Million Post Party

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2022 Jan 3, 7:26pm   15,072 views  154 comments

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111   Patrick   2022 Jul 25, 1:07pm  

@BayArea what date might be good for you to meet us in Martinez?
112   richwicks   2022 Jul 28, 10:25am  

@BayArea @Patrick @Onvacation @mell @keeprubbersidedown

We meeting up or what? Did I miss out on anybody in this thread?

You know, San Jose might be a good central point to meet, it's at the end of the bay. San Jose isn't as horrible as it once was.
113   Ceffer   2022 Jul 28, 10:27am  

San Jose is OK. Martinez is a stretch from my stomping grounds.
114   richwicks   2022 Jul 28, 10:48am  

Ceffer says

San Jose is OK. Martinez is a stretch from my stomping grounds.

I'm taking time off, so I don't care really where it is, I can travel. I'm just throwing shit out there.
115   GreaterNYCDude   2022 Jul 28, 11:04am  

Have fun fellow patnetters! I'm stuck here on the east coast at least until Labor Day. Social calandsr is already pretty full!
116   Patrick   2022 Jul 28, 11:18am  

I'm up for it, and San Jose is OK for me, for harder for those in the East Bay.

We just need strong leadership to pick a date and place.
117   WookieMan   2022 Jul 28, 11:37am  

Patrick says

I'm up for it, and San Jose is OK for me, for harder for those in the East Bay.

We just need strong leadership to pick a date and place.

Date is probably most important. From there location. I'd love to try and do it, just depends on flights and as long as the wife isn't traveling herself. You guys can just drive and don't need lodging. So my prep would take more time. I'll give it a shot if you get a date. I know CA traffic is a bitch, but once there I can figure it out and don't really care location as long as it's not ghetto. Even then I'm okay. Just prefer something nicer. Dive bars are fun.
118   Patrick   2022 Jul 28, 11:56am  

WookieMan says

I'll give it a shot if you get a date.

@WookieMan How about any Saturday? You pick the Saturday, and if you get a plane ticket, the rest of us will conform to that.
119   richwicks   2022 Jul 28, 12:05pm  

GreaterNYCDude says

Have fun fellow patnetters! I'm stuck here on the east coast at least until Labor Day. Social calandsr is already pretty full!

I was going to ask where you live, but NYC is pretty obvious. I'm trying to help a friend move out of this shithole.

I'm almost tempted to recommend Malta, but it's NY. NY is as bad as Commiefornia. I'm thinking of the research triangle on the east coast. He's not going to put up with the LGBTQ shit.
120   Ceffer   2022 Jul 28, 12:11pm  

WookieMan can only come if he promises to nail a California LibbyFuck weenie with a can of beer at ten paces.
121   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Jul 28, 12:37pm  

Patrick says


You in the Bay Area?

Maryland, but used to live in the Bay Area.
122   Onvacation   2022 Aug 3, 10:24am  

Ceffer says

San Jose is OK. Martinez is a stretch from my stomping grounds.

Expand your horizons! Martinez is a two hour train ride from San Jose. Martinez is quaint. If it wasn't the county seat it would be dead. Because the jail, court, and administrative buildings are in town it's quite lively.
123   Onvacation   2022 Aug 3, 10:25am  

Patrick says

WookieMan says

I'll give it a shot if you get a date.

@WookieMan How about any Saturday? You pick the Saturday, and if you get a plane ticket, the rest of us will conform to that.

Works for me.
@WookieMan When's the party?
124   WookieMan   2022 Aug 3, 11:26am  

Patrick says

WookieMan says

I'll give it a shot if you get a date.

@WookieMan How about any Saturday? You pick the Saturday, and if you get a plane ticket, the rest of us will conform to that.

October 8th would be the earliest. I'm not accounting for kids soccer either as we don't have the schedule yet. And my wife's fall schedule fluctuates. But the 8th is the first clean date. Or not... Just checked the calendar, wife is at a conference Friday the 7th. I really cannot give a solid date at this point.

I want to get out there, but it's going to be really hard. I'm at the mercy of kids and the wife's schedule since she kicks my ass in earnings. It's not a money thing, just timing. A 9, 10 & 11 year old consume a lot. Plus we're super social.

Maybe it's another meetup. I'll 100% be out in San Diego fall 2023. I know it's a long time away. Maybe plan and make it an annual thing in different parts of CA for a night/weekend. In the meantime you guys might want to plan your own time for the million post party. Spring break 2023 in March might be possible as well and I can sneak off. I'll comment again on this tonight or tomorrow. Putting our dog down in 30 minutes. So distracted.
125   richwicks   2022 Aug 3, 12:11pm  

WookieMan says

Putting our dog down in 30 minutes. So distracted.

