Protests in Kazakhstan

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2022 Jan 6, 9:14am   6,931 views  134 comments

by Bd6r   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

Coming soon to Europe and US of A...

The protesters demanded that the authorities give vouchers to resorts, lower prices (of gas) and the abolition of vaccinations. You won't hear the last part on MSM. Hundreds are dead.


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1   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Jan 6, 9:24am  

What are the gun laws in Kazakhstan? Wondering how the rebels got a hold of machine guns so quickly.

After Ukraine, and Arab Spring, very skeptical of any rebellion being organic.
2   Bd6r   2022 Jan 6, 9:31am  

NuttBoxer says
What are the gun laws in Kazakhstan? Wondering how the rebels got a hold of machine guns so quickly.

After Ukraine, and Arab Spring, very skeptical of any rebellion being organic.

They disarmed a few army units (if you click on the twatter link and go down their posts, they have a lot of info: https://twitter.com/newkc14/status/1478830503365160962) and a few police units went over to protesters. WARNING: this twatter is for Chechen rebels aka islamists. They have been a fairly reliable source of information that does not appear on MSM.
If it is not organic uprising, my bet would be on Russians or Chinese. Chaos in Kazakhstan will result in Kazakh state becoming a vassal of one of those. Slogans in the rebellion are very different from those in Ukraine, there is no demands for democracy etc, mostly unhappiness with scamdemic and local corruption.
3   B.A.C.A.H.   2022 Jan 6, 9:39am  

Bd6r says
If it is not organic uprising, my bet would be on Russians or Chinese. Chaos in Kazakhstan will result in Kazakh state becoming a vassal of one of those.

Sounds like the UK and CIA doings in Iran in 1953.
4   RWSGFY   2022 Jan 6, 9:49am  

NuttBoxer says
What are the gun laws in Kazakhstan? Wondering how the rebels got a hold of machine guns so quickly.

After Ukraine, and Arab Spring, very skeptical of any rebellion being organic.

Pretty easy to legally own semi-auto rifles, afaik. Less restrictions than, say, California. Handguns are unobtanium though.

As for MGs: every police precinct has an arsenal of full-auto AKs there - storm one of these and you're cooking with butter.
5   Bd6r   2022 Jan 6, 9:50am  


Protesters aka rioters aka freedom fighters aka terrorists get their hands on RPG's.
6   RWSGFY   2022 Jan 6, 9:51am  

Bd6r says
NuttBoxer says
What are the gun laws in Kazakhstan? Wondering how the rebels got a hold of machine guns so quickly.

After Ukraine, and Arab Spring, very skeptical of any rebellion being organic.

They disarmed a few army units (if you click on the twatter link and go down their posts, they have a lot of info: https://twitter.com/newkc14/status/1478830503365160962) and a few police units went over to protesters. WARNING: this twatter is for Chechen rebels aka islamists. They have been a fairly reliable source of information that does not appear on MSM.
If it is not organic uprising, my bet would be on Russians or Chinese. Chaos in Kazakhstan will result in Kazakh state becoming a vassal of one of those. Slogans in the rebellion are very different from those in Ukraine, there is no demands for democracy etc, mostly unhappiness with scamdemic and local corruption.

It's the Russians, I'm pretty sure. Nazarbaev was holding off any re-integration attempts for 30 years but got old and let the shit get out of control.
7   Ceffer   2022 Jan 6, 12:57pm  

N appoints T in Khaz after ceding leadership but keeps control of military just in case. T and N both consort with world powers, pitting them against each other for advantage. N was buddy of England, mightily irritating the Russkies. Russian colonialist minority, probably hated for atrocities during prior Kommie occupation. Muslims and Asian natives, chronically oppressed and impoverished by corruption. Oligarchs living large on the resources while pissing on the people. But, guv gives them cheap gas. Then, takes away cheap gas because it's bad for the bottom line.

