Are you overweight, obese, at a healthy weight, or underweight?

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2022 Jan 8, 8:15am   30,875 views  236 comments

by Al_Sharpton_for_President   ➕follow (5)   💰tip   ignore  

Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health. In adults, a body mass index (BMI) over 25 is considered overweight, and over 30 is obese.


BMI calculator:



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94   AD   2023 Aug 28, 12:11pm  

Big_Johnson says

ntermittent Fasting 16:8. Eat anything you want during 8am-4pm but stop eating after 4pm and only water/low carb drinks like bodyarmor or coconut water.
Seems harder than it is. You get used to it quickly. Not only do you lose weight but you also detox.

Yeah, stop eating around 6 pm, and drink ice water with lemon as far as detox.

95   casandra   2023 Aug 28, 3:14pm  

Only in America will people go to a fat lady to lose weight. AND they even pay her.
96   RC2006   2023 Aug 28, 6:42pm  

ad says

Big_Johnson says

ntermittent Fasting 16:8. Eat anything you want during 8am-4pm but stop eating after 4pm and only water/low carb drinks like bodyarmor or coconut water.
Seems harder than it is. You get used to it quickly. Not only do you lose weight but you also detox.

Yeah, stop eating around 6 pm, and drink ice water with lemon as far as detox.


I dont eat after 7-8pm and eat lunch around 11am no breakfast except on weekends with family.
98   clambo   2023 Sep 3, 8:59pm  

Slightly off the subject, today I went to the Palm Beach mall for something at the Apple Store.

I was amazed at the fat young women here and there.

When I was their age, it was unusual to see a fat girl.

They're doomed; a girl who's fat before 21 isn't going to slim down later, and only a loser would hang around her.
99   HeadSet   2023 Sep 3, 9:41pm  

clambo says

Slightly off the subject, today I went to the Palm Beach mall for something at the Apple Store.

I was amazed at the fat young women here and there.

When I was their age, it was unusual to see a fat girl.

They're doomed; a girl who's fat before 21 isn't going to slim down later, and only a loser would hang around her.

Well, here is some hope. I went to Water Country last week and lots of young women walking around in bikinis that looked like a 21-year-old should look.
100   AmericanKulak   2023 Sep 3, 10:29pm  

RC2006 says

I dont eat after 7-8pm and eat lunch around 11am no breakfast except on weekends with family.

ad says

Yeah, stop eating around 6 pm, and drink ice water with lemon as far as detox.

Great ideas both. I try not to eat until 1-2 and not after 9PM. 8 hour window. I try to get at least 14-15 hours between the last meal and the first. 16-18 would be better. I've heard great things about lemon water but forget everytime to grab one at the store.
102   RC2006   2023 Sep 22, 3:42pm  

For fucks sake Delta do you have to hire fat stewardeses now? Lady was easily 200+ she bumped into everyone every time she went up and down the aisles. Knew flight was going to suck when I saw DEI on descriptuon of Delta on the plane door. She had the worse possibe body for job her stomach and ass both looked pregnant.
103   HeadSet   2023 Sep 22, 5:21pm  

RC2006 says

Lady was easily 200+ she bumped into everyone every time she went up and down the aisles.

Sounds dangerous, like if she walked to the back of the plane she could cause a grave nose up situation.
106   Booger   2023 Nov 29, 2:50am  

Ripped off from the inflation thread:

Red Lobsters loses $11 million on all you can eat shrimp deal.

107   WookieMan   2023 Nov 29, 3:08am  

RC2006 says

For fucks sake Delta do you have to hire fat stewardeses now?

I don't know how people can be fat in certain occupations. That clearly means you are eating like absolute shit. Flight attendants are on their feet quite a bit depending on how many flights they have that day. Then factor in walking around airports like Denver where you could easily walk over a mile to get out of the place depending on gate assignment. So lack of activity shouldn't be an excuse.

Booger says

Red Lobsters loses $11 million on all you can eat shrimp deal.

That is just a dumb ass marketing strategy. Reality is lower class folks think Red Lobster is a "nice" restaurant. That's the element you're going to get for those types of promotions. Not being classist, weightist or racist, but it's just fact. They're going to get the shrimp and not other higher priced items or drinks, which usually is the goal of that type of shit. That's why most all you can eat buffets generally fail after a while. Plus the food is shit. Surprised RL was that desperate to get revenue and tried that gimmick.

It's like the classic bar doing 0.25¢ wing night and we all know who shows up for that.... and they don't tip, so staff is pissed. Bad business. Make good food and charge an appropriated price so as not to bring the fat fucks out of the jungle who lose you money. It doesn't bother me, but some people get freaked out too when all they see is eyeballs and teeth when they walk into a business. They will leave.
108   HeadSet   2023 Nov 29, 6:43am  

RC2006 says

For fucks sake Delta do you have to hire fat stewardeses now? Lady was easily 200+

The real job of the stewardess is for safety, that is, assisting the passengers in an emergency. That justifies a flight physical and work standards to qualify a flight attendant to actually be able to help passengers down a slide or out an emergency door.
110   WookieMan   2023 Dec 17, 4:12am  

Booger says

If that's not photoshopped you cannot have people that large on planes. It's not really a debate or conversation. I'm not fat by any measure, just tall and usually around 210. On smaller planes I've been asked to move to balance the weight out in the plane. Not joking. If I was a pilot I just tell that fat fuck to get off the plane. That's 300 all day.

