Deleting threads.

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2021 Dec 15, 9:49am   2,188 views  34 comments

by indc   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Hi @patrick, I see many threads by @farmerswon disappear after I rebut him with facts. Does he have only right to remove those threads? Is there any way we can lock the thread? I spend lot of time to get the truth out with proofs against his propaganda. And I would like to keep them for future references.

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11   TechBrosWon   2021 Dec 15, 1:36pm  

Patrick says
FarmersWon says
You can have snapchat feature where things delete automaticlaly after few days.
I put lot of pictures and news and have no intention to take unnecessary memory space with threads which have no long term value.

As an example as the farmer protest is won, I would like to delete all my thread corresponding to farmer protest.
Also as Trump folded like cheap chair and aligning with Hindooo. I would also like to drop his support threads.

@FarmersWon OK, up to you.

I'm rather annoyed at Trump lately myself for his failure to unequivocally condemn mandates of injection with experimental drugs.

I hate it for leading people to fight and then letting them die in jails.
This is not the behavior Sikhs like. If You lead the fight You die for it.
I know trump did many good things and I liked it, But I can't support such coward who let his foot soldiers down.
12   TechBrosWon   2021 Dec 15, 1:39pm  

Patrick says
FarmersWon says
You can have snapchat feature where things delete automaticlaly after few days.

I could make than an option when writing a post. I think most people like their posts and comments to stick around though. I have posts and comments in the database going back to 2005.

I like to share news a threads and also use space to put pictures etc so that save time for clicking links.
After this I just delete it.

If @indc has some debate, he can create a debate thread. He typically runs away when presented with facts and his Hindooo cult is exposed.
I can't just wasting your memory space for his non existent rebuttals.
13   Eric Holder   2021 Dec 15, 1:40pm  

Patrick says
FarmersWon says
You can have snapchat feature where things delete automaticlaly after few days.

I could make than an option when writing a post. I think most people like their posts and comments to stick around though. I have posts and comments in the database going back to 2005.

14   Automan Empire   2021 Dec 15, 1:47pm  

FarmersWon says
My views change on daily basis so don’t want them to stick along long.

Interesting reasoning.

I'm quite certain of things I write. If I make an incorrect assertion, I actually welcome correction.

It's a tall order to expect people to take seriously the writings and opinions of someone whose views change daily according to themselves.
15   richwicks   2021 Dec 15, 1:51pm  

FarmersWon says
My views change on daily basis so don’t want them to stick along long.

No offense, but this I would consider a form of insanity.

If your views are constantly changing, and on a daily basis, that's not growth, that's chaos.
16   TechBrosWon   2021 Dec 15, 1:54pm  

richwicks says
FarmersWon says
My views change on daily basis so don’t want them to stick along long.

No offense, but this I would consider a form of insanity.

If your views are constantly changing, and on a daily basis, that's not growth, that's chaos.

No it just means that there is huge population of traitors.
Due to their constant treason, You have to adjust who you support and oppose.
Majority of my threads are related to politics and unfortunately it is run by these people.

It is not my fault that treason is so prevalent.My core views of pro-Sikh and independence and liberty never changes.
17   TechBrosWon   2021 Dec 15, 1:56pm  

Automan Empire says
FarmersWon says
My views change on daily basis so don’t want them to stick along long.

Interesting reasoning.

I'm quite certain of things I write. If I make an incorrect assertion, I actually welcome correction.

It's a tall order to expect people to take seriously the writings and opinions of someone whose views change daily according to themselves.

Oh really.
People are supporting politicians on daily basis who change their view at drop of hat pissing off supporters who put their heart into it.
... and I can't change my views about them?

Just as an example I had sympathy towards Palestinian people as I see them oppressed by Israel.
But then I learned that they cheered Sikh Genocide... Should I still keep my original view?
18   Tenpoundbass   2021 Dec 15, 2:22pm  

Look if there's any post here that could be removed by a moderator. then every post I make, I should be able to remove anytime I see fit to do so.

Bitching about being deleted I can understand. But bitching about someone deleting a post? I mean come on, I think most of us can agree, anytime Donewithdebate deletes a post, it's a win for humanity! ;p

Seriously though, what's the beef with someone deleting their own post?

It's not like they are editing it, to spin a different context than they originally posted.
19   TechBrosWon   2021 Dec 15, 2:28pm  

Tenpoundbass says
Look if there's any post here that could be removed by a moderator. then every post I make, I should be able to remove anytime I see fit to do so.