T mad at N because of military control and wants to take it away. T may want new Guv himself, finally unseats N from military. CIA sees internal tensions, decides that Russia talks coming up, Russia already busy with Ukraine and trying to sweet talk Belarus and Balkan States into merging back into Russia, with MAYBE a mini conquest of Eastern Ukraine where the Russians are. Khaz, like Ukraine, has natural resources and is also a great source of criminal enterprise for laundering, trafficking, etc. incomes for CIA/corrupt pols in West.

Talks coming up between Russia and USA. Further tension on Russia works to Western advantage. Time is ripe to stir the pot in Russia's ballsack? Russia forced to intervene on basis of mutual protection pact, install guv for T as new fair weather friend, killerate a bunch of the native Khaz and be embarrassed as fiend? What could possibly go wrong?

Anyway, Russia probably right that this is standard CIA/MI6 type meddling.
9   Eric Holder   2022 Jan 6, 3:27pm  

Ceffer says

Ukraine is most def not in that new incarnation of Warsaw Pact. The dead giveaway would be the obscure fact that they are in an active military conflict with Russia.
10   Bd6r   2022 Jan 6, 4:37pm  

Eric Holder says
Ukraine is most def not in that new incarnation of Warsaw Pact. The dead giveaway would be the obscure fact that they are in an active military conflict with Russia.

Neither are Georgia and Azerbaijan AFAIK
shows Sorcha Faal suffers from serious lack of competency and inability to use web searches
11   Bd6r   2022 Jan 6, 4:44pm  

Ceffer says
Anyway, Russia probably right that this is standard CIA/MI6 type meddling.

Of course, everything in the world is CIA/MIA/Zionist meddling. It can't be Russians or Chinese meddling, can it, or two Kazakh factions fighting (like it was in Kyrgyzstan)?

Quite interestingly, it appears that while most stores/banks/etc are looted, those belonging to two of the Kazakh oligarchs are quite safe in this mayhem.
12   richwicks   2022 Jan 6, 5:16pm  

Bd6r says
Ceffer says
Anyway, Russia probably right that this is standard CIA/MI6 type meddling.

Of course, everything in the world is CIA/MIA/Zionist meddling. It can't be Russians or Chinese meddling, can it, or two Kazakh factions fighting (like it was in Kyrgyzstan)?

Sure it COULD be Chinese or Russian, but I have seen the US Federal government lie about why it's been blowing up 7 fucking nations now.

If the people in charge of the United States want us to believe them, they could start by not fucking telling us ridiculous lies. Hell, the WEST has to stop telling us ridiculous lies.

I remember when the US was claiming that Russia was invading Ukraine and the pictures they posted of "proof" were actually a Ukraine/Russian joint military practice operation a year before. I remember when the UK claimed that Sergei Skripal was poisoned by a MADE UP nerve agent that doesn't exist. The brilliant plan was to smear a NERVE AGENT on a door in the hopes that Sergei would touch it and supposedly he did, but he survived. Oh and Ukraine had a "revolution" that somehow Victoria Nuland knew was going to lead to the ouster of Yanukovych a month before the revolution.

If the US government wants us to believe them, they have to be fucking credible for once.

Now I don't know how much the Russians or Chinese lie in their foreign policy objectives, but I sure as fuck know how much the US lies. Iraq, Libya, Syria - all COMPLETE fucking lies, and they are so fucking stupid they are surprised nobody believes them now. The US government has ZERO credibility, and it's their own goddamned fault.

Bd6r says
Quite interestingly, it appears that while most stores/banks/etc are looted, those belonging to two of the Kazakh oligarchs are quite safe in this mayhem.

That's how I feel about Kazakhstan - that's how 99.9% of Americans do. I don't know what is going on there, and I'm fucking positive that whatever my government CLAIMS is going on there is a FUCKING LIE because they ALWAYS lie.
13   RWSGFY   2022 Jan 6, 5:21pm  

richwicks says
Bd6r says
Ceffer says
Anyway, Russia probably right that this is standard CIA/MI6 type meddling.

Of course, everything in the world is CIA/MIA/Zionist meddling. It can't be Russians or Chinese meddling, can it, or two Kazakh factions fighting (like it was in Kyrgyzstan)?

