Greeted like Liberators: Ukraine Invasion Thread

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2022 Feb 23, 8:30pm   457,170 views  4,457 comments

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1007   RWSGFY   2022 May 17, 4:44pm  

Patrick says

My point is that the sanctions on Russia are just about the stupidest move ever made by any government in history, ever.

They are ineffective, perhaps actually benefitting Russia.

And they have undermined the faith any country can have in holding US dollars or holding their assets in any institution controlled by America.


But that's Brandon for ya.

I repeat again: the exchange rate you're quoting is meaningless as Rubble is not a freely convertable currency anymore.

You can't buy USD for tge price in Rubbles quoted above.

I triple dog dare Gonzalo Lira (THE ONLY ONE I TRUST!) to go to Russia and film himself buying USD in one of these street exchange windows for the above quoted price instead of silly things he's doing now like pretending he's killed by SBU while pretending he's in Kharkiv while being in Lviv.
1008   Bd6r   2022 May 17, 5:04pm  

Patrick says
Yes, definitely more than Russia.

T'is is not Ukrainian army:


Russians have been orders of magnitude more brutal than Ukrainians, killing about 20% of population of Chechnya.. About corruption, I am not sure who is worse.
1009   Tenpoundbass   2022 May 17, 5:15pm  

Patrick says

I just imagine her and Ben drinking morning coffee both working on their latest panel. She's come a long way from her long droopy styling of drawing. Either Ben is doing her human expression and caricature detail, or he's doing one hell of a job mentoring her. But she always great takes in her cartoons, definitely fits the grrrrraphics.com family.
1010   richwicks   2022 May 17, 5:19pm  

Eric Holder says
richwicks says
Merkel was on Putin's payroll,

Russia wasn't caught tapping Merkel's phone line just to have Merkel do absolutely nothing about it.

Obama was.

Another rambling answer having nothing to do with the original post.

It demonstrates that Merkel is on the US' payroll. That's why she allows her phone to be wiretapped by the US intelligence agencies.

Merkel isn't Russia's puppet, she's the puppet of the United States.
1011   richwicks   2022 May 17, 5:22pm  

Bd6r says

Patrick says
Yes, definitely more than Russia.

T'is is not Ukrainian army:


Russians have been orders of magnitude more brutal than Ukrainians, killing about 20% of population of Chechnya.. About corruption, I am not sure who is worse.

Here, I'll help with an English translation.


People should read it, especially the all important comments from actual people, not propagandists.
1012   Eric Holder   2022 May 17, 6:27pm  

richwicks says

It demonstrates that Merkel is on the US' payroll.

No it doesn't. She always acted at odds with the US and in alignment with Putin. Among other things, she vehemently opposed Trump's ideas of NATO countries spending their agreed 2% of GDP on military and importing US natgas instead of Russian. She vehemently opposed inclusion of Georgia and Ukraine into NATO in 2008 while US was for it.

So no US payroll for her.
1014   AmericanKulak   2022 May 17, 7:33pm  

socal2 says

Merkel's predecessor Gerhard Schroeder is on Russian payroll.


What I'd say, long ago?

Puts the whole "Poland must take Rapefugees" thing in a different light, now that I think about it.

"The Russians spent money (six figures) during the (2016) election!" Yeah, pushing weak Bernie and BLM.
1017   Ceffer   2022 May 18, 10:17am  

"Update for Russian military operations in Ukraine for May 17, 2022:

1. Russia continues to make slow and steady progress in Donbas, the primary area of Russia’s focus;
2. Additional Russian salients and encirclements take shape within the much largers Izyum, Lyman, Severodonetsk, Papasnya cauldron area;
3. Ukrainian “offensive” northeast of Kharkov appears to have been a costly photo-op and little more;
4. Ukrainian militants hiding in the Azovstal industrial complex begin to surrender dealing a mostly political blow to Ukraine;
5. Ukrainian militants had long since been out of the fight (since mid to late-April);
6. Pentagon claims most M777 howitzers are already on the front in Kharkov and Donbas;
7. US M777s have yet to make any discernible difference on the battlefield;
8. Pentagon admits Russia still has the majority of its combat power prepared against Ukraine available to it;"
1018   richwicks   2022 May 18, 10:41am  

Eric Holder says
richwicks says

It demonstrates that Merkel is on the US' payroll.

No it doesn't. She always acted at odds with the US and in alignment with Putin.

How did she act at odds?

Merkel is the US' bitch, whore.

The left never had a problem with Russia so long as it was communist, but they have a HUGE problem with Russia now. Think Obozo was anti-communist? Read Dreams of My Father.

