What I Won't Forget

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2022 Mar 3, 12:35pm   127,430 views  805 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


What I won’t forget:

How they said it would be two weeks.

How they shut down churches but kept abortion clinics and weed stores open.

How Canadian pastors were arrested.

How doctors in lab coats knelt to mobs of rioters while ppl weren’t allowed to visit their loved ones.

How a criminal had four funerals while others weren’t allowed to bury their dead.

How cities were destroyed while the people sworn to uphold our Constitution cheered on the destruction.

How the CHAZ was called a “summer of love” but the trucker convoy was called terrorism.

How Kamala petitioned for bail for the terrorists destroying small businesses in Minneapolis.

How dirty DAs in Portland released vandals and arsonists night after night for over 100 nights.

How San Francisco and Seattle have devolved into living hells of drugs and filth.

How children have worn useless cloth masks for two years, delaying their development and causing physical harm, and some leaders and pastors can’t be bothered to say this was wrong.

How Francis Collins and Anthony Fauci betrayed the American people and are still called heroes.

How thousands of people lost their jobs over a therapy that doesn’t even prevent infection or transmission.

How people who resisted this therapeutic intervention have been demonized and dehumanized.

How many of my fellow countrymen would cheer if I died.

How ppl in cities were cut off from society if they wouldn’t show their health papers — and this was seen as righteous and good by all the experts and many of our fellow countrymen.

How children sat in front of screens for months and we called it “school.”

How Joe Biden has threatened, bullied, castigated, and demonized his citizens while claiming to be a “decent guy” and a “uniter” compared to the other guy.

How dementia patients died alone in nursing homes after already having recovered from Covid.

How people were denied safe, effective treatments because those treatments had been politicized, and they died on ventilators apart from their families.

How parks and hiking trails were shut down and police stationed there to keep families away.

How people fled blue states.

How thousands of employees have been forced to sit through brainless trainings that make them feel divided from their fellow countrymen on account of skin color.

How public school children have been groomed into gender confusion.

How 13yo girls have had their breasts removed.

How billionaires and politicians were involved with a man who trafficked children for sex, how he mysteriously died in prison, and none of them will ever be prosecuted, but…

blue collar ppl were arrested and had their assets frozen for peacefully protesting govt overreach.

How overdoses have increased ~30% this year.

How some governors still won’t relinquish emergency powers.

How we’ve been conditioned to view freedom as selfish.

How speaking against the establishment may cost your job or reputation — this in a “free” country.

Our government and other establishment voices would like to sweep all this under the rug.

The have been disastrously, fatally wrong. Don’t forget.

And now they want "amnesty".

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90   Ceffer   2022 Oct 15, 12:27pm  

The only goal for the frothing at the mouth Satanic liars and psychopaths is vaccination compliance, leading up to social credit scores, transhumanism etc. They see voluntary compliance with vaccines as the portal to all social and political power, the path paved with lies upon lies and virtue signaling. It's their blind arrogance that fails to inform them that somebody, even the population at large, might become alert to the caper.

What a thing to exhaust the credibility of every medical, social and political institution over. Shoot on sight.
91   Patrick   2022 Oct 15, 1:41pm  

Never forget that Arnold Schwarzenegger told unvaccinated Americans “screw your freedoms”.
92   BayArea   2022 Oct 15, 8:25pm  

Patrick says

Never forget that Arnold Schwarzenegger told unvaccinated Americans “screw your freedoms”.

