Now, shingles could affect any age group ... more vax denial?

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2021 Nov 15, 3:32pm   1,713 views  16 comments

by Rin   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  


Excerpt: "I think this red bump is getting bigger.” That’s what I told my husband after growing concerned about the strange-looking rash that appeared on my face four days earlier. I read online that most rashes are not serious, so I thought a trip to the doctor was unnecessary.

“What if you have Lyme disease?” he asked me. That question prompted me to be evaluated, but I was concerned that the doctor would tell me it was only a pimple. I was shocked to learn that I had shingles.

I’m only 48 and even though it was only a small rash on my face, I was shocked to learn that if the rash had spread to my eye — it was very close to it — I could have gone blind. Fortunately, my doctor was able to prescribe an anti-viral medication. Within a week after my doctor’s visit, the painful rash was gone.

Shingles (also known as herpes zoster) is caused by the same virus as chickenpox — the varicella zoster virus (VZV). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), shingles rates have been increasing in the United States for unknown reasons. In fact, 1 in 3 people will contract the disease at some point in their lifetime.

That said, there are a lot of myths about shingles out there. So what do you need to know?

Myth 1: Only older people get shingles

Fact: You can get shingles at any age if you already had chickenpox since the virus lies dormant in your body and then reactivates as shingles; even children can get it, although that’s rare.

People usually get shingles because their immune system is weakened, so it can happen if a person experiences stress or other issues that decrease immunity. I thought only people who are 60 or older get shingles, so I didn’t think it was possible for me to get it at 48.

“Years ago, herpes zoster (shingles) occurred almost exclusively in older people. But today it occurs in younger age individuals, including people in their 20s and 30s,” says Dr. Robin Evans, a dermatologist at Southern Connecticut Dermatology in Stamford, Conn."

Comments 1 - 16 of 16        Search these comments

1   Rin   2021 Nov 15, 3:35pm  

Ok, here's Rin's take .. when a person is 'run down', they catch a cold or a flu, not shingles. In my whole life, prior to Covid, only ppl 65 and above were prone to the varicella virus being reactivated and resulting in nerve pain.

I suspect that post-mRNA vax, many ppl are immune-compromised so that one, backwater virus varicella zoster, takes center stage and re-claims its formerly lost territory.
2   DhammaStep   2021 Nov 15, 3:44pm  

We're watching real-time science denialism. We've done a similar song and dance before: "Stop eating dietary animal fat and eat more carbohydrate!" Years later: "Heart disease and obesity are at their highest levels and only increasing! Keep avoiding fat and keep eating whole grains and soybean oil!"

I'm extremely pessimistic about the "mainstream" EVER admitting what is actually happening. They have never admitted they were wrong about diet and millions suffer to this day because of it. Profits above people. Like I keep saying, get ready to be put in camps. These people will only double down and find scapegoats.

Edit: I had a fully shotup friend diagnosed with Mono in his 30s. Again. He had it when he was a teen too. Unheard of basically. No one thought it was strange.
3   richwicks   2021 Nov 15, 6:07pm  

DhammaStep says
I'm extremely pessimistic about the "mainstream" EVER admitting what is actually happening.

Haha, why worry about that? Who trusts our "mainstream media" at this point?

In my little circle of friends and family members, I have repeatedly pointed out that the media has outright lied and that they shouldn't trust them, for more than a decade with PLENTY of examples. If they continue to trust the MSM after all that, well, can't save them all.

It's frustrating that there are SOME that still listen to it, but what the fuck can I do? If they want to disassociate with me, an albatross has been removed from my neck. I really tried to help, but I have my limits.
4   Patrick   2021 Nov 15, 8:04pm  

richwicks says
Who trusts our "mainstream media" at this point?

Most Democrats.
5   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 15, 8:05pm  

I suspect that most democrats are getting their 'news' from Late Nite Unfunny Men.
6   richwicks   2021 Nov 15, 8:15pm  

CaptainHorsePaste says
I suspect that most democrats are getting their 'news' from Late Nite Unfunny Men.

