Psychology of vaxxers. They are accepting the state into their body, becoming one with the government

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2021 Oct 22, 3:04pm   198,441 views  1,288 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Maybe the battle is between those who unfairly benefit from credentialism, and those who don't.

Liberals defend their credentials which allow them to exploit those who don't have the same credentials. Credentials create monopolies, the ability to set high prices regardless of quality of service. It is a way to defeat free market competition.

The funding of universities depends entirely on the demand for their degrees, which they control. Their biggest horror would be a system where anyone could take tests to prove competence in a subject without paying for the years of classes and subjecting themselves to obedience to professors.

Thatcher and Trump refused to give the automatic respect many academics feel is their due. They gave the impression that they could see right through us, an uncomfortable feeling.
- Thomas Frank

Most of academia is less about learning than about paying for a paper proof of status and conformity. Non-conformists are expelled from schools, or failed out. Most teachers do not like their authority to be questioned. Bosses like the academic proof of conformity when they hire. The most "educated" are the most obedient.

Trump was a threat to their credentials and therefore a threat to their incomes and status.

The academic elite need a reason to hate those threatening themselves, therefore they use imaginary "racism", to which there is no defense. The accusation is the conviction.

Then they don't need to worry about the real class problem, which is independent of race. They would be uncomfortable looking at class, because they'd have to look at themselves and their unearned class privileges.

So their faith in the injection is faith in the "expert class" of which they are members, and they demand that the hoi polloi submit to it as an expression of the elite's power and prestige.

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1250   Patrick   2024 Jul 19, 9:14pm  


An entire layer of society promotes suicidal ideas and is intent upon implementing them despite considerable hostility from the public. Climate initiatives that threaten economic destruction, authoritarian policies reminiscent of fascism, and assaults on our culture and history where nothing is safe from cancellation, condemnation, or even destruction. None of it makes sense.

We are told this is how the world works now. The elites wish it to be, and they possess a destructive urge to reshape Western nations into something more useful to their plans.

We understand liberal democracies are managed through narratives. Elites mould public opinion via academia and corporate media to ensure their own goals are met. What then emerges is a series of unexamined values which the uncritical adopt as if they originated within their own minds. ...

The systems used in Western nations are designed to reward loyalty to the ruling regime. There are tangible benefits for the obedient, including jobs, sinecures and status. But this fails to explain the enthusiasm we witness for the destruction of the West.

Those who enjoy million-dollar salaries are easy to understand. This is also true for the prominent in celebrityland such as politicians and movie stars. They profit directly.

But what about the nobodies? What about the ladies in HR aggressively pursuing inclusion policies that would eliminate their own husbands and sons? Why do part-time workers in remote municipal libraries erect posters to remind us about climate emergencies, or book drag queens to read to children?

Their belief systems rarely bear scrutiny. It is doubtful the part-time librarian can articulate much about climate science or gay culture. When such low-ranking regime minions are challenged on these policies they often flounder. There is little behind their convictions except scripted platitudes, like nursery rhymes for adults. Inclusion, tolerance, and saving the rain forests. Believe all women; no human is illegal; my body, my choice. The slogans betray the borrowed nature of their worldview. ...

Multiculturalism is pursued in Western countries with a religious mania. It is difficult to imagine anything closer to a belief system for today’s upwardly mobile professional than advocating for diversity and inclusion.

Most of the world views ethnic and cultural mixing as a dangerous, civilization ending activity. A threat to be guarded against, not an opportunity to be embraced. This has been the conventional view throughout history in almost every society. ...

What the dullards in the corporate HR world miss is that this is not a celebration of diversity. Most of those elites are nearly identical. Many attended the same universities. All speak English, the international language. They have similar views, including contempt for their respective compatriots.

There is no diversity at the very top, just an elitist outlook most of them share, and contempt for the peasants who surround them. White, brown, or black, we all look the same from the cultural stratosphere. Cannon fodder for their Olympian ideas, but nothing more. The elite view of mass migration is indifference, not enthusiasm. ...

