Are there any "real" Biden voters here who regret their vote or actually think Biden is doing a great job?

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2022 Apr 4, 6:57am   2,202 views  39 comments

by Goran_K   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

I'm not talking about the fake 3am mass mail-in ballot drop people, I'm talking about the real deal Democrat/Independent/Never Trumper who actually went in line with their mask, and double vax, and cast their vote for Biden thinking he would do a great job for this country. I swear this won't be an attack thread.

Just wondering what your logic was in thinking a guy who worked nearly 50 years in the public sector never actually accomplishing anything could actually accomplish anything worthwhile or useful for the country as POTUS. Do you regret your vote? If so, why?

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7   Goran_K   2022 Apr 4, 8:07am  

richwicks says
Goddamned it's surprising how well dumb propaganda works on people. The people aren't stupid, but they sure are easy to control. This next step is going to be a doozy. I think we'll be in depression 2.0 by the time Biden leaves office. Sure is going to be interesting.

This is what I'm most afraid of. All the key indicators are showing massive depression coming in the next 6 months, even the MSM talking heads can't deny it anymore and are beginning to report that it's coming. I believe it's already begun.
8   richwicks   2022 Apr 4, 8:12am  

Goran_K says
This is what I'm most afraid of. All the key indicators are showing massive depression coming in the next 6 months, even the MSM talking heads can't deny it anymore and are beginning to report that it's coming. I believe it's already begun.

If it gets rid of the fucking criminal establishment that's been running this country for the last 20 to 30 years, I'm all for it. It will be worth it to do away with them.
9   keeprubbersidedown   2022 Apr 4, 8:30am  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says
But seriously, there are a lot of Americans who cannot vote for a candidate for president who has slept with a porn star, and apparently, without a condom. Yes, the MSM did a total hit job on him.

Hasnt this proven to be not true?
10   richwicks   2022 Apr 4, 8:35am  

keeprubbersidedown says
Al_Sharpton_for_President says
But seriously, there are a lot of Americans who cannot vote for a candidate for president who has slept with a porn star, and apparently, without a condom. Yes, the MSM did a total hit job on him.

Hasnt this proven to be not true?

No, pretty certain he slept with Stormy Daniels, they had a some NDA which she violated. I believe that's why she owes Trump money.

Who cares. Biden is a literal rapist.

And I doubt Trump slept with her without a condom. People in the porn industry tend to have STDs quite frequently. The frequency of HIV is something like 50%.
11   clambo   2022 Apr 4, 8:38am  

All the Biden voters I know are 1. dead 2. racist losers from Riviera Beach 3.illegal aliens

Biden is maybe unaware of his obvious dementia; if you voted for him, what's your excuse?
12   Ceffer   2022 Apr 4, 9:16am  

Biden actor isn't senile. He's an actor being spoon fed his role, which is to be occasionally senile. He hasn't changed for a couple of years so far, snaps into lucidity then back into 'senility', which isn't senility in the real world.

Real senility is a deteriorating condition that could not be hidden over the time Biden ran as a candidate until now, and would have rendered him a slobbering fool that even his makeup department, teleprompters, earpieces, and dressers couldn't hide.

Plus, he's doing a bang up, extremely competent job destroying our country, which is his real mission, while pretending to be Mr. Magoo.
13   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Apr 4, 9:23am  

You can mock people who voted for Biden all you want, and their unhinged reasons, too, but to do so misses the point. How many people voted for JFK because he was handsome? Irish? How may people voted for Obama because he was black? What were his policies? Who the hell cares.

Yes, ignorant, uninformed, stoopid people vote. People vote based upon impressions and feelheengz, which typically are derived from and formed by the MSM, as well as their social circles, which are influenced by the MSM, celebrities, admired people, clergy, their race, etc.
14   richwicks   2022 Apr 4, 9:26am  

People voted for Obama because the last president fucking lied the nation into a war. If Bush hadn't done that, a black man with a Muslim sounding name wouldn't have had any possibility of being elected. He really was elected because he wasn't Bush.

JFK wasn't elected. Nixon was. Ever listen to or watch the Nixon/Kennedy debates? I'd recommend it. They used to get asked real and serious questions. Biden wasn't elected either, but whatever - isn't the first time.
15   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Apr 4, 9:29am  

richwicks says
People voted for Obama because the last president fucking lied the nation into a war.
You think that's why black people voted for Obama, do you?
16   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Apr 4, 9:32am  

I haven't voted in over a decade, but I still have regrets. I regret voting for Bush Jr for a second term.
17   richwicks   2022 Apr 4, 9:33am  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says
richwicks says
People voted for Obama because the last president fucking lied the nation into a war.
You think that's why black people voted for Obama, do you?