Well I used to back when the Daily Show wasn't crap (in small spurts - I refused to own a tv for a while), and became famous just pointing out the contradictions and lies of the Booosh Administration. The show became shit when Obomba became president and they abandoned all the principles I thought they had, and defended and shielded the Neocon cunt.

People who still watch the late night bullshit are now old people that remember the time, LONG LONG ago, when they actually made fun of government lies. What they didn't realize if that they switched on a dime to protect the government when a dummycrat became "president" and did the same exact things.
7   richwicks   2021 Nov 15, 8:32pm  

Patrick says
richwicks says
Who trusts our "mainstream media" at this point?

Most Democrats.

No, not really. Aaron Maté, Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, and Jimmy Dore (he's barely news) are all superstars for the left, and they don't carry the water for the MSM.

You know the stupid horseshoe "theory" of politics that the far left and far right come to agreement? They aren't the far left or right, they are the actual thinking people coming out of their respective plantations. It's not just the Democrats that keep people on plantations...

It just seems that more Republicans have left the plantation - after all, they threw their weight behind a 1960's classic NYC democrat for their president, and still support him. Trump is NOT a republican. He's a 1960's progressive democrat. Just like Ronald Reagan was.
8   Automan Empire   2021 Nov 18, 7:45pm  

Rin says
I thought only people who are 60 or older get shingles, so I didn’t think it was possible for me to get it at 48.

It's totally possible. I once crashed a bike around age 40 due to a leaky sprinkler leaving a slick algae stripe across the sidewalk landing in the also wet grass with the handlebar driving my fingers hard into the dirt, causing a deep contusion that got well infused with mud-algae-dog piss-water and soon badly infected. The first shitty urgent care doctor barely looked at it and tossed me a scrip for basic amoxicillin. A few days later it was badly swollen and infected, and rashed and itchy all around the wound. My GF at the time low key threatened to break up with me for poking and fishing rotting blades of grass out of the wound around day 3.

I ended up at a much better doctor, who correctly recognized the antibiotic was ineffective toward what was infecting me, and that I had a secondary opportunistic shingles outbreak around the wound site. The cute young pharmacy clerk's slightly flirty vibe went conspicuously cold when she read the scrip for acyclovir, which in patients my age was usually prescribed for genital herpes. (Side note once LOLd at an online medical worker's rant that it's not pronounced "Assy Clover.")

This was my experience with an overburdened immune system getting outfoxed by Herpes Zoster. It will be interesting (and very, VERY conspicuous) if young onset shingles becomes a side effect of covid-19 vaccines.
9   Robert Sproul   2021 Nov 18, 8:08pm  

This shit kind of worries me. My dad got shingles at around 67 and ended up with terrible facial/ocular neuralgia for the rest of his days. Pretty much ruined his enjoyment of life. An aunt had it around her waist and the pain never went away for her either.
I reckon I should look into the Shingrix vaccine given my advanced years.
(I can't help but feel vaccine...ugh, these days...)
10   Robert Sproul   2021 Nov 18, 8:49pm  

CaptainHorsePaste says
I suspect that most democrats are getting their 'news' from Late Nite Unfunny Men.

I have some fools around me that try to tell me some shit that Trevor Noah said last nite. Or one of the other buffoons.
I don't know how I deal.
11   Automan Empire   2021 Nov 18, 8:53pm  

Robert Sproul says
I reckon I should look into the Shingrix vaccine given my advanced years.
(I can't help but feel vaccine...ugh, these days...)

Tetanus shots are guaranteed pain at the injection site sometimes for weeks afterward, but I trust and get them regularly because getting cut a lot is an occupation hazard, plus I have cats which means bites and scratches/shit-claw-punctures here and there. I'm also thinking of asking about an M-P-T booster next time, as I think I HAD pertussis a few years ago and man it was brutal even at that younger age!