Sorry about that. I know how hard that is.
126   WookieMan   2022 Aug 3, 12:39pm  

richwicks says

WookieMan says

Putting our dog down in 30 minutes. So distracted.

Sorry about that. I know how hard that is.

It sucked as usual. #4 for me personally. Basket case as I tend to be. Good dog, but it was time. Did it in home.

We're done with dogs. This shit is hard. It's going to be weird being an animal empty nester. Maybe in 20 years, but our kids are too busy and so are we. It's not fair to the dog. For some reason I have more emotion with a dog than a human when they pass. Probably because you're playing god so to speak and ending a life. You can't turn back.

Let me get my head together and see what I can do. I've shared way too much info here about my life and so it's going to be weird explaining to the wife, so that's the other layer. I'm committed to doing it though. I'll figure something out. Just not right now.
127   richwicks   2022 Aug 3, 12:44pm  

WookieMan says

We're done with dogs. This shit is hard. It's going to be weird being an animal empty nester. Maybe in 20 years, but our kids are too busy and so are we. It's not fair to the dog. For some reason I have more emotion with a dog than a human when they pass. Probably because you're playing god so to speak and ending a life. You can't turn back.

Yeah, you spend their entire life to keep them healthy and happy, and you have to kill them in the end. God mode sucks.

You might enjoy doing dog fostering for a rescue group. That's how I started, but I'll warn you that you will eventually get a dog that is awesome, and wouldn't be well suited to anybody else other than you. That's how I got mine and you'll not want to give it up. I got two dogs that way, and when I put them down, I was done.

WookieMan says

Let me get my head together and see what I can do. I've shared way too much info here about my life and so it's going to be weird explaining to the wife, so that's the other layer. I'm committed to doing it though. I'll figure something out. Just not right now.

Well, this is not my call, but I wouldn't care if you brought your family along. Do they know your political views?
128   Onvacation   2022 Aug 3, 5:36pm  

I hope someone puts me down when the pain gets too great and quality of life gets too low
129   Patrick   2022 Aug 3, 5:38pm  

Thing is, who makes that judgement call? Hopefully no one with a financial motive.
130   Onvacation   2022 Aug 3, 5:43pm  

Patrick says

Thing is, who makes that judgement call?

Hopefully me. I still might need a little help with getting it done.

Side note: I once went sailing with a couple nurses (male). They were debating on the best way to end it and the conclusion was to get blackout drunk and fall off the back of the boat.

They were sailors.

One of the nurses fought and beat lung cancer. Unfortunately he then came down with brain cancer. Before he lost his mind and the pain got too great he arranged to overdose on morphine. He had a chance to say goodbye and did not have to go to the hospital and languish until the inevitable end.
131   Patrick   2022 Aug 3, 8:50pm  

My mother died of brain cancer in 2008. I flew back to visit when my sister said our mother was dying, and found that the nursing home was clearly giving her too much morphine. I made them stop, and she was no longer immediately "dying" and had a few more months where she was quite coherent.

The nursing home was definitely going to kill her with morphine, without anyone asking them to, least of all my mother herself. Maybe they wanted to save money or free up a bed, but it was not about pain.

In the end, the brain tumor paralyzed her to the point where she could not swallow anything, and since she was in hospice care, she died of thirst. They don't do anything at all to save you in hospice, no matter how simple or easy. People forget that. That was grim, takes about a week. Don't believe anyone who tells you you'll die in 3 days without water. Maybe in a desert you would, but not in bed.

She probably would have lasted quite a bit longer again with merely a saline drip, but they wouldn't do it. It was never clear to me what the best thing to do was.
132   richwicks   2022 Aug 3, 9:07pm  

Patrick says

She probably would have lasted quite a bit longer again with merely a saline drip, but they wouldn't do it. It was never clear to me what the best thing to do was.

Consider your own impending death.

I've experimented with starvation. It's not painful, although people claim it is. I've stopped eating for 2 weeks. After day 3, you are no longer hungry, but you don't function well, but there's no pain. At some point, I expect that's how I will die. It's acceptable in Catholicism.

My grandmother used to lie down "out of tiredness", and my well meaning mother, father, and her sister convinced her to see a doctor. She was put on a ton of medications, and lived 20 more years in a mist. When she broke her hip, she was taken off from all medications and became aware again. She lived 20 years in senility because of drugs. The drugs MAY have prolonged her life, but in a way, they ended it.

