Canada trucker convoy reaches half a million people

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2022 Jan 25, 12:07pm   76,973 views  998 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

I admire these truckers.

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812   AmericanKulak   2022 Feb 27, 4:45pm  

richwicks says
I would bet a great number of people on "the left" think it's fucking cuckoo bananas to be teaching about LGBTQ bullshit in school, at any grade. Sex education for me is "this is the mechanism of how human beings produce children" - and that was it. That's what it should be.

Over 50, yes. Under 50, no. There is real and legit support, especially under 40, for Wokeness, including among Millies with Kids.

That's because no sane country allows Higher Ed, much less K12, to denigrate the fundamentals of the Nation.
814   Patrick   2022 Mar 1, 5:33pm  


Our viewers may recall Brigette joined us as one of the organizers behind the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy to Ottawa. While she has been more active behind the scenes, Brigette has been fighting for our rights in Canada since before the cross-border mandate came into effect. She returns to the show today from an undisclosed location.

On the personal impact the Emergency Measures Act had…

This has been the most challenging time of my life. I have an opposing view to my government. I stood up to tell them about it because they weren’t listening. They can’t say they were. I talked to Roman Baber, I talked to Randy Hillier. I was active in trying to make this work prior, I even had a complaint with CBSA on the way they treated us. The message is more severe than that. I think it’s if you don’t agree with us, if you want to stand up and have a voice, we’ll crush you, we will crush you financially. And the reason I say that is because I had to do a lot of changing financial stuff. I had a friend go pay my mortgage. I was worried about my husband’s diabetic medication, if he was going to get it or not because we had to now move money from personal accounts to pay stuff we had already put money aside for.

On how this could have all been avoided…

These mandates are still in place. You still can’t go across the border; you still can’t come back without taking the two weeks off. Your problem hasn’t gone away and it hasn’t gotten any smaller either. We’re federal workers. And if we can’t be exempt, then why can some police officers be exempt? Why can some federal workers be exempt? But we’re not exempt. We’re the ones that for eight months had no food, no showers, no toilets. And if you were really concerned about the supply chain, you would have kept us segregated from all other people and you didn’t. Truck stops were still used by regular civilians. Had they segregated us from society at the beginning, I would have understood what they’re doing better now. It’s now, you either comply with what I tell you, or there are consequences and that is his favorite line. And I just look at that and go, ‘I’m not your kid. You’re not going to bend me over and spank me’.

On your message to Canadians and the government…

First off, I guess I want to leave a message to our government. All you had to do was sit at a table and talk with us. That’s all I asked of you. I didn’t ask you to destroy the government and go to a vote. I didn’t ask for that. I asked you to drop mandates. I asked you to give me the life I’ve had for 50 years of my life before you decided to mess with it. And to all the working Canadians, I just want you to know. I may not have won when I went to Ottawa, I did my best. You have your opinion, that’s what I went to fight for, so you can have your opinion. You have the opportunity to still stand up.
816   Patrick   2022 Mar 3, 9:34am  


Among the many myths about Canada that have been shattered is the old chestnut that, unlike the U.S., with its cutthroat Darwinian ethos, Canada is a largely egalitarian and compassionate society—the kind of place where Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s “sunny ways” rule. The Freedom Convoy and the government’s heavy-handed response (“Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Tyranny,” Review & Outlook, Feb. 23), invoking the Emergencies Act to subdue peaceful civil disobedience, has cast into sharp relief class divisions bubbling under the superficially egalitarian surface of the Canadian self-image.

The class dimension becomes evident from the demeaning and charged language used by politicians and journalists in referring to the protesters. Despised by members of the Canadian elite who are often blissfully unaware of their own privilege, the protesters were considered blue-collar outcasts from the hinterland, presumptively racist and small-minded.

The class disdain comes from elites who ostensibly have an ideology from the left. In theory, they should show solidarity with the working class. In the U.K., for instance, former Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn has opposed vaccine mandates, as they hurt and discriminate against the working class the most.

