The Nazis in Ukraine are Real

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2022 Mar 12, 7:00pm   36,178 views  230 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (61)   💰tip   ignore  


Some videos and articles attest to the extreme brutality of those fanatics; and the Western media's denial that there ARE Nazis in Ukraine makes all of them accomplices to crimes against humanity

Mark Crispin Miller

Here we are again, struggling to inform the hypnotized of facts that, though they need to know them, they don’t want to; only now it isn’t scientific data that they angrily blow off, though it could save their lives, but facts of recent history that they indignantly dismiss, though it could save us all from nuclear annihilation.

The videos and articles below make clear that (a) there are Nazis in Ukraine, that (b) they’ve been committing horrifying crimes against humanity in East Ukraine, and, therefore, that (c) all who are now parroting the media’s heroic jive are hailing Nazi criminals, whose racist ideology and wildly brutal violence have been obscured completely by this witless, all-or-nothing celebration of “Ukraine.”

Thus we are reliving the dark days of 2014, and the dark years thereafter, when the glaring evidence of Nazi criminality enabled by the US coup was systematically blacked out, and even pointedly denied, by “our free press”—most notably the New York Times, which, back then, set the tone for the vast whitewash that the media are now conducting daily. (For the best critique of that grave journalistic failure, or complicity, read Robert Parry’s Ukraine coverage in Consortium News.


And—speaking of the Times—this moment also harks back even farther, to the Thirties, when the Nazi terror in Germany was largely whitewashed by the Gray Lady and most other Western media, so that those who were aware of what was happening under Hitler, and grasped the urgency of waking people up to it, did all they could to spread the word. Those few heroic efforts included the British publication, in 1936, of The Yellow Spot, an anonymously authored exposé of the anti-Jewish persecution launched as soon as Hitler came to power, and, in France, the intrepid journalism of Phillipe Soupault (who was imprisoned by the Nazis in 1940).


(On the New York Times’ Nazi-friendly reportage—especially by the Hitler-smitten Otto Tolischus—see Ashley Rindsberg’s indispensable The Gray Lady Winked: https://www.thegrayladywinked.com/.)

For a good retrospective on the Nazis in Ukraine since the so-called “Maidan revolution” in February, 2014, see Eric Zeusse’s comprehensive article in Global Research (link below); and/or watch, and read, the grim material noted here, if you have the stomach for it.


(Whereas the ongoing celebration of “Ukraine” by “our free press” is classic propaganda, just like the Allied propaganda over “Belgium” in World War I, or the US/British propaganda over “Kuwait” in 1990, the harrowing material described herein is not propaganda, since propaganda isn’t buried here and there, requiring disinterment by some lone professor, and his underpaid assistant, for the enlightenment of a few thousand people reading Substack. Any “propaganda” that takes so much effort to dig up may, certainly, be questioned, or doubted, or found to be inaccurate or false; but “propaganda” it most certainly is not, unless it should be systematically deployed as such.)

From Dylan Harnett:

When people receive these links, they should know that these aren't necessarily safe sites to go on. I recommend having anti-malware software on your computer and to disable pop-ups. You might want to disable cookies as well. Surf the web at your own risk.

Website with hours of footage--some of it extremely graphic--from the 2010s of and about Ukrainian authorities' crimes against civilians in Eastern Ukraine

Lots of footage, including a few Ukrainian girls doing Nazi salutes; hundreds of Ukrainians in a stadium jumping up and down and chanting "whoever doesn't jump is a dirty moskal" (slur against Russian people); accounts from the people of east Ukraine of the shelling by the Ukrainian authorities; and graphic footage of corpses. DISTURBING:


Documentary Donbass by Anne-Laure Bonnel


It starts with Poroshenko in 2014 saying, "We will have work and they [people in east Ukraine] will not. We will have pensions and they will not; We will have benefits for pensioners and children and they will not; Our children will go to school and their children will stay in the cellars. Because they can't do anything. And that's how, precisely that, we will win this war."

September 10, 2014. "Ukrainian Nationalist Volunteers Committing 'ISIS-Style' War Crimes." Newsweek.

The article mentions "images of what appeared to be the severed heads" of two civilian separatists--presumably killed by Ukrainian nationalists--that went viral on social media in 2014. Oddly enough, those images have become difficult to find. If you have information about where to find them, please contact us. https://www.newsweek.com/evidence-war-crimes-committed-ukrainian-nationalist-volunteers-grows-269604?source=patrick.net

Ukrainian extremists (probably the Neo-Nazi ones though I am not sure) brutally torture an anti-war, pro-separatist, and Jewish MMA fighter named Maxim Ryndovskiy

An article that does not show the unsettling images or video of the torture: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2022/03/09/umma-m09.html?source=patrick.net

Disturbing video of the torture:

Twitter avatar for @politblogme
Maria Dubovikova
In Kyiv, local [I don’t know to fucking call them] extremists caught and brutally torture a famous Ukrainian athlete, MMA fighter, Maxim Ryndovsky. All his fault is that he trained with the Chechen club "Akhmat".
March 5th 2022

"Right Sector" Ukrainian Neo-Nazis Tried to Assassinate Politician Vyacheslav Sobolev, But Instead, They Killed His Three-year-old Son


Video of Alleged Ukrainian Nationalists Stopping a Civilian in His Car, then Gunning Him Down When He Tries to Run. The date was February 26, 2022 (purportedly or actually).