Airline seats are not comfortable for sure. But if you can't fit in them you should probably get the message that you're fat. A huge fat fuck. There's also this thing called first class or business glass depending on airline with larger seats. Cleary you have the money to shove copious amounts of food down your fat fuck mouth. Get the higher priced ticket with the bigger seat. I'd like to know what Senator would even engage in this conversation let alone try and do anything about it. There's a simple solution. You're a huge fat fucking fatty... stop eating.
111   Robert Sproul   2023 Dec 17, 7:12am  

RC2006 says

For fucks sake Delta do you have to hire fat stewardeses now?

There is fixing to be a lot more fatsos in inappropriate, unsafe, positions. Obesity is becoming a 'protected class' in many places, Washington State, NYC, so far. They will soon be screeching for 'representation', you will be getting slow, lumbering, waitresses, and the bottom-feeding legal sharks will have another trough to feed at.
112   Tenpoundbass   2023 Dec 17, 7:24am  

2)Healthy Weight
3)Under Weight

Those are the only options. You guys make it seem like people with the perfect ideal BMI never get sick never has any health problems, and don't make up the plurality of the Adult SD from the clot shot.

In the category you guys call "Obese" there used to be Chubby, Pudgy, or a bit of a gut. They live to be over 80 just like the "Healthy Weight".
While I don't strike an Adonis Physique, until the fags took over, Obese was never a word that could be used to describe me. I blame the Kellogg's cereal commercials in the 80's getting everyone to obese over pinching more than an inch being over weight. Now if you can pinch an inch you're obese.
How's everyone's grocery bill going? Worrying about people's BMI that's not your will do that to you.
114   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 17, 11:24am  

Tenpoundbass says

They live to be over 80 just like the "Healthy Weight".

Yep, the overweight paradox. People, esp. Men, with BMI's in the 20s live as long or longer than "average weight". Later and lesser terminal illnesses AND less prone to disease generally - so longer lived AND a better quality of life while living from less sickness. They also recover faster when hospitalized, be it for injury or infection or surgery. A small paunch is a good thing, especially if a middle aged paunchy guy still surfs, walks, does some physical activity versus a skinny sitter.


The pictures they're using is of mostly obese people, not overweight (BMI 21-29).
115   HeadSet   2023 Dec 17, 2:26pm  

Robert Sproul says

There is fixing to be a lot more fatsos in inappropriate, unsafe, positions. Obesity is becoming a 'protected class' in many places, Washington State, NYC, so far. They will soon be screeching for 'representation', you will be getting slow, lumbering, waitresses, and the bottom-feeding legal sharks will have another trough to feed at.

Damn, that will really hurt the Kentucky Derby when applied to jockeys.
116   Booger   2023 Dec 17, 2:52pm  


Southwest Airlines To Provide Plus-Size Customers With Bed Of Hay, Feeding Trough
117   Booger   2023 Dec 17, 2:54pm  


Genius: Man Eats 17 Tacos Before Flight So Southwest Will Give Him Free Row Of Seats
118   Booger   2023 Dec 17, 2:57pm  


Southwest Introduces New C-17 Cargo Plane

Originally designed for military use, Southwest's new C-17 aircraft comes equipped with an 18-foot by 88-foot cargo area decked out with full-length floor rollers, reinforced titanium tiedown anchors, and a full-width hydraulic cargo door. With a max payload capacity of 170,000 pounds, the C-17 is more than capable of transporting an M1 Abrams battle tank, a Triton-class nuclear submarine, or your mom.
121   komputodo   2023 Dec 19, 8:03am  

Tenpoundbass says

Now if you can pinch an inch you're obese.

Now if you can pinch an inch you're OVERWEIGHT. If you can pinch an inch 3 inches, you are obese.
122   WookieMan   2023 Dec 19, 8:10am  

komputodo says

Tenpoundbass says

Now if you can pinch an inch you're obese.

Now if you can pinch an inch you're OVERWEIGHT. If you can pinch an inch 3 inches, you are obese.

I really don't think most people realize how fat they are. I'm for sure overweight to a minor degree. I was down over the summer to lean/normal weight. 190 for 6'3". Back up to 210. Fuck. Whatever. You wouldn't call me fat if you saw me.

The people in the meme above are fat fucks. Obese to the 10th degree. You should have a neck. Your arms shouldn't be larger than my thighs. You shouldn't be red. Again, you should have a neck.
123   komputodo   2023 Dec 19, 9:54am  

WookieMan says

I really don't think most people realize how fat they are.

I'm sure they don't because in 2023, fat is thin...normal is too skinny....and skinny is the eating disorder zone.
124   WookieMan   2023 Dec 20, 5:10am  

komputodo says

WookieMan says

I really don't think most people realize how fat they are.

