Gasoline price thread

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2022 Mar 8, 11:35am   97,862 views  580 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


AAA Lists Most Expensive States for Gas: 9 of Top 10 Are Run by Democrats
David Hawkins March 8, 2022

According to AAA here are the most expensive states for gas as of Monday:

The American Automobile Association (AAA) has listed the top-ten most expensive states to buy gas, nine of which are run by Democrats.

According to AAA, the national average for a gallon of gas is $4.06 and rising.

The average is now 45 cents more than a week ago, 62 cents more than a month ago, and $1.30 more than a year ago.

And it promises to get worse as the West debates banning Russian oil.

AAA has released a list of the ten states with the most expensive gas prices and most are blue states.

The only red state in the top ten is Alaska, which surprisingly comes in at number 6.

Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis at GasBuddy, said:

“There are few words to describe the unprecedented rise in gasoline prices over the last week, with massive spikes coast to coast in both gasoline and diesel prices, as oil prices jump to their highest since 2008. ...

California: $5.34
Hawaii: $4.69
Nevada: $4.59
Oregon: $4.51
Washington: $4.44
Alaska: $4.39
Illinois: $4.30
Connecticut: $4.28
New York: $4.26
Pennsylvania: $4.23

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279   AD   2022 Jun 19, 12:59pm  

Now within 10% of pre-COVID pandemic levels for rig count ....

280   AD   2022 Jun 19, 1:00pm  

281   HeadSet   2022 Jun 19, 2:47pm  

DooDahMan says

Let me fix your bogus premise about cars and global warming:

282   B.A.C.A.H.   2022 Jun 19, 4:06pm  

This morning my partner and I drove the Subaru Legacy AWD sedan (ie, NOT a dinky economy car) from the driveway in front of our home in SJ to two different destinations in Berkeley. We left home with a (nearly) full tank (only drove 5 miles after previous fillup). The total round trip distance was 102 miles.

We filled up on the way home at Gas & Shop at the corner of McKee and 33rd street in San Jose, at $5.979 per gallon. It was $19.59 for this trip, ie - about $9.80 per person.

For comparison, the discount (Clipper) BART fare for SJ - Berkeley is $13.20 per person round trip. The $13.20 does not include how to get door to door at either end of a BART trip.

I know the prices are high, and I don't like them either. But even at these prices it's incredibly cheap transportation, considering door to door, not sharing with public transit denizens, etc. I think it means the prices may go much higher.
283   richwicks   2022 Jun 19, 4:11pm  

HeadSet says

Let me fix your bogus premise about cars and global warming:

You should post that to Kevin Siers who did the original cartoon:

284   richwicks   2022 Jun 19, 5:40pm  

AmericanKulak says

@Patrick, did you watch Maher? He explains why in his latest segment.

I have to give you credit @AmericanKulak to be able to watch Bill Maher. That fucking shitlib makes me want to puke. I used to respect him, just as I did Rachael Maddow, Keith Olberman, Steven Colbert, The Young Turks - now they just disgust me. I thought they had principles at one point, they are just fucking shitlibs. Shitlibs are as disgusting as Neocons are, because they are essentially the same.

If Al Gore was prezdident in 2000, we'd still have gone to war in Iraq for different reasons though - but all those shitlib scum would have fanatically supported it. We'd have had the same outcome, a destroyed nation. I didn't realize they were such partisan hacks.

Maher is a partisan hack, although he pretends he's not.
285   Onvacation   2022 Jun 19, 5:52pm  

HeadSet says

Let me fix your bogus premise about cars and global warming:

Did you photo shop that HeadSet?
nice work, whoever did it.
286   HeadSet   2022 Jun 20, 7:22pm  

Onvacation says

Did you photo shop that HeadSet?

I used Microsoft Paint to erase the original letters and Powerpoint to add in my own.
289   Patrick   2022 Jun 26, 11:53am  


Ask yourself what Biden and his minders would have done differently had they actually intended to impoverish the American citizenry. Just about the first thing Biden did upon taking office was mount an all-out attack on the American energy industry. His cancellation of the Keystone pipeline got a lot of ink. But that was just the tip of the oil rig. He has worked tooth and claw to destroy the coal industry. He has canceled oil- and gas-lease sales in Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico. Is it any wonder that the United States went from being a net energy exporter at the end of the Trump administration to showing up, empty red can in hand, begging for the stuff from Venezuela and Iran?

It’s something to think about when you fill up your gas tank and notice that the gauges on the pumps have just been altered to allow for an extra digit: not $9.99 per gallon, Comrade, but $10.00 or more.
294   Patrick   2022 Jul 3, 6:59pm  


Biden Looks to Block or Limit New Offshore Drilling, Scaling Back Trump-Era Plan to Pump More Oil

Whoever is controlling Biden really wants high gasoline prices.
295   AD   2022 Jul 3, 9:20pm  


Active rig count continues to steadily increase and is within 10% of pre pandemic level.