By contrast, Canada’s Jagmeet Singh, leader of the left-wing New Democratic Party, egged on Mr. Trudeau’s emergency even before it was declared. Canadian labor unions, some of which initially opposed vaccine mandates, quickly fell in line and even marched in counterprotest. The hypocrisy and detachment from reality of Canada’s left-wing establishment stand fully exposed.

Rupa Subramanya


Copyright ©2022 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
Appeared in the March 3, 2022, print edition as 'The Class Rage Behind Trudeau’s Emergency.'
823   HeadSet   2022 Mar 8, 12:27pm  

‘People’s Convoy’ descends on Washington, DC, slows traffic on Beltway

Slow traffic on the DC beltway. So what else is new?
824   Patrick   2022 Mar 9, 5:34pm  


March 9, 2022
Temp Ottawa police chief considers taking action against officers who donated to Freedom Convoy
After donor lists were leaked.

WTF? Is it not legal to donate to peaceful protest movements?
828   Patrick   2022 Mar 16, 11:18am  

Just got this email:

Update: Freedom Convoy Trucker Funds

The Canadian government has criminalized the receiving of funds from the Freedom Convoy 2022 campaign and now are trying to seize the funds to redistribute. In order to protect our Givers and the intended purposes of their gifts, funds not already transferred to the recipients from the 'Freedom Trucker Convoy' campaign will be refunded automatically, no refund requests necessary. Additional information will be posted shortly.

Thank you for your patience.

Well, I'd rather have my money back if it can't go to the truckers, so I admire their honesty.
829   Patrick   2022 Mar 16, 7:58pm  


March 16, 2022
Trudeau faces “unprecedented” inquiry into using emergency powers against civil liberties protesters
A committee will look into the unsettling behavior.
By Christina Maas

On Monday, a joint committee of Canada’s Parliament officially launched an inquiry into the Trudeau government’s actions against the Freedom Convoy civil liberties protesters.

The “unprecedented” inquiry will look into allegations that the Trudeau government violated protesters’ Charter rights when they arrested and detained them without charge, as well as the extreme actions of freezing bank accounts of protesters.

I have no faith whatsoever in the integrity of the Canadian government anymore. Turdeau must be executed for crimes against the Canadian people with experimental drugs and for assuming dictatorial powers.
830   richwicks   2022 Mar 16, 8:04pm  

Patrick says
I have no faith whatsoever in the integrity of the Canadian government anymore.

Do you have any faith in any government?

The ones I MIGHT have faith in, are ones I'm quite ignorant about, and in this climate, might get me labelled as a traitor - maybe justifiably - again, the only reason I MAY have faith in them, is I'm quite ignorant about them. More education probably would fix that.
831   Patrick   2022 Mar 16, 11:29pm  

I think some small ethnically homogeneous countries still have a reasonable amount of integrity in their governments. Maybe, say, Denmark.
832   Patrick   2022 Mar 18, 10:39am  


No evidence of terrorist activity during convoy protests: RCMP financial crime director
By Cosmin Dzsurdzsa -March 17, 2022
835   RWSGFY   2022 Mar 22, 9:11am  

Patrick says

I call Parnet's double standard on protests too: truckers protesting Trudeau's vaccine mandates are regular people voicing legitimate grievances but Ukrainian protests against their president reneging on his campaign promise to sign the association agreement with the EU is "muh colored revolution Soros coup!"
836   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Mar 22, 12:46pm  

Ukrainian protests against their president reneging on his campaign promise to sign the association agreement with the EU is "muh colored revolution Soros coup!"

Not their president, as he wasn't democratically elected he was installed(lie one). No offer ever extended to join NATO, per NATO(lie two).
Soros like Putin is evil, but not an arch-enemy as this is real life. CIA would be the more appropriate primary target for blame, but in 2014, not now. Your whole statement is a confused mess of lies and events separated by many years you've somehow attempted to shoe-horn together.

This is what happens you when you abandon logic and critical thinking to embrace hatred and propaganda. I'll change my mind when you can admit Ukraine is as corrupt as Russia, Zelensky is as bad as Putin, and the US government is just as responsible for the suffering in Ukraine as the Russian and Ukrainian governments.