Bitching about being deleted I can understand. But bitching about someone deleting a post? I mean come on, I think most of us can agree, anytime Donewithdebate deletes a post, it's a win for humanity! ;p

Seriously though, what's the beef with someone deleting their own post?

It's not like they are editing it, to spin a different context than they originally posted.

There are days I appreciate your political acumen and deep understanding of American politics .... Some others you just pee on cake.. So l should be able to adjust my post describing you.
20   Tenpoundbass   2021 Dec 15, 4:50pm  

FarmersWon says

There are days I appreciate your political acumen and deep understanding of American politics .... Some others you just pee on cake.. So l should be able to adjust my post describing you.

You should be able to do what ever you wish with your posts as you see fit. They are your words, and yours alone.
If you are doing so to mince words and alter the intent or discussion, then that's something your readers will have to reckon with. It's then up to them to reconcile your reputation and integrity. People aren't stupid. And as for deleting a thread, that you posted before understanding all of the facts, is perfectly acceptable. Even though I have often changed my mind or admitted another point of view was right. Then I would leave the thread up, just to give all of the related and unrelated content, some context.
21   Tenpoundbass   2021 Dec 15, 4:54pm  

FarmersWon says
There are days I appreciate your political acumen

My quip in the previous thread, was meant for levity, if you took it as brutal as it might have sounded to someone that didn't understand, my humor. Then I'm sorry.
But I do mean you or anyone should be able to delete their threads, without a Pirates of the Caribbean Parlay being called.
22   richwicks   2021 Dec 15, 5:04pm  

FarmersWon says
richwicks says
FarmersWon says
My views change on daily basis so don’t want them to stick along long.

No offense, but this I would consider a form of insanity.

If your views are constantly changing, and on a daily basis, that's not growth, that's chaos.

No it just means that there is huge population of traitors.
Due to their constant treason, You have to adjust who you support and oppose.
Majority of my threads are related to politics and unfortunately it is run by these people.

Apply principles. Ignore sides. There's no monolithic groups and groups that don't have principles, aren't real groups - they are mafias.

In 1995, the "Democratic party" was against pointless wars, pushed freedom of speech to an extreme, and promoted the welfare of the working class - OFFICIALLY. Do they do that now? No, so why the fuck would I support them? I support their STATED principles of 25 years ago, but I don't support this group of assholes today. Adam Schiff is a compulsive liar, Nancy Pelosi is an insider trading whore, and Joe Biden is a bought and paid for whore for whomever buys his son's "art".

Aligning yourself with a group, that's a pathetic thing to do. Not only do you take on all their positive attributes when you do this, you accept all their negative attributes as well. Fuck these gangs, these mobsters. They are just criminals.

You might think I'm a "conservative" today, I'm not. I'm not a Neocon warmongering whore and I still view the establishment of the Republican party that way. When they hang George W. Bush, I MIGHT temporarily consider becoming one for a few weeks.
23   TechBrosWon   2021 Dec 15, 5:21pm  

Tenpoundbass says
FarmersWon says
There are days I appreciate your political acumen

My quip in the previous thread, was meant for levity, if you took it as brutal as it might have sounded to someone that didn't understand, my humor. Then I'm sorry.
But I do mean you or anyone should be able to delete their threads, without a Pirates of the Caribbean Parlay being called.

I am not in business of appeasement... I believe you are not also.
You need to say what you think. It is my choice to like or dislike. I have no concept of minding something online.
This is free speech platform of @patrick and I think he should allow us to delete our threads anytime when they become irrelevant or you change opinion and no longer want to be associated with that opinion.
24   TechBrosWon   2021 Dec 15, 5:24pm  

richwicks says
FarmersWon says
richwicks says
FarmersWon says
My views change on daily basis so don’t want them to stick along long.

No offense, but this I would consider a form of insanity.

If your views are constantly changing, and on a daily basis, that's not growth, that's chaos.

No it just means that there is huge population of traitors.
Due to their constant treason, You have to adjust who you support and oppose.
Majority of my threads are related to politics and unfortunately it is run by these people.

Apply principles. Ignore sides. There's no monolithic groups and groups that don't have principles, aren't real groups - they are mafias.

In 1995, the "Democratic party" was against pointless wars, pushed...

Easier said than done. There is no value of principles without putting them in practice and unfortunately we are dependent on humans to implement those.
Many of the humans who prentend father the good idea actually grifters not owners and thats why viewpoint about them needs to change.
25   richwicks   2021 Dec 15, 5:39pm  

FarmersWon says
Easier said than done. There is no value of principles without putting them in practice

You are absolutely wrong about that.

