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Ukraine has shot down planes before by accident prior to MH17.Oooohhh, this is sooo juicy and I almost missed this.
mostly reader saysLike "we will use your territory and your resources for whatever we want, including nuclear waste if so we wish, while you run our errands".Odds are overwhelming that Russia's future is to be China's bitch.
You mean like how Biden is China's bitch now?
Here's a video from Al Jazeera:
Did it convince you? Unlikely. Do you have any criticism for it, except that it's posted on Al Jazeera? I expect "crickets".
Then, say again, what does my personal material add to the conversation? Legitimacy? Nope. From what you said in the past, it's safe to say that you trust me less then you trust Al Jazeera. What then?
richwicks saysDo you have something to add to the conversation or people's understanding of the situation?Oh yes. Exposing trolls is valuable for people's understanding of the situation.
You throw around statements and accusations, but then run away from a hint of responsibility for being wrong. I quite successfully demonstrated just that.
Nice strawman: nobody ever stated that Ukraine is an "altruistic utopia". Do these even exist IRL?
Was Putin so paranoid thinking that NATO was going to invade Moscow through Ukraine or something?
It look - ahem - interesting, but here's one detail. There's no clear difference between a lab which genuinely works on fighting highly dangerous virus/bacteria vs. one which specializes in bio-warfare. IIRC Obama banned such labs in US, so indeed he also funded those US-controlled abroad.
I'll go on record saying that this lab
Israel did some of this, until they had to scrap it because Israeli and Palestinian DNA are too similar. Now there's a discovery that should have gone a long way towards healing hatred.
One thing I didn't see was any interviews. No GPS coordinates either, what was this city block? Was it just residential or was it government? They said it was residential. We'll fine out in a few months.Correction: YOU will find out in a few months. I know it today. Not this particular block perhaps, the fact that this shit is going on in civilian quarters.
Convince me of what?Let's not get all cute here. You challenged me on the fact that Russians shell civilian quarters, haven't you? Convince you of "that". Should be pretty obvious.
All war is pretty awful. I've pointed out several times this war could have been avoided.Zelenskyy should have simply signed some BS agreement that Ukraine wouldn't join NATO for X amount of years and then after X-N years renegotiated with both the EU, NATO, the US, and Russia.If you really believe that then you are extremely naive. Nobody was worried about Ukraine becoming NATO because obviously, obviously, OBVIOUSLY NATO doesn't want Ukraine. Not to mention that Russia already, ALREADY has NATO at it's boarders. This whole NATO thing was just a pretext.
When you guys won't say a single negative thing about Ukraine, what am I supposed to think?When you have a victim and a criminal with a smoking gun, you typically don't focus on how victim wasn't a top performer at work.
When you have a victim and a criminal with a smoking gun, you typically don't focus on how victim wasn't a top performer at work.
while the Ukrainian Nazi's are taking them off to the side to rape/kill.
something you can't do
Except nobody has provoked anybody
Get off RT nuts. You don't box them, you hug them.
mostly reader saysSure. Which is why I rarely refer to either. When I do, it's typically because their story has been cross-referenced.Get off RT nuts. You don't box them, you hug them.
Faux News and Newsmax ain't much better.
Came out they got paid by HHS to push COVID vaccines, and of course both were crap on 1/6 and Election Fraud.
Go get'em @richwicks and @nuttboxer! Expose trolls and propagandists for what they are.
Sure. Which is why I rarely refer to either. When I do, it's typically because their story has been cross-referenced.
Fox specifically looks suspicious because they didn't call out multiple fake news on Trump until after the damage was done.
After 2014, the new government
Which News Sources DO you trust?None of them, individually.
Israeli and Palestinian DNA are too similar
Labs, plural. They were not coincidentally the early targets of Russian missile strikes. Also, there are articles about Russia complaining of the labs well before now. Speculation is they were working on genetic specific diseases, specific to the region of the lab
There's difference though. Fox and CNN work for clicks first and foremost, and only then they are propaganda outlets. Fox is better because they clearly separate facts from opinions. MSNBC are just insane. It seems that they believe their own BS.
mostly reader saysThere's difference though. Fox and CNN work for clicks first and foremost, and only then they are propaganda outlets. Fox is better because they clearly separate facts from opinions. MSNBC are just insane. It seems that they believe their own BS.
Only then? Do you think Fox taking HHS money to push the Vax may have colored their coverage?
Was there a US intervention in the past 20 years Fox was against?
None of them. NONE OF THEM. Hold the candle to the military grade propaganda that RT and such has to offer. They are amateurs, in comparison.
So RT is propaganda (agreed), Fox and CNN are the other side of propaganda, as has been amply demonstrated behind a shadow of a doubt, beyond reasonable objections, to a degree of certainty, especially in the past few years.
So, to go back to the question, which news sources do you rely upon?You also missed my second point. I already answered that: "None of them, individually."
Our media couldn't hold candle to the hammer-like brainwashing of the other side.
I disagree...You are not seeing the other half of the comparison that I'm making. Yet you have an opinion. I see.
You missed my first point. Calling Fox and CNN "the other side of propaganda" when you compare them to the likes of RT/RIA is like comparing stuffy nose to cancer. Or playground misunderstanding to UFC heavyweight title fight. Pick your preferred analogy. Our media couldn't hold candle to the hammer-like brainwashing of the other side. Same goes for our government: they are so useless, they look like they are lying even when they combat Russian disinformation. Here: They couldn't even explain why this is disinformation.
There's only one answer: you use your process to predict future and see how well that goes, and if it doesn't then you make adjustments. We have a wonderful setup here: a thread kindly presented by @Bd6r in which he asked to do exactly that, to make a prediction.
Now, go through that thread. Note all the people who said "No". And understand: the higher the enthusiasm with which a person said "no", the more clueless they are about what's going on in real life. Pay special attention to those who said "No" along with some cute remark pointing elsewhere.
The usual helter-skelter CIA disruption/destruction.
I would like to know how you "know" the biolabs are propaganda, however.Because at this point Russia has no way of knowing if it's a genuine research lab or bio-warfare lab.
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