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I won't forget any of the names of the people who tried to coerce me wrt the clot shot, both at work, and when I went for medical check-ups.
As for the work-related fucks, I let it be known that I would sue them personally.
As for the medical, I'll take my leisure in fucking them back, e.g; "Oh, you recommend this, just like you recommended the clot shot which has already killed X,XXX,XXX? Are you fucking serious? Admit to my face that you're a craven, lying, Megele-murderer."
I have almost a year until my next physical. Any constructive suggestions?
When presented with the opportunity denied to so many more worthwhile commentators, Piers Morgan’s arrogance is only outdone by his ignorance. Let’s see how many things he is still managing to get wrong after all this time in just one minute of vomit-inducing backtracking:
No, the facts did not change, just your knowledge of them.
Your firm VIEWS, what you BELIEVED is the root of all issues when facts are at stake. You abused your position in the media to elevate your ignorance above those of us who were presenting evidenced-based arguments against you.
Even if it were an established fact that the “vaccines” stopped transmission, there is still absolutely no moral or ethical argument to mandate them or deny basic freedoms to those who do not take them, given the plethora of potential adverse events. But, of course, you wouldn’t know about that because you are ignorant and dismissed anyone who would even suggest it.
No, the vaccines are not stopping all the people getting very sick and dying. Again, you are letting your ignorance shine through. The original evidence supporting the effectiveness of the “vaccine” has been revealed to be rife with fraud. Real-world data has shown unequivocally that overall outcomes in terms of sickness and death are worse in the vaccinated. You are still spreading very dangerous misinformation.
You deserve to be pilloried because you were originally wrong and haven’t really changed your mind at all, just twisted your position to make it look like you were just doing the right thing and then made a feeble appeal for sympathy.
At her inaugural press conference, Alberta Premier @ABDanielleSmith says the unvaccinated are "the most discriminated against group that I've ever witnessed in my lifetime."
A Look Back at the Demonization of the Unvaccinated
Social media has been in an uproar since a member of European Parliament posted a video of a hearing in which a Pfizer director admitted the company never tested whether its Covid mRNA vaccine prevents transmission prior to its approval for emergency use.
Though the fact that Covid mRNA vaccines do not prevent transmission was, of course, abundantly clear from the data soon after their implementation, this myth was a primary justification for vaccine passes and a primary cause of the unprecedented venom launched at those who refused Covid vaccines throughout 2021 and continuing through today.
Not only did governments exert this pressure through policy, but in many cases politicians and officials used their office to deliberately stoke the social stigmatization of the unvaccinated. Here’s a look back at some of the unprecedented vitriol that was launched at those who refused Covid vaccines from 2021 and beyond.
The guy who used his mega-billions to lobby worldwide for lockdowns, jabs, and mandates is now saying he "didn't understand that it's a fairly low fatality rate"???
And people got UNPERSONED for saying it was "like the flu"!!!!
Bro, the rest of us were looking at the CDC, John Hopkins, and NHS mortality data and had firmly concluded by summer 2020 at the latest that most of us under age 75 without health complications were going to be fine.
That's the whole reason we lobbied against the school shutdowns, mask mandates, travel passports, and the rest of it. We kept trying to tell you wannabe dictators that the actual health data showed an extremely low risk to the people who needed to go to school and work.
Instead, you locked us all up for TWO FREAKING YEARS! ...
So get outta here. I don't want to hear it.
You made this mess, you get to own it. Enjoy.
From people I know in the liberal Bay Area, I shit you not when I say that I know people here that are probably life long maskers going forward
I live among moronic slaves that believe any bullshit, who are idiot savants in very narrow areas, and can't apply critical thinking outside of their one very specific area of expertise. My entire viewpoint of intelligence had been entirely overturned.
