The fat man wants to be potus

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2021 Nov 14, 6:22am   1,416 views  22 comments

by seesaw   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


Do we really need to see this man running for POTUS?
I have this gut feeling that the political swamp has a big chair just for him.
but of course he really needs a libtard media to throw his weight around...
He has to have deep connections to still be around... reminds me of Tony Soprano in a way..
maybe someone can use his likeness and cgi it over some Soprano still pictures.

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1   clambo   2021 Nov 14, 8:32am  

Christie is a loser.
He’s butthurt that he was not kept around by Trump, he had his hopes up.
Nobody wants to live in a state like New Jersey, so nobody wants him either.
Christie was a carnival act with a short half-life, nobody cares.
2   Patrick   2021 Nov 14, 9:31am  

What matters most for any candidate is their open and unequivocal support for freedom from mandates and masks, and their promise to prosecute Pfauci and Pfizer for what they have done.

Christie seems only weakly opposed to the mandates and I don't see anything from him about prosecuting the criminals.

Trump is worse, saying nothing at all in opposition to mandates, so I am now opposed to Trump.

I guess DeSantis is our best bet, because he does seem to actively be opposing mandates and masks.
3   Tenpoundbass   2021 Nov 14, 11:53am  

As long as Trump in the race, any establishment Republican running in the 2024 election. Will be doing so, for the sole purpose of laundering campaign cash.
Like Mike Bloomberg did in 2020. When the news reported he was spending a 10 million in a market. I knew full well it was to pay for the dark forces to steal the election. It wasn't so he could spend 10 million on Television advertisements or Bloomberg fans to go knock on doors to spread his message.

The only person that will be able to give Trump a run for his money will be an outsider, there are none I can think of now.
4   richwicks   2021 Nov 14, 1:21pm  

Tenpoundbass says
The only person that will be able to give Trump a run for his money will be an outsider, there are none I can think of now.

The intelligence agencies stole the election in 2020, expect them to do it again.
5   Tenpoundbass   2021 Nov 14, 2:48pm  

richwicks says
The intelligence agencies stole the election in 2020, expect them to do it again.

I will expect them to try, but we already saw a complete difference in the way the GOP in areas controlled by Patriots, ran their elections compared to 2020, in the 2021 special elections. Had nothing changed, or the fraud and corruption methods had not been exposed to the level of detail they have been. Virginia would have been a straight Democrat win.
The NJ election the but hurt Senate creep, had to forgo demanding a recount, because he knew it would have opened up the door straight away to an election Forensic Election audit. That will be the gold standard for ALL recounts in the future. Having them just recount the receipts that were sent in on election night, wont cut it anymore.
Democrats used to love the recount, even if it was because they won, and the republican was wanting one. They had the system so rigged, they always picked up a few hundred or thousand in the recounts, because they were always just a rouse confirm their election grift. Now people will expect a deep dive.

I think Democrats are going to continue the pull their shit, in their deep blue cities unchallenged. They will continue to have more ballots cast than registered voters. That wont change, as long as they can get away with intimidating Republican counterparts to participate at the precincts where the thefts happen, to keep them shut out.
But as long as the Republican districts continue to win the bulk of the legislation seats, and are sending people with the political will to make sure the vote is legit.
Then those big blue cities will be exposed in the forensic audits. 2020 will never happen again, unless the Democrats manage to federalize the elections and make questioning the results a seditious act.

Their racket and game has been exposed. For decades everyone was just thinking it's the dead voters and illegal votes being cast that skews the votes. But time and time again, those counts are so minimal they are never enough to sway the election. Not the ones uncovered. It was all misdirection, now we know which direction to look, they can't get away with it anymore. Not without converting our country into something totally different, that has nothing to do with our current constitution .
6   richwicks   2021 Nov 14, 3:07pm  

Tenpoundbass says
richwicks says
The intelligence agencies stole the election in 2020, expect them to do it again.

I will expect them to try, but we already saw a complete difference in the way the GOP in areas controlled by Patriots, ran their elections compared to 2020, in the 2021 special elections.

Don't just assume because a Republican is elected, they aren't just another dummy stooge. The left and right nonsense is a false dichotomy.

Tenpoundbass says
I think Democrats are going to continue the pull their shit, in their deep blue cities unchallenged. They will continue to have more ballots cast than registered voters. That wont change, as long as they can get away with intimidating Republican counterparts to participate at the precincts where the thefts happen, to keep them shut out.

Please, for the love of god, I'm begging you - realize both parties are ENTIRELY compromised. Let's follow what these newly elected people do.

I think it's fine, although dangerous, to trust Edward Durr. He's the guy that won his election on $153 to get into the New Jersey Senate. He may be another Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Be cautious. You better be able to recognize that you can be tricked too. Don't defend the man if he turns out to be an asshole.

