Robert W Malone, MD @RWMaloneMD 1h Hmmm. Dawning self awareness? Not likely. Projection and blaming others? More likely.
Anonymous UK Citizen @AnonCitizenUK 21h Bill Gates: “This was an interesting test of people’s trust in their politicians or their health system. We didn’t do as well as I would have expected.” [November 17th, 2021]
This is good news! The planned to just steamroll everyone into getting jabbed to death, but there was a lot of resistance. I think there will be more resistance from now on.
Gates is dead. Was always a store front avatar. What is playing him now is also a store front avatar.
They may have killed the original because he wasn't cooperating with the mother ship and giving back the keys the way he was supposed to, or agreeing with the variety of their criminally insane agendas. The avatar takes all the flak and bad karma and keeps it away from the Globalist fiend underbelly.
This is good news! The planned to just steamroll everyone into getting jabbed to death, but there was a lot of resistance. I think there will be more resistance from now on.