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It was the hot tub that did it. Photos of convoy supporters relaxing in a hot tub on a downtown Ottawa street last weekend were splashed all over the news. Now Justin Trudeau is mad and he’s gone and invoked war measures, known as the Emergencies Act. He wants that hot tub off the streets, pronto, and he needs wartime powers to get it done. Civil liberties remain “temporarily” suspended… just for two weeks, while we flatten the protesters!
On announcing the “state of emergency,” (state of emergency piled upon pre-existing state of emergency), Trudeau’s government immediately declared that banks are allowed to freeze personal and business accounts on the mere suspicion of involvement with the protest, without obtaining a court order. They cannot be sued for such actions. Police, intelligence agencies and banks are authorized to share “relevant information”. Banks are required to report financial relationships of persons involved in the protests to the RCMP or the Canadian Security Intelligence Service. The Act also allows the government to force businesses (such as tow-trucks) to provide services against their will, to ban public assembly and travel, to forbid the use of a specific property, and to secure specific areas. Its implementation was opposed by four provincial premiers.
Judging by his behavior, Trudeau has been hoping for some kind of violence ever since the truckers’ movement started. He needed something, anything that could serve as a Canadian “January 6 moment” so as to arrogate even more dictatorial powers than Canada’s existing state of emergency allowed. But despite constant provocation, truckers gave him nothing to work with. Even the efforts of Canada’s finest state-subsidized creative writers (the mainstream media) couldn’t spin this thing — in all its bouncy-castle, dance-party, hot-tubbified glory — into a believable insurrection.
Yes, there were and are border blockades — but peaceful ones (the most significant blockade to date, at Ambassador Bridge between Ontario and Michigan, was resolved before Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act). Peaceful civil disobedience is an established means of drawing attention to injustice when ordinary means of recourse have been exhausted. Theorists write of the need to reserve this method for cases of seriously entrenched injustice, where there is a reasonable chance the civil disobedience can attain the desired end.
However, Canada’s elites, both on left and right, sadly, are fixating on the presence of truckers in the capital and at the borders only as an embarrassment, a kind of excrescence on the face of the nation. For them the problem is not one of citizen discontent, but one of optics and economics. They aren’t interested in hearing about the impact of the mandates on citizens’ lives. They don’t want to carry out a public cost-benefit analysis or provide a clear exit plan from the Covid measures.
Their attitude proves that ordinary lines of communication between people and government have been broken. It has not been possible for the truckers and their supporters to have their grievances addressed by ordinary civic means. Of the conditions required to justify civil disobedience, one, at least, has been met.
This civil disobedience is all Trudeau can cite in justification of the Emergencies Act. The rationale is that ongoing protest and peaceful civil disobedience constitute a threat to national security and to the economy. Yet a credible government would have avoided this situation entirely by addressing, or at least expressing a willingness to evaluate, the suffering it is inflicting on its own people domestically. The Emergencies Act is only supposed to be invoked as a last resort in a genuine crisis — the War Measures Act, its predecessor, was last invoked under Pierre Trudeau in response to actual terrorism involving numerous bombings and the kidnapping and murder of a cabinet minister.
It’s absolutely true that the blockades are costing enormous amounts of money, controlling key access points to the nation, annoying the US, Canada’s best auto-part customer, and making Trudeau’s government look bad. But instead of punishing the symptoms, why haven’t federal and provincial governments looked to the cause? Trudeau and his team seemingly deliberately allowed this crisis to develop, inflamed the situation with insulting and contemptuous language and waited for the moment when they felt they would have enough support in the echelons of power to silence dissenters and seize control over everyone’s bank account while they were at it.
These are totalitarian methods, not the methods of a justly governed, civilized nation. What is particularly notable in government discourse over the last couple of weeks is that Covid has become an afterthought. Nobody in power appears genuinely concerned about anything other than maintaining control and saving face. Two-thirds of the Canadian population now support dropping all mandates.
It is starting to become clear that the mandates have nothing to do with Covid any more. The measures don’t work, and travel restrictions are pointless when Covid is already widespread within the country. But the government won’t let go. Over 80 percent of Canadians are vaccinated. They want 100 percent to get vaccinated. Why: so they can move the goalposts and demand another proof of compliance, getting boosted, for instance? The message is plain: participation in normal life is a privilege, not a default. Only those “in compliance” get to participate.
Canadians don’t want participation in normal life to become a privilege granted only on government say-so. That’s what these protests are about. But their goal will not be secured until the QR code system is gone. Even though some provinces say they are dropping the passport, they’re maintaining the existence of the system. It remains legal for businesses to enforce it for employees or clientele. But the QR code system must be dismantled and its use made illegal. It is the backbone of a potential social credit program — a totalitarian’s dream. Don’t let it come true, Canada.