No, they voted for Obama because he was black and Bush Jr. was an asshole as was McCain.

I'm just telling you why Obama won. He was a terrible shitty president, but he wasn't any worse than what McCain or Romney would have been. They were all just puppets anyhow, didn't make any difference who was put into power, may as well put in the black puppet and get THAT out of the way.
18   PeopleUnited   2022 Apr 4, 9:44am  

NuttBoxer says
I haven't voted in over a decade, but I still have regrets. I regret voting for Bush Jr for a second term.

Like John Kerry was a better choice?
19   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Apr 4, 9:48am  

You can still find folks who have a framed picture of JFK next to one of Jesus in their homes. Just saying that the issues don't matter to a lot of voters, and/or that they just can't understand them or just don't have the time. And yes, The Shrub was the second worst president of all time. Biden taking the top spot.
20   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Apr 4, 9:50am  

PeopleUnited says
Like John Kerry was a better choice?

Don't tell me your one of those would still vote for Kang or Kodos because "We only have a two party system". If I had voted for Kerry, same regret. Because both men are immoral, and a vote for either was a vote to make my world a worse place to live.
21   richwicks   2022 Apr 4, 9:51am  

PeopleUnited says
Like John Kerry was a better choice?

Not that you are talking to me, but I thought so at the time.

It was quite obvious to me that Bush lied to start the war, and I was enraged the motherfucker wasn't impeached at a minimum. That's before I realized all presidents are war criminals, and they all lie to start wars - just Bush's lie was particularly obvious and stupid.

I used to think "well, at least Kerry is anti-war" - no he's not. When he got back from Vietnam he got onto the anti-war bandwagon for a bit, but it was just to increase his exposure and make some publicity. It's entirely insincere, but I didn't know it at the time. I found out when he testified before the UN that there was "no doubt Assad gassed his own people". He just pulled a Colin Powell.
22   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Apr 4, 10:17am  

Yes, shit choices. We'll never know how disastrous Kerry would have been, but to vote a second time for Bush, especially after he mocked his own WMD claims, is unfathomable. It was a vote for a bonafide war criminal.
23   richwicks   2022 Apr 4, 10:23am  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says
but to vote a second time for Bush, especially after he mocked his own WMD claims, is unfathomable. It was a vote for a bonafide war criminal.

Yes. This ^^^

It was like "Americans approve of a president that lies them into a fucking war with no end in sight!". I was so disgusted that Bush got re-elected. I was angry for years about that outcome, like either people were too fucking stupid to realize that Bush had blatantly lied us into a war, OR they just didn't give a damned, and having a Nazi as a president was just great!

I think people are just stupid. Now, because the tv propaganda box says so, George W. Bush is just a harmless old man that makes paintings in his spare time, and is a "reasonable republican".
24   SunnyvaleCA   2022 Apr 4, 10:38am  

clambo says
All the Biden voters I know are 1. dead 2. racist losers from Riviera Beach 3.illegal aliens
I don't know about the Riviera Beach crowd, but, for the other two categories, get ready for Biden to win re-election in a landslide.
25   richwicks   2022 Apr 4, 10:41am  

SunnyvaleCA says
clambo says
All the Biden voters I know are 1. dead 2. racist losers from Riviera Beach 3.illegal aliens
I don't know about the Riviera Beach crowd, but, for the other two categories, get ready for Biden to win re-election in a landslide.

I hope he does "win" re-election.

Now that would be funny. I would love for it to be absolutely clear that change isn't possible through a mere election.
26   Goran_K   2022 Apr 4, 10:43am  

True, a Biden landslide win would pretty much destroy all confidence in the election system (if there is any left). Then I think some real change could happen.
27   rocketjoe79   2022 Apr 4, 10:49am  

keeprubbersidedown says
Al_Sharpton_for_President says
But seriously, there are a lot of Americans who cannot vote for a candidate for president who has slept with a porn star, and apparently, without a condom. Yes, the MSM did a total hit job on him.

Hasnt this proven to be not true?

Trump just won his defamation lawsuit against Stormy Daniels, so, yeah, I'd say she's toast. She was egged on by Avenatti, another criminal who is going to jail.
28   richwicks   2022 Apr 4, 11:08am  

rocketjoe79 says
Trump just won his defamation lawsuit against Stormy Daniels, so, yeah, I'd say she's toast. She was egged on by Avenatti, another criminal who is going to jail.

What was the payoff money for then?

This is salacious stuff that doesn't really matter. Trump may be a totally horrible person that sleeps around constantly. So what? Clinton was getting a blowjob in the Oval Office from a woman that was only slightly older than his daughter.

Nobody is shocked by this stuff any more. This isn't 1960 where a man's infidelity would end their political career.