See, I have no problem shitting on everyone, why is that so hard for you? What do you owe these governments? What have they ever done for you?
837   Patrick   2022 Mar 23, 10:54am  

Roman Baber
No end in sight for federal mandates & travel restrictions.

My family and I weren't allowed to travel outside USSR until 1989. It's texbook totalitarianism. We should not accept that ~3 million Canadians have no mobility rights.
838   Eric Holder   2022 Mar 23, 3:46pm  

839   Patrick   2022 Mar 28, 7:07pm  


March 8, 2022
Dear TBOF Supporter:
This week’s Call to Action is in response and in support of the re-engaging the Freedom Convoy.
The extreme measures of Trudeau in invoking the ‘war measures act’ (Emergency Act) forced the
truckers to withdraw physically to protect the lives of supporters threatened by extreme actions of
the gestapo style ‘policing’ tactics commissioned by Trudeau.
On the other hand, the freedom truckers have not and will not ‘withdraw their demand’ that all
Covid-19 (C-19) Mandates and related ‘emergencies’ be ended. They are now ‘reenergized’ and
‘reorganized’ to take next necessary (lawful, constitutional, and peaceful) steps to ‘Take Back Our
Take the time and review the Freedom Convoy Mission Statement. Read it, support it, distribute it.
Your Call to Action is to support the mission of the Freedom Convoy in a very practical and
important way by contacting (calls and emails) your MP and YOUR Senators (or your Province) to
demand that all the Federal Mandates end.
Since the Freedom Convoy, most Provinces have already announced dates and times for ending the
Mandates. Some provinces (Alberta and Saskatchewan) are already 100% Mandate free. On the
other hand, the Federal government (Trudeau) has not announced an end to any of the unlawful
and unconstitutional Mandates.
Demand the END of all C-19 Federal Mandates to include the following:
• Mandatory vaccination requirement for air and rail travel within Canada impacting about 7 million
Canadians; and
• Restrictions imposed about 7 million unvaccinated Canadians to not permit them to leave Canada;
• Mandatory vaccination requirement, needlessly imposed upon cross-border truckers (Nov 30,
2021); and
• Mandatory vaccination requirements imposed upon ‘core’ federal employees including the RCMP
and the Canadian military; and
• Mandatory vaccination requirement imposed upon those working in interprovincial air, rail, road
and marine transportation, pipelines, banks, and postal and courier services.
If Living in Canada:
1. Call and email your MP at both their constituency and parliamentary offices.
You can obtain contact information by going to https://www.ourcommons.ca/Members/en?source=patrick.net
and entering your postal code. Review the Truckers Mission Statement for ‘talking points’
2. Call and email the Senators of your Province . You can find the names and contact info of the
Senators of your Province by going to https://sencanada.ca/en/senators/?source=patrick.net
Non-Canadians can help by looking up their local Canadian embassy and/or consulate and calling
them. Vigorously object to the behavior and actions of the Canadian Prime Minister. Thank you for
using your voice (such as you did in protesting at Great Britain’s Prime Minister office when Trudeau
was visiting) to bring attention to the extreme abuses of Trudeau.
3. BONUS (CITIZEN SUPER-STAR) ACTION: Pressure the National NDP Caucus. The NDP MPs
should rightfully be most ashamed of their decision to support Trudeau’s Emergency Act, to
include extreme violence against peaceful protestors and seizure of bank accounts of single
moms for merely sending a $50 donation to the truckers. The PMs action was 100% unlawful
and the bank seizures were pure evil. These were actions of a totalitarian.
Trudeau is an international embarrassment causing huge reputational damage to our once
proud and solid Canadian Banks. Consider taking the time to call and email as many of the
Again… call and write your MP and Your Senators TODAY
using the new information in this memo!
GOOD TO KNOW BACKGROUND INFO: Freedom Convoy 2022 went to Ottawa to demand all
COVID-19 Mandates and related ‘Emergencies’ be ENDED (both Provincial and Federal). They
intended to remain in Ottawa until such time they achieved their righteous objective. Ontario
Superior Court made ruling, reaffirmed on February 16 (2 days after the Trudeau Emergency Act
was invoked) that the Freedom Convoy “persons remain at liberty to engage in a peaceful, lawful
and safe protest” (Paragraph 8.)
No one could have predicted the extreme measures Prime Minister Trudeau would take against the
peaceful truckers and their supporters, to unleash extreme police brutality (Montreal and Toronto
riot squads) followed by seizures of assets and bank accounts that no free nation has ever endured
against their own citizens… for the sin of disagreeing with the Prime Minister’s policies.
The fallout on Trudeau’s overreach is huge, with severe reputational and economic damage
inflicted upon Canada. Here are several commentaries as to the damage Trudeau has inflicted upon
Canada. He must be replaced by a person that has a basic respect for citizens and his own nation:
1. Rex Murphey (National Post)
2. Trudeau has irreparably damaged our country (Toronto Sun)
3. Jordon Peterson comments on the Prime Minister
Yours in Freedom
Roy Beyer, Executive Director
JOIN TBOF for FREE Updates
844   Patrick   2022 Apr 10, 5:38pm  