There's no value in going along to get along. That's what you are doing. Principles are absolute, and I only support them.

People without principles, they are just cattle. This nation can become a communist or entirely fascist nation - I'm going to the gulag before I break my principles. Sure, I will die, but I will die regardless, and I'll be a statistic, but at least I'll be a statistic, instead of a fucking colluder.

If you are comfortable with the scum of the Earth running the world, sure, bend with the wind. Buddha was an asshole. A pussy. A rich, privileged prince. Gave some of the worst advice ever, which is why China is a communist dictatorship and India is a corrupt shithole. They followed his stupid, self-serving advice.
26   TechBrosWon   2021 Dec 15, 6:03pm  

richwicks says
FarmersWon says
Easier said than done. There is no value of principles without putting them in practice

You are absolutely wrong about that.

There's no value in going along to get along. That's what you are doing. Principles are absolute, and I only support them.

People without principles, they are just cattle. This nation can become a communist or entirely fascist nation - I'm going to the gulag before I break my principles. Sure, I will die, but I will die regardless, and I'll be a statistic, but at least I'll be a statistic, instead of a fucking colluder.

If you are comfortable with the scum of the Earth running the world, sure, bend with the wind. Buddha was an asshole. A pussy. A rich, privileged prince. Gave some of the worst advice ever, which is why China is a communist dictatorship and India is a corrupt shithole. They followed his stupid, self-serving advice.

I didn't mean to drop principles to support someone.
I meant that sometimes people pretend to be supporting something you support and all of sudden drop it for personal gain.
You have to constantly evaluate and change your opinion and not stick with group if it no longer matches with your principles.

I oppose Hindooo cult for corruption,discrimination and divisiveness.. If It fixes itself I no longer need to rail against it.
In spite of all my dislike I praised Hindooo cult for dropping the farm laws and not played high stake violent game. It doesn't matter the reasons, But It resulted in farmers going back home.... If there were communist government instead there would have been bloodshed.
27   richwicks   2021 Dec 15, 6:13pm  

FarmersWon says
I didn't mean to drop principles to support someone.
I meant that sometimes people pretend to be supporting something you support and all of sudden drop it for personal gain.

There's no saviors, no good men in white hats, nobody galloping in to save the day. Nancy Pelosi once SUPPOSEDLY opposed the Iraq War, but that was just bullshit. She's a unprincipled war whore slut. She's lying garbage, she has no actual principles.

FarmersWon says
You have to constantly evaluate and change your opinion

No you don't.

Divorce yourself from groups. If the groups change, who cares?

Today the Republican establishment more accurately reflect my principles than the Democrats do today, but that isn't true of the Republicans in 2002 and the Democrats of 2002. I'm used to having groups and organizations lie to me about what they, supposedly, believe in. They're all garbage.

The RNC will become absolute shit in 10 years time, THEY will change, but I will not. The unfortunate thing is they will take a lot of people along with them. People are cattle it seems.

FarmersWon says
You have to constantly evaluate and change your opinion and not stick with group if it no longer matches with your principles.

Never align yourself with a group, ever.
28   TechBrosWon   2021 Dec 15, 6:17pm  

richwicks says
Never align yourself with a group, ever.

I would modify and say "Trust but verify".
It is hard to achieve anything by yourself. All the great stuff in the past happened when good people get together.
Yes it is important to keep eyes opened as blind faith is dangerous.
29   richwicks   2021 Dec 15, 6:31pm  

FarmersWon says
richwicks says
Never align yourself with a group, ever.

I would modify and say "Trust but verify".
It is hard to achieve anything by yourself.

Nothing can be achieved when nobody has any fucking principles. Don't sway with the fucking wind.

I'm in Silly Con Valley, I view the people I work among as traitors, scum, pathetic, unprincipled, pathetic, and worms. They weren't like this 20 years ago, but they are now. That's because then do not have principles, I do though. Maybe naively, maybe very detrimentally.

FarmersWon says
All the great stuff in the past happened when good people get together.

Yeah, good things happened here when good people got together. We made it possible for you to bypass the propaganda, to talk to anybody on the planet, to get direct access to information, but people gradually sold out, and to pay for their mortgage and kid's college tuition, they abandoned their principles and enacted censorship, promoted propaganda, and cut off your access to information.

Don't join a fucking group.

FarmersWon says
Yes it is important to keep eyes opened as blind faith is dangerous.

There's no faith involved. It's just scurrilous sellouts. That's who I live among.

