the side effects from all her previous shots were brutal:
Every dose of the vaccines has hit me hard. I remember trying to peel myself out of bed after the second shot in April, 2021, knowing I had hours of work ahead of me at my home office, even if it hurt to blink. The fall 2021 booster hit me like a ton of bricks, as it wrapped itself in third-trimester fatigue.
Sounds worse than Covid for a healthy thirty-something woman. But Maggie wouldn’t know. As far as she knows, she has never had Covid, making her the last person in in America who has dodged Sars-Cov-2.
The vaccines must work after all!
Though work is relative. Sure enough, last Wednesday’s jab again laid Maggie low:
[I was] miserable on Thursday. I felt so dizzy and hot when I awoke in the morning to send our toddler off to day care that I had to lay down halfway through putting on her shoes. I went back to bed, where I cursed not being able to roll over onto my left side, due to pain at the shot site…
Am I the only one who suspects Maggie would be far better off dealing with the Omicron runny nose and sore throat than this misery? Especially since no matter how many shots she takes, sooner or later she will get Omicron. And then get it again.
Alas, she’ll have to learn that lesson herself.
Seems more and more that the only people who still fear Covid are those who’ve never had it.
I was greeted this morning by a Tweet reminding me of the pure vitriol, contempt, and threats of reprisal for the “unvaccinated” those who made the wise choice of declining COVID-19 vaccination. Remember the novel vaccines were originally Pfizer, Moderna, and Janssen. All were genetic with no data on how long the genetic code would stay in the body, how long the lethal Spike protein would be produced, and with no assurances that the vaccine would protect against severe outcomes including hospitalization and death. The real victims of vaccine propaganda were those who rolled up their sleeves.
I responded with a perspective from clinical practice: “Everyday without prejudice or malice I take care of vaccinated with neuropathy, blood clots, heart damage and help families cope with vaccine cardiac arrest. I don’t blame them for their unhinged, hateful propaganda—they are the ones sick and dying not the unvaccinated.”
At this time there are no apologies, no requests for forgiveness from media anchors. So many people around the world were victims of an effective PSYOP engineered by the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex and facilitated by the group psychological phenomenon of mass formation psychosis. If those spewing propaganda said they took the vaccines, we should believe them. If they are not telling us they are on their ninth shot by now, we should assume they are declining any more injections in quiet, shameful regret.
In clinical practice we are seeing new blood clots and hearing about cardiac arrests two years after the initial series of mRNA vaccines in 2021. More disease will occur in the now silent, vaccinated. Each person who propagandized and was in the mass formation themselves, evidenced by their personal vaccine card, will have to reconcile the unwise health choice of getting injected with pseudo-uridinated synthetic genetic code, loading their bodies with long-lasting viral Spike protein engineered in a Chinese biosecurity lab.
Each person who propagandized and was in the mass formation themselves, evidenced by their personal vaccine card, will have to reconcile the unwise health choice of getting injected with pseudo-uridinated synthetic genetic code, loading their bodies with long-lasting viral Spike protein engineered in a Chinese biosecurity lab.
At this time there are no apologies, no requests for forgiveness from media anchors.
The last part of that sentence is false. The vaxx was not engineered in a Chinese biosecurity lab, that was the Covid virus itself.
I think I broke my doctor toy. She hasn't followed up at all. I still have an appointment for next July. I wonder if I should go now that I know I hurt her feelings.
"My friend fired his kid's pediatrician when she rolled her eyes when he asked about spacing out vaccines. And he was right to do it, of course. Vaccines have to be spaced out over time, because each vaccine causes symptoms, and if you take them all at once, you can overwhelm your immune system. Even I know that. I told my 80 year parents about this, and they were shocked at the ignorance of the 'doctor'."
This makes sense but personally I will take this argument one step further: We need to re-examine the need for these children's vaccines.
Right, they do not collect long term health outcomes because the documented harms would interfere with vaccine profits.
Yes, they really are that evil. It's literally the mafia running the government.
Speaking of the Washington Post, the paper also ran an unintentionally hilarious pandemic performance review yesterday, or maybe it’s a limited hangout, or a partial sideways apology, or something, headlined “How We Got Covid’s Risk Right But the Response Wrong.”
See? They were right, even though they were wrong. More Orwellian double-think! It’s all so very, very nuanced.
The article was labeled an “analysis,” and authored by Bloomberg business commentator and former Harvard Business Review director Justin Fox, who apparently drew the short straw for having to frame the paper’s abject covid failures and hysterical fear-mongering as “successes” — successes, that is, if you squint really hard and look at it in just the right light. And also backwards through a telescope.
Justin got off to a terrific start by immediately explaining he was qualified to cover covid since 2020 even though he has “no background in epidemiology or even health journalism,” since “I can multiply, divide and make charts.”
My son Luke, who just turned thirteen, can also multiply, divide, and he makes great charts. I guess we’re all experts now!