The Covid vaccines in particular are what's big F-NO for me though. Autoimmune disease is a familial risk factor for me, so injecting instructions for my cells to make unregulated amounts of foreign proteins... nooooo thanks!
12   Patrick   2024 May 10, 10:27am  


“In the late 1960’s, government bioweapons labs started injecting ticks with exotic diseases. Soon, people nearby began to get those diseases. Now, tick-borne Lyme is endemic. Naturally, the government has admitted nothing.”
13   richwicks   2024 May 10, 11:12am  

Robert Sproul says

I have some fools around me that try to tell me some shit that Trevor Noah said last nite. Or one of the other buffoons.
I don't know how I deal.

As horrible and useless the TV late nite "funny" men are on the propaganda box, they give you better and more correct information than any news channel does. It's a step up albeit a small one. It's a slightly higher level of propaganda.

It's designed to be an outlet for people who know "something isn't right". It's just another trap. It's difficult to break free, and then you are in a wilderness, and you have to do research, verify whoever is telling you the truth, verify their past statements, and that eliminates 90% of them. I once posted this:


I didn't get much of a response. The people I listed, I vetted. They can be wrong, but I don't believe they lie.
14   richwicks   2024 May 10, 11:22am  

Patrick says


“In the late 1960’s, government bioweapons labs started injecting ticks with exotic diseases. Soon, people nearby began to get those diseases. Now, tick-borne Lyme is endemic. Naturally, the government has admitted nothing.”

Plum Island.

See what curiosity gets you, a bunch of useless information.

I don't know if it's true or not though, but considering this government..
16   Patrick   2024 Jun 18, 5:16pm  


When the mRNA vaccinations started, it was obvious, off the bat, that the jab floors the immune systems of the thankful, or not so thankful, “vaccine” recipients. The rash of reactivated dormant herpes incidents, a.k.a. the shingles, was but one of the manifestations thereof. Fast forward 3 years, and we get the official confirmation of this fact. “Herpes Zoster Reactivation After mRNA and Adenovirus-Vectored Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination: Analysis of National Health Insurance Database” (J Infect Dis. 2023 Nov. 11)...

As well, it was obvious that the “vaccination” into the pandemic made the recipients much more prone to catching Covid within two weeks after the jab, where they were considered to be “unprotected” and, “technically”, unvaccinated. Which was used to push the jabs even harder, as this circumstance was sold as the “pandemic of the unvaccinated”. ...

But I want to point to this new gruesome development, which may well be another shoe to be falling with a thump as we write. “‘Flesh-eating bacteria’ disease spreads in Japan, killing some in 2 days” (2024.06.17):

A deadly outbreak of a "flesh-eating bacteria" is spreading rapidly across Japan, alarming health officials with how quickly it can lead to death. Close to 1,000 cases of Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS) have been reported in the Asian country this year, and doctors warn symptoms can be fatal within 48 hours. ...

If you think Japan is a fluke, you are wrong. As “Risk Assessment for Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome (STSS) in Japan” from March 29, 2024 states:

An increase in iGAS (invasive GAS) infections was reported in the UK, France, Ireland, the Netherlands, and Sweden in late 2022 and early 2023, particularly in children under 10 years of age.

In the U.S., STSS is further tabulated separately among iGAS infections. iGAS infections in children increased in December 2022, as in Europe.

In Canada, although there are no reports of a national outbreak, British Columbia has reported an increase in iGAS infections among those under 20 years of age since December 2023.

In Australia, iGAS infections have not been designated as a surveillance disease until 2021, but the number of reported cases has been gradually increasing since the start of the surveillance; as of March 21, 2024, the number of reported cases is at the same level as that of 2023.

In Argentina, while there was no increase in the number of reported cases at the end of 2022, there was an increase in the number of reported cases and deaths from iGAS infections in 2023 mainly in children.

One thing in common among the named above countries? All are highly mRNA-jabbed populations.

Or we can blame Climate Change.

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