Sure it COULD be Chinese or Russian, but I have seen the US Federal government lie about why it's been blowing up 7 fucking nations now.

If the people in charge of the United States want us to believe them, they could start by not fucking telling us ridiculous lies. Hell, the WEST has to stop telling us ridiculous lies.

I remember when the US was claiming that Russia was invading Ukraine and the pictures the posted were traced to a Ukraine/Russian joint military practice operation a year before.

So Russia is NOT invading Ukraine and the proof is some misappropriated pictures? Shall we ignore the actual land grabs based on that solid "evidence"? The picture completely cancels the fact of occupation and annexion of, say, Crimea, is it what you are trying to say here?
14   richwicks   2022 Jan 6, 5:38pm  

FuckCCP89 says
So Russia is NOT invading Ukraine and the proof is some misappropriated pictures?

This is what satellite imagery looks like today for common public use:


If Russia actually invaded Ukraine, my government could do better than to fucking lie to the entire nation. If my government didn't have to fucking lie to me, why would they be fucking lying to me? Got any theories on that?

FuckCCP89 says
The picture completely cancels the fact of occupation and annexion of, say, Crimea, is it what you are trying to say here?

The first asshole that the US installed to control Ukraine was some fanatical lunatic that was openly, and repeatedly, talking about killing Russians and egging on Ukrainians to do just that. Crimea is something like 98% ethnic Russian, and so a very (very) hasty resolution was drawn up that gave people a choice of either becoming an independent nation, or part of Russia again since Crimea was only part of Ukraine because Khrushchev gave it to Ukraine because he didn't think they USSR would ever fall.

It didn't matter anyhow, because Russia was sure as fuck not going to give up their ONLY warm water port in the world which is in Crimea.

In any case, the real purpose of the overthrow of Ukraine was to make certain Ukraine became indebted to the ECB instead of Russia, to stall (or even kill) the Nordstream II, to hopefully take out Russia's warm water port, to force Ukraine to be part of the EU, and to push NATO further East because the fucking LUNATICS of this nation are willing to start WWIII because the Cold War kept the US dollar stable and they think a new Cold War will extend its lifetime.

Every war is a fucking banker's war. We were good buddies with the Russian Federation until Putin came into power and them put their central bank under the government's thumb. Technically Russia's central bank is independent, but only technically. The state completely controls it. This differs from our situation and Europe's situation - those banks control our governments, entirely.
15   Bd6r   2022 Jan 6, 8:51pm  

richwicks says
If Russia actually invaded Ukraine

1. Martians invaded Crimea, didn't they?

2. Please see Russian semi-state media showing Russian paratroopers captured 20-30 km inside Ukraine.


richwicks says
That's how I feel about Kazakhstan - that's how 99.9% of Americans do.

You do seem to care as you do comment. As for myself, I care enough for "academic interest", not more.

You seem to believe Russian lies over American ones.
16   Ceffer   2022 Jan 6, 10:22pm  

What's your best guess, Bdr6? Nobody seems to have much of a handle on means, motive or opportunity.

It seems the West already got much of what they wanted aka open season criminal enterprise etc. for the intels, and a handle on Khaz's resources. With Hunter and Joe canoodling with the oligarchs, it didn't look much like 'From Russia With Love'. Does Russia want to install its own government? Or just a populace tired of the bullshit?
17   AmericanKulak   2022 Jan 6, 11:45pm  

The other element to this is how long the Russia-China cooperation in Central Asia will last.

That area is beyond my ken, but I'm sure it's breaking down. Russia and China look at each other and see Mongols.

I'd be happy if I was getting a "Fuck Central Asia and Who cares about the Donbass Rust Belt" from Biden.

It's more like a kind of fearful unwillingness to engage with either China OR Russia at all. Almost like Obama's Third Administration knows why and how their toast got buttered.