Ya fuck him, he’s dead to me after that stunt
93   Patrick   2022 Oct 16, 2:54pm  


since the alleged bombshell (hardly new news to many of discerning cattitudes) at the euro-parliament in which pfizer admitted that they had never tested the vaccines to see if they stopped spread there has been an all too predictable orgy of “fact checking” making astonishingly implausible claims that “pfizer never said it would stop spread” and even that “health officials never said so either.”

but they did.

all of them.

in unison. ...

and as you can see from the video above, pfizer CEO bourla is, in his own words on public media, participating in and leading the charge on this campaign of misinformation that his own company now admits had no basis in fact and had not even been tested for.

his moralizing as marketing is stark. “it’s not about you, it’s about all of us.” if you don’t get the vaxx “you are the weak link that will allow this virus to replicate.”

that is a direct marketing claim made in public for the express purpose of generating demand for the jab and overcoming resistance to taking poorly tested drugs.

it was made without evidentiary basis.

and it was wrong.

this alone ought be legal grounds for pfraud. it’s a clear, false claim made in furtherance of drug sales that was made without evidence or even testing to support it.

these vaccines did not stop spread. they did not protect society.
94   HeadSet   2022 Oct 17, 5:58am  

Patrick says

now admits had no basis in fact and had not even been tested for.

But Pfizer has already cashed those $billions in checks, so it does not hurt them to admit it now.
96   Patrick   2022 Oct 19, 12:53pm  


Oct 17
Don’t ever forget these people.

99   Patrick   2022 Oct 22, 1:18pm  


Fauci rewrites history, claims he ‘had nothing to do with’ COVID school closures ...

His latest claim is that he “nothing to do” with the nationwide school lockdowns that followed the outbreak of Covid in the U.S. Nor, he says, is he in any way to blame for loss in learning among public school students that followed the switch to virtual learning. ...

Having closely followed the pronouncements of “Mr. Science” over the past two years, I just can’t let him get away with this whopper...

The facts are that, from the very first, Fauci was calling for nationwide school closures. On March 12, 2020, for example, he said, “One thing I do advise … [is] mitigation. And what was done when you close the schools is mitigation.”

And he did not hesitate to criticize those who questioned his prescriptions, as when he slammed Florida’s governor Ron DeSantis on April 12 for merely remarking that he wanted to get schools back open as soon as possible. Fauci responded by saying that opening the schools would get children infected with the coronavirus. ...

Typically for the wizened virus master, Fauci tries to have it both ways. Even as he denies having anything to do with school closures, he still claims that it was the right thing to do because it saved lives. “The idea that this virus doesn’t afflict children is not so,” he told ABC News. “We’ve already lost close to 1,500 kids so far.”

Except, we haven’t.

Fauci’s number is based on a May 2022 study claiming that COVID was responsible for 1,433 deaths among persons 19 and younger. Critics pointed out that the authors had wrongly counted hundreds who had died with COVID, but not from COVID. The authors admitted their error the following month, but Fauci apparently didn’t get the memo.

But it is his continuing denials—in the face of overwhelming evidence—that the school closures caused any lasting harm that really raised my blood pressure. I have grandchildren who clearly suffered a learning loss. Besides the dramatic drop in reading, writing and arithmetic skills, the social isolation also harmed kids, and some now have mental health issues as a result.

Fauci should be tried and hanged for mass murder among his many other crimes.
100   GNL   2022 Oct 22, 3:46pm  

Here is the fraud...
1. CDC, NIH, Fauci et al "advise" the shutting down of everything knowing full well that many governments will automatically do it. If for no other reason but to avoid litigation.
2. Emergencies like this force(?) these same governments to do certain things. What those laws/rules/regs are, we do not know. We are trapped by the minute of red tape me thinks.
101   Ceffer   2022 Oct 22, 7:50pm  

Fauci has practiced situational psychopathy for so long, it's who he is, like Biden Actor's compulsive lying. They believe that this is 'smart' and attention spans aren't long enough to register or explore their lies. Since they have had long, unbroken and powerful careers, one would have to cede that they may be right.
102   richwicks   2022 Oct 22, 8:03pm  

What I will never forget is that "smart and intelligent people" were so easily manipulated.

10% of the people I knew in Silly Con Valley had the discernment to realize that the government was lying to them - and this is after they realized that the government was lying to them through multiple wars. What I won't forget is they wouldn't engage in a discussion. I can see the contempt of the powerful over the masses now.
103   mell   2022 Oct 22, 8:09pm  

richwicks says

What I will never forget is that "smart and intelligent people" were so easily manipulated.