While elites and their public relations machine happily endorse this misplaced emphasis on tolerance, all evidence suggests the elites themselves are not tolerating anything, despite what their obedient minions may think. They really are indulging in the cocaine-fuelled all-star human sacrifice orgies for real because they are cosmically bored and rich.

They aren’t rising above intrinsic disgust responses, they have sexualized them. They seem to have fetishized everything we consider unacceptable. Trafficked kids, femboys, chicks with dicks, gangbangs, farmyard orgies, human sacrifice, the lot.

They may even experience a thrill in seeing just how far they can push public morality as many have suggested, and especially how far they can get otherwise normal middle-class people to champion deviancy and hedonism most cultures find distasteful enough to ban.

The excessive promotion of tolerance is a defence against unnatural practices bored elites are rumoured to engage in. The professional class, for all their faults, probably aren’t into human sacrifice or animal orgies. So their response is to elevate the importance of visible acceptance of alternative lifestyles, hence gay kids, castrated boys, invented genders and other absurdities they cannot possibly believe themselves, and all of it instantly conveyed to one’s peers with nothing more than a multicoloured flag. ...

Unlike the hedonistic globalist elites the professional types are fairly normal. Suburbia normal. Boring and unlikely to challenge the regime in any capacity. How much of their behaviour is because their own lives lack any real meaning? People with nice houses and good jobs and normal lives, with just enough leisure time to realize they have accomplished little. Enough to recognize they are no different from the working class they despise.

In that world all you’ve really got to distinguish yourself from people you disdain are those luxury beliefs the racists, the homophobes and the climate terrorists don’t understand.

The midwit professionals cannot help looking down at those unimpressive normals unable to escape the grubbiness of the real world, especially those who make their living from it like plumbers and electricians. The uneducated who can’t make the mental leap to support trannified kids or ending all personal transport to save the polar bears. They can’t see the bigger picture. So they won’t sacrifice for the planet, for the refugees, or the gender confused.

The grounding in reality most of us possess is misunderstood by the professional class and taken as evidence of their own superior insight into the real problems plaguing modern society. ...

This then is our professional class, those who run our society. Our journalists and media experts, our professors and schoolteachers, our scientists and doctors, our intelligence chiefs and senior policemen. This is the societal strata that is throwing us off a cliff to service their own inadequacies and their endless desire for social approval. These are the people who shouldn’t be running anything since they will burn it all down to avoid the discomfort of facing real life.
1252   Patrick   2024 Jul 25, 7:59am  


What's going on with people? This is my strategy
Sanity4Sweden, August 11, 2023

original link

TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Bernard Valter is an artist based in Sweden. He makes frequent short videos in which, as he sits on a sofa next to a wood stove, one of his paintings on the wall behind him, he addresses the camera with his thoughts on current events. To avoid censors, throughout his videos he uses to "tea" to refer to the covid jabs, "tea drinkers" to refer to those who took the jabs. His website is Sanity4Sweden art https://www.konst.se/bvalter

BERNARD VALTER: You know, if you're a pureblood and you have tried to talking to somebody who isn't, I'm sure many of you experienced this. So you're trying to reach them and give them information about the tea or something, right? And you get this very, very strong reaction. Right? And I have experienced this, of course.

And the thing is, it's like a room, you know? It's like an armored-plate room, and nobody's allowed to go in there and question anything in this, this room, you see. If you get close to the room, it's like a mental thing, you know? You have this room, a small room I suppose, and if you approach the room, you will get this reaction. You know? They become hostile.

And the thing is, if you tell this story to anyone who is a pureblood already, you are pureblood and you talk to a friend, let's say, who's a pureblood, and you tell them this story, you know, I was trying to talk to my sister about the tea, right, and she became so hostile, we became like enemies, and it was very quick and it was terrible, you know. I just tried to give her some information about the tea, you know, and she became so angry! And, you know. So you tell this story to another pureblood and the other pureblood, he will never, ever say this, wow, that, I never heard such a thing, that's so weird, never happened to me. You know?