By Jane Stannus
OTTAWA—In a surprise announcement in response to the truckers' Freedom Convoy, Justin Trudeau has granted himself emergency powers and named himself Emperor of the Galaxy.
"My resolve has never been stronger," said Trudeau with a sinister growl. "In order to ensure continuing safety and stability, Canada will be reorganized into the FIRST GALACTIC EMPIRE! For a safe, and secure, society!" Trudeau then raised his pale, gnarled hands, laughed a wicked laugh, and shot lightning from his fingertips as everyone clapped nervously.
"So this is how liberty dies," responded one Canadian MP, "to thunderous applause." The MP was then removed from social media and her bank account was frozen for providing support to the truckers.
Galactic Emperor Trudeau has vowed that all remaining truckers will be "hunted down and defeated." Sources say that he has used his powers to execute "Order 66" which mobilizes elite mountie squads to hunt down all supporters of the Freedom Convoy—even the younglings.
When reached for comment, a representative of the Freedom Convoy laughed and replied: "Ah, what a big dumb doughhead hoser that guy is, eh, buddy?"
OTTAWA—Looking for more inspiration on how to quell the Freedom Truckers, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is reviewing hours of old footage of an old classic: The Tiananmen Square Massacre.
"I love this old inspirational footage," said Trudeau with an enthusiastic glint in his eye. "The way the Chinese Communist Party wields its terrifying power is just masterful." Trudeau then turned to one of his generals. "Hey Hank! How many tanks we got? Think we could do something like this, eh?"
Trudeau is drawing inspiration from other great moments in evil tyrant history as well—such as the Bolshevik Red Terror, the Soviet Great Purge, the Chinese genocide of Tibetans, and his personal favorite, the Canimar River Massacre which was carried out by his dear father Fidel Castro.
"These people were geniuses!" he said excitedly.
Unfortunately for Trudeau, his planned action against the Freedom Convoy has been delayed as he has caught COVID again.
Invoking the Emergencies Act is a shocking admission of failure
‘Protests and blockades could and should already have been resolved by good intelligence, smart planning, and effective coordination among police forces.’
The Democracy Fund deplores Justin Trudeau’s unwarranted invocation of the Emergencies Act to end protests associated with the Freedom Convoy.
TORONTO, Ontario. February 15, 2022
The Democracy Fund (TDF) deplores Justin Trudeau’s unwarranted invocation of the Emergencies Act to end protests associated with the Freedom Convoy.
The Emergencies Act may only be used in extraordinary circumstances such as a national emergency that seriously endangers the lives, health and safety of Canadians. It is not meant to be used to suppress peaceful protests or non-violent acts of civil disobedience.
Justin Trudeau’s government invoked the Act by declaring a public order emergency. This declaration empowers the government to make certain orders restricting the rights and freedoms of Canadians. Refusing to comply with these new restrictions can result in serious criminal charges.
The government’s new powers include prohibiting public assemblies that may reasonably be expected to lead to a breach of the peace. Other restrictions include prohibitions on travel to and within specified areas, prohibitions on the use of specified property, and forcing qualified persons to render essential services to the government.
TDF has been sending its lawyers to Freedom Convoy protests to ensure that everyone understands their fundamental freedoms and their rights to due process under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. We will continue to support peaceful protestors associated with the Freedom Convoy and persons who are arrested for non-violent acts of civil disobedience.
We will also be offering FREE legal assistance in fighting fines and tickets given to truckers and protesters.
For more information or to submit your tickets visit: https://www.thedemocracyfund.ca/trucker_law_intake_form
Trudeau’s government immediately declared that banks are allowed to freeze personal and business accounts on the mere suspicion of involvement with the protest, without obtaining a court order. They cannot be sued for such actions. Police, intelligence agencies and banks are authorized to share “relevant information”. Banks are required to report financial relationships of persons involved in the protests to the RCMP or the Canadian Security Intelligence Service. The Act also allows the government to force businesses (such as tow-trucks) to provide services against their will, to ban public assembly and travel, to forbid the use of a specific property, and to secure specific areas.
Lincoln Jay
.@JustinTrudeau invokes Emergencies Act. No further developments on the ground in Ottawa. Truckers and supporters remain on scene throughout the downtown core despite these new measures.
The Post Millennial
"MARTIAL LAW": Tucker Carlson calls out dictator Justin Trudeau for using the Emergencies Act to target freedom protesters.
59% of U.S. Voters Support Canadian Truckers in ‘Freedom Convoy’ Protest
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
The Fed exists partly to print money on demand for the benefit of banks in such situations. So I don't think any banks will be bankrupted by a run.
