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I’m sorry to be harsh but Professor Oster is nothing but a Covid-19 grifter who is actually advocating for Pandemic Amnesia, not Amnesty.
I know that quite some time has passed, but I think it’s important to remember some of the basic problems that brought us to this juncture.
Things We Should Never Forget
1: Lockdowns were Never Part of the Plan
The WHO and CDC had publicly available pandemic plans in place based on a century’s worth of experience.
Do you know what wasn’t in these plans? Widespread lockdowns and mask wearing.
Do you know what was in these plans but completely absent from the Covid response? Risk-benefit analyses and the consideration of ethical issues. ...
2: They Shut Down Access to Repurposed Drugs
The establishment not only shut down all debate about repurposed drugs (HCQ, Ivermectin), they also moved aggressively to even restrict access to such treatments under the supervision of your own doctor. ...
3: They Lied about the Nature of the Virus
They refused to acknowledge anything that was widely known to be true about the “novel” virus:
It behaves like other coronaviruses
There are significant numbers of asymptomatic cases
Pre-existing immunity exists (indicating T-Cell immunity)
Vaccines for respiratory viruses don’t provide sterilizing immunity, thus don’t stop transmission
Natural immunity is superior to vaccine immunity and long lasting ...
4: Vaccine Mandates
Mandating somebody to get vaccinated with an experimental mRNA vaccine for a respiratory virus that, depending on age/health, poses fairly little risk is unethical and an abuse. Add in the fact that the vaccines don’t offer sterilizing immunity and now there is also no community benefit from the vaccine.
These things were pretty clear early on. Any discussion about mandates should have ended when it became clear that vaccines don’t stop transmission. ...
5: The Stupid Post-Vaccine Mandates
For some unexplained reason, they thought it would make sense to keep vaccinated and non-vaccinated people separate after everyone who wanted the vaccine was able to get one. Again, this makes no sense if the vaccine doesn’t provide sterilizing immunity.
Remember when they said this was a “pandemic of the unvaccinated”? They lied.
The correct action would have been to go back to normal. Instead they kept us on pandemic watch indefinitely while establishing no endpoint for ending measures. ...
6: The Vaccination of Children ...
7: School Lockdowns ...
Ben Shapiro has long been a promoter of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, telling his millions of followers that they were “dopes” if they decided against submitting themselves to the grand experiment.
On Tuesday, Shapiro admitted that, like many others, he had been lied to and deceived about the efficacy of the vaccines, particularly with regard to their ability to prevent viral transmission.
On Tuesday’s episode of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” Shapiro admitted, “It is now perfectly clear that we were lied to. And we were lied to at a very high level and from very, very early on by both the vaccine companies, in terms of the ability of the vaccine to prevent transmission, and … by our politicians who apparently knew better.” ...
Shapiro, who is also a lawyer by training, suggested that “there may need to be actual criminal prosecutions if you are disseminating false health information to people on the basis of zero evidence.”
Like YOU did, Ben Shapiro?
Like YOU did, Ben Shapiro?
Fines for the unvaccinated: Fifty-eight percent (58%) of voters would oppose a proposal for federal or state governments to fine Americans who choose not to get a COVID-19 vaccine.
House arrest: Fifty-nine percent (59%) of Democratic voters would favor a government policy requiring that citizens remain confined to their homes at all times, except for emergencies, if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine.
Imprisonment for questioning the vaccine: Nearly half (48%) of Democratic voters think federal and state governments should be able to fine or imprison individuals who publicly question the efficacy of the existing COVID-19 vaccines on social media, televis...
I will never forget. The world is a far crueler place than I could have imagined, with people wishing you (including the potatus) death over Christmas last year. I think the hardest thing for me will be to find a way to convince my son that most people are simply ignorant/patsy/evil. I will have to break the news that is 1,000,000% worse than there is no Santa Claus. What should we tell our children about the evil that is continuing to be committed? I'm open to suggestions, because frankly I'm on the autism spectrum and can't do better than tell the truth as I know it.
Any discussion about mandates should have ended when it became clear that vaccines don’t stop transmission. ...
What should we tell our children about the evil that is continuing to be committed? I'm open to suggestions, because frankly I'm on the autism spectrum and can't do better than tell the truth as I know it.
stereotomy says
What should we tell our children about the evil that is continuing to be committed? I'm open to suggestions, because frankly I'm on the autism spectrum and can't do better than tell the truth as I know it.
Read them Aesop's parable about the wolf and the lamb. Explain that when people want to hurt you for their own profit, they first look for a way to blame you.
CORUSCANT — Acknowledging past decisions that, while well intended, were destructive, and learning a ragtag team of rebels might win again, the Galactic Empire has proposed amnesty for anyone who may have gotten a little carried away and blown up several planets.
"This is supposed to be a happy galaxy. Let's not bicker and argue about who annihilated whose planet," wrote Grand Moff Ardus Kaine in a guest opinion piece published by The Atlantic after polls showed destroying Alderaan just to get a politician to squeal did not sit well with the galaxy's citizens. "Oopsies happen. Forgive and forget, I always say."
Kaine expounded on the need to forgive those who were forced to decide to erase entire systems from the galactic map while not having all of the information available at the time. ...
kitten corner: the price of forgiveness
reparationing the rift
gatito bueno
45 min ago
so, are there gonna be maybe reparations or something?
because otherwise i don’t think even “amnesty international” is gonna go for just forgiving this…
American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten added to the outrage by voicing her support for The Atlantic’s calls for an “amnesty.”
Weingarten used her influence to ensure schools kept their doors closed to children during the pandemic.
She also forced mask mandates on children despite no scientific evidence to support masking policies.
Her actions led to disastrous consequences for students.
Column: Mocking anti-vaxxers’ COVID deaths is ghoulish, yes — but may be necessary
Elderly mother crying out to see her family, locked in during COVID; makes you want to throttle the malfeasants who did this & & did this to millions, tens of millions & our parents/grand parents DIED
DIED lonely! miserable deaths, no warmth, no love, no kindness to them, just lockdown lunacy...never ever EVER forget this! She wants to find a way to see her family but is only relegated to zoom????
Notably, Ms. Oster’s plea for amnesty and forgiveness, showcased in The Atlantic, omits any discussion of accountability for what amounts to serious crimes against the public. A whole lot of people deserve to be indicted for killing and injuring millions of people. At the heart of her plea is the excuse that “we didn’t know” official Covid policy was so misguided. That’s just not true, of course, and is simply evidence of the thinking class’s recently-acquired allergy to truth. The part she left out of her petition for pandemic amnesty is: we were only following orders.
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And now they want "amnesty".