I think it happened to all of us, you know?

So what is this thing? Well, it's like a mental thing. Yeah. And it's so strong, and they are protecting this room so hard. You can't get close to it. You know?

I had this experience very recently. I told you this story, I was talking to this couple before the concert, maybe you've heard this. And at the very end, I never told you this, at the very end of the talk, it was a long talk, and I was asking them questions about why they took the tea, if they ever questioned authority, you know, questions like this, and at the very, very end, the woman, she said, you are trying to set us up. No? She was shaking. It's hard to translate the Swedish words, set us up. You're trying to frame us, maybe. That's what she said. She was so upset.

And I've been looking at this afterwards, and I thought, wow. I was very close to this armored-plate room, wasn't I? I was actually touching it. And she was starting to look into it, maybe, you know. What's in this room?

It's an amazing thing that's going on.
1255   Patrick   2024 Jul 28, 5:20pm  


This post has been inspired by the recent post by the Midwestern Doctor, “Catalyst Events and The Trump Assassination Attempt” (Jul. 18, 2024). In it, the Doctor says, inter alia:

…the one upside to propaganda (public relations) campaigns is that they are incredibly repetitive, so once you learn their techniques, they become very easy to spot. For example a pillar of modern public relations is using focus groups to sculpt emotionally manipulative language, and then blasting that language out through every part of the mass media.

…However, there is another critical aspect of these campaigns to understand. Typically, they are laid out in a sequence of steps that allow a propagandist’s previously inconceivable idea to emerge into the society, and then when the time is right, to mobilize a few pieces that have already been laid out so that the new paradigm can be rapidly enshrined as an unquestionable dogma.

Because of this, once you get an eye for it, it becomes very easy to spot an early step in these campaigns and then to predict what is likely coming down the pipeline. For example, once the greatly despised lockdowns started being pushed upon America, I knew that the rushed vaccine being produced for COVID-19 would be mandated upon country—something which in early 2020, was inconceivable to the majority of Americans.

Since I enjoy games which require being able to think multiple moves ahead or making the best choice off of uncertain information, since the end of 8th grade, one of my hobbies has been to study the news and see if I can guess what is going to happen (as from a young age, I began to grasp how the same things were done again and again by the media).

Thus, as the Covid-19 affair is so passé in the minds of the upright members of the society at large, I can hardly impress anyone anymore with anything Covid at this time. Yet, as the Midwestern Doctor recommended, we can look at the present for the early signs of what is likely coming down the pipeline, sent to us by our magnanimous overlords.

And it seems to be more of the same, this time in the form of a forthcoming H5N1 mass vaccination campaign, if the Democrats have their way in the next elections, or maybe even if they don’t (like the last time)? Be as it may, the things are gearing up for the 2025 WHO’s Pandemuck declaration once again, this time with more powder in the barrels. These have been the steps:

Years of the H5N1 gain-of-function research trying to make the virus infect mammals, and ultimately humans. e.g., “Scientists seek ethics review of H5N1 gain-of-function research” (March 13, 2013). Read also “Lab-created bird flu virus accident shows lax oversight of risky 'gain of function' research” (USA Toay, Apr. 11, 2023): “And yet in late 2011 the world learned that two scientific teams – one in Wisconsin, led by virologist Yoshihiro Kawaoka, and another in the Netherlands, led by virologist Ron Fouchier – had potentially pushed the virus in that direction. Each of these labs had created H5N1 viruses that had gained the ability to spread through the air between ferrets, the animal model used to study how flu viruses might behave in humans. The ultimate goal of this work was to help protect the world from future pandemics, and the research was supported with words and funding by two of the most prominent scientists in the United States: Dr. Francis S. Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.” Same actors, same script as in the SARS saga.

After they have the virus that jumps to humans, the next steps are undertaken to accustom the public to the imminent threat (a.k.a. “cooking the frog”) via the thousands of alarming “news”. We’ve had that for over a year now.

