Get ready for Censorship like Mad

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2022 Feb 23, 2:58pm   135,537 views  905 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

Under the "Russian Operative" excuse.

It's coming, and it will encapsulate the Social Justice Revolution as part of American Canon, so to criticize it will be subject to censorship.

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150   Patrick   2022 Aug 15, 9:57am  


Twitter Owes Salman Rushdie an Apology
After the attack on Rushdie, will Twitter finally ban the man and the regime who are still calling for his murder?

Twitter must be the epitome of hypocrisy. It bans The New York Post’s reporting of Hunter Biden’s laptop, or bans columnist Paul Sperry because of his recent tweet on the FBI’s raid on Mar-a-Lago, but allows Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, leader of the world’s #1 sponsor of terror, to freely use its platform.

Khamenei, you might remember, endorsed Iran’s murderous fatwa against author Salman Rushdie with this tweet...

Now that Hadi Matar, an Iran sympathizer whose now-deleted Facebook page was plastered with pictures of Iranian politicians, has been arrested for stabbing Rushdie about 10 times at a conference in Buffalo, I wonder if Twitter will call an emergency meeting.

I wonder if the higher ups will ask things like: Are we going too far with our selective censorship? If we’re cracking down on speech we dislike here in the U.S., should we crack down harder on Islamist speech that may incite violence? Should we toughen our guidelines?
152   Patrick   2022 Aug 22, 3:16pm  


A police SWAT team was deployed in Atlanta to arrest a Georgia man who was spotted spray-painting swastikas on an LGBTQ rainbow crosswalk.

Why is it permitted to promote pedophilia and anal warts in public, but not to spray-paint a swastika on top of that message?

In any case, the guy was doing it wrong. He should have spray-painted "RACIST" on the flag promoting pedophilia and anal warts.

No one can ever be arrested for calling anyone racist these days, and it would have made woke heads explode much better.
154   Onvacation   2022 Aug 23, 3:18pm  

Patrick says

No one can ever be arrested for calling anyone racist these days, and it would have made woke heads explode much better.

But you can be arrested for felony vandalism.

If you protest election fraud they might throw you in jail without trial.
155   richwicks   2022 Aug 23, 3:34pm  

Patrick says

I just want to comment on how impossible it is to do this..

AI depends on reducing something to its most simple rules. For example, one of the first AI attempts was to make a computer recognize when a tank was present, and when a tank was not present. One day, they setup cameras and photographed 1000's of scenes from different angles, and the next day, they drove tanks into the scenes and took 1000's of more pictures, and fed the two data sets into the AI to (hopefully) be able to detect when a tank was present.

The AI was trained on the data set until 100% of the time it would correctly classify its own data set, so then they put it in the field, and it was only 50% accurate (meaning entirely random) and they couldn't figure out what went wrong. What the AI turned out to have actually figured out was when it was cloudy. In the training data, one day it was cloudy, the other day clear. It entirely ignored the presence of the tanks. This was like a 6 month project too.

You will have a VERY difficult time programming an AI to make "exceptions to the rule". It's very hard to make an AI "hypocritical". If you program an AI to recognize "instances of violence" by showing it videos of what is "violence" and "not violence" - it won't apply different standards depending on the situation, and if you FORCE it to, such as when somebody is wearing a MAGA hat and a victim of violence (and calling it non violence) and when MAGA hat wearing person holds up a religious symbol, it will just identify their clothing.

An AI wouldn't be so bad, because it would be EXTREMELY consistent - the problem is hypocrites run the world. It's not THEY that really want AI, they just want cost reduction in censorship and oversight, WE want AI. They simply don't have the technological knowledge to know what an AI does.

All the AI will actually do is excuse anything that person Type A does, and condemn everything Type B does. That's the simplest solution. It won't be content moderation, it will be censoring of individual people and complete censorship. That's the simplest solution.
157   Patrick   2022 Aug 25, 8:16am  


attack scene from Monty Python is censored because it is 'offensive'?

Jessica Rose
5 hr ago
Alright. I have to share this and you should too. I went to have a laugh and re-watch the Bunny Attack Scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail and I found this instead. No YouTube. I DO NOT WISH TO PROCEED.

162   Patrick   2022 Sep 3, 1:33pm  


Fauci’s Red Guards: Lawsuit Reveals Vast Federal Censorship Army
“This evidence suggests we are uncovering the most serious, coordinated, and large-scale violation of First Amendment free speech rights by the federal government’s executive branch in US history.”

One aspect of dictatorships that citizens of democratic nations often find puzzling is how the population can be convinced to support such dystopian policies. How do they get people to run those concentration camps? How do they find people to take food from starving villagers? How can they get so many people to support policies that, to any outsider, are so needlessly destructive, cruel, and dumb?