WARNING: Do NOT go exploring on the site at the link below unless you are ready to avert your eyes from some really weird, gory videos. If you click on the link and don't scroll further down than the video, you will just see lots of porn ads. But that's the least of it. If you were to click on other parts of the site, or if you just scrolled down directly below the video, you might come across images that you will quickly try to erase from your memory. The site's audience are probably sadists who enjoy to see things that would be repugnant to most people. (It's called "alivegore" for a reason.) The porn ads are so big that when you click on the link you will basically see nudity right away. Porn sites might pop up on your computer without your knowledge:

NSFW, GORE https://alivegore.com/war/2947-nationalists-with-weapons-in-their-hands-terrorize-local-residents-kyiv-ukraine.html?source=patrick.net

It's the 2nd video when you scroll down. The 1st video shows more alleged Ukrainian nationalist soldiers, who appear to threaten a civilian at gunpoint.

Tank shoots at civilians in the street. Supposedly the tank is Ukrainian-nationalist.

SEE THE ABOVE WARNING ABOUT THIS SITE. NSFW, GORE. https://alivegore.com/war/2935-bmp-4-of-ukrainian-nationalists-shoots-from-a-cannon-in-the-city.html?source=patrick.net

A Billboard allegedly reads "Zelensky Stop Shooting At Civilians, The Russians Are Not Here" in Russian
SAME SITE, SAME WARNING APPLIES. NSFW, GORE: https://alivegore.com/war/2960-the-inscription-in-russian-zelensky-stop-shooting-at-civilians-the-russians-are-not-here.html?source=patrick.net

Maxim Yarosh, Prominent Azov member, beats up a woman.


Ukrainian nationalists barging into the house of, being rough with, and kidnapping a man who allegedly keeps weapons for the separatists.

There is some debate in the comments--in the Ukrainian language--about whether the man really kept weapons for the Separatists or not.

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87   RWSGFY   2023 Feb 3, 11:58am  

Patrick says


Meta-Facebook Takes Ukraine’s Nazi Azov Regiment Off Dangerous Organizations List

That picture has been proven to be fake so many times already it's not funny. But it's irrelevant now since ALL Azov fighters and commanders captured in Mariupol have been released by Pukin w/o trial which was promised to be held to prove their alleged "Nazi crimes". And not a single picture of "Hitler and swastika tattoos" allegedly covering their bodies have been released either.

So no, Nazis in Ukraine are not real, because there is no proof of their existence. No Nazi party in power, not even Nazi party in the parliament. Zero, zilch, nada.

The whole "Ukrainians are Nazis" is just Russian confession through projection.

88   richwicks   2023 Feb 3, 12:43pm  


That picture has been proven to be fake so many times already it's not funny. But it's irrelevant now since ALL Azov fighters and commanders captured in Mariupol have been released by Pukin w/o trial which was promised to be held to prove their alleged "Nazi crimes". And not a single picture of "Hitler and swastika tattoos" allegedly covering their bodies have been released either.

Jesus Christ, either do some minimal research, or quit lying. Whatever.


Quit being a willing dupe of our crummy government. The United States federal government HAS no ethics, this is why they brought back slavery to Libya after bombing it to "prevent a humanitarian crisis" - they don't give a shit. The US government funded and supported Al Qaeda in Syria as well as ISIS. Quit playing dumb.

We can see what they are doing. The longer you ignore it, the more they will continue to do it. If you don't demand SOME sort of morality of the US federal government, they will show no morality. Quit being part of the problem. Quit enabling them. Show some fucking decency.
89   richwicks   2023 Feb 3, 1:00pm  

cisTits says

richwicks says

Jesus Christ, either do some minimal research, or quit lying. Whatever.

They aren't called the Ukey Nazi Fluffers of PatNet for nuthhin'.

I have to assume ignorance rather than intentional deception.

I can know they are wrong, what I can't know is if they are intentionally wrong - I don't know intent and it's wrong to assume it.

There's PLENTY of evidence that there are legitimate "Nazis" in Ukraine, although they have little in common with the ideology of the German Nazis. They are just super nationalists that will happily kill anybody that isn't "one of them". That's not what the German Nazis really were although I'm certain SOME of them were. The German core ideal was Germany for Germans and to purify and improve the population. That's really not a bad goal in some aspects, but it can be perverted to be one pretty easily.

Ukrainian Nazis are just super-nationalists and don't view Russian Ukrainians as "real Ukrainians". They are kind of like the stupid KKK, except they are by far, a minority in the country, and are bound to get their asses kicked.
90   AmericanKulak   2023 Feb 3, 2:24pm  

richwicks says

The German core ideal was Germany for Germans and to purify and improve the population

No, it was for Eastern Europe to be New Germania in lieu of overseas colonies.

Mein Kampf devotes a whole chapter to Hitler proving that Eastern Europeans need German overlordship using Tuetonic Order, Vasas in Poland's Monarch, and several Russian Noble Houses of German extraction, as well as Russia itself being founded by Vikings.
91   richwicks   2023 Feb 3, 9:06pm  

AmericanKulak says

Mein Kampf devotes a whole chapter to Hitler proving that Eastern Europeans need German overlordship using Tuetonic Order, Vasas in Poland's Monarch, and several Russian Noble Houses of German extraction, as well as Russia itself being founded by Vikings.