If Germany was smart and had a leader that was working in the interests of the German people, they would be the endpoint of the Nordstream II and many other pipelines, and they would be the gateway for Europe's natural gas and oil. They'd make an alliance with Russia, and then stop propping up the Euro.

Same with the United States - they should dump their alliance with Europe and join up with Russia. I mean fuck Europe - they are killing themselves anyhow with immigrants. If the US got into bed with Russia, there would be no need to control the Middle East's energy resources. That's what this whole stupid fucking conflict is about.
1019   AmericanKulak   2022 May 18, 12:04pm  

Hugh_Mongous says
6. Pentagon claims most M777 howitzers are already on the front in Kharkov and Donbas;

That's being aimed at the Swedish Feminist Party, right?
1020   Eric Holder   2022 May 18, 12:05pm  

richwicks says
Eric Holder says
richwicks says

It demonstrates that Merkel is on the US' payroll.

No it doesn't. She always acted at odds with the US and in alignment with Putin.

How did she act at odds?

It was literally explained in the part you cut off.
1021   Eric Holder   2022 May 18, 12:06pm  

Welt: European Parliament to propose sanctions against former German Chancellor, Austrian ex-Foreign Minister.

The members of the European Parliament want to call on the 27 EU states to include Germany’s Gerhard Schröder and Austria’s Karin Kneissl on the sanctions list.
1023   Bd6r   2022 May 18, 5:12pm  

Eric Holder says
Welt: European Parliament to propose sanctions

European Parliament is the least useful institution in visible universe. They have only "advisory powers" and exist to pay off semi-retired politicians and produce mirage of democracy.
1025   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 May 18, 6:36pm  

Patrick says

most corporations with ukraine flag logos are full of shit. next month, i bet you money, theyll rainbow gay logos moving on to gay shit. those people are full of shit.
1026   AmericanKulak   2022 May 19, 12:50am  

Real or staged? Old lady led away for "collaboration" with the Russians by heavily armed men.

1027   AmericanKulak   2022 May 19, 12:53am  

Bd6r says
European Parliament is the least useful institution in visible universe. They have only "advisory powers" and exist to pay off semi-retired politicians and produce mirage of democracy.

Yep, whenever you see "EU Parliament" it's really "Council of Europe" or whatever the more closed door grouping is. The EU Parliament has no law making powers, they can only vote up or down on whatever the EU bigwigs send down to them, and can't amend or repeal either. Just yes or no.

The EU bigwigs just keep sending the same bills down until it passes.
1028   Ceffer   2022 May 19, 1:33am  

They're wising up to the cannon fodder scam and realizing they have been propagandized into committing suicide. They need to shoot the nearest Azov and surrender.
1030   Patrick   2022 May 19, 8:46am  


French former Marine returns from Ukraine shocked

French ex-soldier Adrien Bocquet spent three weeks in Ukraine and what he saw there will be etched on his mind forever, he said. Once back home he was dismayed to learn that the media keep inviting "experts" who have not been to Ukraine and have no idea what is going on there.

Speaking to French radio station Sud Radio, Adrien Bocquet said he had witnessed “a lot of war crimes“. All those war crimes were committed by Ukrainian soldiers and not by Russian soldiers, he pointed out. Bocquet is therefore enormously alarmed that Europe is sending weapons to Ukrainian neo-Nazis. They wear all kinds of Nazi symbols on their uniforms. They do not hide these symbols. What is more, they boast about them, he said.
1033   richwicks   2022 May 19, 2:27pm  


Who is Illia Ponomaren? Some CIA asshole?

Oh I see this: - yeah, that's a propagandist. It's not a person, it's either subhuman or a computer program.

Anything with is known to be bullshit. Stop pushing bullshit.
1034   Eric Holder   2022 May 19, 2:46pm  

richwicks says


Who is Illia Ponomaren? Some CIA asshole?

Oh I see this: - yeah, that's a propagandist. It's not a person, it's either subhuman or a computer program.

Anything with is known to be bullshit. Stop pushing bullshit.

Pour some ice water on your crotch - no need to be THAT exited: the guy simply conveyed what Russian ambassador said. Is Russian ambassador a propagandist? Most probably, but he's the kind your kind likes, so let's give him a pass. Anyway, he literally used the word "surrender". Here's the full sentence he used it in (I know you like googling "10 words" but he used only 8, sorryaboutthat): "We will never surrender, and never go back.”