When you look at the retarded inept retreat from Afghanistan, and the lack of any activity (such as Diplomatic Overtures to resolve the situation or promises of aid, even non-lethal) in Ukraine, it looks more like Fear and Uncomfort over engagement rather than Benign Neglect.
18   Ceffer   2022 Jan 7, 4:56am  

Seems some are saying the precipitating event wasn't gas prices (nobody really thought so) but banks wouldn't allow withdrawals without vaccine passports. This guy says that the politicians and a lot of police and soldiers have attempted to flee, but I am not familiar with his degree of Woo. Impressive that by sheer weight of bodies they can go after them like this. I hope they catch the leaders they are after. This would have to give pause to the NWO and Great Reset Nazi/Kommie crap.:
19   richwicks   2022 Jan 7, 5:20am  

Bd6r says
richwicks says
If Russia actually invaded Ukraine

1. Martians invaded Crimea, didn't they?

2. Please see Russian semi-state media showing Russian paratroopers captured 20-30 km inside Ukraine.

Who cares? I don't care if Russia goes to war with Ukraine. Again, this wouldn't be a problem is the US didn't overthrow the Ukrainian government.

Bd6r says
richwicks says
That's how I feel about Kazakhstan - that's how 99.9% of Americans do.

You do seem to care as you do comment. As for myself, I care enough for "academic interest", not more.

You seem to believe Russian lies over American ones.

I care that my stupid fucking maniac government is trying to drag us into yet ANOTHER war that doesn't matter.

That my government, incessantly lies to the public to gain support for US meddling is what pisses me off. My government wouldn't have to lie, if the truth would suffice.

The US is trying to prevent Russia from exporting energy to Europe and place Russia under the thumb of the ECB or the Fed. That's all this bullshit is about and frankly, the Fed is the enemy of everybody in the United States.
20   RWSGFY   2022 Jan 7, 5:28am  

richwicks says
Bd6r says
richwicks says
If Russia actually invaded Ukraine

1. Martians invaded Crimea, didn't they?

2. Please see Russian semi-state media showing Russian paratroopers captured 20-30 km inside Ukraine.

Who cares?

We do. Stop spreading bullshit - it contaminates the site.
21   richwicks   2022 Jan 7, 5:50am  

FuckCCP89 says
richwicks says
Bd6r says
richwicks says
If Russia actually invaded Ukraine

1. Martians invaded Crimea, didn't they?

2. Please see Russian semi-state media showing Russian paratroopers captured 20-30 km inside Ukraine.

Who cares?

We do. Stop spreading bullshit - it contaminates the site.

My government does.


Why does the US even give a shit if Ukraine WERE taken over entirely by Russia? Say Russia does this, how does this effect Americans and this nation?

You tell me what the US' stake is in this stupid conflict. Explain.
23   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Jan 7, 8:28am  

Russia supposedly sent in para-troopers, so no Communist support. Either this is organic, or Five Eyes backed.
24   Bd6r   2022 Jan 7, 8:36am  

Ceffer says
What's your best guess, Bdr6? Nobody seems to have much of a handle on means, motive or opportunity.

I am not quite sure. This caught my attention because one reason for detonation was forced vaccinations, and another was high gas prices. Seems similar to here and Western Europe. Having said that, discontent is definitely helped by some actors, either outside, or factions inside Kazakhstan. We'll know who they are after all this settles down. Currently the losing faction is one of former Pres. Nazarbayev. Plus it appears that islamists, who were suppressed, are now on rise.
25   Bd6r   2022 Jan 7, 8:38am  

richwicks says
My government does.


Why does the US even give a shit if Ukraine WERE taken over entirely by Russia? Say Russia does this, how does this effect Americans and this nation?

You tell me what the US' stake is in this stupid conflict. Explain.

That is a different issue from saying that Russia does not invade Ukraine, which you have repeatedly claimed before, and which is demonstrably false.
26   richwicks   2022 Jan 7, 8:50am  

Bd6r says
richwicks says
My government does.


Why does the US even give a shit if Ukraine WERE taken over entirely by Russia? Say Russia does this, how does this effect Americans and this nation?