@AmericanKulak - which chapter?


I've actually read the book, and my overall impression was "nobody actually reads this fucking book!" I've forgotten most of it. I was basically reading it looking for it's supposed anti-Semitism, I only remember one chapter that covered it. It was more about the economics of fascism as I recall and the unity of the nation. Maybe I should punish myself and re-read it again.
92   AmericanKulak   2023 Feb 4, 11:24am  

richwicks says

AmericanKulak says

Mein Kampf devotes a whole chapter to Hitler proving that Eastern Europeans need German overlordship using Tuetonic Order, Vasas in Poland's Monarch, and several Russian Noble Houses of German extraction, as well as Russia itself being founded by Vikings.

AmericanKulak - which chapter?


I've actually read the book, and my overall impression was "nobody actually reads this fucking book!" I've forgotten most of it. I was basically reading it looking for it's supposed anti-Semitism, I only remember one chapter that covered it. It was more about the economics of fascism as I recall and the unity of the nation. Maybe I should punish mysel...

Page 440 of that translation specifically talks about expanding into what will be called the "Ostmark" as a necessity for Germany, in order to be a World Power and thus defend itself against others. In the same chapter, he makes it clear that a return to Germany's Pre WW1 borders are "Not enough" eliminating the apologists' assertion that the NSDAP just wanted a return to Bismarckian borders.

On Page 445 of that PDF he refers enthusiastically to the Colonization and Expansionist policies of the Teutonic Order as well as mentioning the Germanic overlords of Slavic Areas, further expanding on his "Ostmark" (East Frontier) plans.

Between those pages he lambasts Shared Ethno-state apologists; for wanting an ethno-state for both Germans and everyone, sneering (correctly for the most part) than borders are man-drawn and man-created. Tough shit for the Poles and Russians and Slavs in our needed space. Throughout this portion of the document he correctly discusses that States are powerful not as a measure of themselves, but only in comparison/relative to each other. In other words, it's not just what I have, but what you have and what you can bring to bear against me.

He does not, however, recognize that there is a Depth vs. Reach situation. That is, a civilization can be small but very developed, another civ can broad but only lightly developed. Modern Germany's economic powress vs. Russia (or even Italy's vs. Russia's)
93   AmericanKulak   2023 Feb 4, 11:37am  

I would also state that the italics provided by the editor/translator are strongly biased. For example, his italic excusing of Barbarossa that Hitler expected to only have to intervene in a Russian Revolution rather than invading in the 1920s (p 445), even though Hitler's own words on the proceeding pages are about his desire to utilize Russian land for German Purposes, not as a liberator from Jew Communism.
94   Patrick   2023 Feb 11, 4:32pm  


Glenn Greenwald
American liberals think anyone who isn't a Democrat is a Nazi. They see a red MAGA hat and think its a swastika and them wearer in jail.

Then they finally find real Nazis in Ukraine and plead for them to be armed and funded, while the NYT reveres them:

The New York Times
Oct 4, 2022
Commanders of Ukraine’s Azov Battalion held an emotional reunion with their families in Turkey, Ukrainian officials said. The fighters were released from Russian confinement last month as part of the largest prisoner swap since the start of the war.
95   Ceffer   2023 Feb 11, 4:57pm  

"The Conspirator's Hierarchy" by John Coleman (early 90's) takes a jaundiced view of ADL. Of course, their recent embracing of Ukrainian Nazis seems to jive with Benjamin Fulford's remarks that Mossad has stated the seemingly contradictory premise Khazarian Mafia were always allied with the Nazis at some level.

96   RayAmerica   2023 Feb 12, 7:18am  

EXCLUSIVE: Is Ukraine Using Chemical Weapons? Disturbing VIDEO Indicates There Is Sufficient Circumstantial Evidence to Investigate (Warning on Content)

102   RWSGFY   2023 Feb 24, 11:13am  

Eric Holder says

As real as it gets:


103   richwicks   2023 Feb 24, 9:37pm  


Eric Holder says

As real as it gets:




The article is:

"Why would a Jewish President work with Nazis?"


And it's not the first time that Zionists aligned themselves with Nazis to further their own interests:

This is the Haavara Agreement:


Zionism is a political tool intertwined with Jewish supremacy. There have been many times that goals of they and their (later) enemies coincided.
104   AmericanKulak   2023 Feb 24, 10:30pm  

AmericanKulak says

Vasas in Poland's Monarch

I should mention that the House of Vasa (Wasa) are a Swedish Royal House, that one branch were invited to Poland as Kings (much like the House of Saxe-Coburg in the UK) was the basis for later Swedish Claims on ruling Poland. They ruled Poland from the late 1500s to around 1700.
105   AmericanKulak   2023 Feb 24, 10:40pm  

richwicks says


The article is:

"Why would a Jewish President work with Nazis?"


And it's not the first time that Zionists aligned themselves with Nazis to further their own interests:

This is the Haavara Agreement:


Zionism is a political tool intertwined with Jewish supremacy. There have been many times that goals of they and their (later) enemies coincided.

