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💉 New York University Professor Scott Galloway appeared on Bill Maher’s show last week. For some reason, disgraced ex-governor Andrew Cuomo was there too. To remind you, Professor Galloway erroneously led the pro-jab charge in New York during the pandemic, which caused a lot of problems, especially for kids. Now, Professor Galloway demands grace and forgiveness — because he did his best under difficult circumstances.
To give you an idea, here is Professor Galloway popping up in August 2021, leveraging his “expertise” and calling for jab mandates:
But now he wants grace, because they all did their best. On Maher’s show, Professor Galloway admitted:
“I was on the board of my kids' school during COVID. I wanted a harsher lockdown policy. In retrospect: I was wrong. The damage to kids of keeping them out of school longer was greater than the risk. But here's the bottom line: Myself, our great people at CDC, and I’d like to think the Governor, we were all operating with imperfect information, we were doing our best. But let's have a little grace and forgiveness for the sh-t show that was COVID."
Imperfect information? Professor Galloway wasn’t saying the information was imperfect during the pandemic. He was talking about locking up dirty unvaccinated people, and making sure they couldn’t earn a living:
In case you are tempted to feel any sympathy toward Professor Galloway’s earnest plea for understanding, consider first that in the very same show, the professor didn’t give newly-elected House Speaker Mike Johnson any grace. In fact, the nutty professor called Johnson “David Duke light” because Johnson had said he had a Christian world view. Galloway’s below-the-racist-belt jab was too much even for Bill Maher, who chided, "I read today (Johnson) has an adopted black son. I don't think David Duke would do that.” But then Maher joined the pig pile, calling Johnson “nevertheless, he’s a religious nut.”
Unconfirmed, Galloway is said to be worth $100M. Meaning, he doesn’t have to work if he doesn’t want to. He could take a couple years off anytime he wants, easily living off the interest from his investments. He’s definitely “laptop class.”
So what do you think? Does Professor Galloway deserve “a little grace and forgiveness?” Or is he an elitist, arrogant jackass that should get fired and cancelled like all the innocent unvaccinated people who lost their jobs in New York while Galloway was cheering on the officious thugs from public health?
No. Everything he unjustly demanded be done to others should justly be done to him now.
Many states effectively outlawed weddings to minimize the risk of Covid transmission. But in many states and cities, politicians and health officials propounded a “copulation exemption” to their repressive edicts. Shortly after lockdowns had been imposed in most of the nation, Covid superstar Anthony Fauci declared that people who hook up with strangers for sex via Tinder or other dating apps are entitled to make their “choice regarding a risk.”
In New York City, police violently assaulted people on the street for failing to obey mandatory facemask edicts. But at the same time, the city government gave its approval to “glory holes” for sex with strangers. The New York City Health Department urged people to “be creative with… physical barriers, like walls, that allow sexual contact while preventing close face-to-face contact.”
The health department also recommended that people who organize orgies should “Limit the size of your guest list. Keep it intimate.” The health department did not specify whether “intimate” meant more or fewer people than a rush hour subway car.
Why Aaron Rodgers Is Still Furious About COVID
Everybody Who Dealt With The Draconian Measures.
And that's my last point, then I just want to fucking move on.
But it's like, people are always like, you know, why are you still talking about COVID?
Like, why don't you just move on?
It's ridiculous.
I'm like, well, let's see what happened.
They locked everybody up forever.
was supposed to be a couple weeks, right?
They locked everybody up.
Hundreds of thousands of businesses closed and never opened again.
Many of dozens of people that I know in their 30s, you know, who poured everything into these small businesses and restaurants and bars and never opened again.
So they lost everything.
They were out on their ass, right?
The gap, the wealth gap got even bigger from the haves and have-nots.
They lied to us over and over.
They vilified early treatments.
They censored legitimate doctors in the space, like Dr. Peter McCullough, like Dr. Dr. Corey, like Dr. Robert Malone, who allegedly was there in the beginning of the mRNA technology.
And so many more people than that.
The Alex Berenson's of the world, the Weinstein's of the world who were like writing about this, talking about this.
Brett Weinstein.
And had an informed opinion about this.
I mean, they were arresting people who were surfing in California.
They closed the beaches.
When 80, I mean, I don't know what percentage, but probably 60% or more of the country is vitamin D deficient.
And you know, vitamin D, you know, does well against the common cold as does vitamin C, as does zinc, as does the number of home remedies that we all have.
But no, stay inside, wait for this vaccine, which is a hundred percent safe and effective, which they told us.
So my whole point is, listen, they lied to us.
Many times over.
They locked us up.
They closed our businesses.
They increased the mental health issues exponentially.
The rates of suicide went way up.
And they're just like, they vilified us.
The draconian things that, you know, the ridiculous shut down, you know, we've lost billions of dollars.
There's no NFL owners who are mad about this now that we look back and go, oh,
Well, maybe we could have stopped this with a little like early treatments or like not given remdesivir and, you know, a ventilator to these patients.
Maybe like, you know, treat it like the common cold where you, you know, you have symptoms and you start doing something about it, you treat it.
And I have a problem with that because now people are just like, just move on, just brush it under the rug.
It's like, well, I have many apologies.
Not by that guy in ABC.
When 80, I mean, I don't know what percentage, but probably 60% or more of the country is vitamin D deficient.
And you know, vitamin D, you know, does well against the common cold as does vitamin C, as does zinc, as does the number of home remedies that we all have.
This is a short video clip that was recovered from the covid engineered-crisis nightmare
Do not play it if you are still in shock
There's a reason for the flu season. No vitamin D.
I posted on X this morning that even when he’s mad, Biden now seems to be auditioning for one of those “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” ads. Maybe it was an unnecessarily cruel joke.
Then again, his minions forced Twitter to ban me and made me the butt of worldwide scorn by claiming I discouraged people from taking safe and effective vaccines for my own profit.
A few days later, he tried to strip 100 million American adults of the right to choose whether to be dosed with mRNA, and warned the unjabbed, “Our patience is wearing thin.”
So maybe it wasn’t.
The Forgetting Is Mandatory
Under the cover of disease control, most nations in the world have lived through the equivalent of war – never officially declared as such and never officially ended with a peace treaty – and this has swept into place vast changes in our lives, politics, culture, and economy.
Consider the big-picture thinking. Nearly every nation in the world attempted the eradication of a respiratory pathogen that is spread through aerosols and has an animal reservoir – an ambition that any competent medical professional could have told you was insane. And they sought to achieve this great goal through maximum control of the human population. And toward this end, they exercised total control for several years. ...
The conscription came later, as millions were pumped full of an experimental medicine called mRNA delivered through a novel system with an injection. Most had no choice. Whole cities were closed down to the refuseniks. ...
The more we learn about what provoked this horrifying experiment in virus control, the more we are discovering the central role of the military in shaping the policy response, dictating rules to public health, and shepherding the vaccine into being. From long before the American people had a clue what was coming, the military was already treating the virus as a bioweapon leak in need of countermeasures. ...
We dare not comply with this mandatory forgetting. We must remember, and take full account of the deception and destruction the ruling class has caused for no other reason than profits and power. Only then we can learn the right lessons and rebuild on a better foundation for the future.
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And now they want "amnesty".