Patnet: listen to the Robert Malone podcast by Joe Rogan on Spotify

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2022 Jan 3, 10:24pm   8,449 views  63 comments

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59   Patrick   2022 Oct 25, 10:51am  


Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, voiced some strong opinions about the flu shot at the Florida COVID Summit. Take a listen.

"It's wrapped around the idea that we should coerce the population to take a product on an annual basis so that we can maintain warm base manufacturing in case something like 1918 ever happens again. And it's all built basically on a lie."

original link
60   Patrick   2022 Oct 28, 11:03am  


Oct 27
So, the fake telegram account using my name is reposting from and commenting on Naomi Wolf's fake telegram account. Naomi Wolf's fake telegram is reposting from and commenting on the fake account with my name.

I have been told by the authors of the Themis report that we can expect to see the cast of characters exposed in this report continuing to post fake-outs., lies as the attempts to infiltrate and subvert the medical freedom movement are still going on.

What a sad state of affairs - and the question is. who is paying the named infiltrators to do this work?


@Ceffer It seems there really are some conspiracies.
61   Patrick   2023 Apr 1, 7:21pm  


The deep state attack on Robert Malone includes fabricated tweets
The attack is a lot bigger than Peter and Ginger Breggin. Use Discernment.

Meryl Nass
7 hr ago

From Robert himself replying to my question about the tweet below: "this is a fake that has been constructed and then circulated.

Look at the date. I was not using Twitter at that time.”

Can you see how important it is to destroy this man? DISCERNMENT is the word. If something smells fishy, it probably is. This didn’t sound anything like the reasoned person we have all listened to. It sounded exactly like a smear.

Hopefully we can all soon work together for our common liberation and spend our energies fruitfully. If someone feeds you hogwash, I recommend you stop listening to them.
62   Patrick   2023 May 22, 8:44pm  


Since the COVID-19 vaccines first came out, I have had many vaccine-injured patients, friends have contacted me about relatives who died suddenly, and I’ve spent an immense amount of time reading vaccine injury reports online. Once it became apparent that none of my colleagues would consider these concerns because they were trapped in a mass formation about the vaccines being 95% effective and our salvation from the pandemic, I felt trapped and hopeless.

Before long, I could at least meticulously confirm and document each injury I came across. I was unsure if it would ultimately lead to anything, but I had a strong feeling that, for some reason, I needed to do it. I then rationalized this hunch under the logic that making a log would give me a better sense of if the reports I saw online were accurately describing the catastrophe that was unfolding, it would provide me with some form of proof I could show colleagues who insisted there was no evidence whatsoever the vaccines were harmful, and it was a way I could at least pay respect to those who were injured. ...

With the COVID-19 vaccines, I have observed that their injuries fall into a few common patterns, and the myriad of symptoms you observe can normally be traced back to one or more of these creating the specific symptom:

1. Severe inflammation and autoimmunity throughout the body.

2. Circulatory obstruction throughout the body.

3. Immune suppression.

... I believe the first problem is a property of the spike protein being extremely immunogenic (which may in part be due to it collapsing the zeta potential of the body), the spike protein having homologies to a variety of human tissue (thereby creating autoimmunity to those tissues) and vaccines being designed so that the immunogenic spike protein is expressed on the surfaces of tissue, thereby causing the immune system to attack the mRNA transfected tissues. ...

... Given the high rate of significant COVID-19 vaccine injuries, two possibilities seem quite plausible.

The first is that the COVID-19 vaccines have also injured numerous public officials.

The second is that if those officials pushed for mandating the COVID-19 vaccines on the population, like Justin Bieber, they would likely try to cover up their injury rather than speak out on the issue.

For example, Illinois Democrat and US Representative Sean Casten’s 17-year-old daughter Gwen died suddenly and unexpectedly in her sleep Sunday night, June 12, 2022. For context, prior to the vaccines, a sudden death in an adolescent was extraordinarily rare. When independent journalists investigated the events, they found both that Casten’s family aggressively promoted the vaccine and that there was a high likelihood one killed his daughter. ...

In addition to Casten, there have been many other suspicious incidents strongly suggestive of COVID-19 vaccine injury existing throughout the Democratic leadership (that included prolonged and conspicuous absences) and of those injuries being covered up.

The best sample I have come across can be found in the U.S. Senate. Briefly, since the vaccines entered the market:

Ben Ray Luján is a freshman New Mexico Democratic Senator who repeatedly promoted the COVID-19 vaccines:

On January 27, 2022, Luján (then 49) was hospitalized in Santa Fe after feeling fatigued and dizzy. He was found to have had a stroke affecting his cerebellum and was transferred to the University of New Mexico Hospital for treatment, which included a decompressive craniectomy. A statement from his office said that "he is expected to make a full recovery". Luján returned to work at the Senate on March 3 and stated by April 21 that he was 90% recovered.

Jon Fetterman, a freshman Pennsylvania Democratic Senator (then aged 52) on May 17, 2022, less than a month after strongly endorsing the vaccine, suffered a stroke two days before the state primary for his senate seat. Despite significant signs of cognitive impairment since his stroke, Fetterman somehow won the primary and then the general election. Since becoming elected, Fetterman has had prolonged periods of absence from the U.S. Senate due to needing specialized medical care:

Fetterman was hospitalized for syncope (lightheadedness) for two days beginning on February 10, 2023. Two days after his release he was hospitalized again, for a severe case of major depression. For about two months, Fetterman lived and worked at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center. ...

It is also important to consider that in addition to strokes being one of the most common complications of the COVID-19 vaccines, both Luján and Fetterman were at an age where unexpected strokes are fairly rare.

I would argue that both of these events occurring not long after the vaccines entered the market (to a 49-year-old and a 52-year-old within a group of 48 people) was so unlikely that it cannot be attributed to chance.

However, while those two senators' stories are compelling, Dianne Feinstein's is the most important one in my opinion.

In late February, Dianne Feinstein was hospitalized for shingles. ...

Unfortunately, like Fetterman, a significant neurological injury occurred that became impossible to coverup once she returned, forcing Feinstein and her staff to come clean about what happened:

Adam Russell, a spokesman for Feinstein, said that the encephalitis, or inflammation of the brain, “resolved itself shortly after she was released from the hospital in March.” Feinstein continues to have complications from the Ramsay Hunt syndrome, Russell said.

I am relatively sure other prominent leaders and members of the senate besides Luján, Fetterman, and Feinstein have had significant COVID-19 vaccine injuries—the only difference being that they were possible to cover up because they did not prevent the senator from being able to appear to do their job. However, if we assume those three were the only ones injured and assume that all Democrat senators vaccinated themselves, given that there are presently 48 Democratic senators, this represents a 6.25% rate of severe injury following COVID-19 vaccination.

This figure is both in line with the 7% rate of “major” injury following vaccination Rasmussen survey respondents reported and Ed Dowd’s conservative estimate of 18% of vaccine recipients suffering a complication from vaccination and 0.93% of vaccine recipients becoming disabled.

It is both utterly inexcusable that our political leaders would be pushing something this dangerous onto the population and also quite perplexing they have continued to do so even after they’ve had first-hand experience with the COVID-19 vaccine’s devastating consequences.
63   Patrick   2023 Dec 16, 11:17pm  


Did Robert Malone in 2014, use these words: "yet another predictable consequence of unchecked global population growth" in response to Insider Politics tweet?

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