Zionism is beautiful, wonderful, righteous Nationalism as good as Basque, Polish, Scottish, or Irish Nationalism. Some get butthurt to see the Jews in a state with nuclear weapons, knowing that they can no longer bully them or impose a final solution without paying a heavy toll. A toll most people do not want to see a city nuked just because a few think they're the Illuminati and control everybody's minds. Thankfully, as long as Jews don't get suckered into a stupid one-state non-solution, Israel will remain. 2/3 of Mandatory Palestine went to the Arabs, it's called Jordan.

The "Deal" with the Nazis never amounted to much, was cancelled when the first stage of the Liebensraum in the East plan under Fall Weiss began, and was condemned by the vast majority of Zionist Organizations from Herzl's own (and largest) World Zionist Congress to the militant Jabotinsky.

Grand Mufti Hussyni did not get the pan-Levantine Caliphate he wanted. he worked with the Nazis and helped form the SS Handschar Brigade of Bosnians. What relationship does the Grand Mufti and Palestinians have with Bosnian Muslims? Well, "Shirley Temper" and the rest of the Tamimis, including the notorious Ahlam Tamimi, are Bosniaks resettled in Palestine by the Ottomans around 1900 due to the very low population of the area, and the Grand Mufti had Bosniak ancestors. That's why so many Palestians have blonde hair and Slavic features.

Another reason to move tens of thousands of Bosniaks to the region was that they were notorious bandits and creating trouble for Ottoman Relations with other European States with their raiding and brigandry.

Many ex-Nazis, most notably Alois Brunner worked for the "Muh Assad the Lion!" and in Egypt, as Torture and Subterfuge instructors.

But all that aside, Nationalist groups often work with a variety of powers. The Kuomintang of General Chang Kai-Shek worked equally with Nazis and Soviets in the interwar period.
106   richwicks   2023 Feb 24, 11:30pm  

AmericanKulak says

Zionism is beautiful, wonderful, righteous Nationalism as good as Basque, Polish, Scottish, or Irish Nationalism. Some get butthurt to see the Jews in a state with nuclear weapons, knowing that they can no longer bully them or impose a final solution without paying a heavy toll.

This never happened. So tired of WWII propaganda.

If the aim of the Nazi regime was to wipe out the Jewish population, there would have been no slave labor camps, they would have simply been shot on site or taken to a burial location, and shot there.

AmericanKulak says

Thankfully, as long as Jews don't get suckered into a stupid one-state non-solution, Israel will remain.

Israeli PM's have REPEATEDLY said there will never be a two state solution. When they talk to the US government, they claim they want a two state solution. If they want a two state solution, they can have one, tomorrow. Just declare the borders of Israel, and what is left is Palestine. They will never do that. They don't need to negotiate at all.

AmericanKulak says

The "Deal" with the Nazis never amounted to much, was cancelled when the first stage of the Liebensraum in the East plan under Fall Weiss began, and was condemned by the vast majority of Zionist Organizations from Herzl's own (and largest) World Zionist Congress to the militant Jabotinsky.

I don't care about that. I'm pointing out that Zionists will readily make deals with anybody. Their STATED goals are entirely different from their actual ones.

Israel is a fascist state today. Israel, the government, directly funds foreign businesses headed by Zionists. These businesses are basically agents of Israel.

AmericanKulak says

Grand Mufti Hussyni did not get the pan-Levantine Caliphate he wanted. he worked with the Nazis and helped form the SS Handschar Brigade of Bosnians. What relationship does the Grand Mufti and Palestinians have with Bosnian Muslims? Well, "Shirley Temper" and the rest of the Tamimis, including the notorious Ahlam Tamimi, are Bosniaks resettled in Palestine by the Ottomans around 1900 due to the very low population of the area, and the Grand Mufti had Bosniak ancestors. That's why so many Palestians have blonde hair and Slavic features.

I don't care about the history so much at this point.

I'm just annoyed I constantly have to deal with propaganda of foreign states. Tired of it.

Let me give you a simple example, when was Israel ever a state before 1948? Rome was around in 0 AD, so was Egypt, and the Greek Empire. They all had historians that recorded contemporary history. Show me where any one of them mentioned any king or ruler of "Israel".

King David is as real as King Arthur.
107   AmericanKulak   2023 Feb 25, 12:08am  

richwicks says

This never happened. So tired of WWII propaganda.

If the aim of the Nazi regime was to wipe out the Jewish population, there would have been no slave labor camps, they would have simply been shot on site or taken to a burial location, and shot there.

They were. The camps had a 50/50 death rate. On top of that, there were outright shootings. Babi Yar for one. Europe is covered with mass extermination sites, which began by shooting the VIP Poles on lists (as did the gassing, though with Carbon Monoxide) during Fall Weiss.

We're already talked about the cremation ovens which were purpose built for disposing of large numbers of bodies en masse. The engineering company J. A. Topf and Sons, that made them openly admits to the fact.

Consider we live in an era where the living decendents of people dead for centuries write multi-volume works about how their ancestor didn't make such-and-such a decision that resulted in a military defeat during the 30 Year's War

Originally, they used the city crematoria but there were too many complaints about the slowness, stench, and heavy traffic that was a bottleneck to the normal garbage disposal process as more and more camps opened up.