The answer lies in forced preference falsification. When those who speak up in principled opposition to a dictator’s policies are punished and forced into silence, those with similar opinions are forced into silence as well, or even forced to pretend they support policies in which they do not actually believe. Emboldened by this facade of unanimity, supporters of the regime’s policies, or even those who did not previously have strong opinions, become convinced that the regime’s policies are just and good—regardless of what those policies actually are—and that those critical of them are even more deserving of punishment. ...

Through this method of forced preference falsification, any mass of people can be made to support virtually any policy, no matter how destructive or inimical to the interests of the people. Avoiding this spiral of preference falsification is therefore why freedom of speech is such a central tenet of the Enlightenment, and why it is given such primacy in the First Amendment of the US Constitution. No regime in American history has ever previously had the power to force preference falsification by systematically and clandestinely silencing those critical of its policies.

Until now. As it turns out, an astonishing new release of discovery documents in Missouri v. Biden—in which NCLA Legal is representing plaintiffs including Jay Bhattacharya, Martin Kulldorff, and Aaron Kheriaty against the Biden administration for violations of free speech during Covid—reveal a vast federal censorship army, with more than 50 federal officials across at least 11 federal agencies having secretly coordinated with social media companies to censor private speech.
164   Patrick   2022 Sep 3, 5:58pm  

This is what it looks like from the air, according to this site:


165   Patrick   2022 Sep 3, 6:00pm  

And from that pool with the rounded end, I was able to get the street names from Bing Maps:

167   Patrick   2022 Sep 6, 3:04pm  

Lol, even the massive censorship is censored in the leftist corporate media.
170   Patrick   2022 Sep 9, 2:15pm  


Peter McCullough, MD MPH
Sep 4
No wonder Twitter refused my verification multiple times. Its a US government operation and Twitter is complying with government authorities on censorship and reprisal for those with medical authority who are bringing truth to the world. All you can do is overwhelm RT+follow.

172   Patrick   2022 Sep 12, 7:57am  

Lol, China has a point. There is no freedom of speech in the West.
173   Patrick   2022 Sep 14, 10:07am  


Daniel Baldwin
“We really don’t have real, true freedom of speech anymore.”

The great @jakepaul rips Big Tech for censoring private speech online during the #PaulSilva press conference. #JakePaul brings up Mark Zuckerberg on #JoeRogan as proof.

Great question from @ConradsonJordan

174   Patrick   2022 Sep 15, 2:35pm  


Rebel News (and me personally) have just been served with a legal notice of intention to bring a lawsuit, sent by Trudeau’s “disinformation” czar, Jean-Christophe Boucher. ...

He’s coming to censor us, to shut us down, just like he publicly warned us would happen.

I need your help, please.

Jean-Christophe Boucher, Trudeau’s “disinformation” czar
Jean-Christophe Boucher has unlimited resources. He has received massive grants from the Trudeau government that he’s used to fund his work to smear Rebel News and other Trudeau critics. He’s also a professor at the University of Calgary (my old university), which also has unlimited resources, too.

In fact, his legal threat was signed by the University of Calgary’s lawyer. It wouldn’t surprise me if the U of C is paying for this attack on us to ensure they keep getting more Trudeau grants.

But the main thing to know about this Boucher character is that he’s Trudeau’s censorship point man. Boucher’s the activist paid to lead Trudeau’s campaign against “disinformation”. Which is Trudeau’s new way of silencing his critics.

Boucher has hated Rebel News for a very long time. He smears us online, comparing us to poison and asking, “when will we shut down the Rebel for spreading false information? This should be a lawsuit for undermining public safety.”

This is a personal vendetta to him.

If you criticize Trudeau, you’re on Boucher’s hit list. Here’s what he said about the trucker convoy: “Just cut their trucks in little pieces. Dump it on their driveway.” Not surprisingly, he calls supporters of Pierre Poilievre “insane” and “toxic”.

You can see why Trudeau loves him.
175   Patrick   2022 Sep 17, 10:49am  


BOOM! I say again, BOOM! The federal Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals just said @twitter and other social media platforms don’t have an unlimited right to discriminate against speech.

Let a thousand flowers bloom.

More about HB 20: https://www.texastribune.org/2021/09/02/texas-social-media-censorship-legislature/

And "facial" is uses here as a legal term, not a porn term:

On its face; as it appears (as opposed to, as it is applied).
The facial constitutionality of the law is in question.
177   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Sep 17, 3:28pm  

Patrick says

i saw that site, how does one tell its not left controlling it? im just being paranoid, but that site looks like easy place to have tons of bots control opinions.
178   AmericanKulak   2022 Sep 17, 3:41pm  

PDW is under Fed Informant assault, but it's still mostly good.
180   Patrick   2022 Sep 18, 3:21pm  


I just received a 30 day Facebook ban for this bit of satire
The Stasi has officially forbidden any critique of The Narrative(TM) ...

