Trump attacks DeSantis for not taking his booster

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2022 Jan 13, 8:36am   3,158 views  9 comments

by tanked   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


is this is trump's way of getting the word out - don't take your booster - see the governor of florida did not

and getting mainstream media to cover it thinking it's a hit piece

trump is the master at this underhanded play

But at this point i'd take DeSantis over Trump in a 2024 primary. But I'd back Trump in the general.

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1   Tenpoundbass   2022 Jan 13, 8:56am  

Florida needs DeSantis through 2024 and beyond. In the event that the Democrats have the election rigged, that Cankles will win no matter what.
We will need DeSantis to lead the way in succeeding from the Communist Union.
2   Tenpoundbass   2022 Jan 13, 9:01am  

And reason number two why we need DeSantis.
Fuckface Biden, and his Fuckboy Osha Agency has no pull here in Florida.

With DeSantis the compromised SCOTUS is irrelevant.

3   Bd6r   2022 Jan 13, 9:32am  

There was, in previous times, a somewhat liberal Patnetter who predicted that Trump will attack DeSantis if he feels threatened.

The Achilles heel of Trump is that he is really bad in picking underlings and advisors. Remember Mikhail Pompeo, Bolton, etc. He is afraid that someone will become more popular than himself.
4   tanked   2022 Jan 13, 9:37am  

Bd6r says
There was, in previous times, a somewhat liberal Patnetter who predicted that Trump will attack DeSantis if he feels threatened.

The Achilles heel of Trump is that he is really bad in picking underlings and advisors. Remember Mikhail Pompeo, Bolton, etc. He is afraid that someone will become more popular than himself.

I heard that's why MacArthur was fired he was becoming more popular than the president
5   clambo   2022 Jan 13, 12:01pm  

I’m pretty sure Trump and DeSantis get along well.
Trump may engage in pysops with the media from time to time.
6   Patrick   2022 Jan 13, 10:36pm  

tanked says
I heard that's why MacArthur was fired he was becoming more popular than the president

I read in "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" that it was quite hazardous for a general to do his job too well, or too poorly.

One general was spectacularly successful in North Africa and then executed for it, because the Emperor was afraid that this general would be able rally the army and take over.
8   Patrick   2022 Jan 19, 6:31am  


U.S.—Fans of former president Donald J. Trump are chomping at the bit to once again vote for the guy who fast-tracked vaccines and appointed Dr. Anthony Fauci to the Coronavirus Task Force.

"Trump was by far our greatest president. Even better than James Madison!" said local deplorable Nathan Nebulous. "Everything was great under Trump until that deadly virus changed the face of the entire earth overnight and ruined everything. But he was so good at owning the libs!"

Sean Hannity, a popular conservative pundit, announced his continued support of Trump on his radio program. "Sure, the vaccines don't seem to help at all and Fauci may have created COVID himself, but nobody's perfect. Don't lose sight of how great his Twitter account was before he got banned."

President Biden has welcomed a rematch with Trump, claiming it may be the only chance he has to stay in office. "I think this country is done with hetero-normative white men. No one's going to vote for him over a black man like me."
9   Tenpoundbass   2022 Jan 19, 7:02am  

I'm beginning to believe that it is Trump, that wants Desantis to run in 2024. So DeSantis can win the Nomination, and Trump can have an out.
I don't think Trump has the stomach to back in and face the entity that Threatened him and his family, while he was in the Whitehouse, and told him to stand down, and stop pushing to drain the swamp or his family will get it. But Trump's ego is to big to say he's not running again. Trump hopes that someone more popular than him would come along, so he wouldn't have to confirm he'll run in 2024. He'll run because it's expected, but I think he would rather not, and he would rather someone else win the primary.

Surely he knows the pulse of his own base, and for him to keep ginning up support for the Vax, just flies in the face of all logic.

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