Next, they start claiming that the thing is here. They did that too: “What the 9 human cases of bird flu in the U.S. so far tell us about the disease” (NBC News, Jul. 18, 2024).

What’s left it to unleash the virulent lab-engineered H5N1 virus in multiple locations to scare the living lights out of the masses and offer the savior vaccine.

On that front, they decided to switch the steps and develop, approve and stockpile the mRNA jabs in sufficient quantities so that the masses don’t have the time to ponder the proposition. “US Government Awards Moderna $176 Million for mRNA Bird Flu Vaccine” (WIRED, Jul. 4, 2024): “As fears of a pandemic mount, the biotech company’s mRNA vaccine trial is set to release Phase 1/2 results later this year, with a larger Phase 3 trial expected to begin in 2025.”
1256   Patrick   2024 Jul 29, 7:35pm  


So, to be an “anti-vaxxer,” per the dictionary, a person needs to only oppose receiving some vaccines. Meaning, a person that opposes receiving a COVID-19 vaccine or an influenza vaccine is an anti-vaxxer. And guess what? The majority of Americans now oppose receiving both of these vaccines. ...

Not only do a majority of Americans oppose receiving these vaccines, an even greater percentage of Americans no doubt (including some that receive these vaccines) oppose mandating one or more of these products.

The irony is that deciding against being injected with a product after reviewing its clinical trials, post-licensure safety record, lack of liability, etc., is an informed, thoughtful decision. Yet those that mindlessly get every vaccine are the ones painted as making informed, thoughtful decisions?! Hats off to Big Pharma/CDC for convincing so many that up is down and down is up.

The next time someone calls you an “anti-vaxxer” because you have made an informed decision to not receive a medical intervention, let them know that, yes, you did make an informed, independent medical decision. And wish them luck doing the opposite!

You can also let them know that since “anti-vaxxers” are now the majority, you understand their insecurity and hostility. But they shouldn’t worry: the anti-vax majority is not interested in taking away the rights of the pro-vax minority. They can feel free to get (or not get) as many vaccines as they want. We in the majority just ask that they respect our right to do the same.
1260   GNL   2024 Jul 31, 5:41pm  

How many Covid shots/boosters would be considered up to date now?
1266   GNL   2024 Aug 8, 3:15pm  

Anyone who isn't raising their children/grandchildren to be 100% skeptical of the government 100% of the time is a fool. I raised my kids, who are now 28 and 24, to NEVER trust the government. The 24 year old got the shot anyway. She was prancing around like a true, white, starbucks drinking liberal. A small part of me died that day.
1267   Ceffer   2024 Aug 8, 4:29pm  

Just talked with a libby woman walking around hood in Tri Valley. She says she has Covid and tested positive, had full raft of vax/boosters apparently from working in the school system. It's a fake test and fake Covid, but belief seems to be everything. She said she has had it several times.

Strange thing is, my wife and I have little things come and go, but I think since Covid Terror officially launched, we have been generally as healthy or healthier than we can remember. We had one bout of unpleasant flu which we recognized from symptoms pre-Covid, but it wasn't a disaster, just unpleasant.
1274   HeadSet   2024 Aug 13, 6:03pm  

Patrick says

The same way they can spread panic about a "Handmaid's Tale" future while ignoring the very real Islamic treatment of women.
1275   Patrick   2024 Aug 14, 9:59am  


The Salk polio vaccine was “contaminated” with cancer causing SV-40 and pushed on driven-mad-with-fear public by the NIH during Nixon’s Vice Presidency (1953-61). Within days numerous children were paralyzed, fell ill with polio and many died. Lawsuits erupted. Dr. Ochsner famously killed his own grandson and crippled his granddaughter with this vaccine. Does this remind you of Peter Hotez who poisoned his own daughter with vaccines? There are numerous examples of medical psychopaths killing and injuring their own children and grandchildren, sacrificing them to their death cult. ...