We also have the documents of Tesch & Stabenow, the largest producer of Zyklon B, a known nerve agent. Executives were hanged by the British in 1946 after a trial. One of the key points was their knowing removal of the foul stench that customarily applied to Hydrogen Cyanide as a final warning for insect exterminators and others that it was still present in deadly concentrations, at the behest of the SS who didn't want to tip off "visitors".

richwicks says

King David is as real as King Arthur.

Once upon a time, Troy was considered a fantasy until Schliemann found it. And then he had to fight for years before snobs not liking his "amateur" status finally conceded.

Tel Dan Steele and the Karnak Temple in Egypt for two. Both are arguments from enemies of the "House of David": A foreign king boasting of defeating Joram son of Aham, mentioned in the Old Testament. While Karnak contains a reference to Pharoah Shashank conquering the "Heights of David". Both are from the 900s BC.
richwicks says

I don't care about that. I'm pointing out that Zionists will readily make deals with anybody. Their STATED goals are entirely different from their actual ones.

Israel is a fascist state today. Israel, the government, directly funds foreign businesses headed by Zionists. These businesses are basically agents of Israel.

Israel is not a fascist state, that's absurd - laughably so given they have Arab Muslims in the government and they have full rights of citizenship.

ALL Nationalist groups make deals with whomever.

Clan na Gael, and Irish Nationalist Group, made deals with the Kaiser to bomb neutral US shipping in the 1910s, infect US horses with anthrax, etc. The Fenian Brotherhood attempted to invade Canada after the Civil War with US weapons and sabotaged the USS Michigan, a Navy ship, that might intercept them crossing the Great Lakes. The goal being to hold Canada hostage in return for Ireland. The group of incidents is called the "Fenian Raiders" and caused a massive crisis in US-UK relations.

It's nothing special.

To quote the Civilization Series: Israel's words are backed with NUCLEAR WEAPONS! Zionism is here to stay
108   AmericanKulak   2023 Feb 25, 12:10am  

richwicks says

I'm just annoyed I constantly have to deal with propaganda of foreign states. Tired of it.

It'll be forever.

Russia has propaganda, Ukraine has propaganda, Israel has propaganda, Germany has propaganda, Trotsky has propaganda, Stalin has propaganda, the Left has propaganda, Libertarians have propaganda, etc. etc. etc.

Sometimes it's advertising truth. Sometimes it's half-truth. Sometimes it's a lie by omission.

1619 is propaganda. Whig History is Propaganda. Anti-Whig History is Propaganda. Zionism is propaganda, and anti-Zionism is certainly propaganda.

It will always be.
109   richwicks   2023 Feb 25, 12:25am  

AmericanKulak says

They were. The camps had a 50/50 death rate. On top of that, there were outright shootings. Babi Yar for one. Europe is covered with mass extermination sites, which began by shooting the VIP Poles on lists (as did the gassing, though with Carbon Monoxide) during Fall Weiss.

There were mass killings, for people unfit to work. There were no "death camps", they were slave labor camps, and plenty of people died in them as well.

AmericanKulak says

Once upon a time, Troy was considered a fantasy until Schliemann found it. And then he had to fight for years before snobs not liking his "amateur" status finally conceded.

Troy did have references in Greek literature. It fell well before 0 AD. Like 2000 years before. That's why it was disputed.

Israel, SUPPOSEDLY was a contemporary of Rome. SUPPOSEDLY the Romans created the diaspora of Jews in 70 AD. What's likely is there was a Jewish presence there, but they were not the rulers.

AmericanKulak says

Israel is not a fascist state, that's absurd - laughably so given they have Arab Muslims in the government and they have full rights of citizenship.

ARGH. I'm talking about economics.

Fascism is when state support is directly given to corporations to ensure their success. The Volkswagon Beetle is the most famous example. It was made by Porsche and given state support to make "the People's car". Forget the stupid "race and nationalism" bullshit. That's Nazi ideology which incorporated the economics of fascism.

AmericanKulak says

To quote the Civilization Series: Israel's words are backed with NUCLEAR WEAPONS! Zionism is here to stay

Zionism will destroy itself in time. They are utterly incapable of working to mutual benefit.

Trump bent over backwards to agree to their demands, and when Biden "won", the first person to congratulate him was Netanyahu. There's no point in cooperating with them. Israel is a money sinkhole. Trump moved the embassy, declared the Golan Heights to "belong" to Israel. Well outside his purview, but whatever. The US embassy was already in Jerusalem and had been for decades effectively, just not technically, and the Golan Heights has been controlled by Israel for something like 40 years and it doesn't matter what the US says about it really.

Just like it would make more sense for the EU to dump their relationship with the United States and forge good relations with Russia, it makes more sense for the United States to dump their relationship with Israel and forge good relations with the rest of the Middle East. It would have saved probably around 10 trillion dollars but since the US didn't, well, it might kill us.

Eventually everybody is forced to make good decisions in their best interest or just stop existing.
110   WookieMan   2023 Feb 25, 7:00am  

AmericanKulak says

richwicks says

I'm just annoyed I constantly have to deal with propaganda of foreign states. Tired of it.

It'll be forever.

Russia has propaganda, Ukraine has propaganda, Israel has propaganda, Germany has propaganda, Trotsky has propaganda, Stalin has propaganda, the Left has propaganda, Libertarians have propaganda, etc. etc. etc.