10% of the people I knew in Silly Con Valley had the discernment to realize that the government was lying to them - and this is after they realized that the government was lying to them through multiple wars. What I won't forget is they wouldn't engage in a discussion. I can see the contempt of the powerful over the masses now.

I can see it, too, and it's everywhere. All my old friends overseas just swallowed the narrative, jabbed everyone and their kids and their mother, and these stupid frames "stay home save Iives". Fools. The powerful have so much contempt cause it was even easier to induce mass psychosis than they thought it would be.
104   stereotomy   2022 Oct 22, 8:18pm  

I will never forget that 90% of the people I encountered every day during the plandemic are robotic morons running on autopilot. Rational thought is an endangered species.

I suspected as much 10 years ago, but now that I know in my bones that this is true, I am both terrified and enraged. I'm forced to acknowledge that other people are cattle, and I need to adopt psychopathic principles to manipulate them so that they do what is beneficial to me and my family.

This conclusion disgusts me, but what is worse, I can't help thinking that this is the best way forward.
105   Undoctored   2022 Oct 22, 9:29pm  

@stereotomy, you have no other option. As Jonathan Swift famously put it in 1721:

“Reasoning will never make a Man correct an ill Opinion, which by Reasoning he never acquired.”

Here’s an interesting exploration of the history and evolution of this aphorism:

106   Patrick   2022 Oct 23, 1:25am  

stereotomy says

I'm forced to acknowledge that other people are cattle, and I need to adopt psychopathic principles to manipulate them so that they do what is beneficial to me and my family.

I think that's too pessimistic. If you can really understand the feelings that motivate their irrational thought, then you have a good chance of dissipating the feeling or countering it with a different feeling.

The feeling of FEAR was what drove all this, and fear is not rational. You have to dissipate their feeling of fear, or replace it with resentment at having been manipulated.
108   Patrick   2022 Oct 23, 10:28am  


Avi Yemini
After describing the consequences of Dan Andrews' COVID tyranny.

Senator Ralph Babet tells a cheering crowd in Melbourne today that "sixty thousand Victorians didn't need to leave. Only one man had to leave."

hear! hear!

110   Patrick   2022 Oct 24, 5:24pm  


The premise behind COVID shot mandates and vaccine passports was that by taking the shot, you would protect others, as it would prevent infection and spread of COVID-19

In early October 2022, during a COVID hearing in the European Parliament, Dutch member Rob Roos questioned Pfizer’s president of international developed markets, Janine Small, about whether Pfizer had in fact tested and confirmed that their mRNA jab would prevent transmission prior to its rollout

Small admitted that Pfizer never tested whether their jab would prevent transmission because they had to “move at the speed of science to understand what is happening in the market ... and we had to do everything at risk”

We’ve known for well over two years that the shots were never tested for transmission interruption. In October 2020, Peter Doshi, associate editor of The BMJ, highlighted that trials were not designed to reveal whether the vaccines would prevent transmission. Yet everyone in government and media insisted they would do just that

It was never about science or protecting others. It was always about following a predetermined narrative that sought to get experimental mRNA technology into as many people as possible
111   Patrick   2022 Oct 25, 4:21pm  


More than 100k citizens signed a petition for the UK government to open a public inquiry into COVID-19 vaccine safety.

Parliament duly debated the matter.

Then, ignoring the will of the electorate, the dictatorial state said they won’t bother.

112   Undoctored   2022 Oct 25, 6:48pm  

The Wayback Machine did not forget that the FDA admitted as early as September 3, 2021 that the recently “approved” vaccine was not guaranteed to stop transmission.


And only a month later they told us it was “not known” whether it would prevent infection in the first place:


The science never justified the vaccine mandates, ever!

Note this was publicly admitted by the FDA on October 1. “Omicron” didn’t burst onto the scene until late November.

