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I wanted to share another thought on why less people want to be parents these days, especially because it became evident to me during COVID that this is a thread that runs through a lot of aspects of society: the obsession with "safety" means that we're willing to inflict an unlimited amount of misery on everyone in order to "save just one life".
There are tons of articles on how parenting has changed because of our obsession with safety, but most of them focus on the impact to our children. However, it has an effect on parenthood too.
We've decided that it's unsafe for kids to play outside in the backyard unsupervised, let alone roam the neighborhood with friends or go to the playground down the street by themselves. The result is that parents feel almost obliged to have their kids in the house with them ALL DAY; a task which very few people genuinely enjoy. Having lived in California, I watched someone call the cops at a playground because he was concerned there wasn't an adult hovering directly over a couple kids (probably 7 and 5). The very confused Dad who was playing catch with his son in the field across from the playground wandered over to see why the Police had arrived.
Society basically requires that you be a helicopter parent, or face the looming threat of having the authorities called at any time. All kids will be less independent, and all parents will be chained down, to prevent the risk of one kidnapping or accidental death.
Look at any article where either something bad has happened to a child, or a child is allowed to do something difficult or challenging. The comments are always parent-shaming. As we saw during COVID, not many people are willing to do anything that might expose them to public shame.
i think the mask-querade really came down to one potent messaging mantra repeated endlessly until it broke brains and shunted aside critical faculties thereby becoming endlessly integrated into medical mythology:
“your mask protects me.”
"your mask protects me" was made up science but it was phenomenal propaganda.
this pseudo-moralistic psyop probably cannot ever be cured among the anxious and authority craving. it was just too perfect.
it's a societal spirochete penetrating the blood brain barrier and making mad those it infects. honestly, it’s worse. it’s basically herpes. and herpes is forever.
every time you get run down, it's there, waiting to flare up.
this pervasive propaganda essentially reframed the issue of wearing masks from being a "choice" into being a "duty." that’s powerful stuff.
that's how you take away the perception of freedom to act.
it's also how you give everyone who complies permission to attack those who do not comply.
"why are you threatening me!"
it turns your aspirations toward autonomy into perceived assault on/by others. in this, it represents the perfect way to pit society against itself and turn it into its own self-policing tyranny.
those who comply are instantly furious with any who do not. “i’m caring for you, why won’t you care for me!?!” is permission to act beastly while cloaked in purported virtue. and that’s impossibly seductive stuff for the addled, anxious, and angry.
truly, it was an astonishing piece of messaging.
that said, what people seem to miss in all this is that this was NOT new. this happens all the time. it’s being framed and hurtled at society all the time. you see echoes of it all over; this one was just unusually visible because it had such a clear physical marker. ...
shifting the duty of "making me feel secure" upon the rest of the world by casting obedience as "alliance" is a classic brainwashing technique.
if you put it out in the world and see who wants to play “perpetual discontent” it also selects for deeply anti-social adherents.
they want attention, assurance, and status and because people who already had paths to such things would not feel a need to seek them by playing the victim, you’re also selecting for failures and losers. and if there’s one thing failures and losers hate, it’s success stories and winners. it’s why they war on virtue, self-reliance, and even beauty.
this is also why the “everything is structural, there is no success from merits” mantra stands as so persuasive to them: because it makes their failure into someone else’s fault. you had privilege. you oppressed me unconsciously. you were not my ally.
“if you had just worn your mask, i would have gotten into harvard.”
it’s your fault if this does not scream “woman” to you.
it’s your job to make sure that everyone gets to be jessica rabbit. no one gets to say no. it’s duty, not choice.
see how it’s all the same issue? the same frame?
it’s all “if you are upset or unwell, it’s someone else’s fault and they should have to fix it.”
no wonder these people cannot get better and instead keep getting worse.
no wonder nothing can appease them.
it’s all just kabuki enabling of an ongoing crisis culture.
