"The most dangerous psychological mistake is the projection of the shadow on to others; this is the root of almost all conflicts." -Carl Jung
It feels like we're living through an era of extreme projection by the most nefarious sorts. But the truth is simply that we're stepping out of an era in which mass projection was successful insofar as it was cost effective.
Source: Violation Tracker
These days, one person documenting a contradiction can quickly demonstrate proof that can spread as virally as the lie.
Twitter avatar for @ChrisSLimogee Christina 🇫🇷 @ChrisSLimogee @RWMaloneMD November 9th 2021
38 Retweets103 Likes Once you recognize the pattern, you begin to see it often. It's ubiquitous among those whose power depends on control. The psychological profile of the Kunlangeta is stamped on society through the flaws in the organization of our economic incentive structures. Technology's (a)symmetry problem ensures the result, encoded in a mind virus, implanted in the youth.
Maybe pot smoking is the variable that suddenly changed everything just recently? Or temperatures rising? Maybe somebody should check out the heart attack rates closer to the equator. That would be genius!
Twitter avatar for @CodyElijah1 Cody Elijah @CodyElijah1 Just so we're clear on the whole myocarditis thing, I have never personally seen a single case in 13+ years in emergency medicine. Not one. Pericarditis yes. Do they occur? Sure. But not like this. Pediatric strokes? Come on now. November 16th 2021
5,592 Retweets17,679 Likes Succinctly Phrased I'm no expert in Jungian psychology, but my test for psychological concepts is how they grow on me as I meditate on them. Maybe I'm suddenly projecting when I see projection everywhere? Or maybe it really is all getting louder. Louder means the footsteps are getting closer.
Twitter avatar for @thevivafrei Viva Frei @thevivafrei Confession through projection. And a total lack of self-awareness that would be funny if it weren’t so sad. Oliver Darcy @oliverdarcy
I do not think most people fully appreciate the disinformation campaign taking place right now in right-wing media to de-legitimize Biden as President-elect. It has totally saturated coverage. It's everywhere. November 10th 2020
55 Retweets 320 Likes
I recently subscribed to VivaFreiBarnes at Locals.com. I find Frei and Barnes to be crisp and educational. Even if by some strange twist I never again find any of their discussions compelling, the succinct phrasing of this concept, which is part of the mass psychosis unraveling, is pure gold. This is another example of what I see as "new media as educators/education", where the masses can reject the mainstream media for a combination of education and reality after coming to grips with various flavors of Gell-Mann amnesia. Viva Frei may have popularized the phrase "confession through projection", though I haven't found out for certain whether he was the first to use it. Either way, it's a t-shirt now.
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