Putin is the NATO salesman of the year.

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2022 Mar 23, 3:14pm   17,097 views  122 comments

by Eric Holder   ➕follow (5)   💰tip   ignore  

New polls suggest more support for Finland joining Nato

A Helsingin Sanomat poll showed 54 percent support for Nato membership while three-quarters of Chambers of Commerce members said yes to joining the military alliance.

Yle News
23.3. 07:08

Updated 23.3. 07:48

Helsingin Sanomat's (HS) most recent (siirryt toiseen palveluun) poll about Finland's possible Nato membership suggests that a slight majority of people in the country are in favour of joining the military alliance, with about 54 percent of respondents saying they would back such a move.

The proportion of a similar poll the paper carried out in early March (siirryt toiseen palveluun) was 48 percent in favour of joining.

About one-in-five of the poll's 1,062 respondents said they were against joining while one in four said they were unable to express an opinion on the matter.

The paper's poll further showed that men were more likely to support the move with 64 percent being in favour of membership compared to 45 percent of women.

Age group-wise, it was those aged between 60 and 69 that were most eager for Finland to join the military alliance. In contrast, just under half of respondents aged between 31 and 39 supported membership.
Three in four business managers say yes to membership

Nearly 75 percent of businesses belonging to Finland's Chamber of Commerce answered the burning membership question with a "yes."

Meanwhile out of the nearly 2,000 member companies just seven percent were against Nato membership and nearly 20 percent opted for 'cannot say.'


Swedish Top Politicians at Cold Response: Important Signal about Defense Cooperation

On 14 March, the Norwegian-led military exercise Cold Response 2022 started. It goes on in Norway, with main emphasis in the North, and takes place every other year, having participation from allied and partner countries.

This year, some 30,000 soldiers from a total of 27 countries are participating. These are NATO countries along with Sweden and Finland. This is the largest Norwegian-led exercise in Norway since the Cold War.

The exercise is to last until 1 April, according to the Joint Operations Headquarters, and has in recent days taken place in Nordland and Troms counties. The program also includes a series of visits from political and military leaders from the participating countries, such as the Swedish top politicians, as well as NATO leaders.

The Swedish forces’ brigade headquarters near Bjerkvik just outside Narvik were the destination of Swedish PM Magdalena Andersson (Social democrats) and opposition leader Ulf Kristersson (Moderates). The Swedish forces are localized together with Finnish forces in Skoglund Camp.

“This visit was very important. This exercise has been planned for a long time. It is important that we, based on the current security situation, send an important signal about there being interaction, cooperation and preparedness to defend our territories, the PM said at a joint press conference, according to Swedish daily Aftonbladet.

Sweden has some 1,600 soldiers involved, both land forces and fighter plane forces, according to the Swedish Armed Forces. These come a.o from the North Bothnia regiment, the country’s northernmost county. The Finnish battle group of 680 soldiers operates as a part of a Swedish brigade, according to the Finnish Armed Forces.
The NATO question

The PM and opposition leader’s joint visit to the military exercise took place at the behest of the former. Such an invitation across political borders was well received by the Moderates’ leader.

“When there is a war in Europe, we do all we can to cooperate”, Kristersson said during the visit, according to Aftonbladet.

Last Friday, he stated that if the Moderate Party wins the upcoming fall elections, Sweden will apply for NATO membership. Kristersson argues that he would prefer for the Swedish application to be submitted as early as this spring, along with a Finnish application, referring to both Swedish and Finnish debate about the NATO issue in light of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The Center Party, the Liberals and the Christian Democrats are also positive to Swedish membership in the Alliance. The Swedish Democrats do not rule out quick support of this line if the security situation so requires, according to Swedish radio.


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1   Booger   2022 Mar 23, 4:20pm  

They both need to do it now!
2   mostly reader   2022 Mar 23, 4:40pm  


This is the second biggest mental shift coming out of this aggression. The first one will lead to the new round of nuclear race. No country will ever willingly surrender their nuclear arsenal as Ukraine did, and those who don't have it will make getting it a high priority.
3   RWSGFY   2022 Mar 31, 9:18am  

The President of Finland Sauli Niinistö stated earlier today that enough Opinion Poles about Finland joining NATO have been conducted in the Country that a Referendum is not needed and it is now up to the Finnish Parliament to Draft and Submit a request to join the Alliance.

4   Eric Holder   2022 Mar 31, 10:04am  

HunterTits says
For globalist and Euroweemies, yes.