You tell me what the US' stake is in this stupid conflict. Explain.

That is a different issue from saying that Russia does not invade Ukraine, which you have repeatedly claimed before, and which is demonstrably false.

I really don't know if they did or not.

What I do know, is that my government has NO credibility at all. I know, with absolute certainty, my government fucking lies like a dog, and that hurts me to say - I like dogs. But I don't like my fucking lying government.

If they want me to believe them, all they need to do is

1) stop telling me blatantly obvious lies.
2) take the assholes in government that have told us fucking obvious lies to GET US TO START A WAR, and try them for TREASON, because that is what they are engaging in
3) and start telling the truth.

Until then, my government can go FUCK OFF.

NOTHING THEY SAY IS CREDIBLE. Is the FSB more trustworthy and reliable than the CIA, FBI, and NSA? Well, it couldn't be LESS trustworthy.

My government, as far as I'm fucking concerned, is entirely illegitimate. They probably did 9/11, they certainly have lied us into at LEAST 3 wars, and they are just a bunch of fucking criminals. The latest example is that Jizzlane Maxwell was found guilty of child trafficking and sexual exploitation - but all of her clients are UNNAMED. Fuck my fucking government. ANYTHING those mother fuckers want to do, I'm against at this point because NOTHING they've done in foreign policy for the last 2 fucking solid decades has helped me, you, this nation, or anybody in any way.

original link

If these scurrilous motherfuckers told me water was wet, I'd have to go draw some water and check. It is at this point safer to assume any claim they make, and I mean ANY claim they make, is a lie, because they lie FAR MORE OFTEN than they tell the truth.
27   Bd6r   2022 Jan 7, 8:54am  

richwicks says
NOTHING THEY SAY IS CREDIBLE. Is the FSB more trustworthy and reliable than the CIA, FBI, and NSA? Well, it couldn't be LESS trustworthy.

They all are the same.

richwicks says
I really don't know if they did or not.

Russians admitted to it, but you keep clinging to your belief that they did not invade. Facts don't matter.
28   richwicks   2022 Jan 7, 9:02am  

Bd6r says
richwicks says
I really don't know if they did or not.

Russians admitted to it, but you keep clinging to your belief that they did not invade.

No, Russia claimed the soldiers were lost on patrol, they were arrested without incident,


Bd6r says
Facts don't matter.

Facts matter certainly. But my government refuses to give the public facts, and instead produces a steady and unrelenting stream of lies.

That's why my government can go fuck itself when they are trying to drum up support for another fucking war, and this time, with a nuclear super power. Fuck them.

Bd6r says
richwicks says
NOTHING THEY SAY IS CREDIBLE. Is the FSB more trustworthy and reliable than the CIA, FBI, and NSA? Well, it couldn't be LESS trustworthy.

They all are the same.

You DO understand that I don't care if the Russian government lies to the Russian people, but I DO care when the US government lies to the American people? And you understand WHY that's the case?


I'm an American, and when my government lies to me, they are lying to the country, and when they are lying to the country, it can ONLY be because they are acting in an illegitimate manner.
29   Bd6r   2022 Jan 7, 9:25am  

richwicks says
No, Russia claimed the soldiers were lost on patrol, they were arrested without incident,

Accidentally lost 20-30 km inside Ukraine? Highly trained paratroopers? With satellite-based GPS systems? If you believe they were there by "mistake", I have a bridge in New York to sell you..

richwicks says
But my government refuses to give the public facts, and instead produces a steady and unrelenting stream of lies.

Of course they do, we all know that. But so do all other governments and we can't trust anyone.
30   Bd6r   2022 Jan 7, 9:26am  

richwicks says
You DO understand that I don't care if the Russian government lies to the Russian people, but I DO care when the US government lies to the American people? And you understand WHY that's the case?