I'm sure they don't because in 2023, fat is thin...normal is too skinny....and skinny is the eating disorder zone.

Random question after reading this comment. Who do you hang out with? Anyone, not just you komputodo. I find that all my friends are normal weight and slightly overweight. To be blunt I don't hang out with fat people. Anyone else do the same? I have one obese friend, but he's cut it back recently. I don't hang out with fat people. Fat chicks, even though I'm married are a no no. Never trust a fat chick.
128   Patrick   2023 Dec 25, 2:31am  


Fundamental Flaw in the Calorie Concept: The narrative begins by challenging the food industry's claim that managing weight is simply about balancing calories - calories in versus calories out. This idea leads to a chain of assumptions: obesity is due to gluttony and sloth; it's the individual's fault; diet and exercise are the sole solutions; and any calorie can fit into a balanced diet. Lustig criticizes this viewpoint as overly simplistic and misleading, arguing that it shifts responsibility onto the consumer while absolving the food industry.

The Big Lie in Medicine: Lustig, with a background from Brooklyn, New York, vehemently argues that the equivalence of all calories is the biggest lie in medicine. This lie, he says, benefits the food industry as it diverts attention from the quality of calories to their quantity.

Evidence Against the Calorie Myth: Lustig offers evidence to debunk this myth by examining four different food items - almonds, protein, fats, and sugars (fructose and glucose).

Almonds: When one consumes 160 calories of almonds, only 130 are absorbed due to the fiber content. The fiber in almonds forms a barrier in the intestines, preventing the absorption of certain calories and sugars, thereby protecting the liver and reducing insulin response. The unabsorbed calories benefit the gut microbiome rather than the individual.

Protein: Protein, when not needed for muscle building, is metabolized by the liver. This process of converting protein to energy is inefficient compared to carbohydrates, resulting in fewer ATPs (energy molecules) produced per calorie.

Fats: The speaker contrasts omega-3 fatty acids (beneficial) with trans fats (harmful), both containing nine calories per gram. This stark difference in their health impacts illustrates that not all calories have the same effect on the body.

Fructose and Glucose: These two sugars, both with four calories per gram, have vastly different effects on the body. Glucose is described as essential, while fructose is labeled a toxin.

Implications for the Food Industry: Lustig suggests that acknowledging the truth about calories - that their source and nature matter - would significantly impact the food industry. It would challenge the industry's narrative and potentially lead to legal consequences.

Impact of Fiber on Sugar Absorption: The fiber in almonds, both soluble and insoluble, creates a barrier in the duodenum, which is the first part of the small intestine. This barrier inhibits the absorption of simple sugars like glucose, fructose, and sucrose. This process helps in maintaining liver health and preventing the liver from turning excess sugar into fat.

Gut Microbiome and Calorie Utilization: The unabsorbed calories from almonds, owing to their fiber content, pass further down the intestine to the jejunum, where they become available to the gut microbiome. The gut bacteria then utilize these calories for their own purposes. Lustig emphasizes that the human gut is home to a vast number of bacteria, which play a crucial role in overall health.

Fiber's Role in Metabolic Health: By influencing the absorption of calories and sugars, fiber plays a significant role in maintaining metabolic health. It prevents excessive insulin response by reducing serum glucose response, thus keeping insulin, which can drive chronic metabolic diseases, at lower levels.

The Misleading Nature of Calorie Counting: Lustig argues that the focus on calorie counting is misleading because it ignores the critical aspect of how different foods and their components, like fiber, are processed by the body. He emphasizes that it’s not just about the number of calories consumed but also about what the body does with these calories.
129   mell   2023 Dec 25, 1:55pm  

Calories in minus calories out still holds true,none of the above is contradicting this. It just means some foods have lesser net calories than others, similar to net carbs, depending on the absorption/work needed to absorb. Still you can intake glucose and fructose mainly all day and lose weight as long as you burn more calories than you took in. It's basic math and thermodynamics
130   HeadSet   2023 Dec 25, 3:34pm  

Patrick says

Fundamental Flaw in the Calorie Concept: The narrative begins by challenging the food industry's claim that managing weight is simply about balancing calories - calories in versus calories out. This idea leads to a chain of assumptions: obesity is due to gluttony and sloth; it's the individual's fault; diet and exercise are the sole solutions; and any calorie can fit into a balanced diet. Lustig criticizes this viewpoint as overly simplistic and misleading, arguing that it shifts responsibility onto the consumer while absolving the food industry.

Really? Sounds to me like Lustig (ironic name) is looking to shift personal responsibility for one's weight from the fat guy to the food industry.
131   stereotomy   2023 Dec 27, 10:55am  

Perhaps as we get older, and eat a lot less, our gut microbiomes suffer, with attendant general health issues. All I know is that my body and my gut respond to fatty grass-fed beef. Whatever is in non-feedlot red meat works well with me.

Winter is hard up in the northeast, since we can't grill for almost 6 months of the year. Red meat consumption, as well as vitamin D from sunlight, decreases substantially. Perhaps increased consumption of nuts and tubers can pick up the slack and keep the gut well fed.

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