But America Firsters? Nope, nada.

The original America firsters had no problem projecting military power overseas if necessary to promote American interest. Nobody (except extreme simpletons) ever interpreted America First as "the water edge is an impenetrable wall and we shall not even try venture past it".
6   RWSGFY   2022 Apr 12, 1:18pm  

zzyzzx says

There are Nazis there!!!!

Finnish Air Force squadron flag:

PS. What exactly is the point of sending AShM complex to a land border? Is this the last "green 8-wheeled scary-looking military thing" they have left not bogged down in the Ukrainian chernozem?

7   richwicks   2022 Apr 12, 1:28pm  

Eric Holder says
The original America firsters had no problem projecting military power overseas if necessary to promote American interest.

The US has bombed Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia.

So, name the American interests that have been served?

I would have a problem with my country being run by assholes that selfishly served the interests of this nation at any cost through endless war, but they don't do that. I have a real problem with the assholes that run my country that go to war for no interest that serves this nation. That's what they do.

Libya is in civil war to this day, has slavery markets, and has refugees flowing into Europe through Libya overflowing Europe today. If Europe was an enemy I could see some gain to this, but they aren't. Are you sure our own military and the assholes controlling them aren't just targeting us? It sure seems like they are, we are continually hurt by their policies, but it's not "patriotic" to point this out.
8   RWSGFY   2022 Apr 22, 9:21am  

The Foreign Policy Committee of the Finnish Parliament visited its counterpart in Sweden today.

According to the newspaper Aftonbladet, the Finns revealed that their estimates show around 180 of 200 MPs in the Finnish Parliament will vote for NATO membership.

“It’s a done deal”



1) Start an illegal war on false pretense and in violation of multiple treaties to "keep NATO away from Russia's borders".
2) Get a new NATO member with 1000 miles of common border in addition to economic sanctions, 20K troops killed, a thousand tanks burned and 3 warships sunk (and counting).
3) ...
4) Profit! (?)

This really belongs in "Putin so smart" thread.
10   Eric Holder   2022 Apr 22, 10:19am  

richwicks says
The US has bombed Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia.

Nothing of that would have happened if Russia didn't overtrow Syria in 1961, Libya in 1969, Iraq in 1958, Afghanistan in 1978, Yemen in 1967 and Somalia in 1969...
12   richwicks   2022 Apr 22, 12:59pm  

Eric Holder says
richwicks says
The US has bombed Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia.

Nothing of that would have happened if Russia didn't overtrow Syria in 1961, Libya in 1969, Iraq in 1958, Afghanistan in 1978, Yemen in 1967 and Somalia in 1969...

So what if they did?

WHY is the United States bombing them now? For what purpose? What is the goal? Is it to demonstrate that the United States can be better killers than the USSR could?

These wars have cost trillions of dollars - how have these wars advantaged the United States? What did we get out of it? Ignoring the moral part of it completely, what was the benefit?
13   socal2   2022 Apr 22, 1:59pm  

richwicks says
So what if they did?

Because if it was America doing the overthrowing in the Middle East and Africa in the 1960's and 70's - you sure as shit would be blaming all of the dysfunction in those countries since that time on the US.

Face it, the USSR fucked up a big chunk of the planet, stunting generations in Middle East, Africa, Asia and Central/South America in their attempt to impose Marxism on the masses. Next to Islam, Marxism was the single most destructive ideology on the planet over the last half century destroying millions of lives.

The majority of America's foreign "meddling" over the last 40 years was an effort to push back the Marxist mind virus being spread by the Communists in the USSR.
14   richwicks   2022 Apr 22, 2:22pm  

socal2 says
richwicks says
So what if they did?

Because if it was America doing the overthrowing in the Middle East and Africa in the 1960's and 70's - you sure as shit would be blaming all of the dysfunction in those countries since that time on the US.

Yes, I would, especially if there was absolutely no return on the investment. I might wail and moan about the humanitarian cost as well, but nobody cares about that I've learned. Now, if there was a POSITIVE out of it some sort, I might be a bit muted... You don't hear me crying over the Yugoslavian war - that might(?) have been worth it? Too ignorant about it. I don't ever say anything about Grenada. I've not said anything about our meddling in Nicaragua, but that's chiefly because I'm ignorant about it, but if I wasn't, I STILL might not complain - but I probably would - Clinton is involved, and that's not a good sign..