Never forget that Arnold Schwarzenegger told unvaccinated Americans “screw your freedoms”.
since the alleged bombshell (hardly new news to many of discerning cattitudes) at the euro-parliament in which pfizer admitted that they had never tested the vaccines to see if they stopped spread there has been an all too predictable orgy of “fact checking” making astonishingly implausible claims that “pfizer never said it would stop spread” and even that “health officials never said so either.”
but they did.
all of them.
in unison. ...
and as you can see from the video above, pfizer CEO bourla is, in his own words on public media, participating in and leading the charge on this campaign of misinformation that his own company now admits had no basis in fact and had not even been tested for.
his moralizing as marketing is stark. “it’s not about you, it’s about all of us.” if you don’t get the vaxx “you are the weak link that will allow this virus to replicate.”
that is a direct marketing claim made in public for the express purpose of generating demand for the jab and overcoming resistance to taking poorly tested drugs.
it was made without evidentiary basis.
and it was wrong.
this alone ought be legal grounds for pfraud. it’s a clear, false claim made in furtherance of drug sales that was made without evidence or even testing to support it.
these vaccines did not stop spread. they did not protect society.
now admits had no basis in fact and had not even been tested for.
Oct 17
Don’t ever forget these people.
Fauci rewrites history, claims he ‘had nothing to do with’ COVID school closures ...
His latest claim is that he “nothing to do” with the nationwide school lockdowns that followed the outbreak of Covid in the U.S. Nor, he says, is he in any way to blame for loss in learning among public school students that followed the switch to virtual learning. ...
Having closely followed the pronouncements of “Mr. Science” over the past two years, I just can’t let him get away with this whopper...
The facts are that, from the very first, Fauci was calling for nationwide school closures. On March 12, 2020, for example, he said, “One thing I do advise … [is] mitigation. And what was done when you close the schools is mitigation.”
And he did not hesitate to criticize those who questioned his prescriptions, as when he slammed Florida’s governor Ron DeSantis on April 12 for merely remarking that he wanted to get schools back open as soon as possible. Fauci responded by saying that opening the schools would get children infected with the coronavirus. ...
Typically for the wizened virus master, Fauci tries to have it both ways. Even as he denies having anything to do with school closures, he still claims that it was the right thing to do because it saved lives. “The idea that this virus doesn’t afflict children is not so,” he told ABC News. “We’ve already lost close to 1,500 kids so far.”
Except, we haven’t.
Fauci’s number is based on a May 2022 study claiming that COVID was responsible for 1,433 deaths among persons 19 and younger. Critics pointed out that the authors had wrongly counted hundreds who had died with COVID, but not from COVID. The authors admitted their error the following month, but Fauci apparently didn’t get the memo.
But it is his continuing denials—in the face of overwhelming evidence—that the school closures caused any lasting harm that really raised my blood pressure. I have grandchildren who clearly suffered a learning loss. Besides the dramatic drop in reading, writing and arithmetic skills, the social isolation also harmed kids, and some now have mental health issues as a result.
What I will never forget is that "smart and intelligent people" were so easily manipulated.
10% of the people I knew in Silly Con Valley had the discernment to realize that the government was lying to them - and this is after they realized that the government was lying to them through multiple wars. What I won't forget is they wouldn't engage in a discussion. I can see the contempt of the powerful over the masses now.
I'm forced to acknowledge that other people are cattle, and I need to adopt psychopathic principles to manipulate them so that they do what is beneficial to me and my family.
Avi Yemini
After describing the consequences of Dan Andrews' COVID tyranny.
Senator Ralph Babet tells a cheering crowd in Melbourne today that "sixty thousand Victorians didn't need to leave. Only one man had to leave."
hear! hear!
The premise behind COVID shot mandates and vaccine passports was that by taking the shot, you would protect others, as it would prevent infection and spread of COVID-19
In early October 2022, during a COVID hearing in the European Parliament, Dutch member Rob Roos questioned Pfizer’s president of international developed markets, Janine Small, about whether Pfizer had in fact tested and confirmed that their mRNA jab would prevent transmission prior to its rollout
Small admitted that Pfizer never tested whether their jab would prevent transmission because they had to “move at the speed of science to understand what is happening in the market ... and we had to do everything at risk”
We’ve known for well over two years that the shots were never tested for transmission interruption. In October 2020, Peter Doshi, associate editor of The BMJ, highlighted that trials were not designed to reveal whether the vaccines would prevent transmission. Yet everyone in government and media insisted they would do just that
It was never about science or protecting others. It was always about following a predetermined narrative that sought to get experimental mRNA technology into as many people as possible
More than 100k citizens signed a petition for the UK government to open a public inquiry into COVID-19 vaccine safety.
Parliament duly debated the matter.
Then, ignoring the will of the electorate, the dictatorial state said they won’t bother.
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And now they want "amnesty".