Tenpoundbass says
It was all misdirection, now we know which direction to look, they can't get away with it anymore. Not without converting our country into something totally different, that has nothing to do with our current constitution.

Our government won't follow the Constitution now. They should be prosecuted for this.

Remember when our government used a drone strike to kill Anwar al-Awlaki? He was a US citizen, he was killed as "a terrorist". Maybe he was, but he was never arrested or even tried in absentia. 2 weeks later, his 16 year old child was killed in a drone strike.

Now I'm "a terrorist", and so you are you. You don't believe in the integrity of our voting system.

You have to recognize who affects political changed through murder and intimidation - that's our government. Our government is the classic definition of a "terrorist" group.
7   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 14, 3:18pm  

richwicks says

Please, for the love of god, I'm begging you - realize both parties are ENTIRELY compromised. Let's follow what these newly elected people do.

Yes, so take one over.

If a new one is started, the two old ones will simply raise the requirement for ballot signatures to 80% of all registered adults and $10M filing fee to run for dogcatcher. If they even bother, the laws are already such that an independent or new party is doomed to spent much effort just getting on the ballot.

Rome wasn't destroyed in a day, and it won't be rebuilt in a day. "Bowling Alone" and giving up political participation to an occasional $20 donation and a vote every few years lost the ship.

Expect a long, hard slog to dreg it up.
8   richwicks   2021 Nov 14, 3:28pm  

CaptainHorsePaste says
richwicks says

Please, for the love of god, I'm begging you - realize both parties are ENTIRELY compromised. Let's follow what these newly elected people do.

Yes, so take one over.

That was the hope with Ron Paul, and later with Trump. Could have been false hope in both instances.

CaptainHorsePaste says
If a new one is started, the two old ones will simply raise the requirement for ballot signatures to 80% of all registered adults and $10M filing fee to run for dogcatcher.

I'm fully aware of it.

CaptainHorsePaste says
Rome wasn't destroyed in a day, and it won't be rebuilt in a day.

We don't have to rebuild Rome and we don't want to. We don't want to rebuild a terrible and abusive empire. We want to rebuild a nation. Building his nation only took a few years.
9   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 14, 3:30pm  

richwicks says
We don't have to rebuild Rome and we don't want to. We don't want to rebuild a terrible and abusive empire. We want to rebuild a nation. Building his nation only took a few years.

Let us not be pedantic; it's a saying, like "When in Rome, do as the Romans do."

Building the nation did not take a few years, it was a culmination of thousands of years of civilization, and 200 years of struggle against Absolute Monarchism and Universal Monarchy/Religion. The Glorious Revolution used to be taught... until mid last century it disappeared from K12.

We've had 50 years of "Do what thou wilt" "The Individual Uber Alles, fuck families and society" "Buy shit to feel good". That will take time to change too.
10   Ceffer   2021 Nov 14, 3:32pm  

Has Christie written his contract in blood over the body of a sacrificed, bled child with Soros and the World Economic Forum yet? He wants to be an insane, inane Soros Fecal Impaction In Chief to stamp out the last surviving vestiges of the country.
11   richwicks   2021 Nov 14, 3:56pm  

CaptainHorsePaste says
We've had 50 years of "Do what thou wilt" "The Individual Uber Alles, fuck families and society" "Buy shit to feel good". That will take time to change too.

The only thing we need to do is remove corruption, and severely prosecute it.

We just went through a horrible time of horrible people running our nation. All we have to do is send the criminals to jail, or to be executed. I don't see this as a tremendous undertaking.

Our real problem, the real effort, is to get the population to recognize they've been systemically propagandized and deceived. I think we're making good progress on that front, in that the "mainstream media" has lost all of it's control.
12   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 14, 3:59pm  

richwicks says

The only thing we need to do is remove corruption, and severely prosecute it.

We just went through a horrible time of horrible people running our nation. All we have to do is send the criminals to jail, or to be executed. I don't see this as a tremendous undertaking.

The corruption was done via cultural warfare, attacks on the family, tradition, etc.

It did not exist in a vacuum. It goes from "the ancient Matriarchy of peace and harmony" taught in most Uni Anthro Courses - with any faculty or other detractor being called misogynist shitlord if they object for lack of evidence, to "You're nothing but a collection of organics and the mind/consciousness problem is bullshit to "America is a nasty, evil country and always has been."

The aggressors in the culture war since the 60s has been the Left and Empty Materialism that benefits Big Socialist Corps. We used to have more companies, often family owned or close held, and putting out counter propaganda about quality and family and freedom. Big Socialist Corps grew to love government money and ate up the little guys. The new owners were interested in following some Guru or Synanon or EST or whatever and fucked up the inheritence because the culture was already rotting.

It is not simply just a matter of eliminating the corruption by prosecuting those currently doing the Bad Shit.