From a cost / benefit ratio - our last 20 years of war is INFINITY - there has been 0 benefit. I don't care about the USSR's cost / benefit ratio - because I don't have to deal with that, as I'm not Russian. If I was Russian, I would care. I might bitch and moan about all the killings they did to achieve their aims, but honestly, the USSR was fucking evil. They killed 10's of millions of their OWN people. What they did to other nations, was peanuts. Glad those fuckers are gone.

Do you see the difference between MY nation screwing ME over for nothing, versus Russia screwing over Russians? There is a difference when my nation does X and a nation I don't care about does the same exact thing. I don't complain about China's fuckery with Tibet - remember "Free Tibet"? - that was a 1990's thing. Were are all the celebrities now singing "Free Tibet" today? Oh, they realize their paycheck depends on China now..

socal2 says
Face it, the USSR fucked up a big chunk of the planet, stunting generations in Middle East, Africa, Asia and Central/South America in their attempt to impose Marxism on the masses.

Yep, sure did, and they collapsed as a result. The same fate may be waiting for us. I'm GLAD to see the USSR fail. December 26, 1991 is a holiday for me.

socal2 says
Next to Islam, Marxism was the single most destructive ideology on the planet over the last half century destroying millions of lives.

Oh no, Marxism was far worse than Islam. Honestly, I doubt Islam was any worse than Christianity historically. I used to detest all religions, but I've softened up quite a bit. I honestly don't know if the Inquisition was worse or just general Muslim fuckery was worse. It doesn't really matter, because all those people are dead, and if they weren't dead, neither you nor I would exist. Heck, without the WWI, as stupid as that war was, neither of us would exist.

socal2 says
The majority of America's foreign "meddling" over the last 40 years was an effort to push back the Marxist mind virus being spread by the Communists in the USSR.

Look at the United States today:

Russia has it's problems, but as far as I know, they aren't grooming children. Russia is at least not Marxist - it's corrupt for certain, but so is the US. I doubt I'd rather be in Russia now, even though it's in an ascent, than to be in the US in its decline - at least not yet. Might be singing a different tune in 2030.

The United States doesn't care about communism today, those "Kurdish allies" we had in the Syrian war were the PKK.


The US government today has absolutely no standards. The US will support ANY group, ANY group that opposes the enemy du-jour. Anybody. Nazi, Communist, Islamic, war criminal, mass murders, anybody. Our government has NO STANDARDS today. It's disgusting.

But it is what it is, and these assholes don't do a single useful thing for this country by going to a war, they just hurt it. They hurt the entire population.

And the US doesn't oppose communism today, China is our biggest trading partner, they have slave labor it's said. Maybe the country's government I thought we had 40 years ago, was a fiction. What we're told is the government today is definitely a fiction.
15   indc   2022 Apr 22, 3:59pm  

Eric Holder says
richwicks says
The US has bombed Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia.

Nothing of that would have happened if Russia didn't overtrow Syria in 1961, Libya in 1969, Iraq in 1958, Afghanistan in 1978, Yemen in 1967 and Somalia in 1969...

By that logic US overthrew UKraine's regime in 2014, you shouldn't have problem with russian operation.
16   richwicks   2022 Apr 22, 4:07pm  

indc says
By that logic US overthrew UKraine's regime in 2014, you shouldn't have problem with russian operation.

I don't have a problem with Russia's operation.

I have a problem with my country possibly starting WWIII by installing a puppet regime in Ukraine - what is the gain for the United States? More expensive natural gas I would bet, higher energy prices, maybe food. That has NOT happened yet.

What has this conflict done for the United States? What WILL this conflict do for the United States?

Nothing good has come from US foreign policy in 20 years, maybe I'll be wrong on this one. We'll see.

I have stopped being anti-war, it's pointless. I'm anti-hurt the United States population. I might lose that as well. I am close to becoming entirely indifferent.
17   Patrick   2022 Apr 22, 4:58pm  

richwicks says
What WILL this conflict do for the United States?

First of all, weapons sales profits for those who are well-connected in DC.

Second, it protects the no-work high-pay "jobs" of the sons of Biden, Kerry, Pelosi, and Romney in Ukraine.

Third, it distracts the public from the dangerous and ineffective vaxx mandates.

Doesn't do anything at all for the American people at large, helps only the American elite.
18   indc   2022 Apr 22, 5:45pm  

richwicks says
indc says
By that logic US overthrew UKraine's regime in 2014, you shouldn't have problem with russian operation.

I don't have a problem with Russia's operation.