Who was it who acted as if they knew more than the FDA about what the vaccines could do, and were willing to risk your life on their baseless assumptions? Never forget!
113   Patrick   2022 Oct 26, 7:40pm  

I don't agree with everything Trump says, but it is outrageous that a US president is subject to censorship by violent intolerant leftists.
115   Patrick   2022 Oct 26, 9:52pm  


• A government lab took a virus, made it more lethal, and released it (whether accidentally or on purpose) into the population.

• Government with the collusion of the private sector intentionally blocked access to effective medicines. They literally had the medicines already on hand in a national stockpile for exactly this situation and then when the moment came they went to great lengths to keep people from getting them.

• Hospitals used the wrong protocols and continue to use the wrong protocols. That tells us that the best-trained medical professionals are so blinded by ideology that they cannot transcend failed paradigms.

• The shots have negative efficacy and the worst side effect profile ever seen. Quintuple-dosed bougiecrats look like sh*te and are dropping dead left and right yet still don’t understand what is happening to them (nor do they want to understand).

• The mainstream media has lied to us every single day for the last three years. At this point they are incapable of telling the truth because their business model depends on promoting profitable lies.

• Universities and schools require young people in their care to be injected with a product that is known to cause myocarditis even though this population is not at significant risk from the bioweapon.

• All mainstream medical associations (AMA, AAP, ACOG) and public health institutions (FDA, CDC, NIH) have completely and catastrophically failed on every measure in response to the pandemic.
119   1337irr   2022 Oct 28, 4:49am  

Patrick says

And they go after Trump on some random papers…
120   Patrick   2022 Oct 31, 9:50am  


🚨 ICYMI...

Mark Dolan: Covid has been the biggest “I told you so” in history. Never forgive and never forget. And when it comes to any of these disastrous Covid measures, never again.

It's good, but he leaves out the real crime: THE VAXX IS KILLING PEOPLE
121   Patrick   2022 Oct 31, 11:05am  

Worth repeating:

122   Patrick   2022 Oct 31, 12:24pm  


I’m sorry somebody called you genocidal, Emily Oster. That must’ve been tough for you. You know what’s also tough? Getting your head kicked in by riot police because you had the temerity to protest against indefinite population-wide house arrest.

Or being fired from your university job and banned in perpetuity from the premises because you uploaded a video to social media complaining about the onerous and expensive testing requirements imposed upon unvaccinated staff. Or being confined to your house and threatened with fines because of personal medical decisions that had no chance of impacting the broader course of the pandemic in the first place. But somebody called this woman genocidal in French and she’s ready to move on, so it’s all good. ...

It is just hard to put into words how infuriating it is, to read this breezy triviliasation of the absolute hell we’ve been through, penned by some comfortable and clueless Ivy League mommyconomist who is ready to mouth support for basically any pandemic policy that doesn’t directly affect her or her family and then plead that the horrible behaviour and policies supported by her entire social milieu are just down to ignorance about the virus. We knew everything we needed to know about SARS-2 already in February 2020. The pandemicists and their supporters crossed many bright red lines in their eradicationist zeal and ruined untold millions of lives. That doesn’t all just go away now.
123   Patrick   2022 Oct 31, 12:49pm  


Jeffrey Tucker of Brownstone: "Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word" in asking forgiveness for their COVID lockdown lunacy that caused people and children to kill themselves

It’s been more than obvious since April 2020 that lockdowns were far too costly for individuals and society and could never earn a rational public-health defense. And the evidence was rolling in from one year later that the vaccine mandates were similarly indefensible.

Both tactics had in common the enormous use of state coercion that flew in the face of every principle of civilized government.

As we are constantly told, both people and government were panicked, and needlessly so. As it turns out, the infection fatality rate was not 2-3 percent, as the WHO had said early on, or 1 percent as Fauci told the Senate in March 2020, but rather 0.035 percent for anyone under the age of 60 (which is 94 percent of the population).