Yes I do. But you should not transmit lies by Russian government as well. That takes away from your credibility. Everything has to be questioned.
31   RWSGFY   2022 Jan 7, 9:30am  

richwicks says
FuckCCP89 says
richwicks says
Bd6r says
richwicks says
If Russia actually invaded Ukraine

1. Martians invaded Crimea, didn't they?

2. Please see Russian semi-state media showing Russian paratroopers captured 20-30 km inside Ukraine.

Who cares?

We do. Stop spreading bullshit - it contaminates the site.

My government does.


Why does the US even give a shit if Ukraine WERE taken over entirely by Russia?

Stop running away from admitting you tried to gaslight us wrt simple and well-known facts. You deserve your lying government, liar.
32   richwicks   2022 Jan 7, 10:01am  

Bd6r says
richwicks says
No, Russia claimed the soldiers were lost on patrol, they were arrested without incident,

Accidentally lost 20-30 km inside Ukraine?

Certainly they could be lying, odd that only 2 were captured though. Could be spies.

The point I keep repeatedly making is my government is DEFINITELY lying. They NEVER fucking tell the truth. 2 soldiers makes a war now?

Bd6r says
If you believe they were there by "mistake", I have a bridge in New York to sell you..

Why just a bridge? Sell me a war in Iraq, or Libya, or Syria, or Ukraine. That's what the fucking traitors that control my country are trying to do. Why go so small on a fraud, let's kill 100's of thousands, if not millions - maybe it can be BILLIONS this time. Nuclear war can really do some awesome things!

Bd6r says
richwicks says
But my government refuses to give the public facts, and instead produces a steady and unrelenting stream of lies.

Of course they do, we all know that. But so do all other governments and we can't trust anyone.

Well, you've heard the saying "a well informed public is a prerequisite for democracy" - well, if they won't allow the public to be properly informed, they don't deserve any fucking support, do they?

We're not in a democracy, we're not in a republic, this is an oligarchical feud which win or lose, has NOTHING to do with us.
33   richwicks   2022 Jan 7, 10:04am  

FuckCCP89 says
We do. Stop spreading bullshit - it contaminates the site.

My government does.


Why does the US even give a shit if Ukraine WERE taken over entirely by Russia?

Stop running away from admitting you tried to gaslight us wrt simple and well-known facts. You deserve your lying government, liar.

Look, if there's a stake in the conflict in Ukraine for the people of the United States - tell me what it is.

If not, who the fuck cares what Russia is doing in Ukraine?

My issue, is my fucking asshole dickhead government is trying to get people to support another fucking goddamned conflict, and this time with Russia, and you seem peachy keen with that. Well, if you want to do that, I'll personally buy you a ticket to go to Ukraine, with any weaponry you want, and you get your fucking head blown off and it will be one less person being suckered into being a mindless propagandist for ANOTHER fucking war that will only hurt the United States, whether they win or lose the conflict.

I'm fucking tired of these wars. Why are you fucking jerking off and shoving your vibrator up your asshole in anticipation of ANOTHER conflict? I'm sick and tired of useful idiot warmongers and chickenhawks. I'm sick and tired of it. Everybody with two braincells to rub together is.

Our enemies aren't foreign, they are domestic. Too bad that oath that all US servicemen take, is just something they read off to get a job. They sure as fuck don't believe in it.
34   Bd6r   2022 Jan 7, 10:04am  

richwicks says
Certainly they could be lying, odd that only 2 were captured though. Could be spies.

it was 10, I believe.

richwicks says
Well, you've heard the saying "a well informed public is a prerequisite for democracy" - well, if they won't allow the public to be properly informed, they don't deserve any fucking support, do they?

no argument here
35   Bd6r   2022 Jan 7, 10:06am  

richwicks says
My issue, is my fucking asshole dickhead government is trying to get people to support another fucking goddamned conflict, and this time with Russia, and you seem peachy keen with that. Well, if you want to do that, I'll personally buy you a ticket to go to Ukraine, with any weaponry you want, and you get your fucking head blown off and it will be one less person being suckered into being a mindless propagandist for ANOTHER fucking war that will only hurt the United States, whether they win or lose the conflict.