My mother is on statins, I have warned my parents against them, they attack all cholesterol, and that's what your brain MOSTLY is. Mom is in senility now, nobody listens to me though, I'm an engineer, my brother is a nurse. He's a true believer in all this bullshit. He knows more about medicine than I do for certain, but I know corruption better than anybody in my family.

Death is inevitable though, but I've seen dead people walking in my life. My mother is happy to hear from me, but, she remembers me as I was 30 years ago. They did the same fucking thing to her they did to her mother. Fuck them. They are parasites.

I have ZERO trust in medical professionals. If I die in 5 years, fine, better than giving these goddamn vultures anything. Look at these fucking sniveling shithead cowards, they MUST know the vaccines are useless, when we do. Yet how many of these mother fuckers will stand up? 0.01%? SOME do, very few do.

Same for my profession. I'm an EE in Silicon Valley. Our corporations spy on you, infringe your rights, silence you, lie to you. My colleagues enable that. It's a paycheck, even if it means their kids become slaves. They profit from it. We are INFESTED with the intelligence agencies, you didn't break terms of service when you were suspended, you told the truth, and our government doesn't want the public to know the truth.

I'm so fucking disgusted with the corporations WE CREATED.

We have to make a system that can't be centrally controlled. Nobody to bribe, nobody to threaten, complete dispersion.

We are an EARLY technological civilization. Remember that, but we are approaching a stability. In 1000 years, the visual display you have as a TV won't be any better, it can't be any better, nor will be audio. We are fast approaching the fastest computer chip, maybe it can be 100 times faster, but do you need or care about that? It's probably less than 10 times, probably less than 5. Now that we've done the fundamental work, let's see what society does with it.

You don't know the power you have.
133   Onvacation   2022 Aug 18, 4:37pm  

richwicks says

Consider your own impending death

Party in Martinez Saturday August 27, from one until done. ( I can last about two hours or three beers, whatever comes first.)

Who's in?
134   Ceffer   2022 Aug 18, 4:39pm  

I'll try if it is certain, but can't make any promises due to distance and possible spousal unit blockade.
135   Patrick   2022 Aug 18, 4:50pm  

I'm in if we can get a quorum of four.

Onvacation and me makes two, and Ceffer is possible.

136   Patrick   2022 Aug 18, 4:51pm  

@Ebay Martinez Saturday August 27?
137   richwicks   2022 Aug 18, 4:58pm  

Onvacation says

richwicks says

Consider your own impending death

Party in Martinez Saturday August 27, from one until done. ( I can last about two hours or three beers, whatever comes first.)

Who's in?

@Onvacation - Well, of course I'm in. Where? San Jose might be the easiest place to meet since I don't think driving is a good idea, and it's at the bottom of the bay. It's reachable by Amtrak and @Patrick can take the 22 if he wants OR Caltrain. Both Amtrak and Caltrain land at Diridon Station and there's a little bit of a walk to make it to the bars. Here's one:


There's quite a few places in the local area, I used to work down there about 10 years ago, I don't know what still exists, but there's plenty of places. There's also Teskie's:


And that's right next door to an English place (I think it's English) called Trials.

I once found a collarless malamute wandering about down there, grabbed a makeshift leash, and parked my ass there until the owners showed up asking me why the hell I had their dog. I just told them I did fostering, I was grateful they found her, and if they didn't have a microchip in her, she'd be in foster within a week if I didn't find them on Craigstlist.

Chip your animals dumbasses. If I find a dog wandering, it's an OBLIGATION for me to deal with it. Gone through that 4 times now. Always found the owners, after a shitload of effort. Used to piss me off to no extent they would allow their dog to have no collar and no chip, because then I was struck trying to find the owner just because they were too lazy to put a collar on their dog or to chip them.
138   Onvacation   2022 Aug 18, 5:16pm  

richwicks says

Well, of course I'm in. Where

Location in Martinez. Info to confirmed guests. Easy walk from the Amtrak station. If you have never ridden the train along the East bay and Carquinez Strait before it's a cool trip. Nothing personal, but I try to avoid the peninsula.

2 probable
1 possible
Anyone else coming? Patrick is a nice guy and if you bring his book, he will sign it for you.
140   richwicks   2022 Aug 18, 5:21pm  

Onvacation says

Nothing personal, but I try to avoid the peninsula.

This was a cool place 20 years ago, now it's just kind of a pathetic shithole, so I won't take offense.

If I can make it by Amtrak, that's fine.

