Shanghai Lockdown

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2022 Apr 11, 8:33am   2,271 views  49 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (8)   💰tip   ignore  

A brutal COVID-19 lockdown in Shanghai has left many scrambling for food.
People aren't allowed to visit stores, and delivery services are often sold out there.
So people have been trying to by bulk straight from suppliers, then bartering with neighbors.

People in Shanghai took desperate measures to avoid going hungry as a sweeping lockdown confined millions of people to their homes amid dwindling supplies.

The Chinese city of 26 million has been hit by intermittent shortages during the lockdown, which began on March 28 but has been extended.

The lockdown, much harsher than those seen in Europe or North America, precluded people from leaving their homes to buy groceries, and left delivery services unable to cope.

The government in Shanghai made some efforts to give people food directly, but many found the deliveries were unreliable or insufficient.

Officials said the lockdown would ease on April 5, but it was then extended indefinitely, exacerbating food supply problems, The Guardian reported.

The city has seen record numbers of cases in its latest Omicron wave, after having largely avoided the pandemic through most of 2020 and 2021. Monday was the 10th straight day of record new case numbers, according to the South China Morning Post.


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8   Patrick   2022 Apr 11, 9:55pm  


Patrick Madrid ✌🏼
Apr 9
What the?? This video taken yesterday in Shanghai, China, by the father of a close friend of mine. She verified its authenticity: People screaming out of their windows after a week of total lockdown, no leaving your apartment for any reason.
10   Ceffer   2022 Apr 11, 10:42pm  

Could be an experiment in urban compliance and political terrorism i.e. just how far can you impose the tyranny on a large population before they reach the breaking point and just swarm the authorities?
Covid is a fiction that ever was only used for false pretenses and psyops. That would mean this is testing the psyops to its ultimate extreme, perhaps to demonstrate to other countries and the USA that the terrorism based on the false pretense could be extended indefinitely and successfully to overthrow human rights.
11   AmericanKulak   2022 Apr 11, 10:58pm  

That video of people screaming is either creepy as hell, or hopeful.

Twos things I found today:

* Xi wants to stay past 10 years, or two terms, something Presidents and Supreme Leaders of the CCP have never been allowed to do since Mao. His power base is Shanghai.

* China has it's own version of the vaccine, and there are rumors there are bad reactions to it.
13   AmericanKulak   2022 Apr 11, 11:33pm  

You know, if we have a big uprising, it will probably be over dogs. Not Grooming or Vaccinating Kids.
14   AmericanKulak   2022 Apr 12, 12:22am  

Last bit:

Pestilence is a sure hallmark, in Chinese Philosophy/History, of a Dynasty losing the "Mandate of Heaven".

This is why Xi is doing this.
16   PeopleUnited   2022 Apr 12, 5:38pm  

AmericanKulak says
Killing pets.
For food?
17   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Apr 12, 6:18pm  

AmericanKulak says
The first horseman of the apocalypse.
19   mell   2022 Apr 12, 8:33pm  

Fucking insane, but then again this is the definition of full retard leftoid. The shanghai quarantine center vid looks like squid game. Never go full retard
20   WookieMan   2022 Apr 12, 9:14pm  

mell says
Fucking insane, but then again this is the definition of full retard leftoid. The shanghai quarantine center vid looks like squid game. Never go full retard

Lol. I legit don't like human suffering, but at some point you reap what you sow. It's the flu for fucks sake. It HAS to spread for it to diminish or potentially go away.

We're 100% done here in the midwest where I'm at. The school still tracks positive cases. My youngest was exposed last Friday to a Covid positive student. I don't care. I'm feeling a bit off myself, but nothing major. We've got to stop this madness. That's what it is. If a flu bug brings you to your demise, it was likely coming anyway.
21   Hircus   2022 Apr 12, 9:46pm  

Ceffer says

Could be an experiment in urban compliance and political terrorism i.e. just how far can you impose the tyranny on a large population before they reach the breaking point and just swarm the authorities?

That was my thought too. Its the perfect, and rare, opportunity to do it. Part of their motivation may even actually be virus related - I personally think all govts should have a plan of what they would do if a real plague were to spread. Like something that might kill at a very high rate, especially if its very contagious. Naturally occurring, man made bio weapon, or accidental leak from a lab doesnt matter.

I think such prison-in-place lockdowns are a risk of living in a dense urban area that people should be aware of. Of course such lockdowns could happen in rural areas too, but I think it would be way less likely, and unlikely to be able to be enforced very strictly.
22   PeopleUnited   2022 Apr 13, 4:37am  

Hircus says

Perfect wording. And purveyors of mainstream media are already prisoners, of their propaganda.
23   Goran_K   2022 Apr 13, 6:37am  

I don't get it. If you're at the point where your family is starving, you've been locked in your home for months and you're considering just taking you and your entire family to the roof of your building so you can all leap off together in one final good bye, why not just start resisting at that point?