With mRNA injections we have seen an enormous rise in cancers, among numerous other deadly conditions, some immediate, some more long term.

Truly, when the government investigates itself and finds itself guilty, it rewards itself with greater budgets to commit same crimes under different labels.
1277   Patrick   2024 Aug 25, 3:46pm  


The gut wrench horror of discovering someone or some institution you trust and depend on did not deserve trust — you gave them your energy, faith, money, consent, lives … they gave you up, they gave up your family! ...

When cheating is detected, a normal human response is either anger and confrontation and/or rejection of the cheater. But things go sideways when we’re betrayed by someone or an institution we feel our lives depend on. Suddenly it seems both normal response A - confronting the betrayer, and normal response B - rejecting the betrayer directly threaten our survival. The internal cheater detection alarms go off as usual, but the normal responses are off the table.

Bad news: There’s betrayal blindness

This inner fear-based crisis often results in what researchers have termed betrayal blindness. People block from their awareness the reality of the betrayal. The betrayed often forget the experience, or retell it as if the betrayal was something they wanted when they really had no control and no choice. Impaired memory can be provoked by explicit threats from the betrayer demanding silence. ...

When a betrayal is discovered or finally faced, a person’s sense of who they think they are often shatters. The betrayed may suddenly see all the early warning signs — which were ignored — and that realization can lead to a cascade of debilitating self doubt and self blame.

“How could I have been so stupid? Why did I allow this to happen?” ...

The desire to preserve one’s sense of self is likely a strong contributing motivator for betrayal blindness. To stay blind preserves relationships, institutions, and social systems — and a sense of self — upon which the betrayed believes they depend, even though these very relationships, institutions, and social systems have caused enormous harm.

The natural human instinctive desire to be free from the harm of betrayers is blocked from guiding the betrayed toward an appropriate healthy course of action. Our brains, in attempting to protect us from expected traumas, make us reject obvious betrayals.

The powers-that-be cultivate and count on betrayal blindness

We can track now how the cabal uses this knowledge of human behavior models to manipulate and control the masses. If you can predict how humans respond to betrayal and why they choose to be blind to it, the formula writes itself. ...

Psychologists point out this betrayal blindness human behavior pattern also shows us the path to seeing clearly again: reduce fear, reduce dependence.

“If dependence on those authorities can be reduced, the ability to separate lies from truth should spring back to life.”

It’s our emotional and perhaps perceived financial dependence on the heroes and their promises that leads to our blindness to their deceptions. If we keep trusting them we are in trouble. ...

There are many walking wounded. I don’t know one family who wasn’t torn apart by the life-threatening emotional coercion process the cabal deployed in the “covid” operation. The fact that I’ve yet to hear via friends or online of any outpourings of apologies for the cruelty inflicted and that no one wants to talk about it tells me there’s a LOT of unprocessed betrayal blindness that hasn’t been dealt with.

I have a lot of relatives who still cannot admit how badly they were pfooled by Pfauci and Pfizer.

I understand. It would be really painful for them to admit the truth. But they should do it anyway, for their own self-respect and eventual healing.
1285   Patrick   2024 Sep 16, 7:14pm  


So what gives? Why have academics proved to be so remarkably immune to seeing what's happening in the world, despite the fact that the evidence is beating them over the head on a daily basis?

Here's my theory:

The truth hurts.

I don't just mean that in the way that your emotionally abusive ex-girlfriend meant it when she told you her new boyfriend had a bigger dick. Frankly she's a bitch, and probably nothing she says is true, king, so just put whatever she said out of your mind. You're better off without her.

I mean it quite literally: the truth, when it contradicts what you think is true, is interpreted by your brain as more or less the same thing as physical pain. To be more specific, that's probably your left brain talking, since it's your left brain that falls in love with simplified models of reality and readily rejects facts that contradict those models. That just a bit of nuance that doesn't affect the central point, which is that it hurts to accept something that violates a previously held belief.