Covid has been highly transmissible and with it the resulting protection of natural immunity. The correct policy should have been to maintain all social and market functioning while the actual vulnerable population protected itself as it awaited widespread immunity. That’s how every generation for 100 years has handled infectious disease: as a medical and not political matter. ...

Where are the apologies? Sorry seems to be the hardest word. Faced with enormous failure, the machinery that did this to us has generally refused to say the simple word. It’s the hardest thing for people with power to admit their fallibility. Even though the whole world knows what they did and vast and increasing numbers are aware of the utter failure, the political class still insists on living in a fantasy land of its own creation.

There are exceptions.

Prime Minister Imran Khan apologized for lockdowns in April 2020.

Ron DeSantis of Florida has repeatedly said that the lockdowns were an enormous mistake and will never happen again so long as he is in charge. That’s very close to being an apology, though many residents are still awaiting the magic word.

Also in 2020, Norway’s prime minister Erna Solberg went on Norwegian television to say that she and others panicked and “took many of the decisions out of fear.”

That’s close to being an apology.

So far as I know, that’s about it. Until yesterday. The new Premier of Alberta Canada Danielle Smith has offered an apology to Albertans who were discriminated against because of their COVID-19 vaccination status. “I am deeply sorry for any government employee that lost their job and I welcome them back if they want to come back.”

Glory be! That’s precisely what we are looking for. Not just from a few but from all. The near absence of such apologies is driving the massive political realignment the world over, as furious voters demand admission of wrongdoing and justice for the victims. ...

For strange reasons of timing and loss of principle, the “woke” left found itself mixed up in lockdown politics and then the vaccine mandate. Many of them lined up with policies that violate the very rights they had spent decades defending. So much for the Bill of Rights, the freedom of movement, the appreciation for the classless society, bodily autonomy, and so on. The left lost its soul during these years, and thereby alienated multitudes of sane lefties who watched in horror as their own tribe abandoned them in favor of the authoritarianism they had long decried. ...

You mean all this suffering and horror was for naught? Once that realization dawns, fear turns to anger, and anger to action.

We need action as in Nuremberg trials and the hanging of everyone who imposed injection mandates.
125   GNL   2022 Oct 31, 1:47pm  

Patrick says

As we are constantly told, both people and government were panicked, and needlessly so. As it turns out, the infection fatality rate was not 2-3 percent, as the WHO had said early on, or 1 percent as Fauci told the Senate in March 2020, but rather 0.035 percent for anyone under the age of 60 (which is 94 percent of the population).

I'd like to know how many other maladies have an IFR of .035.
126   mell   2022 Oct 31, 1:55pm  

GNL says

Patrick says

As we are constantly told, both people and government were panicked, and needlessly so. As it turns out, the infection fatality rate was not 2-3 percent, as the WHO had said early on, or 1 percent as Fauci told the Senate in March 2020, but rather 0.035 percent for anyone under the age of 60 (which is 94 percent of the population).

I'd like to know how many other maladies have an IFR of .035.

It's far less than that. For people of young age or generally healthy it's more like .003 or likely even less. The flu has around .01 and 0.3 each year, that is, if you can trust their numbers.
127   WillyWanker   2022 Oct 31, 2:04pm  


What was done was criminal. Anyone who questioned the 'science' was silenced. The science should always be questioned. I read the Atlantic article. It's ridiculous! Only a moron would think that locking down the beaches and arresting people for wanting to go swimming in a BEACH could pose a danger. If the virus had been that virulent, we would all be dead. But we aren't. Morons who went outside wearing masks in empty streets are still around, I still see a few of them here and there.
128   stereotomy   2022 Oct 31, 2:47pm  

For my next yearly physical, I'll start off with that. "Before anything else, I want an apology from you about the whole Covid thing. Otherwise, I'm walking out, because not only did you engage in criminal behavior, but you have no conscience, much less shame. You are all whores, and goddamn your miserable souls."

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