“…we care about being in the numerical majority even when we don’t necessarily care about the group and even when the group opinion is merely an illusion. Acting on instinct, in social situations our brains don’t actually bother to make the distinction between appearance and reality…Even in the absence of intentional pressure or incentives, we like to go along with what we think is the consensus because, quite simply, we’re biologically wired to do so.”
“…we care about being in the numerical majority even when we don’t necessarily care about the group and even when the group opinion is merely an illusion. Acting on instinct, in social situations our brains don’t actually bother to make the distinction between appearance and reality…Even in the absence of intentional pressure or incentives, we like to go along with what we think is the consensus because, quite simply, we’re biologically wired to do so.”
While, under certain perverted fiction-based logic, I could see why she would not allow unvaccinated people to come near the baby, Redditor /u/sexandjack also decided not even to send baby pictures to her unvaccinated parents.
Many other vaccinated pregnant women chimed in in support. They cut off their moms, dads, or siblings for not getting the Covid vaccine.
Strangely, they blame their relatives and feel “hurt” by the relatives’ irresponsible health choices. The redditor above smugly points out how the relatives are “making a choice and have to deal with consequences.”
My baby’s health is more important than your feelings, another Redditor quips, seemingly enjoying the anguish of relatives that she is blocking from seeing her baby.
Above, /u/bachennoir complains about feeling lonely and isolated from her relatives. The irony is completely lost on her that the preceding sentence explains her loneliness by showing her nasty personality! She says, “This is why I think OP’s decision not to share pictures is actually a good one.” I hope you agree: if there is one thing that could make the mother lonely, it is not sharing pictures - but I digress.
There is a truly tragic comment: /u/unicornshoenicorn reports that Covid vaccine killed her father - via blood clots - and yet she unyieldingly demands that her remaining terrified relatives get the COVID vaccine if they are to see her baby:
Just like "safe and effective".
It was criminal how nurses prohibited all HCQ and ivermectin.
stereotomy Me too.
I wasn't too sure about doctors before, but now, after years of their relentless shilling for the obviously dangerous and ineffective toxxine, I really don't trust them at all.
And right, they work for you, not the other way around. You don't have to do what they say. They have to do what you say, or you can find another one who will.
You wouldn’t know me if you met me in May of 2019, as I drove to a luncheon for Joe Biden sponsored by a big donor at one of the mansions in a wealthy pocket of Los Angeles. I’d been hand-picked as an influencer after rising in the ranks of Team Hillary on social media. I’d thrown myself into politics in 2015, panicking about climate change. “We have to win,” I thought.
By the end of 2020, just one year later, I’d have left the Democratic Party for good, been yelled at by Neera Tanden on Twitter, and lost a good many of my friends and very nearly everything else, and now, by 2023, all I can think is that the Democrats have to lose. They have to be voted out.
I’ve been trying to tell my story in a way that matters for three years. I have failed to convince or persuade anyone from my side. They still treat me like someone who has been radicalized online or is somehow mentally incapacitated. They still see Trump as an existential threat to “democracy” and the grassroots movement known as MAGA as domestic extremists, white supremacists and a threat to their way of life.
The truth is, it was never “democracy” they wanted. Too messy. Too many dissenting viewpoints and speech they didn’t like. It was totalitarianism, complete and total dominance of American culture they wanted: the internet, the corporations, the universities, and now, the government.
Trump’s win in 2016 turned our utopia into a dystopia, as we walled ourselves off in a fear bunker and listened to the media tell us about the “monsters” that roamed the perimeter. Just make the “monsters” go away.
They were every bad thing we deleted from our utopia. The “ists” and the “phobes.” We had to go along with every last thing that was demanded of us, from gender ideology - castrating, mutilating, and sterilizing children - to sending our kids off to school as oppressors or oppressed. ...
Stop them now, or spend the next 20 years or so watching them do the same thing they did to Trump and MAGA to you. Watch them lie about you, indict you, persecute you, and attempt to put you in jail for your ideology. Watch them dump your social media network like they did with Parler. If they get control of the ISPs, that is exactly what they will do under the guise of “hate speech” and “disinformation.