Sometimes it's advertising truth. Sometimes it's half-truth. Sometimes it's a lie by omission.

1619 is propaganda. Whig History is Propaganda. Anti-Whig History is Propaganda. Zionism is propaganda, and anti-Zionism is certainly propaganda.

It will always be.

At some point give up dude. Rich is set in his ways and believes he knows everything and doesn't listen to a damn thing. He's "so fucking sick of everything!!! Raaaahhhhh!!" Conversation is dead at this point.

You are 1,000% correct that everything is propaganda. You have to decipher what propaganda is the worst. His default is the US and Zionist. Make one wonder where he's from.... Seems like a bot at this point, but I believe Patrick has met him in person supposedly. Could have been a lackey.
111   AmericanKulak   2023 Feb 25, 10:09am  

richwicks says

There were mass killings, for people unfit to work. There were no "death camps", they were slave labor camps, and plenty of people died in them as well.

They were both. People deemed unfit to work were exterminated right away after 1944.

richwicks says

Zionism will destroy itself in time. They are utterly incapable of working to mutual benefit.

Nope. Zionism has been around since before the Temple was destroyed by the Romans. It's not going anywhere. You don't believe, but I do, and it's God's Will. "Propaganda!" you might say. But it was highly unlikely and happened anyway.

richwicks says

ARGH. I'm talking about economics.

Fascism is when state support is directly given to corporations to ensure their success. The Volkswagon Beetle is the most famous example. It was made by Porsche and given state support to make "the People's car". Forget the stupid "race and nationalism" bullshit. That's Nazi ideology which incorporated the economics of fascism.

Okay, thanks for clarifying. Most small states have to have public-private corporations to some degree. If by fascism you mean government support of corporations, most European states are despite heavily advertised "privatization" of their Telecoms for example.

Canada doesn't allow foreign majority ownership of utilities from Telecom to Banking.

Fascism is a much broader thing in my view, the subversion of the individual to the State/Race. In which case, Israel, with the Turkish Millet System, has every ethnic group running it's own set of civil laws. For example, Armenians and Arabs have their own millet for determining things like inheritance and marriage. That's pluralism/decentralization, not Fascism.

richwicks says

Trump bent over backwards to agree to their demands, and when Biden "won", the first person to congratulate him was Netanyahu.

Nope. Macron and BoJo were first. Netanyahu is running a state, he has to make nice with whomever is President of the USA. Generally, country's geopoliical strategy has bupkes to do with individual politicians.

Again, Zionism is just Hebrew Nationalism. Again, like Irish Nationalism, Zionism comes in many flavors.

Zionism had hardline Lehi/Stern Gang wings and more moderate wings. In Irish Nationalism, they had De Valera banning the IRA in a very similar story.

Israel will be here for centuries of enjoyment, the future looks bright.

Best thing is to remove the special racist UNRWA treatment for Palestinians that makes them refugees no matter how much property and citizenships they have around the world, and treat them like the UNHCR treats all the rest of the worlds refugees - no longer refugees if they have residency anywhere.
112   richwicks   2023 Feb 25, 10:24am  

AmericanKulak says

Okay, thanks for clarifying. Most small states have to have public-private corporations to some degree. If by fascism you mean government support of corporations, most European states are despite heavily advertised "privatization" of their Telecoms for example.

The problem with this sort of economic system is that you're compelled to work with the state, no matter what the state is doing, because the state will use tax funds to bankrupt you. So, if you're working in a nation that is constantly lying about wars and starts them for fun and profit, you have to support it to survive.

AmericanKulak says

Zionism had hardline Lehi/Stern Gang wings and more moderate wings.

Well those "moderates" blew up the King David Hotel, did the Sargent's Affair, murdered Count Bernadotte to prevent a resolution between the Palestinians and Zionists in 1948 and offered to align themselves with the Nazis against the British during WWII, when the British were at war with the Nazis.

AmericanKulak says

Best thing is to remove the special racist UNRWA

Look, the UN is pointless and full of shit. The best thing to do is dissolve the UN. It's a facade. It's just a bunch of criminals, and child rapists in it. Peter Dalglish is one of the more notable examples.


Look at the position he was in. He should have been brought before the UN with a full assembly, tortured, and then executed. That would make a lot of people at the UN think twice about doing that kind of shit again. He's well connected, he's on an 8 year vacation at a country club.
113   AmericanKulak   2023 Feb 25, 10:40am  

richwicks says

Well those "moderates" blew up the King David Hotel,
murdered Count Bernadotte

Irgun and Lehi. The hardline wings. Not the center.

Are you as mad about the King David - then used as the headquarters of the British Mandate - as you are about the multitudes of bombings by the IRA across not only Northern Ireland but Britain and Europe?

You probably can't name one of the many, many bombings by the IRA, many of which had fatalities and injuries.

Here's a few:
Omagh - civilians
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omagh_bombing (1998)
Hyde and Regency Park - blew up bands playing music from the theater production "Oliver" for tourists:

Birmingham Pubs, 1974. All Civilians, including children - 21 deaths, almost 200 injuries

And a list of all the Bombings in the Troubles, the vast majority against civilians and most by the IRA:

These are just 3 of the most famous, there are scores of bombings, mostly with civilian victims, by the IRA since the 1970s.