I know BRILLIANT INVENTIVE PEOPLE, who are getting a vaccination that they goddamned know full well is entirely ineffective because they judge this to be easier than to resist. Pathetic.

This is what happens when you make yourself a dependent on a system, and a member of a group that has gone corrupt. It's go-along-to-get along here now. This is no longer a place of innovation, it's a place of pathetic slaves who have completely prostituted themselves. This place is gone in 30 years. Maybe 5.
30   TechBrosWon   2021 Dec 15, 6:35pm  

richwicks says
Nothing can be achieved when nobody has any fucking principles. Don't sway with the fucking wind.

I'm in Silly Con Valley, I view the people I work among as traitors, scum, pathetic, unprincipled, pathetic, and worms. They weren't like this 20 years ago, but they are now. That's because then do not have principles, I do though. Maybe naively, maybe very detrimentally.

I am sorry but I am not allowed to be pessimistic based on Sikh principles.
I have seen Sikhs and others who laughed at any difficult situation and still did good in my personal life.... We are suppose to keep trying.
In Sikhism, chardi kala is the Punjabi term for aspiring to maintain a mental state of eternal optimism and joy. Sikhs are ideally expected to be in this positive state of mind as a sign of their contentment with the will of God (bhana), even during the times of adversity.[1]
31   richwicks   2021 Dec 15, 7:30pm  

FarmersWon says
I am sorry but I am not allowed to be pessimistic based on Sikh principles.

I'd argue "realistic". And you still want to throw yourself into a group.

FarmersWon says
In Sikhism, chardi kala is the Punjabi term for aspiring to maintain a mental state of eternal optimism and joy.

If it's useful for you to do, do it. If you don't try NOT doing it, you really have no comparison do you?
32   TechBrosWon   2021 Dec 15, 8:10pm  

richwicks says

I'd argue "realistic". And you still want to throw yourself into a group.

I think it is realistic to be vigilant, But I don't agree with you all the people are bad. Also sometimes bad folks also do good work. I just keep eye on work.

richwicks says

If it's useful for you to do, do it. If you don't try NOT doing it, you really have no comparison do you?

Super useful. It helped Sikh Farmers win war against the whole Hindooo cult supported by government establishment against all odds.
33   richwicks   2021 Dec 15, 8:26pm  

FarmersWon says
I think it is realistic to be vigilant, But I don't agree with you all the people are bad.

I never said all people are bad.

All groups grow corrupt. The NAACP was a good organization, 40 years ago. Now it's just a group of black bigots that engage in race baiting to continue their existence. Feminism was a decent and well meaning idea, now it's just a bunch of lesbians engaging in grievance studies to justify their existence.

The complaints of these groups were LONG ago addressed but fixing the problems they claim want solved doesn't pay salaries so they will always find and/or manufacture problems to bitch about. Has the NAACP condemned Jussie Smollett about staging a fake hate crime? Did NOW condemn the Jackie Coakley who falsely claimed she was gang raped in "A Rape on Campus"? There's never been an apology from Jessie Jackson on his support of Tawana Brawley. These people purposely try to create the problems they claim they are trying to solve. They are professional scum.

FarmersWon says
Super useful. It helped fight Sikh Farmers win war against the whole Hindooo cult

I just regard you as a bigot, but in general, I don't find it worthwhile to waste my time pointing out bigotry. It's like trying to convince a Jewish supremacist that killing Palestinians are wrong, they just revel in it. One shot two kills - just a wonderful thing to them. You think in terms of groups, not people. This is a primitive and tribal way of thinking. A unprincipled way of thinking. Something I abandoned before I was 20.
34   TechBrosWon   2021 Dec 15, 8:33pm  

richwicks says
The complaints of these groups were LONG ago addressed but fixing the problems they claim want solved doesn't pay salaries so they will always find and/or manufacture problems to bitch about.

Sure just don't follow the group which has run its course and no longer needed. I already asked @patrick to delete all "Farmer Protest" related threads as farmers already won. Now some may drag it longer, I am not going to be part of it.

richwicks says
I just regard you as a bigot, but in general, I don't find it worthwhile to waste my time pointing out bigotry

There is a difference between fighting tyranny and being bigot.

richwicks says
You think in terms of groups, not people

To do something good, You need a group. If idea has no followers it fails even if it is good one.
All freedom struggles and fight against tyranny had "tribal human nature".. You can only sacrifice your life if you feel some of your tribe(farmers in this case) will benefit. Look at this old guy fighting at farmer protest for one full year in cold and heat for year.

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