Greeted like Liberators: Ukraine Invasion Thread

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2022 Feb 23, 8:30pm   431,602 views  4,152 comments

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2695   richwicks   2023 Jul 22, 1:30am  

HeadSet says

Military members are just as aware of the MIC as any civilian,

That just means they are pretty much oblivious to it. If you talk to an average american about the "Military Industrial Complex", they're more likely than 50% of the time think you're a conspiracy theorist. Don't fool yourself.

I know super smart people who think that the "unvaccinated pose a threat to the vaccinated" - they don't even question it and god fucking help you if you try to make them question it. Smart people are stupid people. Most of them are just highly educated, not smart.
2696   GNL   2023 Jul 22, 6:59am  

Propaganda works on everyone. Now what they do is sell the same propaganda in different ways to capture as many people as possible.
2697   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jul 22, 5:18pm  

HeadSet says

I hope you are not implying that military are genuinely naive and ignorant and the bottom, and evil at the top.

Snowden was. Not at the bottom, and technically a contractor, though he did try for Rangers. So was Manning, closer to the bottom, but definitely had a technical job. At the top I'm guessing you've heard of Oliver North, Henry Kissenger(civilian, but he ran Vietnam), Sherman's genocide to the sea, the commanders who stood down our air defense on 9/11, the ones who green-lighted Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Syria, etc, etc, etc. You think the MIC is just about money?

I'm aware that intelligent people rationalize all kinds of immoral actions because standing against the tide is harder. I've done it, I'm sure you have. Doesn't make it right. I have been contacted for DOD jobs in my field many times. Have seen very, VERY lucrative openings advertising twice what I make for the same work. I won't take them. Not now, not ever. I've never had to murder anyone to feed my family, and I'm not about to start. Not a strong military family, so easier call for me to make.

HeadSet says

Nobody likes the MIC, but the fix is for the civilians to vote out the corruption.

Now that's naive...
2698   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jul 22, 5:22pm  

The other aspect being overlooked about our military, under Obama they started a HUGE push to get rid of top brass that were loyal to America or the people rather than the government agenda. And recruiting standards have been lowered so much, any fag, dike, or gang banger can easily get in. They want the military to be a beefed up version of the police eventually. Willing to violate Posse Comitatus, willing to kill civilians.
2699   richwicks   2023 Jul 22, 5:55pm  

NuttBoxer says

HeadSet says

Nobody likes the MIC, but the fix is for the civilians to vote out the corruption.

Now that's naive...

HAHAHA - that's extremely naive.

Biden wasn't even fucking elected. Supposedly, 25.5 million NEW VOTERS showed up in 2020, our greatest turn out in American history. That's 50% of the entire US population, not just of voting age, the ENTIRE population. The increase was 7% of our entire population.

@HeadSet - we don't have a FUCKING GOVERNMENT. All the need is 50.000001% to believe either we elected these assholes, OR it doesn't matter.

Debbie Wasserman Shultz didn't win her election. We have traitors EVERYWHERE in the government.

Now, then this government fails (and it will, it's when not if), we'll be able to tell what replaces it as either good or bad, if these assholes are executed or not. If they're not, the new boss is the same as the old boss.
2700   HeadSet   2023 Jul 22, 7:00pm  

richwicks says

we don't have a FUCKING GOVERNMENT. All the need is 50.000001% to believe either we elected these assholes, OR it doesn't matter.

Naive or not, I am looking at the last Virginia Governor race. In 2020, we had obvious fraud in the after-hours tally where Trump in Virginia went from an 18-point lead at poll closing to losing the next day. In 2020, the Republican left many western rural precincts without a Republican rep. These traditionally red districts somehow all voted blue. The same vote fraud was tried by the Dem in the 2021 Governor's race when they had 30,000 unsigned votes on hand in Fairfax County. All the Dems needed to do is keep the margin within 30,000 votes and then have a judge allow those fabricated votes. However, the Republicans manned ALL districts this time and the Republican Youngkin had an 85,000 vote lead. Thus, the Dems did not even bother with those 30k unsigned votes.
2701   RWSGFY   2023 Jul 22, 8:30pm  

OUR GREAT CHRISTIAN LEADER has liberated an Orthodox cathedral:


2702   Onvacation   2023 Jul 22, 8:36pm  


OUR GREAT CHRISTIAN LEADER has liberated an Orthodox cathedral:


Instead of filming the fire, why don't they try to put it out?
2703   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Jul 22, 9:49pm  

Onvacation says


OUR GREAT CHRISTIAN LEADER has liberated an Orthodox cathedral:


Instead of filming the fire, why don't they try to put it out?

its like a movie simulation.
2704   richwicks   2023 Jul 22, 9:57pm  


OUR GREAT CHRISTIAN LEADER has liberated an Orthodox cathedral:

Wasn't Putin about to die from cancer like a year ago? Oh that can't be, I must be misremembering that. After all the US doesn't has propaganda:

original link

What's the church? It's said "Odesa’s main Orthodox cathedral" - well what cathedral is that? Holy Assumption Cathedral, Transfiguration Cathedral, Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral? What's the geolocation? For all I know, and you know, this is a picture of a Syrian church. Could be in Libya as well. Stop seizing on propaganda. People who fall for this, I once just thought were ignorant, but they are just stupid. People get fooled over and over and over again, and they still think "recent information" which provides no way to confirm it, is worth talking about.