My question was for Eric. You want US to stop with its aggression, and I too agree with it. That was the reason I did not like Biden, he was always trying to pick a fight with russia and we got one. This just gives upper hand to China now and that is a major concern for me.
19   RWSGFY   2022 Apr 22, 9:51pm  

indc says
Eric Holder says
richwicks says
The US has bombed Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia.

Nothing of that would have happened if Russia didn't overtrow Syria in 1961, Libya in 1969, Iraq in 1958, Afghanistan in 1978, Yemen in 1967 and Somalia in 1969...

By that logic US overthrew UKraine's regime in 2014, you shouldn't have problem with russian operation.

A person with principles either has problem with all operations or no problem with any them. Then there is "blame America first, polish Putin's knob" characters who cry over dead Saddam but cheer over dead babuska's and raped 12 yo in Bucha...
20   Onvacation   2022 Apr 22, 10:26pm  

richwicks says
The US government today has absolutely no standards. The US will support ANY group, ANY group that opposes the enemy du-jour. Anybody. Nazi, Communist, Islamic, war criminal, mass murders, anybody. Our government has NO STANDARDS today. It's disgusting.

They had to destroy democracy to save it.
21   AmericanKulak   2022 Apr 23, 12:21am  

We need an American Salesman of the year.

MTG was just asked in Court by Dems trying to make it impossible for her to run again, why she said 1776, which they called a call for violence.

She replied by noticing it was on the Seal of the State of Georgia, above the Judge's head, who laughed at the absurdity of the Anti-American Left plaintiffs.

22   richwicks   2022 Apr 23, 12:18pm  

indc says
Eric Holder says
richwicks says
The US has bombed Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia.

Nothing of that would have happened if Russia didn't overtrow Syria in 1961, Libya in 1969, Iraq in 1958, Afghanistan in 1978, Yemen in 1967 and Somalia in 1969...

By that logic US overthrew UKraine's regime in 2014, you shouldn't have problem with russian operation.

A person with principles either has problem with all operations or no problem with any them.

America first. America == people of this nation, NOT the criminal syndicate that controls it. That's why it's a republic, and not a dictatorship. They are not synonymous.

America first does not mean I'll cheer on a US invasion of a foreign country to improve this country at the expense of another. Our nation shouldn't be predatory, but it is. That's not a fault of this nation, it's a fault of the criminal syndicate that controls it.

Then there is "blame America first, polish Putin's knob" characters who cry over dead Saddam but cheer over dead babuska's and raped 12 yo in Bucha...

Who raped them? The Azof Battalion? The Right Sector? Western Ukrainian soldiers? The Russian invader soldiers?

Considering it was Bucha, I tend to think it was the Western Ukrainians, but I really don't know and get this, neither do you. The fact that our "news" media is claiming it was Russians, it probably wasn't Russians anymore than Russia hacked our election, or Saddam Hussein had a weapons of mass destruction program. They took a big steaming shit on their credibility a long time ago, and are still spewing shit. Don't believe ANYTHING said in our fucking propaganda press. They have no obligation to the truth, so ignore them.
23   Eric Holder   2022 Apr 25, 5:59pm  

Consider it done for Sweden:

“Sweden has received concrete protection promises from the UK and the US for the period of the application to NATO,” - writes the Swedish edition Aftonbladet.


Bet Finland got the same promises.

24   mostly reader   2022 Apr 25, 10:18pm  

25   richwicks   2022 Apr 25, 10:59pm  

mostly reader says
richwicks says
Considering it was Bucha, I tend to think....
This is yet another example of why "you" and "think" shouldn't even be in the same sentence.

How many times do I have to tell you that blanket insults just embarrass you, not me?

mostly reader says
You rashist propaganda trumpet you.

I had to look up "rashist". Even if Russia was full on Nazi, it doesn't reveal any information about what is going on or what has transpired. You are unable to realize that. You have the sort of thinking and reasoning I had when I was late teenager. I grew up.

Ukraine is divided up among cultural, not ethnic lines. They are both slavic. Ukrainians blame the holodomor on Russians, but the Russians were as much victims to it as the Ukrainiains. The USSR was a terribly evil government which has created problems that will last for centuries. People just remember the victimhood of their grandfather, and are entirely unaware of the victimhood of others. You are like that.