296   Eman   2022 Jul 3, 11:39pm  

Looks like someone is doing alright with their Model Y long road trip. Spent about $60 for 850 miles.

297   AD   2022 Jul 4, 12:09am  

Eman says

Looks like someone is doing alright with their Model Y long road trip. Spent about $60 for 850 miles.


With my 2021 Honda CRV (about 34 miles per gallon highway) that would be 25 gallons or $125 for gasoline. This is 6.8 miles per dollar.

The Telsa model Y is 14.1 miles per dollar based on data provided in the previous post.

The cheapest Tesla is the Model 3 and sells for around $40,000, and is about $10,000 more than our purchase for our 2021 CRV. The Model 3 is the one my wife and I are looking to buy. It costs the Tesla 3 owner about $3 to charge for every 100 miles or 33 miles per dollar. Model 3 has a range of 350 miles.

(source: https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/cars/2022/06/24/tesla-charging-costs-battery-gas/7689746001/ ).


299   B.A.C.A.H.   2022 Jul 4, 12:06pm  

ad says

It costs the Tesla 3 owner about $3 to charge for every 100 miles or 33 miles per dollar.

At what price per kwhr?
300   Eman   2022 Jul 4, 12:35pm  

Someone who lives in Kansas City pays 5 cents/kWh during off-peak hours. We’re so progressive in San Jose here, where we pay 25 cents/kWh. 🚀🚀
301   Hircus   2022 Jul 4, 9:49pm  

Eman says

Someone who lives in Kansas City pays 5 cents/kWh during off-peak hours. We’re so progressive in San Jose here, where we pay 25 cents/kWh.

But we get to bask in our smug moral superiority by talking about how dirty the electricity is in other states.

We have, like, um, almost fully green energy produced in CA, and were willfully ignorant about all the electricity we import from other states that's generated with fossil fuels. We also get to blame these states for our terribly unreliable electricity that leaves the state in darkness in the middle of heatwaves, as we mumble something about blaming speculators, or something like that. Then we all fire up our fossil fuel generators that half the state has purchased in the past few years to get through the brownouts, and think to ourselves "well, at least by running the genny today I get to avoid peak pricing, which is over 50c/kwh"

We californians vote smart.
302   AD   2022 Jul 4, 10:07pm  

B.A.C.A.H. says

At what price per kwhr?

Within the Florida panhandle it is a total of about 14 cents per kw-hr.

In white liberal shithole states like California, I suspect the electricity rate is a lot more.

Roll Tide Roll

303   SunnyvaleCA   2022 Jul 5, 12:34am  

B.A.C.A.H. says

ad says

It costs the Tesla 3 owner about $3 to charge for every 100 miles or 33 miles per dollar.

At what price per kwhr?

Ha ha ha! Let me know where I can purchase electricity at 9¢ kWh. How much are states subsidizing electric car charging (which seems to me to be a luxury compared to keeping the lights on or cooking food).

As far as I can tell (my bill is a bit confusing here), I'm paying about 40¢ kWh for the mandatory hand-picked, organic, non-GMO, PETA-compliant electrons. Those hand-pickers are unionized and fair-trade, too! From what I can glean, a Tesla model 3 goes about 3 miles on a kWh, which means 40¢/3 = 13¢/mile. On the highway, maybe 2.5 miles per kWh, so 20¢/mile. At $6/gallon and 30 MPG, a gasoline-powered car is doing 20¢/mile; it'll need 46 MPG for 13¢/mile.

Meanwhile, people don't expect gasoline to remain this high while electricity prices continue at multi-decade trend of outpacing inflation.
304   WookieMan   2022 Jul 5, 7:18am  

SunnyvaleCA says

Meanwhile, people don't expect gasoline to remain this high while electricity prices continue at multi-decade trend of outpacing inflation.

Valid point. I just looked at my electric bill now. Fucking insane with fees. I do actually get charged for usage at 10¢ kWh. There are 13 other items being charged on the bill though. Last bill was $311.13 and only $223.42 was for my usage. There was a -$99.21 reduction this bill for some nonsense. So I come in about 17¢/kWh. IL is a heavy nuke state. Actually just golfed next to the nukes in Byron, IL on Sunday. Lots of nat gas too. Had a 36" pipeline in my backyard growing up. I live near an extremely large wind farm too... where half the time they ain't spinning.

The rate doesn't matter if they just tack on a bunch of bull shit. If I had an EV the size I'd want to drive, bill for sure would have been over $500. Even with high gas prices, a V-8 SUV and 2 trips to Wisconsin on the books in June, I've maybe paid $300 for gas in the month of June. I can fill up in 5 min, tow and never worry about range outside of some random locations in the mountain west where I don't drive. EV's don't make sense for my needs.