I'm fucking tired of these wars. Why are you fucking jerking off and shoving your vibrator up your asshole in anticipation of ANOTHER conflict?

Show me where I said that US should go to war with Russia over Ukraine, and stop swearing - this shows you have no other arguments.
36   Bd6r   2022 Jan 7, 10:31am  

Another external actor may be Turkey, as the "front for liberation of Kazakhstan" was posted on pro-panTurkic website:


And one more potential external player: China has offered help to subdue the uprising via Shanghai Organization for cooperation. Note that Uyghurs are related to Kazakhs.

This mess becomes less and less clear.
37   richwicks   2022 Jan 7, 10:43am  

Bd6r says
richwicks says
My issue, is my fucking asshole dickhead government is trying to get people to support another fucking goddamned conflict, and this time with Russia, and you seem peachy keen with that. Well, if you want to do that, I'll personally buy you a ticket to go to Ukraine, with any weaponry you want, and you get your fucking head blown off and it will be one less person being suckered into being a mindless propagandist for ANOTHER fucking war that will only hurt the United States, whether they win or lose the conflict.

I'm fucking tired of these wars. Why are you fucking jerking off and shoving your vibrator up your asshole in anticipation of ANOTHER conflict?

Show me where I said that US should go to war with Russia over Ukraine

Don't you realize that all this bullshit media focus on Ukraine is in order to set the stage for war?

The US government couldn't care less if every single Ukrainian was killed. They don't give a damn, they are trying to setup the stage for another fucking war, and this time, with RUSSIA.

Why do you think our INTELLIGENCE agencies lied for 5 years about "Russian Collusion"? The Open Skies treaty was just withdrawn. The US left it on November 22, 2020. Russia withdrew on December 2021.

Bd6r says
and stop swearing - this shows you have no other arguments.

It's frustration. Can't you see you're just a propaganda pawn? You don't realize that you're promoting a war with Russia even inadvertently? What does the "The Russians are EVIL" parroting accomplish? What's the end game?

Of course the Russian government is evil, EVERY government is evil. That's not why the US is setting up for a war against Russia but that's PRECISELY what the Neocons, our nation's WORST disaster in my lifetime, is setting this country up for - and if we go to war with Russia, everybody is on the front line because it will be nuclear in short order.

Goddamned tired of the lunatics that run this nation, and the serfs doing their work for them, for free. If you were a paid propagandist, at least I could understand that.
38   richwicks   2022 Jan 7, 10:47am  

Bd6r says
richwicks says
Certainly they could be lying, odd that only 2 were captured though. Could be spies.

it was 10, I believe.

Oh! 10 - then it IS a war..

Remember what our government claimed - that Russia invaded Ukraine on the Eastern side, and they were hiding their causalities by toting around mobile crematoriums. That's what Bozo the Clowno Government claimed.

I'm sick of this stupidity. I'm tired of it.
39   zzyzzx   2022 Jan 7, 10:52am  


40   Bd6r   2022 Jan 7, 10:52am  

richwicks says
Don't you realize that all this bullshit media focus on Ukraine is in order to set the stage for war?

So? I don't listen to US media.
richwicks says
It's frustration. Can't you see you're just a propaganda pawn?

I am not - as I said, I don't listen to MSM. However, you can't accept an obvious FACT that Russia is an aggressor in Ukraine. If we accept that as a FACT, it does not mean we have to go to war with Russia. It is a matter of being consistent and truthful.
richwicks says
You don't realize that you're promoting a war with Russia even inadvertently? What does the "The Russians are EVIL" parroting accomplish?

I don't see how being truthful means facilitating a war. We should lie in order to prevent a war, like you apparently do to yourself?
richwicks says
If you were a paid propagandist, at least I could understand that.

So I should lie or pretend in order to not be an unpaid propagandist?

You were shown to be factually wrong here, and you just can't accept it. Russia DID invade Ukraine - you denied it repeatedly - and the fact they did does not mean we should bomb Russia - which is another issue or connection you can't comprehend for some reason. You also claimed that I support war with Russia, and I have never said that.

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