Why is it you remember a bombing from the 1940s against a military-government target, but not bombings in your own lifetime?

Because it wasn't the Great Zionist Hobgoblin doing the bombings.

Can we get into Basque Bombings? Hundreds of Civilian causalties. Not a peep about those.

richwicks says

The problem with this sort of economic system is that you're compelled to work with the state, no matter what the state is doing, because the state will use tax funds to bankrupt you. So, if you're working in a nation that is constantly lying about wars and starts them for fun and profit, you have to support it to survive.

Disagree. Sometimes there needs to be one, like utility companies in less developed areas, or it won't get done at all.
114   AmericanKulak   2023 Feb 25, 10:50am  

It's much like the Liberty accident, which happened in the middle of a live shooting war where the USN/NSA itself thought their own ship was safely hundreds of miles from the Combat Zone, was immediately apologized for, and two sets of indemnities within months. Every "Hobgoblin Hater" remembers that more than a Half Century on.

Few remember the plethora of Blue-on-Blue accidents. Here's two, both involving the Brits and US A-10s, from both Iraq Wars.

And the family members of both are just as butthurt "Oh the American pilots KNEW they were British." Yet there aren't 1000 geocities websites telling "The TROOF! about American A-10s deliberately firing on British Vehicles! How DARE they BACKSTAB their ALLIES! Perfidious America! Never trust an American! Remember JP Morgan and the Federal Reserve! They PLANNED this!"

In 1968, the USAF attacked the heavy cruiser USS Boston, a ship massively larger than anything the NVA had. "Perfidious USAF, always trying to hurt the USN!"
115   HeadSet   2023 Feb 25, 1:29pm  

There is a HUGE DIFFERENCE between that attack on the USS Liberty which went on for hours and included jamming of frequencies, and a heat of battle friendly fire incident.

AmericanKulak says

In 1968, the USAF attacked the heavy cruiser USS Boston, a ship massively larger than anything the NVA had. "Perfidious USAF, always trying to hurt the USN!"

Disingenuous. The F4 Phantoms fired AIM 9 missiles at what they thought were NVA helicopters. The USS Liberty was under attack for hours by many aircraft and attack ships.
116   richwicks   2023 Feb 25, 2:34pm  

AmericanKulak says

Are you as mad about the King David - then used as the headquarters of the British Mandate - as you are about the multitudes of bombings by the IRA across not only Northern Ireland but Britain and Europe?

I'm not angry at all.

All I'm pointing out is the inconsistencies in values and the hypocrisy, and people's dual standards.

That's the thing with Israel, all of a sudden, there's "well, yeah, we're doing the same thing but we're an exception because..."

No they aren't.

When they attacked USS Liberty, we should have gone to war with them. When they did the Lavon Affair, we should have dropped relations with them. There's good evidence they were involved with the assassination of JFK and RFK. There's AMPLE evidence they were involved with 9/11. They provided the false documents of the "yellowcake uranium" that Saddam Hussein was supposedly sourcing from Niger.

The so-called "dancing Israelis" on 9/11 were all Israeli, they were obviously spies. They lionized John Pollard. They're the ones that bankrolled and funded Jeffrey Epstein.

We couldn't have a worse "friend". They are a backstabbing lot and they can do what they want to do, but I see no reason for the United States to support them. The US should simply abandon relations and forge relations with the rest of the Middle East. This would be in the best interests of the United States. The US remains "allies" with them, because of people like Jeffrey Epstein.

AmericanKulak says

You probably can't name one of the many, many bombings by the IRA, many of which had fatalities and injuries.

Nope, I can't. We don't fund them. It's England's problem. That's how Israel should be treated.

AmericanKulak says

Disagree. Sometimes there needs to be one, like utility companies in less developed areas, or it won't get done at all.

Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Amazon are all tightly linked with the US government.

Parler was destroyed by all 4 of those companies, because they weren't playing ball. Parler was an up and coming competitor to Twitter and Facebook.

Amazon didn't just kick them off from the AWS servers, they deleted everything on the servers. Why would Amazon do this? Because the government told them to do it.
117   RWSGFY   2023 Mar 5, 9:04am  

If Russian neo-Nazis are fighting against Ukraine as part of Russian forces, then they have “already corrected themselves.” This was announced to Fontanka by State Duma deputy, chairman of the defense committee Andrei Kartapolov. The interview was published on March 2, and on March 5 journalist Roman Kulguskin drew attention to it.

Kartapolov is a co-author of the amendments, which were adopted in early March and introduced criminal penalties for “discrediting” fighters of “volunteer formations” fighting on the side of Russia. Fontanka journalist Yulia Nikitina asked the deputy if it was possible to tell that among these volunteers there were neo-Nazis, in particular, from the Rusich sabotage and assault reconnaissance group (DSHRG).

“You can’t take it and just like that unsubstantiatedly declare that these people support the Nazis. We have no grounds for this, ”Kartapolov replied.

When the journalist objected that there were reasons (“There are a lot of interviews where the founder [of Rusich] Aleksey Milchakov directly says that he is a Nazi, there are photographs where they zigue, there are photographs of their swastika tattoos”), the deputy replied: “I think that they have already removed the tattoos and no longer zigue."