Patrick says
Well, I'd rather have my money back if it can't go to the truckers, so I admire their honesty.

Noticed that I got most of my money back on my credit card. A few bucks was missing, probably commissions.
845   Patrick   2022 Apr 11, 9:20am  


TRUCKERS WERE RIGHT: Freedom Convoy protest was legal, judge says, and Ottawa is now being sued

MONTREAL — The Canadian government trampled on fundamental human rights with its COVID restrictions, then overreached on dealing with the Freedom Convoy and must now answer to numerous lawsuits, including one by a former premier, says a well-respected constitutional lawyer.

Speaking on Montreal lawyer Viva Frei’s Youtube channel on March 25, Keith Wilson noted that the mischief charges against his client and convoy leader Tamara Lich, will not be successful. She counselled truckers to move in order to comply with police demands, not to block emergency lanes, he said.

Wilson is also a lawyer for former Newfoundland Premier Brian Peckford, who is suing the federal government for breaching the charter of rights by preventing unvaccinated people from leaving the country or getting on a bus, train or ship.
“Obviously we are going to be able to establish Charter breaches,” Wilson said, adding that the government restricted mobility, security of the person and freedom of conscience.”

Wilson said he would not be able to live with himself if he hadn’t helped the Freedom Convoy when he got the call for help from the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms on Feb. 1.

“I have been so concerned about the direction of our country,” he said. “I have been so fundamentally concerned about the trampling of civil liberties and the lost of rights and the overreacting to COVID. I have been so concerned about the future for my children, deeply, deeply concerned, and was inspired by what the truckers were doing.”

Wilson also clarified that the Freedom Convoy protest was not illegal at any point, even though Prime Minister Trudeau called it illegal, and big media went along with it.
848   Patrick   2022 Apr 24, 10:07am  


RCMP monitored journalists, scrubbed social media accounts after leaked messages of cops bragging about trampling convoy protesters
The national police force focused on hiding the identities of these officers by deleting videos or articles or tweets that mentioned any of them. The team decided to pull down pictures of the officers involved from RCMP websites.
849   Patrick   2022 Apr 27, 8:42pm  


Canadian protester trolls tyrannical government by virtually attending Calgary protest after authorities banned him from downtown ✊

Did you know that there are some folks in Canada (like the Freedom Convoy organizers) that are NOT LEGALLY allowed to protest Covid mandates?

Well, meet Devlin Gannon.

Devlin is an independent journalist who was dramatically arrested during a Calgary, Alberta protest against Covid mandates.
850   Patrick   2022 Apr 29, 8:53am  

Ezra Levant 🍁🚛
Pack of lies from government journalists at Trudeau's CBC state broadcaster.

s. 129 of the Criminal Code already gives police the power to commandeer tow trucks. There was no need to impose martial law and seize bank accounts to do that.

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