You probably have my email. I have to send one guy the Amiga rom images from like a year ago. I have literally been waiting a year for ONE rom to complete. I give up, and will make it work. Got to do the research to see what combination made an Amiga 500 work. There's rom AND kickstart and do the same for a 600. Booting that up on an emulator though gives me NO nostalgia, the bad old days...

Strange how "high tech" is now commonplace now. It was an impressive machine for its time, but agony to use today.
141   mell   2022 Aug 18, 5:23pm  

Have to pass, am on a nice long vacation at the other coast.
142   richwicks   2022 Aug 18, 7:09pm  

mell says

Have to pass, am on a nice long vacation at the other coast.

I'm going to make a crazy recommendation, go to fly-over country. Don't bring any of your big shitty bullshit with you, just enjoy it and be polite, don't talk about how where you are from is better, and mix with the locals.

Stay in some small shithole of nowhere, and experience it. You'll find out it's not a shithole, they just rejected the shithole you live in long ago. No tourist raps, no landmarks, just experience the culture.

When I was FORCED to go to Paris, I was in the 5th district instead of a $2,000 a night hotel. I did this to be able to talk to the common Frenchman, not a bunch as twats falling over themselves to cater to me. If you are going to travel, see what the locals do. That's an experience.

Seriously go visit some place where people are like "why would you vacation here?" Don't be rude, don't be arrogant, just enjoy the experience.
143   Patrick   2022 Aug 18, 9:29pm  

richwicks says

If I can make it by Amtrak, that's fine.

Yes, this started because I saw that Amtrack goes to downtown Martinez.

I can coordinate taking the same train as you if you like @richwicks
144   richwicks   2022 Aug 19, 1:03am  

Patrick says

richwicks says

If I can make it by Amtrak, that's fine.

Yes, this started because I saw that Amtrack goes to downtown Martinez.

I can coordinate taking the same train as you if you like @richwicks

Well, you obviously have my secret email - and I will be accommodating. Instead of going down to Diridon station and then up, you may just want to cross a bridge.

I almost find public transport to be a fun puzzle at this point. So fucked up. Be careful with Amtrak, they can literally be 40 minutes late on short runs, and HOURS late on long ones. Hunter Biden is on the BOD of Amtrak, honestly.
145   mell   2022 Aug 19, 4:32am  

richwicks says

mell says

Have to pass, am on a nice long vacation at the other coast.

I'm going to make a crazy recommendation, go to fly-over country. Don't bring any of your big shitty bullshit with you, just enjoy it and be polite, don't talk about how where you are from is better, and mix with the locals.

Stay in some small shithole of nowhere, and experience it. You'll find out it's not a shithole, they just rejected the shithole you live in long ago. No tourist raps, no landmarks, just experience the culture.

When I was FORCED to go to Paris, I was in the 5th district instead of a $2,000 a night hotel. I did this to be able to talk to the common Frenchman, not a bunch as twats falling over themselves to cater to me. If you are going to travel, see what the locals do. That's an experience.

Seriously go visit some place where people are like "why would you v...

We're in coastal/rural Maine right now, Trump land. Has always been. MAGA!
146   Patrick   2022 Aug 19, 5:55am  

@mell It's nice to hear that at least part of the US cost is MAGA country.
147   Onvacation   2022 Aug 19, 6:00am  

My wife is from Maine. Lots of people there think they have white privilege. Very few people of color.
148   WookieMan   2022 Aug 19, 6:42am  

mell says

We're in coastal/rural Maine right now, Trump land. Has always been. MAGA!

RURAL. That is the key. Most people live in the same place. Travel helps but is different. I've done the 3 big locations. City (Chicago). Suburban (Geneva). Rural (I'm here now and not doxing myself. Far Western suburbs). Rural wins hands down.

Caveat though, if you're not social, you will feel alienated in rural areas. Hard to get into the mix so to speak if you don't understand what you're getting into and are pompous. But if you do it's the best. So then I'd go for suburban if you basically look down on people. Obviously work and income plays a big role in this. Never do cities once you turn 25 is what I'd advise. Frankly, living in Chicago was fun, but may have been the worst decision of my life. Top 3 at least.
149   richwicks   2022 Aug 22, 3:19pm  

Patrick says

@Ebay Martinez Saturday August 27?

@Patrick, are we meeting up this weekend with @Onvacation and others in Martinez?
150   Patrick   2022 Aug 22, 3:27pm  

@richwicks I'll go if we can get four people at least. So far, it's you, me, and Onvacation.

Anyone else?

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