I'm 1/2 Polish. 2 million of us died in the concentration camps in Auschwitz. Israel has called the Poles collaborators, they never gave up, their entire government went underground for the entire duration of the war yet all of Poland is condemned by Israel for, supposedly, collaborating with the Nazis. Lehi collaborated with the Nazis. Yitzhak Shamir was a leader of Lehi. He was the 7th prime minister of Israel. He was born in 1915, in the Russian Empire - just another thug.

I hate your black and white, true and false, right and wrong simplicity. We'll know what happened in Ukraine in about 5 years but a key pointer I've learned is censorship protects lies, not the truth. The truth doesn't need to be protected by censorship. Who is engaging in censorship?

I don't think you're worth talking to. Talking to a fanatic is simply a waste of time. The same is true of a propagandist. The only difference between a propagandist and a fanatic, is that a fanatic is stupid enough to work for free. I will make no attempt to introduce you to nuanced thinking. You're too old to waste my time on and any good in broadening your understanding will just go to the grave soon enough anyhow.
26   mostly reader   2022 Apr 26, 7:45am  

27   RWSGFY   2022 Apr 26, 8:17am  

mostly reader says
richwicks says
How many times do I have to tell you that blanket insults just embarrass you, not me?
You SHOULD be repeating the line about rashist propaganda which makes shit up. It then feeds those lies to the likes of you, and the likes of you then feed it to smaller channels, such as this one.

"Ukrainian did it in Bucha". Each time you open your mouth, you are redefining the meaning of a "low life".

richwicks says
I'm 1/2 Polish. 2 million of us died in the concentration camps in Auschwitz.
And yet you are exactly the type of scum which would be denying existence of Auschwitz back then because, see, "Western media says it exists and they can't be trusted".

Observe richwicks for a week (or a month) and you will clearly see that his "independent" and "contrarian" thoughts and ideas NEVER deviate from the Russian line even 1/1000 of an inch.
28   socal2   2022 Apr 26, 8:37am  

Don't know why you bother engaging. Every debate comes down to claiming that all of our information is a lie. How do you debate with that?

This thread was better when it was just videos of Russian tanks getting blown up.

29   richwicks   2022 Apr 26, 11:31am  

mostly reader says
about rashist propaganda

Just such a waste of time to even read what you write.

Why not scream Russian Collusion and Russia hacked our election, or other similar nonsense?

You start with a false premise and just repeat it over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over...

It is you that repeats propaganda, that's why you say the same thing over and over again. I wonder if you're a victim of it though. This is an ancient, and annoying technique, which is why I quit taking your seriously and won't treat you respectfully anymore.
30   mostly reader   2022 Apr 26, 3:18pm  

Observe richwicks for a week (or a month) and you will clearly see that his "independent" and "contrarian" thoughts and ideas NEVER deviate from the Russian line even 1/1000 of an inch.
Indeed. That's why I treat him the way that I do.
31   mostly reader   2022 Apr 26, 3:41pm  

32   richwicks   2022 Apr 26, 4:45pm  

Observe richwicks for a week (or a month) and you will clearly see that his "independent" and "contrarian" thoughts and ideas NEVER deviate from the Russian line even 1/1000 of an inch

The only thing that is called "Russian lines" are fed to you by the same mass media that claimed that Saddam Hussein had a weapons of mass destruction program and that Qaddafi was taking viagra to rape girls. They are the same people that said Hunter Biden's laptop was "Russian disinformation".

They use this terminology because they recognize that there are plenty of pussies that will shy away from the truth provided they just label it "Russian".

Every single thing that is even a slightly inconvenient reality is labelled by them as "Russian" - the Russian's don't label it that way. Don't you see how ridiculous it is, how easily you're manipulated?


I'm sure "Russian bots" don't control you, but American ones do. How stupid do you have to be to continue to believe the unending bullshit of our government's propaganda? It's been two fucking solid decades of this, and you still can't see it! For a very good long time, I was mystified how the Bolsheviks, Brownshirts, and Chinese Red Army came to power - how could people be so easily manipulated? Well, thanks to people like you, I know precisely how easily they are manipulated. I just have a difficulty time wrapping my head around how easily controlled people are.

But this is all Russian disinformation anyhow, so you can just ignore it, and not have a single bit of introspection about it. I just throw my hands up with you. If you want to believe anything our bullshit idiotic laughable "news" media calls "Russian misinformation" - which just means ANYTHING they want you to dismiss as false, fine. You are unable to think. You are so trivially controlled. If "mainstream news" said 2+2=4 is "Russian misinformation" you'd accept it. I'm really trying to wrap my head around that people like you aren't active liars and are truly this easy to manipulate. It's so hard to imagine that people like you exist. 20 years ago I'd be "well, this asshole is just fucking with me" - but do you really exist? Are people this easily manipulated? I have to consider the possibility.