Doesn't have to be "armed resistance" since I know those poor fools do not have a right to bear arms, but it could be small acts of arson, sabotage (I can pretty much permanently disable any vehicle in about 5 minutes with just a Philips and some bleach). So many options when it comes to resisting these tyrannical government types.

With firearms and small explosives, it's game over, you could literally bring a local government to its knees.
24   BayArea   2022 Apr 13, 6:41am  

The Chinese are probably the last culture on earth to do what you are suggesting

Additionally the Chinese government doesn’t fuck around, so you have to be ready for the repercussions.
25   Goran_K   2022 Apr 13, 6:48am  

BayArea says
The Chinese are probably the last culture on earth to do what you are suggesting

Additionally the Chinese government doesn’t fuck around, so you have to be ready for the repercussions.

Well yeah. You have to go into it knowing that if you get caught or fuck up, you're going to get executed, or die in a gun fight with communist soldiers. Personally, I am not getting captured by commies, so they'd have to gun me down and take my gun empty and hot.

But like I said, people are literally suiciding their entire families from the roof top of their apartment buildings. If I was ever at that point because the government was tyrannical, I'd rather go out fighting than flying through the air to hit the concrete at terminal velocity.

Dying because of blood loss from getting hit by an AK-47 round, but dying with the knowledge that I disabled their vehicles and took some of them with me is way more comforting than suicide, but that's just me.
26   BayArea   2022 Apr 13, 6:51am  


To your point, there’s 26M people there. That would be a powerful resistance if enough would agree to do it.

They are also not reaching terminal velocity but certainly enough to kill them.

In general, a person falling through the air on Earth reaches terminal velocity after about 12 seconds, which covers about 450 meters or 1500 feet. A skydiver in the belly-to-earth position reaches a terminal velocity of about 195 km/hr
27   Goran_K   2022 Apr 13, 7:01am  

BayArea says

To your point, there’s 26M people there. That would be a powerful resistance if enough would agree to do it.

Well, let's say you have about 1/5 of the population under 17 (basically children). Another 1/5 will be elderly, 65 and over. Divided by 2, that leaves you with about 7.8 million men of age who could resist. Add some women with some gumption and you have a nice sized resistance.

If they were armed and well supplied, China wouldn't be able to suppress them even with the entirety of their armed forces.

In their current state of being mostly unarmed, they could still make things extremely difficult for the CCP forces if they had basic knowledge of make shift explosives, began sabotaging government vehicles, buildings, etc. If they found a CCP armory, even better.

The most important part of being a mostly unarmed resistance is the social media battle. You would need a reliable way to get information out into the world. Because once you start sabotaging CCP assets, they will increase their brutality and the world needs to see it, and know it.
29   Patrick   2022 Apr 13, 6:56pm  


Lockdown was never about a virus. It was about sending a message: That stripped of all disguise, the illusion of virtue, competence, and commitment to human rights among the western political class was nothing but conformity with easily-subvertible norms and institutions passed down by prior generations. Since the original egalitarian propagaganda of communism no longer fooled most people, the system had to be rebooted with a new lie that would justify the indefinite suspension of the rule of law. Xi had found it in the form of a “virus.” ...

By late February, after western media outlets had spent weeks chiding China for their harsh authoritarian measures, their officials had figured out that SARS-2 wasn’t that bad. The risk at that point was that no other countries would do very much about SARS-2, and they’d be none the worse for it. So, to save face, China needed the WHO to endorse their lockdown at the very least; ideally, some Western nations would even imitate their approach. The Chinese pulled what strings they had, even providing secret advice to western public health officials and social media cover for their politicians.

Maybe the goal is to stifle certain political organizations in Shanghai.
30   Ceffer   2022 Apr 13, 8:08pm  

It's not a 'Zero Covid' policy, it's a 'Zero Human Rights' policy. They can starve, beat, murder, rob you at will. It's a test of the powerlessness of the subject population.
31   PeopleUnited   2022 Apr 13, 8:21pm  

Patrick says
By late February, after western media outlets had spent weeks chiding China for their harsh authoritarian measures, their officials had figured out that SARS-2 wasn’t that bad.

This was in 2020 and China, WHO and globalists cowed the world into self destruction of human rights and supply chains.
32   Patrick   2022 Apr 18, 10:23pm  


Lockdown ideology remains a widespread global plague upon humanity
Faucism infects Shanghai

A Chinese friend confirmed to me that the situation is very bad in Shanghai right now:

I have been speaking to my colleagues in Shanghai. It’s definitely bad over there. They have to get PCR test everyday, not allowed to leave, one of the guys had their front door taped shut, one guy was forced to a field hospital where the condition was very bad.

