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So this is the music the liberators are dancing to with their Ukie counterparts (spoiler: it's not Polka):
Post from a site that isn't state sponsored propaganda.
richwicks saysPost from a site that isn't state sponsored propaganda.
Don't tell me what to do and I won't tell you to go and fuck yourself, mkay?
Eric Holder saysrichwicks saysPost from a site that isn't state sponsored propaganda.
Don't tell me what to do and I won't tell you to go and fuck yourself, mkay?
Nothing on youtube is posted there without permission from our government. It's now a propaganda site.
There are plenty of sites not requiring "permissions from our government".
Eric Holder saysThere are plenty of sites not requiring "permissions from our government".
Yeah, people should stick to them.
The reason is, that comments on them aren't deleted, or censored. They sure as fuck are on youtube, however, people do adjust to get around the algorithm. I think AI is largely a failure. They sure don't understand intent of speech yet.
richwicks saysEric Holder saysThere are plenty of sites not requiring "permissions from our government".
Yeah, people should stick to them.
The reason is, that comments on them aren't deleted, or censored. They sure as fuck are on youtube, however, people do adjust to get around the algorithm. I think AI is largely a failure. They sure don't understand intent of speech yet.
Thank you, patrick.net is one of those non-government sites!
Where's the 'footage' of Ukrainian girls getting gangraped by Russian soldiers?
You would think that the Ukrainian propagandists would have had those already made, edited and and ready for upload onto Youtube before the shooting even begain.
So the Ukrainian propagandists are not as good as everybody thinks they are?
Eric Holder saysSo the Ukrainian propagandists are not as good as everybody thinks they are?
Propaganda never has video proof, they are just unfounded accusations, lodges when you know the debate is rigged, so that the other side can't present facts to debunk or support what was said.
Eric Holder saysIn this case they are even worse than simply not having video proof of rape accusations - they haven't even got around to make the accusations! FUCKIN WASTE OF SOROS' DOLLARS THESE UKIE PROPAGANDISTS!!!! DO YOUR JOB, YOU LAZY FUCKS!!!!
^^ This! I mean, haven't they ever studied Rahm Emmanuel's work on taking advantage of crises? Sheee-it!
That could be anywhere and anywhen.
Eric Holder says
That could be anywhere and anywhen.
Yes, thank you, Patrick. This is the place where footage of mongoloid hordes being greeted as liberators by grateful Ukies, soon to be published by our friend richwicks, won't be censored!
Eric Holder saysYes, thank you, Patrick. This is the place where footage of mongoloid hordes being greeted as liberators by grateful Ukies, soon to be published by our friend richwicks, won't be censored!
Look, grow up. I've dealt with Hasbera and their dumb NPC hordes before. You're nothing compared to them.
So you don't have the footage, do you? Thought so.
OK, it's not known to tineye, and so probably hasn't been posted before. That doesn't prove it's Ukraine, or recent. Not sure how you could prove that.
OK, it's not known to tineye, and so probably hasn't been posted before. That doesn't prove it's Ukraine, or recent. Not sure how you could prove that.
What other cold country has an active conflict involving newest Russian helicopters right now? That Ka-52 is not your typical old workhorse like Mi-8 or Mi-24 which were exported everywhere: these were built specifically for these two French helo carriers ordered by Russia but cancelled in 2014 because of their attack on Ukraine then.
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