My bigger concern is the inflation on beer. The fuck. Brick of Busch Latte went from $12 to $20 over the last two years. Fucking insane. If we get a sale we legit partner up with our neighbors and buy 10-12 cases between us as they only allow 2 per customer. Weird times. IL does have cheap beer though, so that's nice. Between Milwaukee and St. Louis the cheap light beer is nearby.
305   B.A.C.A.H.   2022 Jul 5, 7:22am  

Eman says

in San Jose here, where we pay 25 cents/kWh.

SunnyvaleCA says

As far as I can tell (my bill is a bit confusing here), I'm paying about 40¢ kWh

Like E-man and SunnyvaleCA, I live in PG&E Bay Area "rate zone". I also own a plug-in hybrid.

Like SunnyvaleCA says, the bill is a bit confusing with all sorts of Divide And Conquer rate schedules, tiers, blah blah blah. To know what we pay I just divide the total electric charges into the total kwhr. Last bill that quotient was $0.39 per kwhr.

It is true as E-man says, there is a $0.25 per kwhr tier. We have never, ever, used electricity only in that tier. Our monthly electricity use always exceeded $0.25 tier. Our home is only about 1150 sq ft. We have no AC (don't need it in our moderate climate). We don't use the clothes dryer except occasional times in winter rainy season. (Use the Cool And Hip Solar-And-Wind-Powered clothesline). We don't use the dishwasher with its energy hog drying element. We only run the clothes washer 3x per week. All lighting is LED only. And we never ever get our use wholly into the $0.25 pricing tier.

Like E-man we own a vehicle that can be charged at home, - a plug in hybrid. If I charged it at home, the electricity use would be on top of what we use now, so it would all fall into the higher rate tier. Even at the $6 per gallon I've been paying recently ($5.84 at Diamond Gas on Story Road in SJ on July 4), it's less expensive to burn gasoline at 55 mpg in the Prius Prime than charging at home. I've done the calculation many times. If it's less expensive to charge at home, we'll do so.

What I have noticed here in the Cool And Hip (and Smug) Bay Area is that some (many?) EV owners are a bit disingenuous about what they pay for charging at home, always citing the lower rate tier, when their added use for charging the EV is "on top" of their other consumption, so that in the higher rate tier.

It is true that the utility company PG&E will allow us to sign up for a rate plan that allows us to charge at night "off peak" times for $0.25 per kwhr. However, to get this plan we must agree to pay a much higher price for other times of day, like over $0.54 per kwhr. PG&E has a portal where we can look up our hour-by-hour consumption. I've done this a few times. The "Off-peak EV rate charging plan" is mostly a wash at best. At worst, like if we don't use the car every day, it would shift more of our consumption into the super-high "peak rate" of $0.54.

So much (smug) B.S. here on The Left Coast.
306   AmericanKulak   2022 Jul 5, 8:40am  

Interesting post, thanks B.A.C.A.H
308   Patrick   2022 Jul 7, 11:00am  


Tucker Carlson: Biden Selling U.S. Emergency Oil Reserves to China is Impeachable–Possibly Indictable Offense
311   Eman   2022 Jul 7, 10:41pm  

AmericanKulak says

Interesting post, thanks B.A.C.A.H


I found a flaw in what you said above. I just compared my home electricity bill, compared to 2 apartment buildings I own with similar usage without EV2 Home Charging program. The EV home charging program works out to be slightly cheaper. This explains why our PG&E bills didn’t go up much while our usage has increased in the last 5 years.

Home last month: Used 735 kWh. Electricity bill was $249. Average 34 cents/kWh with off-peak at 25 cents/kWh.

Apartment building 1: Used 719 kWh. Electricity bill was $261. Average was 36 cents/kWh.

Apartment building 2: Used 797 kWh. Electricity bill was $309. Average 39 cents/kWh.
312   Eman   2022 Jul 7, 10:42pm  

Home billing rates. We run A/C whenever we want. We yolo. We don’t cutback on our usage.

313   Eman   2022 Jul 7, 10:44pm  

Apartment building 1: Used 719 kWh/month.

314   Eman   2022 Jul 7, 10:45pm  

Apartment building 2: Used 797 kWh/month.

315   Eman   2022 Jul 7, 10:55pm  

On other buildings with low usage, between $55-$75/month, 170-240 kWh, the electricity came out around 32 cents/kWh. On buildings with higher usage, 1,500-2,000 kWh, I see +43 cents/kWh without the EV2 Home Charging Program.

Unfortunately, I don’t see the BS left coast you’re referring to.
316   Eman   2022 Jul 7, 11:17pm  

Just noticed PG&E raised their peak rate from 43 cents to 56 cents effective 6/1. That’s a 30% increase. Californians love to get “fucked” in the ass especially the poor working class folks. I hope they like who they voted for.

317   Eman   2022 Jul 7, 11:20pm  

Increase 39 to 49 cents for peak rate on our apartment buildings. That’s 25% increase.
37 cents to 42 cents for off-peak rate. That’s 14% increase? 😂😂😂

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