Learning takes effort at a biological level. The brain has to grow new connections, which means it has to invest time and energy in that rather than in just using the existing pathways. That's hard enough when it's learning something that doesn't contradict previously assimilated information. It's much worse when it contradicts something that is already believed. In that case, the brain has to go back and undo connections that were already made, as well as make the new connections. All that work - for nothing! And the deeper and more fundamental the assumption, the more concepts it connects to, the more beliefs that are built on it which must now be re-examined, the more reluctant the brain is to modify it ... the more painful undoing that assumption is. ...

If you went through it, you know just how wrenching it is, as the awful realization sets in that you were lied to, that you were gullible enough to be deceived, and that you now have to re-examine everything you once believed about the world. To say nothing of the isolation that comes with the knowledge that, with most people, you simply cannot speak of these things.

If you did this, congratulations - you felt the pain of truth, and rather than shying away from it, you moved forward, into the pain. Something inside you understood that the pain was a small price to pay for the truth.
1286   HeadSet   2024 Sep 17, 1:13pm  

Patrick says

It's much worse when it contradicts something that is already believed. In that case, the brain has to go back and undo connections that were already made, as well as make the new connections.

That does not seem to be an issue when following a particular cult. For example, Dems had no problem changing from distrust of big corporations and having strong free speech advocacy to becoming Big Pharma Brown Shirts and censorship advocates just because the Dem party told them to.
1287   GNL   2024 Sep 17, 2:31pm  

HeadSet says

Patrick says

It's much worse when it contradicts something that is already believed. In that case, the brain has to go back and undo connections that were already made, as well as make the new connections.

That does not seem to be an issue when following a particular cult. For example, Dems had no problem changing from distrust of big corporations and having strong free speech advocacy to becoming Bi Pharma Brown Shirts and censorship advocates just because the Dem party told them to.

The party of loons. The party who refuse to think for themselves.
1288   Patrick   2024 Oct 1, 5:43pm  


It’s Stockholm Syndrome.

It actually makes a lot of sense. Think about it — if you’re a captive of someone who possesses overwhelming and superior force, you’re going to be miserable either way [whether you fight back or submit]. But from an evolutionary standpoint, if you go along with the more powerful force, you improve your odds of survival, somewhat. It’s unfortunate, but it’s true. It’s rational. This is a glitch in human evolution [because it rewards cowardice] and it’s been going on for thousands of years. In Covid, the other side took advantage of this evolutionary glitch, and capitalized on it. ...

This struck me as the best explanation I’ve heard for what we’ve been through — the insanity of the last four and a half years is the result of Stockholm Syndrome across the developed world. The biowarfare industrial complex figured out how much force and fear would be required to flip the switch in people’s brains from rational, decent, democratic people to fascists who love their captors. And that’s what they did starting in January of 2020 — it was the U.S. military’s Shock & Awe doctrine applied to the American people and the citizens of Europe and Australasia. By mid-March 2020 the operation was complete and just required occasional reminders to keep people afraid. Once the switch is flipped it stays in that position until a new, more powerful force comes along. This is not mass formation and it’s not hypnosis, it’s Stockholm Syndrome. ...

Doctors and nurses killed the patients in their care because they just knew it was what the dominant class wanted. It was automatic and instantaneous. It produced no guilt and felt virtuous.

The entire profession of public health implemented a genocide across the developed world because the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation wanted it to be done.

The mainstream media and the government just knew they had to censor anyone and everyone who questioned the dominant narrative no matter how well sourced because that’s just what good people like them do (even though it’s never been done on this scale before).

Colleges and universities just knew that they had to force the students in their care to inject themselves with toxic substances even though all data showed that this would kill more students than it would help — because that’s what the dominant culture called for.

And intellectual titans including Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, James Surowiecki, and others were reduced to grotesque sniveling gollums who abandoned all of their education and principles to demand that people serve the fascist Pharma state.

This radical transformation of society did not even require much coordination because it all operates through hegemony — the gravitational pull and evolutionary glitch that causes people to obey.

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