Yes, pets are killed, and all the bad stuff you are reading about. Still I think 99.9% of 25M in SH are surviving. Most are able to get food delivered at a high cost.

In summary, China is a tough place to live. Somehow it’s all tied to politics.
34   Patrick   2022 Apr 26, 9:51am  


Aaron Ginn
As new lockdowns are announced, the Chinese people try to flee before the COVID police arrive.
37   Patrick   2022 May 17, 6:55pm  


bout 373 million people in 45 cities were living under some form of lockdown in China last month, according to an estimate from the Japanese financial services conglomerate Nomura Holdings. That’s more than three-quarters of the entire EU population (448 million) and the entire US population (330 million). A quarter of the Chinese population now lives in locked-down cities in response to China’s worst covid outbreak since the start of the pandemic.
38   Patrick   2022 Jul 25, 7:39pm  


China’s Wealthy Elite Are Fleeing The Country Thanks To CCP’s ‘Zero-COVID’ Policy

Many of China’s wealthiest citizens have increasingly sought to emigrate from the country in recent months as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has instituted some of the world’s strictest lockdowns as part of its “Zero-COVID” policy.

Roughly 13,000 high net worth individuals plan to leave China and Hong Kong within the next year and are poised to bring roughly $60 billion in total assets with them, according to a report from investment migration consultancy firm Henley & Partners. The large-scale exodus comes partly as a result of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s particularly aggressive “zero-COVID” policy, according to Fortune, in which regions with elevated positivity rates have been placed under strict lockdowns that have led to food shortages and riots and COVID patients have been forced to wear electronic monitoring ankle bracelets.
39   HeadSet   2022 Jul 26, 7:40am  

Patrick says

Roughly 13,000 high net worth individuals plan to leave China and Hong Kong within the next year and are poised to bring roughly $60 billion in total assets with them,

I smell a rat. More likely that $60 is a diaspora to buy up assets in the West for future control. If the CCP did not want high net worth people to leave, it would confiscate their assets.
40   1337irr   2022 Jul 26, 7:46am  

HeadSet says

Patrick says

Roughly 13,000 high net worth individuals plan to leave China and Hong Kong within the next year and are poised to bring roughly $60 billion in total assets with them,

I smell a rat. More likely that $60 is a diaspora to buy up assets in the West for future control. If the CCP did not want high net worth people to leave, it would confiscate their assets.

They are going to have a VERY hard time getting their assets out of the country.
42   Hircus   2022 Aug 17, 11:41am  

HeadSet says

Patrick says

Roughly 13,000 high net worth individuals plan to leave China and Hong Kong within the next year and are poised to bring roughly $60 billion in total assets with them,

I smell a rat. More likely that $60 is a diaspora to buy up assets in the West for future control. If the CCP did not want high net worth people to leave, it would confiscate their assets.

I agree, although I imagine one could play clever games to get most of their wealth out. Like, start a business that contracts americans to do certain expensive work, so you can pay that american company big bucks for "products and services" but in reality its a shell company meant to hold your transfers. Or "sell" chinese products far below cost to an american company that will deposit the difference into an account for you. i.e. a product that normally sells for $10, they publicly pay $4 to china, and also secretly pay $6 into your american account.

I imagine americans also do these kinda games to get big bucks / big returns into self directed IRA accounts too.
43   Patrick   2022 Aug 27, 9:47am  


John LeFevre
Aug 25
Tencent employees in Shenzhen fleeing after an employee tests positive for Covid and a full lockdown is announced.

This is why I don’t worry about China taking over the world. They are < a decade away from total unrest - 1 billion have-nots storming the streets.

44   Ceffer   2022 Aug 27, 10:30am  

Ongoing Covid fraud in China is allegedly a political purge under cover of Covid name. Covid is the religious training imbued in the populace to induce the appropriate herding behaviors.

Will the mainland Chinese ever achieve 'Covid Propaganda Attenuation and Exhaustion' where the Covid pretense and fraud stop working?
45   Ceffer   2022 Aug 27, 10:37am  

I read there were several instances in the past since 1940's where the CCP (Globalist Khazarian implants?) had their go bags and foreign bank accounts ready to flee the country.

Three Gorges Dam will likely fail catastrophically at some point in the near future. I wonder if that will be the CCP death nell, or some other economic situation.
46   HeadSet   2022 Aug 27, 5:46pm  

Ceffer says

Three Gorges Dam will likely fail catastrophically at some point in the near future. I wonder if that will be the CCP death nell

China's Chernobyl?

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