It could be true, possibly, but given the annoying level of propaganda in this stupid pointless war, I have a wait and see attitude.

@RWSGFY - give us an update in 1 month.

Develop a fucking filter. I don't understand why people just believe anything they see on a fucking computer or a television screen. They're not human. Despite being lied to repeatedly, fooled repeatedly, made a fool repeatedly, they never learn. Cattle are smarter.
2705   AmericanKulak   2023 Jul 23, 12:44am  

HeadSet says

All the Dems needed to do is keep the margin within 30,000 votes and then have a judge allow those fabricated votes. However, the Republicans manned ALL districts this time and the Republican Youngkin had an 85,000 vote lead. Thus, the Dems did not even bother with those 30k unsigned votes.

If they had it in the bag, they wouldn't be going to the mattresses with the third impeachment/"Trumped Up' Charges.

They won't have COVID like last time, or at least, we hope they won't.

I'll never forget those thousand or so mail-in votes in PA that were alleged to come from some college (near Reading? I forget, not a big school) the Student Center Mail Room, a College that had been closed and still was in November 2020 there were no in-person classes or dorm occupants and hadn't been since May. I suspect that during COVID they forgot to shut down the usual fraudulent voting on top of the manufactured votes.

Sadly, SCOTUS already had the opportunity to nullify the lower court's allowing "unfilled date" mail in ballots to be counted in Pennsylvania, with the true conservatives (Thomas, Gorsuch, Alito) dissenting. It only vacated the ruling without setting precedent.
2709   Ceffer   2023 Jul 24, 11:50am  

Our buddy Benjamin Fulford claims Ukraine settlement is near, but Woo Knows but the Woo?
Benjamin Fulford
July 24, 2023
An agreement to end the Ukrainian war was reached in principle last week following high-level negotiations between British MI6 Intelligence and the Russian FSB. The details will be negotiated over the coming months sources in both agencies confirm.

The basic outline of the agreement is as follows:

Russia will get the entire Ukrainian Black Sea coast.

The city of Odesa will become a demilitarized free trade zone to allow Ukrainian trade to proceed smoothly.

The country of Abkhazia will be internationally recognized and be turned into a free trade zone.

The war criminals in Ukraine, including Vladimir Zelinsky, will be removed from power and face justice.

A fully modernized 300,000-man NATO army will be established in Germany. It will be strong enough to deter Russian invasion but too weak to threaten Russia. It will also keep the military-industrial complex in business until a swords-to-plowshares transition can be managed.

Also, a Polish/Lithuanian confederacy may take over the non-Russian parts of Ukraine. Russian President Vladimir Putin himself says “Plans may be in the works to use an intended Polish-Lithuanian-Ukrainian joint military unit as an occupation force in western Ukrainian territories, and any Polish forces entering Lviv are certain to remain there,”


He also says that if the Ukrainians “want to relinquish or sell off something in order to pay their bosses, as traitors usually do, that’s their business. We will not interfere.” In other words, the Russians seem to be OK with this as long as “they leave Belarus alone.”"

The city of Odesa will become a demilitarized free trade zone to allow Ukrainian trade to proceed smoothly.
Does this mean the Russian criminals conducting business through the ports get to shake down the Ukrainian criminals?
2710   HeadSet   2023 Jul 24, 12:42pm  

Ceffer says

Also, a Polish/Lithuanian confederacy may take over the non-Russian parts of Ukraine.

Why would Lithuania be involved? Poland could just take back territory taken from them and given to Ukraine after WW2.Ceffer says

The war criminals in Ukraine, including Vladimir Zelinsky, will be removed from power and face justice.

Never happen. Declaring Zelinski as a criminal would implicate Biden, Graham, and others.
2711   RayAmerica   2023 Jul 25, 3:29pm  

Ukraine war propaganda that includes a phony scene of a bombed out building. Two women carry debris as if it were a feather, when in reality, they probably couldn't even lift it.


2712   Ceffer   2023 Jul 25, 5:05pm  

RayAmerica says

phony scene of a bombed out building

LOL! Walmart: "Stryofoam stage prop cleanup in Isle 3!"
2713   richwicks   2023 Jul 25, 5:41pm  

Ceffer says

Our buddy Benjamin Fulford claims Ukraine settlement is near, but Woo Knows but the Woo?