“If they perform tasks as part of a grouping of Russian troops, then they have already corrected themselves,” the deputy added.
119   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 19, 7:16pm  

richwicks says

When they attacked USS Liberty, we should have gone to war with them. When they did the Lavon Affair, we should have dropped relations with them. There's good evidence they were involved with the assassination of JFK and RFK. There's AMPLE evidence they were involved with 9/11. They provided the false documents of the "yellowcake uranium" that Saddam Hussein was supposedly sourcing from Niger.

This has already been explained. As usual, you leave out the nearly instant payouts made and the fact the USS Liberty did not receive instructions to leave the area, communicated almost a day before by 6th Fleet, which resulted in a massive crash upgrade to Med Communications by the USN. Or that it occured in the middle of a hot war mere miles from active WW2 style tank battles.

In fact, the reason the jets were dispatched was a call by an Israeli Army force calling out that they suspected shelling coming from a ship they themselves could see off the coast.

60 years on and this is the only go-to for Israel bashers with the least bit of grisle.

You have a particular humbug with Israel. When asked to show proof - emails, calls, etc. - you have none. Keeping in mind within months of COVID, we had Fauci and other emails leaked showing their bizarre decisions including Fauci saying no Masks were needed for Air Travel to/from China to a high ranking Government Employee.

richwicks says

The so-called "dancing Israelis" on 9/11 were all Israeli, they were obviously spies. They lionized John Pollard. They're the ones that bankrolled and funded Jeffrey Epstein.

No evidence for any of this, especially Epstein.
120   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 19, 7:21pm  

HeadSet says

Disingenuous. The F4 Phantoms fired AIM 9 missiles at what they thought were NVA helicopters. The USS Liberty was under attack for hours by many aircraft and attack ships.

This is a myth, the USS Liberty was attacked being the SAME EXACT build of Ship known to be operated by the Egyptian Navy, also a WW2 cargo ship mass produced, and also converted with antennae masts into a Command Ship by the Egyptians, the El-Kasir. The El-Kasir had large antennae fore and aft with a stack admidships, and presented the same silhouette the USS Liberty did, antennae fore and aft with a stack amidships, as a USN Judge concurred with.

The US Attache to Israel confirmed to the IDF that morning that NO US ships were in the area within hundreds of miles of the area in question. Per 6th Fleet commands, the Liberty was supposed to be long gone from the area - but did not receive the instructions and continued cruising the area, collecting ELINT and SIGINT from all the SA-2s and Soviet Radars dumped on Egypt in vast quantities. I wonder why the US was interested in listening, and later helping Israel?

One hour, including the time for first contact with a super sonic plane, to the attack by Patrol Boats limited to knots. The Patrol Boats, being at sea level, did see the flag and the writing on the side of the vessel which was impossible to see in a French Supersonic Fighter at a thousand feet up looking down at a steep angle. Once they did so, the immediately stopped firing, contacted shore, and began initiating rescue operations.

Another charge validated by a USN Judge was that the Liberty refused to identify itself to the IDF Patrol Boats on radio, that they did indeed receive the request for ID but did not respond.

Real life is not a video game where enemies appear Red, friends Blue, and Neutrals Yellow. No HUD, No IFF, no Networked Area Maps in 1967 French Export Aircraft.

Indemnities were paid within weeks, with a second set mere months later.

The Egyptians claim US Aircraft Carriers carried out the surprise attack on Egyptian Airfields in 1967.

Finally, there's a perfectly valid reason for the US to support Israel after 1967. The Soviets dumped 1000s of MiGs, T-55/64s, and SA-2s all over Egypt along with tens of thousands of advisors. You know, this thing called the Cold War and the enemy of my enemy's Client State is my friend type deal?
121   komputodo   2023 Mar 19, 9:27pm  

What is a nazi in 2023?
122   RWSGFY   2023 Mar 28, 9:42am  

Finally a solid proof of existence of and extreme danger presented by Nazis in Ukraine:

More chilling details here:

125   richwicks   2023 Jun 5, 4:51pm  

AmericanKulak says

60 years on and this is the only go-to for Israel bashers with the least bit of grisle.

I don't particularly care to discuss this issue because people are unable to be objective about it or be dispassionate about it.

The largest foreign spy ring in the the US was Israeli. It was broken up shortly after 9/11. Remember that? the "Israeli art students"?

I get tired of talking about this. It's a fucking foreign nation, that if it was ANY other nation, we would have gone to war over all the bullshit they pull.

AmericanKulak says

No evidence for any of this, especially Epstein.


Jizzlane Maxwell's father was Robert Maxwell. He was a billionaire UK politician that was murdered. He got a Israeli state funeral. Les Wexner was Epstein's SOLE client, meaning his handler. Les Wexner is Jewish. Jean-Luc Brunel was killed in a Paris prison for trafficking girls in the same exact way Jeffrey Epstein was (what are the chances??), he ran One Mother modelling agency. He was also Jewish. He procured girls.

Ohhhh, it's just a fucking coincidence.

I already know, quickly, is there's any amount of fucking evidence that will satisfy somebody. Not with you, at least not about this.

It's fucking obvious and it wouldn't matter if the Israeli state itself stated unequivocally that Epstein was an Israeli blackmail operation, you'd just deny it. You're just putting me through an exercise in futility. You're not serious about being correct, you just want to win an argument.

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