1035   Patrick   2022 May 19, 9:47pm  


Former U.S. President George W. Bush: "The decision of one man to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq. I mean, of the Ukraine"
1036   AmericanKulak   2022 May 20, 2:27am  

Dark Twin, man. Dark Twin messing with the liar.
1037   RWSGFY   2022 May 20, 7:43am  

Patrick says


Former U.S. President George W. Bush: "The decision of one man to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq. I mean, of the Ukraine"

At least he was able to go from start to finish in 26 days. That stupid cunt Putin has spent a whole fucking year preparing for his blitzkrieg, but 3 month into it the statue of that bloody and ruthless dictator Zelensky (relative of literally Hitler!) is still towering over Baghdad ... err... Kyiv.
1038   Patrick   2022 May 20, 9:43pm  


Monkeypox is coming, just as they predicted (and just as "Ukraine" started getting old)!
Although they're really bad at "keeping everybody safe," the global guardians of "public health" are awfully good at prophecy
1039   richwicks   2022 May 20, 9:53pm  

Eric Holder says
Pour some ice water on your crotch - no need to be THAT exited: the guy simply conveyed what Russian ambassador said. Is Russian ambassador a propagandist?

The first job of a politician is to lie to get a desired result.

The first job of our media is to lie to get a desired result.

I have no reason to think the Russian ambassador made such a statement and even if it was shown the ambassador did, my first question is why?
1041   Ceffer   2022 May 22, 1:29am  

Bunch of the hash and injection rigs they found at Azovstal LOL! Maybe they surrendered because they were running out of drugs. Who gives a shit about food, bullets, water or medicine. Ukies and Azov are probably one of the most doped up armies in history.
1042   Ceffer   2022 May 22, 1:35am  

Here's some more about one of the guys with Baphomet tats:


1044   richwicks   2022 May 22, 2:13am  

No blue check on this one!

Yes, but your sourcing a site in which 1/2 of Biden's "followers" were computer programs and a site you know promotes propaganda in favor of US political interests.

You may as well be citing MSNBC or CNN.

I remember when it was claimed that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that "Israel will be wiped off the map", but there's no idiom like that in Farsi, and what he actually said is that the regime (in Israel) would fail in time. Ahmadinejad was simply saying the Zionist regime was destined to fail but ALL of our media lied and claimed he intended to destroy the nation, that Iran would wipe Israel off the map. They BLATANTLY lied about this, even when the Farsi was printed, explained 10 ways from Sunday, and every interpretation was given. They have no shame about lying. People see the first fucking thing, assume it's true, and forget entirely about it when it's proven false.

There's nothing our bullshit propaganda machine won't do - they will take people out of context, they will misquote them, they will make up quotes they didn't even make, they will lie about sexual assaults. Twitter banned people from talking about Hunter Biden's laptop, they falsely claimed it was "Russian disinformation", anything that shows up on Twitter is approved by a propaganda board now. They have no credibility.

Subtitles in Cyrillic, I can verify the pronunciation and I can do the translation and I can do it with multiple translation programs, not just the one Google owns.

They will lie, even blatantly and obviously lie. We've seen that multiple times. Unless they are willing to demonstrate unequivocally the truth, they're lying. Remember:

original link

That was going to be our new head of the Ministry of Truth. There's no credibility left in any of our institutions. We're left to do research on even the basics at this point.
1045   RWSGFY   2022 May 22, 6:30am  

Ceffer says


If he wiped out half of Russian Air Force with THAT, what happens when F-16s arrive?
1046   RWSGFY   2022 May 22, 6:33am  

richwicks says

No blue check on this one!

Yes, but your sourcing a site in which 1/2 of Biden's "followers" were computer programs and a site you know promotes propaganda in favor of US political interests.

You may as well be citing MSNBC or CNN.

I remember when it was claimed that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that "Israel will be wiped off the map", but there's no idiom like that in Farsi, and what he actually said is that the regime (in Israel) would fail in time. Ahmadinejad was simply saying the Zionist regime was destined to fail but ALL of our media lied and claimed he intended to destroy the nation, that Iran would wipe Israel off the map. They BLATANTLY lied about this, even when the Farsi was printed, explained 10 ways from Sunday, and every interpretation was given. They have no shame about lying. People see the first fucking thing, assume it's true, and forge...

"Nothing is real except for cockroaches in richwicks head".

Even fucking video of fucking Russian senator or fucking law on the fucking Duma website are not real because somewhere there is some woman who was tapped for some disinfo board which since collapsed....

But Jooish Nazis? Oh, these are real, and THEY ARE SPECTACULAR!

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