I do.

Benjamin Fulford is a disinformationist liar. He's a propagandist in "the alt media".

The war will go for at LEAST another year. It would require a change of leadership in the United States, and given the last election was stolen, I don't see it happening. I expect the war to continue for at least 4 more years.
2718   Ceffer   2023 Jul 26, 7:55pm  

New York Times fantasy propaganda for idiotic brainwashed hawks. I hope the military eventually hangs those wretches putting this stuff out.
2720   Ceffer   2023 Jul 27, 7:08pm  

Our crime port! Our beautiful crime port! Melting, melting! Russia finally decides leaving Odessa on the table doesn't matter any more and is beginning to encroach in earnestness.


2722   Ceffer   2023 Jul 28, 10:46pm  

The deadpan way Russians describe things on Rybar:
"In the Orikhiv sector, the AFU managed to occupy a small area of forest plantations northeast of Robotyne.
The dubious success cost the enemy dozens of dead soldiers and a large amount of burned Western equipment."
2723   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Jul 29, 9:47am  

Patrick says

“life comes at you fast”
2724   Patrick   2023 Jul 29, 3:04pm  


The article begins by recycling the new narrative, which is that the much-hyped Glorious Spring CounterOffensive™ never really had a chance anyway. But Newsweek added a new twist — it’s not Ukraine’s fault, it was NATO:

While there are numerous reasons for this relative lack of success, including the strength of Russian defenses, some experts are pointing towards a less obvious influence: NATO. The alliance pushed an arbitrary deadline for the counterattack, they say, and then failed to fully prepare Ukrainian forces to carry it out.

Reading that paragraph, you could be forgiving for thinking it was NATO’s war, and Ukraine is just providing a few troops to help out. After all, why would NATO set war deadlines instead of Ukrainian generals? And why should NATO prepare Ukrainian forces to “carry out” the Ukrainian counterattack? I mean, if it’s Ukraine’s battle plan, shouldn’t Ukraine prepare its own troops?
2726   Patrick   2023 Jul 29, 4:11pm  

Trump has a point there. War for the profit of US defense contractors was inevitable as soon as the election fraud installed Bidet.
2727   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Aug 1, 1:32pm  

They have obfuscated as much as possible though. The focus is all on aid, not American's in Ukraine. But even that isn't selling...
2728   Patrick   2023 Aug 2, 12:44am  


The joke is this: My zoomer kid was talking about Russia stomping the shit out of Ukraine and he was like - Damn Putin got Rizz. What is he Adolf Rizz-Ler?

Of course I know what it means so it’s fucking hilarious. Look it up, catch yourself up to the zoomer generation. Mostly inane humor and super subtle but every once in a while I laugh my ass off.

Back to Ukraine for a second.

It is plain to see that the entire Anglo European NATO and Western Establishment don’t give a fuck about Ukraine either. Especially the people. They really hate them. Me, I just don’t give two shits about Ukraine. And I don’t expect them to give a shit about me. They are losing like 6 fighters for every one of Russia’s fighters. So to me, The western establishment is fine with letting Russia mass murder Ukraine teenagers by the hundreds of thousands. And vice versa.

It is plain to see to me that if you look at what has happened as a result of the Ukraine War and ignore what they say they are doing you come to this conclusion:

The sanctions helped Russia so in a way Russia is getting paid to fuck Ukraine up.

No one else is invading Ukraine to fight Russia despite all the rhetoric and postering about Nuclear War. Show me one country with troops and military poised to attack Russia. I’ll wait.

Russia along with China and other nations exited the Swift system which allowed Western intelligence agencies to track global financial transactions so they could get “The Bad Guys” the second they bought the wrong thing, laundered money, and on and on. Now that is gone as the BRICS nations supposedly rise up to challenge western hegemony.
2732   zzyzzx   2023 Aug 2, 5:32am  

How's that alleged 100,000 Russian troops and 900 tanks headed toward Kharkov working out? It's probably more like 10,000 unmotivated and barely trained draftees and 90 T-55's. For comparison purposes, during WW2, the Germans managed to take Kharkov twice.
2733   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Aug 2, 6:44pm  

zzyzzx says

How's that alleged 100,000 Russian troops and 900 tanks headed toward Kharkov working out? It's probably more like 10,000 unmotivated and barely trained draftees and 90 T-55's. For comparison purposes, during WW2, the Germans managed to take Kharkov twice.

Pretty good since all they are doing is sitting tight in fortified positions while Ukeys pour in to be slaughtered. It's called 'war of attrition'.
2734   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Aug 2, 6:47pm  

is this war still on? been quiet on the news lately

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