The reason people think you're trolls is like I can't be as stupid as you pretend(?) to be. The flipside of this is that it's downright insulting to think I'm this fucking stupid or pathetic to accept any bullshit just because some fucking assholes in a $500 haircut and $2,000 suit on the propaganda box says so - but are you? Are you really? It's astonishing. I really really honestly have difficulty believing you actually think you believe what you claim to believe. I can't imagine being as naive as you present yourself to be. Even when I was in college where I was one stupid fucking shit, I wasn't this naive.

I'm sorry, I just can't accept it. I don't think either of you are honest. I think you're either propagandists for free, or propagandists for hire. I just can't believe you're for real. I see too many propaganda techniques (which are effective when a moron repeats them) being repeated by you, I don't see any effort in thought (which propagandists will not engage in, or stupid people won't engage in), it's just repetition and appeal to emotion constantly with you two - even when I call you out on this, you ignore it. I think if you're not paid, you're really fools.
33   richwicks   2022 Apr 27, 11:11am  

mostly reader says
richwicks says
I wonder if you're a victim of it though.
It's simpler. You are a direct logical equivalent of a cocksucker who pimped German Nazi regime back in a day, while living comfortably in US. The scum that parrots Rashist propaganda under the pretense of non-conformism deserves to be exposed and humiliated. I'm just someone who enjoys doing it.

You have again written nothing. You constantly write nothing. You do this repeatedly.

Show ANY information in that childish paragraph. I cannot be insulted by somebody just calling me names and accusing me of holding beliefs I don't. You're not a respectable or intelligent person either, so why would I care about your opinion of me? You never demonstrate I'm wrong, you just express your anger at me, like a child.

You're just like the dupes back in 2017 apoplectic that I denied Trump's "obvious racism" but wouldn't give any examples because they had been brainwashed into their opinion. You're brainwashed in the same manner but what is really telling us you cannot process original information. It's pointless to engage with you. You believe nonsense, even obvious nonsense. Either you pretend to sleep or are braindead.

Denying that Victoria Nuland was picking out the next Ukrainian leader. It's like somebody insisting the Earth is flat. Most people who claim this don't really believe it, those that believe it, don't have the brain capacity to realize they are incorrect.

When I talk to you, it's like talking to this:

You're just opinionated, and ungrounded. I can't tell if you're serious or insane, I really don't care at this point, I've wasted over a month trying to have a rational discussion with you. You can't teach me anything, you can't even be civil.
34   RWSGFY   2022 May 5, 2:32pm  

Nato says it will increase its presence around Sweden and the Baltic sea if Sweden applies to join the alliance, Nato Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg told Swedish broadcaster SVT.

The secretary general highlighted the importance of protecting the country's borders while its Nato application is approved, which could take up to a year.

"From the potential moment Sweden is applying, and Nato says that they want Sweden to join, there is a very strong obligation from Nato to be able to guarantee Sweden's security," Stoltenberg told SVT.

Sweden and neighbouring Finland are expected to make a decision on whether they are applying to join Nato this month, as both countries have considered joining the alliance following the invasion of Ukraine.

36   RWSGFY   2022 May 12, 9:02am  

Asked on Wednesday if Finland would provoke Russia by joining NATO, Niinisto said: “My response would be that you caused this. Look at the mirror.”
38   Eric Holder   2022 May 12, 10:57am  

Finnish Armed Forces preparing to attack Mother Russia the minute Finland is accepted into NATO:

39   socal2   2022 May 12, 11:07am  


Asked on Wednesday if Finland would provoke Russia by joining NATO, Niinisto said: “My response would be that you caused this. Look at the mirror.”

Finland is just another brutal and corrupt country!

They need Putin to ship in some Chechen Muslims to show them whose boss!
40   Eric Holder   2022 May 12, 11:10am  

socal2 says


Asked on Wednesday if Finland would provoke Russia by joining NATO, Niinisto said: “My response would be that you caused this. Look at the mirror.”

Finland is just another brutal and corrupt country!

They need Putin to ship in some Chechen Muslims to show them whose boss!

Yeah, shoot these bicycle-riding Finnish pensioners in the head to show them how wrong is it to be such fucking Nazis!

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