Corporal Bulford provides information on potential threat to our Canadian civilians protecting our Freedoms as citizens and beings. Stolen firearms may be planted in and around Parliament in a nefarious and illegal attempt to sabotage our people.
I know Danny. He is a trusted friend. He wouldn’t have made this announcement if he was not sure of its validity. He is on the inside. He is privy to information that we are not and I implore my fellow wonderful Canadians and Freedom fighters to pay attention.
Please watch and share. This is out and out war on civilians by a criminally insane government. “Change can only occur within the democratic process.” We will use it to bring sanity back to Canada. Mark my words.
Fiat currency has nothing inherently to do with fractional reserve and vice versa. Fractional reserve banking worked with commodity linked currency (in fact, that was where it first evolved) and there is nothing stopping anyone reality-wise from having 100% reserve backed fiat currency banking too.
Justin Trudeau, still the prime minister of Canada, is the first person in history to invoke the Emergencies Act, a law enacted in the 1980s to allow the government to take special, temporary action to deal with an “urgent and critical situation” that “seriously endangers the lives, health or safety of Canadians.” Little Justin is embarrassed by the thousands of truckers in Canada who are protesting, first of all, the country’s vaccine mandate but, more to the point, the government’s intrusion into the lives and livelihoods of the people. Justin is embarrassed. That’s the real national emergency.
In response, Trudeau is transforming Canada into a police state. People with tow trucks, he said, will be “coerced” into moving the rigs of recalcitrant truckers. Anyone associated with the Freedom Convoy will see their bank accounts and social media accounts frozen. People will be arrested, indicted, jailed. The ghastly bride-of-Frankenstein Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland spoke darkly of expanding “Canada’s anti-money laundering and terrorist financing rules so that they cover crowdfunding platforms and the payment service providers they use,” as well as cryptocurrencies and other digital assets.
You know that democracies are in a terminal stage when the junta aspirants treat every challenge to their tenure as a terrorist threat.
How will Canadians react to this latest infringement on their liberties? Will they, true to stereotype, mutter a bit and back down? Maybe. But maybe they will take inspiration from Roman history and mount a modern-day secessio plebis.
Livy recounts five episodes, from 494 to 287 BC, in which the plebs said “Enough!” and took to the hills, absenting themselves from participation in the social, economic and military life of Rome. The issues were various: terms of military service, marriage between castes, debts and property rights. One of the most significant was the second secessio, which took place in 449 BC and involved a revolt of the common people against the Decemviri, the tyrannical patrician committee of ten men who had arrogated all state power to themselves and were attempting to neuter the plebian tribunates. It worked. The patricians backed down, and the people chalked up a victory.
Perhaps it’s time for the Canadians to crack open their Livy. I suspect that Daniel Bulford already has, at least in spirit. Until a week or so ago, Bulford, a sharpshooter and former member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, was part of Little Justin’s security. Outraged at the government’s high-handed treatment of the truckers, he quit and became an advisor to the protestors. I applaud his spirit and I hope others follow suit. What Canada needs now is a secessio plebis or, to use a more modern term, a general strike: bring the government to its knees and eject the junta-loving suits that are the new face of tyranny.
And what about south of the 49th parallel? I note that plenty of Americans are taking the lead of their Maple Leaf cousins and are starting Freedom Convoys of their own. No wonder the Department of Homeland Security (how’s that for a totalitarian euphemism) has just issued a bulletin outlining the ways “false or misleading narratives” — a.k.a., the expression of political opinion at variance with the regime narrative — are evidence of “extremism” or incipient terrorist inclinations.
Americans are reputedly less polite and less pacific than their northern cousins. Homegrown secessions of the people are likely to be considerably more rambunctious.
OTTAWA—As Prime Minister Justin Trudeau continues his effort to impose authoritarian rule in Canada, he is beginning to face some challenges. “The Royal Canadian Mounties are just not that good at goose-stepping,” said a disappointed Trudeau. “For some reason, it doesn’t come naturally to them, which is such a shame since goosestepping is very intimidating to racist, homophobic insurgents calling for ‘freedom,’ whatever that is.”
As I have been saying for many months now, Justin Trudeau has become a very wealthy man on his profits from the BioNTech/Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. He is invested heavily in the Canadian company that holds the patents for the lipid nanoparticles. The Canadian government is also profiting nicely off of these companies -from their patent royalties.
Thanks to David Martin, who did the heavy lifting and has produced the documents and facts proving this point. Watch his video below (or on Rumble):
original link
Ottawa: "You can steal everything materialistic from us... but you can steal our love... you can't steal our happiness and you can't steal our smile..."
Trudeau's "Emergency Powers" didn't scare anyone!
Freedom protesters in Ottawa celebrate their 19th consecutive day of occupying the nation's capital.
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I admire these truckers.