Obviously feeling very generous, Justin credited himself for his 2020 estimate of a 1% covid fatality rate, since he didn’t fall for the obviously-wrong CDC and W.H.O. and their much higher 2-3% estimates. Of course, one percent is a chucklesome exaggeration all by itself, but the rest of the article swelled with even more belly laughs, like Justin’s claim that the CDC’s covid death estimates were “almost certainly undercounts, because in the early days the lack of testing meant many Covid-caused deaths were attributed to other maladies.”
Hahaha! I’ve personally reviewed hundreds of covid death certificates and coroner reports. My favorites are the covid gunshot wounds, covid tumbles off of roofs, and covid motorcycle accidents, but the great variety of covid nursing home trip-and-falls comes in at a close second.
Justin also quoted Bill Gates, even though he’s not a medical professional or a scientist. At least he tried to credit whatever dumb thing Bill was saying. Justin labeled the software billionaire a “well-informed amateur epidemiologist.” Hahaha! You really can’t make this stuff up.
Justin even claimed lockdowns “seem to have saved lives when implemented early enough.” We just need to do them earlier. If only we could implement lockdowns before pandemics start. I wonder whether Justin thought of that idea.
But anyway, after all that, Justin got down to brass tacks, the hideous point of the awful apology tour. After congratulating himself so many ways, and whole expressing great magnanimity and praiseworthy open-mindedness, Justin ultimately allowed that “the US did an awful job of balancing Covid’s risks with the costs of fighting the disease,” and even conceded that Sweden “ended up with one of the most successful and sustainable Covid management efforts among Western countries.”
How about that? Sadly, Sweden need not apply to the Washington Post to get its reputation back. This brief, footnoted admission is probably as much credit as Sweden will ever get, even though it deserves to be included in the title of every textbook about pandemic management from here on out. Still, the Nordic country is enjoying the best revenge, the quiet victory of being right.
I recently attended a funeral at the Church of the Immaculate Vaccination. It was a moving ceremony, so much so that in these dark times I was moved to share this short report for your edification and in memory of all those, like Brother Credulous, who have passed away tragically early.
All rise and adjust their masks.
The congregation sing the first hymn:
Amazing grace! Oh sweet lockdown!
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was free, but now I drown,
And still refuse to see.
The Expert processes in followed by the coffin borne on the shoulders of exceptionally prosperous undertakers.
Expert: We are gathered here today to mourn Brother Credulous who passed away unexpectedly of myomywhatacoinciditis.
We mourn his loss yet we celebrate his life, his double vaccination and his treble boosters.
The Expert raises his arms as though conducting the congregation:
Expert: Cause of Death?
Congregation: Anything but the Jabs!
Expert: Amen.
Expert: Thank goodness he was vaccinated…
Congregation: … otherwise it would have been so much worse.
All: Amen.
The Altar boy performs the involuntary prostration.
Expert: Today’s reading is taken from the book of Schwab, Chapter 5, verses 1-12
Now when Klaus saw the crowd of humanity, he went up to Davos and his disciples came to him and he began to teach them.
He said:
“Blessed are the poor for they will soon be in heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be next.
Blessed are the meek, for they will be interred in the earth.
Blessed are those consumed with self-righteousness, for they will do the devil’s work unbidden.
Blessed are the dutiful, for they will do their duty, even unto death.
Blessed are those with spike protein in heart, for they will see God rather sooner than they expected.
Blessed are the pacemakers, for they will be installed in children with cardiac injuries.
Blessed are those who are prosecuted for standing up for truth and professional integrity because they will be barred from practising and imprisoned indefinitely.
Blessed am I the Schwab when people insult me and say all kinds of evil against me for I will not be prosecuted because my people control your Government.
Rejoice and be glad, because great are the rewards of Big Pharma and we will persecute the speakers of truth, as we persecute all those who oppose us.”
All: Amen.
The coffin is borne out of the church to the strains of “Guide me O Thou Great Deceiver”.
After the service boosters are served in the presbytery.
For the next edition of the DSM
Getting a Covid “booster” is a sign of profound mental illness. I think we should coin a name for it: Fascist-Obedient Personality Disorder (FOPD). It’s when a person values fitting in with authority over their own health and well-being.
💉 In case you wondered who at this point is still WANTING the boosters, behold this young lady, who has chronicled all her shot reactions on TikTok, including her very latest booster shot, which she took last week:
CLIP: Booster Gal describes reactions and side effects (2:47). Adult language.
Wow. I hardly know what to say about all that. I guess that’s how you know the shots are working. And please note that the boosted gal has not posted anything since her last update on October 17th, so … we hope she makes it.
The only way to break the spell of the word slavery system is being aware of what you are seeing. That’s it.
This is the Great Awakening in its entirety. This is why we have to accelerate it.
The way to identify the tactic is to identify the emotion behind any information you see. We all know on our side that fear is the greatest motivator. Fear can be fire or ice. Those words hit you and they can get you to do anything. Buy a product, get out in the streets and protest, vote for a certain candidate, or even take a vaccine.
Did they force anyone to take the jab?
Technically no. People took the jab because of the words they used that generated fear in the minds of people they suspended better judgement.