So this morning I got up and tried to jot down The Official Narrative — from the perspective of the people who believe it. The more I wrote, the more absurd and untenable it became. I posted it to Facebook and was promptly banned for 30 days for “violating community standards.” Again.

I’m not sure what part the Stasi objected to. I did not use the word vaccine. I said that Pharma Loves Us(TM). Apparently the Stasi are feeling raw and triggered because they are always wrong about everything and their friends now all have myocarditis.

Here’s the offending post:

The Narrative(TM)

I want to make sure that I understand The Narrative(TM) correctly so that I can remain a Respectable Citizen(TM) in Good Standing(TM) with mainstream society:

1. The pharmaceutical industry is all-knowing. They are the source of all that is good and true in the world including life itself. The pharmaceutical industry is infallible.

2. The fact that all of the major pharmaceutical companies are in fact felons is unimportant. What? Did that even happen? I don’t know. Why are we even talking about this? What matters now is injecting as many of their products as possible.

3. The 30,935 reports of death after the thing are A Coincidence(TM). The HHS report showing that this system undercounts harms by a factor of 100 is... What? I never heard of that. I think I saw a warning label about that on social media. Pharma and the government Love You(TM) and are All Knowing(TM) and Would Never Hurt You(TM). One. That’s how many people died after the thing. And that’s less than 1 in a million. Because.

4. The fact that Jeffrey Sachs, head of the Lancet Commission on the origins of Covid, after reviewing all of the available evidence, has come to the conclusion that SARS-CoV-2 came from a U.S. bioweapons lab is what? Why does anyone care where it came from? Everyone knows that the strange eating habits of the Chinese people are to blame. It is racist to fail to blame the Chinese peasants for this calamity. We need an international treaty to protect the pangolins or the bats or frozen food or whatever.

5. The first four xhots saved 20 million lives even though they have negative efficacy, fuel the evolution of variants, and cause antibody dependent enhancement that leaves one more vulnerable to infection. Miracles are like that — contradictory, paradoxical, and nonsensical. The important thing is just to believe.

6. Tony Fauci is perhaps the greatest American who ever lived — a cross between Jesus, the Buddha, and Einstein. The fact that he killed over 6 million people by funding gain-of-function research just proves his heroism.

7. During the AIDS epidemic, Fauci blocked access to Bactrim and funded the development of AZT that was expensive, toxic, and deadly. During Covid, Fauci blocked access to hcq and ivm and funded the development of Remdesivir and xhots that are expensive, toxic, and deadly. This proves that he loves us and is the world’s greatest scientist.

8. Authorizing the xhots for kids who already have natural immunity, are not at risk from the virus, and thus can only experience harms, is benevolent and kind. Why do kids exist? Do they even pay taxes? Robots could do a much better job. Dogs are so great. Do you follow my Instagram?

9. Bill Gates, who never finished college, once he acquired more money than he could ever spend in a lifetime, devoted his free time to hanging out with a pedophile sex trafficker. Clearly he is the best person to inform global health policy which is why he’s on CNN every Saturday night giving advice to an actual doctor, Sanjay Gupta.

10. The failures of the last two years are in fact an incredible success which is why the Biden administration is doubling down to create a Bioeconomy(TM) based on the failed genetic engineering strategies that caused the global pandemic. Only good things can come from this. We live in the best of all possible worlds.
181   Patrick   2022 Sep 19, 12:18pm  


At this point, all evidence points to the government forcing Twitter, Linked-in to ban me. I received no strikes prior to the banning on Twitter and it happened two days before the Rogan podcast. BTW- you can't find that podcast link by going to google. My attorneys have been told by Twitter that the ban will always remain permanent. If my wife posts one of my Substacks on FB, FB literally will not share it with anyone. Censorship is only growing in the USA. Evidently, I am a danger to democracy.
182   Patrick   2022 Sep 20, 11:30am  


September 20, 2022
Facebook deletes group that used carrot emojis as code words for the vaccine after BBC complains
Groups with over 100,000 followers shut down.

After the War on Memes, the War on Emojis seems to be upon us. Leading the charge for now is Facebook, and the BBC.

The latter has been flagging Facebook groups that use the carrot emoji as “code” to represent the word “(Covid) vaccine,” in the context of posting testimonies about alleged harm from these vaccines. And the emoji is apparently used in a bid to avoid widespread censorship of the topic on the giant platform.

Yet another with a quarter million members instructed them to use code words rather than “Covid, vaccine, booster” – and even in stating these rules, had to resort to referring to “c-word, v-word and b-word” – aware that Facebook’s automated censorship system deletes any form of Covid vaccine skepticism.
183   Patrick   2022 Sep 20, 2:07pm  


Employee fired from hospital for rejecting trans ideology in online comment

Trans ideology is pure evil, mutilating children's breasts and genitals for the profits of doctors, and making those mutilated children 19x more likely to kill themselves.

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