No matter what you think about Trump, the way he has been treated since he dared to run for President should scare, and wake up, every American. That they’ve weaponized the entire government, the Justice System, and the entire legacy media should disgust and enrage every American. It’s time to say ENOUGH.
That sunny day in May, I was hopeful as I lunched on paella and cream puffs and sipped champagne with my fellow Biden supporters. I felt hope for the first time - hope to get back everything we thought we lost back in 2016. Hope that we could continue our fight for the climate. I knew who I was and where I belonged. I’ve never felt so necessary, so important.
One year later, it would hit me like a ton of bricks. We were never the good people we pretended to be. We were the “monsters.” ...
As we prepare for another brutal election season, I wonder who is worse. Those who have overthrown this flawed but beautiful country of ours to remake it as a totalitarian dystopia, or those who don’t have the courage to defeat them.
I wonder who is worse. Those who have overthrown this flawed but beautiful country of ours to remake it as a totalitarian dystopia, or those who don’t have the courage to defeat them.
I recently published an article which highlighted many instances where a dangerous vaccine was pushed on America and how eventually the mass media decided to air a report discussing the harms of those vaccines and the government’s willful disregard of all the evidence showing what was happening was a really bad idea. In turn, each of those reports ended the vaccination campaign.
Given that the COVID-19 vaccines were much more dangerous than any of those vaccines, and unlike the previous, were mandated upon America, it is hence extraordinary that the entire media (with the exception of a few hosts on Fox News) has never touched upon what is happening now—instead they typically attack anyone who points it out.
I would argue this shift is because the industry learned from each of those past vaccines disasters and realized that it was necessary to do each of the following:
•Have better sales pitches. For example, in the videos featured below from the Bush administration, it is clear the language that are using to sell their dangerous emergency vaccine was sculpted by professionals. However, it’s also clear that language was not good enough and was significantly refined by the time of Operation Warp Speed.
•Have complete immunity for the manufacturers (the COVID vaccines utilized the newly created Emergency Use Authorization regulations).
•Not permit any critical coverage of the vaccines in the press as that instantly turned the public against the vaccines, something which was accomplished by the Clinton administration legalizing direct to consumer pharmaceutical advertising in 1997 (which to this day is only legal in the USA and New Zealand). Before long, those advertisements comprised most of the advertising money for the news networks and something the pharmaceutical industry was all too eager to leverage so its dubious products would never again be scrutinized.
Since the COVID-19 vaccine disaster could have only happened due to our media’s complicity (and co-dependency) with Big Pharma, that article struck a nerve and was one of the most viewed pieces I have published. Once it came out, I received a few tips from readers I was unaware of that I felt necessitated making an extra installment in this series before we proceed to the final part. ...
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Liberals defend their credentials which allow them to exploit those who don't have the same credentials. Credentials create monopolies, the ability to set high prices regardless of quality of service. It is a way to defeat free market competition.
The funding of universities depends entirely on the demand for their degrees, which they control. Their biggest horror would be a system where anyone could take tests to prove competence in a subject without paying for the years of classes and subjecting themselves to obedience to professors.
- Thomas Frank
Most of academia is less about learning than about paying for a paper proof of status and conformity. Non-conformists are expelled from schools, or failed out. Most teachers do not like their authority to be questioned. Bosses like the academic proof of conformity when they hire. The most "educated" are the most obedient.
Trump was a threat to their credentials and therefore a threat to their incomes and status.
The academic elite need a reason to hate those threatening themselves, therefore they use imaginary "racism", to which there is no defense. The accusation is the conviction.
Then they don't need to worry about the real class problem, which is independent of race. They would be uncomfortable looking at class, because they'd have to look at themselves and their unearned class privileges.
So their faith in the injection is faith in the "expert class" of which they are members, and they demand that the hoi polloi submit to it as an expression of the elite's power and prestige.