I don't think (but I don't know!) that Trump sued over defamation, but rather a violated contract. The truth is, I don't care. It doesn't matter. Democrats and liberals CERTAINLY don't consider a politician's sex life when they are voting. That's silly. They are the last ones to care about that. When all this hysteria was made about Clinton's BJ - it was distasteful, but the hysteria over it was ridiculous.
29   Goran_K   2022 Apr 4, 11:16am  

Being a sexual weirdo is actually a badge of honor amongst most leftists.

Don’t believe me? Jeffrey Toobin literally whacked off and cummed in front of his coworkers on a zoom work call. 8 months later he got a promotion as CNNs chief legal analyst and joked about his whacking off with CNN anchor Alisyn Camerota, giggling and chuckling for 5 minutes before it was all forgotten again, forever.
30   SunnyvaleCA   2022 Apr 4, 11:44am  

richwicks says
Nobody is shocked by this stuff any more. This isn't 1960 where a man's infidelity would end their political career.
There has been plenty of presidential bad moral behavior, but before Trump at least the media covered it up or at least the president pretended to be embarrassed and pretended to apologize. Now, it's just out there for all to see.
31   richwicks   2022 Apr 4, 11:56am  

SunnyvaleCA says
richwicks says
Nobody is shocked by this stuff any more. This isn't 1960 where a man's infidelity would end their political career.
There has been plenty of presidential bad moral behavior, but before Trump at least the media covered it up or at least the president pretended to be embarrassed and pretended to apologize. Now, it's just out there for all to see.

So instead of people being in blissfully Happy Land living on Gumdrop Lane, they are seeing reality?

Good. About time.

I'm happy that I'm not the only one sitting there. I'm 30 years tired of living in the delusion of the naive. I wonder when it's going to strike the average person that what Russia is doing to Ukraine is NOTHING compared to what the US has done for 20 years solid.

And, for the record, I'm absolutely overjoyed that the media spends 24 hours a day 7 days a week trying to cover up and make excuses for this current puppet in (nominal) power. Discrediting those lying bastards has been a lifelong dream of mine.
32   clambo   2022 Apr 4, 12:41pm  

Biden is senile.
I have seen it a lot personally in S. Florida.
My friends who work with the elderly recognized it also. Two are now pissed off at family members who voted for him because Kamala "is one of us."
Calling his wife vice president, confusing telephone with television, getting angry quickly when confused are typical behavior.
My father at 96 exhibited none of the numerous verbal fuck ups and confusion Biden shows daily.
Severity of senility varies but Biden is clearly senile today.
33   PeopleUnited   2022 Apr 5, 8:02am  

.NuttBoxer says
PeopleUnited says
Like John Kerry was a better choice?

Don't tell me your one of those would still vote for Kang or Kodos because "We only have a two party system". If I had voted for Kerry, same regret. Because both men are immoral, and a vote for either was a vote to make my world a worse place to live.

Agreed. (Though I don’t know who Kang or Kodos are?)

And basically what that means is your vote does not count. Because unless your name was Kerry or Bush in 2004, you were not going to be el presidente
34   Goran_K   2022 Apr 5, 8:15am  

PeopleUnited says
Agreed. (Though I don’t know who Kang or Kodos are?)

I got that reference!

Kang and Kodos are alien conquerors from the Simpsons TV show I believe.
35   richwicks   2022 Apr 5, 8:20am  

PeopleUnited says
Agreed. (Though I don’t know who Kang or Kodos are?)


From the Simpson's (of course) - 7th Treehouse of Horror.

"Go Ahead! THROW your vote away!"
36   PeopleUnited   2022 Apr 5, 11:44am  

Sound funny but most humor is based in the pains of reality.

The reality is your vote doesn’t count, when they choose the viable candidates.

And then if someone is elected who they can’t control (trump) they will just demonize him for 4 years and even fake an election if need be to get their puppet in place. Then there is always the JFK solution employed by globalists when they decide a more immediate replacement is needed.
37   Ceffer   2022 Apr 5, 12:06pm  

Why do people persist in the delusion that Biden actor has anything to do with improving their lot in life? He's there to destroy our country with the One World Order, breed chaos, starve us, drag us into WWIII to kill as many of us as possible, while sheltering his own criminal enterprises and immunity from the death cults.

He is actually doing his job, though not well enough for the Globalists. He is no IHLlary endowed maniac.
38   richwicks   2022 Apr 5, 12:12pm  

Ceffer says
He is actually doing his job, though not well enough for the Globalists. He is no IHLlary endowed maniac.

The only difference between him and Hillary is how we complain about them. They are puppets, they same actions would take place.
39   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Apr 5, 9:23pm  

voted for Trump, no regrets.

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