To do so would be no different than taking out the biggest street dealers and expecting the Drug War to be won, with nobody coming up to replace them. The rot is systemic.
13   Tenpoundbass   2021 Nov 14, 4:14pm  

richwicks says
Please, for the love of god, I'm begging you - realize both parties are ENTIRELY compromised. Let's follow what these newly elected people do.

Understand, I'm not talking about the folks running in elections or those that won. There's a whole political process that happens, before the candidates are even considered. People are having to step up and commandeer the party. People in years gone by, that would have considered themselves center Left. Are now having to step up and participate to keep it honest. In the past those people although Independent or No party affiliated, may have always voted Democrat as their default choice. Now realize the Democrat party is so far gone, and their precinct seats, are contested via crooked elections that they control. The Republican party is the only party that has the thousands and thousands of uncontested lowly Precinct spots in the party. They don't have much power, but they do get to caucus and vote on Local and regional party leadership. Get enough of them in a state, and you can toss out the State leadership, that are often in lockstep with Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnel, and Lindsey Graham. Get rid of them, then the bad candidates go away. We've got to start sending the least likely people to elected roles. The most likely were groomed all of their life for this shit, to win elections and get in there and be an establishment do boy.

I would like to see election law reform, that reforms the party rules. Parties have to remain to unbiased and neutral at all times, can't shower one candidate with money, they provide for other candidates, and they shouldn't endorse one over the other. And primarying a sitting elected official should be simple.
14   richwicks   2021 Nov 14, 4:16pm  

CaptainHorsePaste says
The aggressors in the culture war since the 60s has been the Left and Empty Materialism that benefits Big Socialist Corps.

No, it's not a single source.

It was wrong to start the Vietnam war. Our government lied us into that war with the Gulf of Tonkin Incident - it never happened.

The culture war is all about preventing us to see our true enemy. It's not some weirdo wanting to "become a woman" - it's our government wanting to spend a trillion dollars on a bullshit war so a few "defense" contractors can make money, while our politicians skim off the top.

You make the CHOICE to support corporations. Yeah, they can be evil but you're no better when you do business with them.

CaptainHorsePaste says
To do so would be no different than taking out the biggest street dealers and expecting the Drug War to be won, with nobody coming up to replace them. The rot is systemic.

I know the mafia exists and always will. They aren't the problem.

Our biggest mafia is the federal government, and I'd argue, the Federal Reserve.
15   theoakman   2021 Nov 14, 6:16pm  

Chris Christie was an awful governor for NJ. We had the cheapest gas in the country and he added a gas tax and made it some of the most expensive. He was out of state the entire time running for president. His downfall came when jack off shut down the government, including the state park beach on July 4th, but decided he and his family could be the only ones in the state that go on the beach. That basically makes him a fat RINO Gavin Newsom.
16   HeadSet   2021 Nov 14, 7:18pm  

Tenpoundbass says
We've got to start sending the least likely people to elected roles.

Like Trump, the Governor Elect Youngkin of VA is an outsider who never held office before. And also like Trump, Youngkin was rich enough to finance his campaign and not be beholden to anyone.
17   RedStar   2021 Nov 14, 7:40pm  

Trump had his chance. I'd like to see DeSantis
18   RedStar   2021 Nov 14, 7:41pm  

Patrick says
Trump is worse, saying nothing at all in opposition to mandates, so I am now opposed to Trump.s.

To be fair, Trump has been all but silenced by the media
19   Patrick   2021 Nov 14, 11:57pm  

Even on his own site though, Trump still has not said a peep about mandates, implying approval of them.
20   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 15, 12:37am  

RedStar says
To be fair, Trump has been all but silenced by the media

Trump is VERY much in the hearts and minds of the Media, they can't live without him:

CNN, a far-left disinformation outlet that spreads conspiracy theories and encourages violence, is collapsing on every conceivable rating front.

Despite a big news month, CNNLOL’s primetime lineup has collapsed entirely. Throughout October, an average of only 661,000 viewers tuned in. One million viewers are considered the threshold for respectable, and CNNLOL is almost 35 percent below that.

Throughout the day, CNNLOL was only able to attract an average of 487,000 viewers.

To show just how bad CNNLOL is doing, here are the raw October numbers…


Fox News: 2,300,000 total viewers / 344,000 A25-54
MSNBC: 1,203,000 total viewers / 140,000 A25-54
CNNLOL: 661,000 total viewers / 136,000 A25-54

Fox News: 1,404,000 total viewers /224,000 A25-54
MSNBC: 680,000 total viewers / 78,000 A25-54
CNNLOL: 487,000 total viewers / 101,000 A25-54
21   Ceffer   2021 Nov 15, 12:49am  

"Trump claims he is responsible for full employment at fake MSM."
22   HeadSet   2021 Nov 15, 7:21am  

CaptainHorsePaste says
RedStar says
To be fair, Trump has been all but silenced by the media

He said "Trump has been all but silenced by the media" not "The media has been silent about Trump."

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