If you go back to COVID you remember the setup. A fast spreading disease around the world is all we heard on our TV’s. All the programming of TV and Movies for decades whether real or not gave us just enough information to back up what was going to happen right after. I remember every night before bed we would read off news headlines that talked about people dying and getting sick. Rising cases like a deadly gas spill in your area getting closer and closer all the time. With precision they slowly and steadily ramped up the fear language to the point where the black magic spell worked.
It only worked on the unaware. The people that don’t scrutinize and question everything they see and hear like we do. They didn’t distrust the “experts” because they had no reason to.
Never mind no one knew anyone who died of COVID.
And after a while the spell started to wear off because there was no truth or evidence of the magnitude the news was trying to sell us. People like you and I saw through that in like two weeks. The rest not so much.
Stefan Oelrich, president of Bayer’s Pharmaceuticals Division, made these comments at this year’s World Health Summit, which took place in Berlin from October 24-26 and hosted 6,000 people from 120 countries. Oelrich told his fellow international “experts” from academia, politics, and the private sector that the novel mRNA COVID “vaccines” are actually “cell and gene therapy” that would have otherwise been rejected by the public if not for a “pandemic” and favorable marketing.
“We are really taking that leap [to drive innovation] – us as a company, Bayer – in cell and gene therapies … ultimately the mRNA vaccines are an example for that cell and gene therapy. I always like to say: if we had surveyed two years ago in the public – ‘would you be willing to take a gene or cell therapy and inject it into your body?’ – we probably would have had a 95% refusal rate,” stated Oelrich.
Did they force anyone to take the jab?
Technically no. People took the jab because of the words they used that generated fear in the minds of people they suspended better judgement.
But terms such as “social distancing” (which clearly parallels such Chinese concepts as “social credit score”), along with newly empowered terms such as “public safety” and even “public health”, are being “privileged” — that is to say, given validity and authority — over and above that formerly fundamental Western premise, that society is made up of individuals with rights.
Phrases such as “social distancing,” are predicated, in contrast, on the core beliefs of societies that manage the ordering of movements or behavior of masses of people by compulsion, as they do in China.
The repetition of “social distancing”, “public health,” “public safety” etc., along with the weird little circles on the supermarket floor during 2020-2022 telling you where to stand, as if you were prisoners getting exercise in a prison yard, all served to rewire the Western brain to become accustomed to the concept that we can indeed be told where to go, where to stand, whom to touch, whom to avoid; and that our individual wishes and rights are fungible.
All of this repetition is mind-rewiring that undoes the Western brain’s original wiring toward liberty.
Surprisingly Yahoo still has Matthew Perry’s death in the news: acccording to this article, he died without drowning. That would imply that some sort of medical event like cardiac arrest as originally reported took him out. It’s almost like in times of old when a star died with all of the speculation in the comments section. One claimed it was a miracle that the 54 year old star had lived that long at all with past issues with alcohol and drugs. The commenters seem to think hhis heart gave out from past addictions, or it could have been his prescription drugs, or maybe he got back into drugs and somebody snuck in and out of the house, or maybe it was the hot tub water constricting his blood vessels…they speculate about everything but they don’t want to be one of those antivaxxer conspiracy theorists who thinks everybody dies from the jabs! No no no it couldn’t be that! And why can’t we just let him rest in peace already!
There are about 10 cartels that control the US but the main interests driving Stakeholder Fascism are:
Big Pharma;
Big Tech;
Military contractors; and
Civil society is just expected to obey. Everything is decided by executive order. Government by the consent of the governed disappeared. The ideology that now governs our country operates from the belief that:
The Pharma State owns your body.
The Pharma State is all-knowing.
The Pharma State is infallible.
The Pharma State is going to reduce costs by having fewer useless eaters.
That’s the political and economic ideology of the Democratic Party, the mainstream media, the largest investment managers, academia, science and medicine, and nearly all elite institutions in this country. This is not some projected future dystopia, this is the ideology that governs our country right now.
Between creating a weaponized virus, blocking access to off-the-shelf treatments, imposing deadly hospital protocols, authorizing toxic Remdesivir, and injecting the most dangerous vaccines in history, Stakeholder Fascism has already killed over 7 million people worldwide.
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Liberals defend their credentials which allow them to exploit those who don't have the same credentials. Credentials create monopolies, the ability to set high prices regardless of quality of service. It is a way to defeat free market competition.
The funding of universities depends entirely on the demand for their degrees, which they control. Their biggest horror would be a system where anyone could take tests to prove competence in a subject without paying for the years of classes and subjecting themselves to obedience to professors.
- Thomas Frank
Most of academia is less about learning than about paying for a paper proof of status and conformity. Non-conformists are expelled from schools, or failed out. Most teachers do not like their authority to be questioned. Bosses like the academic proof of conformity when they hire. The most "educated" are the most obedient.
Trump was a threat to their credentials and therefore a threat to their incomes and status.
The academic elite need a reason to hate those threatening themselves, therefore they use imaginary "racism", to which there is no defense. The accusation is the conviction.
Then they don't need to worry about the real class problem, which is independent of race. They would be uncomfortable looking at class, because they'd have to look at themselves and their unearned class privileges.
So their faith in the injection is faith in the "expert class" of which they are members, and they demand that the hoi polloi submit to it as an expression of the elite's power and prestige.