THE Elon Musk

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2022 Apr 14, 4:28am   226,944 views  1,579 comments

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1068   PeopleUnited   2022 Dec 20, 5:41pm  

HeadSet says

PeopleUnited says

Elon, like Trump, is primarily out for his own interests. Not yours.

Everyone on Earth is after their own interest, not yours. You included. The issue is what policies Trump would implement if he were President. Imagine what SC nominees would be in place now had Hillary won. Trump is also the only one, Dem or Repub, who will take action fixing the border.

I agree he was the best choice on the ballot. I just still don’t trust him to do what is right, or even reasonable.
1069   richwicks   2022 Dec 20, 5:50pm  

PeopleUnited says

I agree he was the best choice on the ballot. I just still don’t trust him to do what is right, or even reasonable.

What is reasonable when we have a president who is senile dragging us into a conflict with Russia? They are still a nuclear super-power. I grew up under the unrelenting terror of the cold war. It ended on December 26, 1991, but these fucking assholes want to restart it.
1070   Karloff   2022 Dec 20, 6:42pm  

richwicks says

James Gunn is. Kevin Spacey isn't.

He isn't? His imdb.com page shows upcoming movies with a status of "in production" and he has releases as of this year.

1072   PeopleUnited   2022 Dec 20, 7:04pm  

richwicks says

PeopleUnited says

I agree he was the best choice on the ballot. I just still don’t trust him to do what is right, or even reasonable.

What is reasonable when we have a president who is senile dragging us into a conflict with Russia? They are still a nuclear super-power. I grew up under the unrelenting terror of the cold war. It ended on December 26, 1991, but these fucking assholes want to restart it.

Biden can barely make it to the bathroom on schedule, he is potatus in name only.
1073   DD214   2022 Dec 21, 5:23am  

richwicks says

I grew up under the unrelenting terror of the cold war.

Me too, but I do not recall "unrelenting terror" unless you are talking about going to the dentist, having to endure an extra 45 minutes in church once a month on communion Sundays or that afternoon English class with an active alcoholic who was about as unhinged as one can be and still hold a teaching position.
1074   CBOEtrader   2022 Dec 21, 9:12am  

we should collectively push @patrick to be CEO of twitter. elon could go through 15 years in this forum to show his character.
1075   PeopleUnited   2022 Dec 21, 9:18am  

CBOEtrader says

we should collectively push patrick to be CEO of twitter. elon could go through 15 years in this forum to show his character.

I’m PeopleUnited and I approve this message.
1077   Patrick   2022 Dec 21, 10:32am  



How Twitter Quietly Aided the Pentagon’s Covert Online PsyOp Campaign

Despite promises to shut down covert state-run propaganda networks, Twitter docs show that the social media giant directly assisted the U.S. military’s influence operations.

2. Twitter has claimed for years that they make concerted efforts to detect & thwart gov-backed platform manipulation. Here is Twitter testifying to Congress about its pledge to rapidly identify and shut down all state-backed covert information operations & deceptive propaganda.

3. But behind the scenes, Twitter gave approval & special protection to the U.S. military’s online psychological influence ops. Despite knowledge that Pentagon propaganda accounts used covert identities, Twitter did not suspend many for around 2 years or more. Some remain active.

4. In 2017, a U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) official sent Twitter a list of 52 Arab language accounts “we use to amplify certain messages.” The official asked for priority service for six accounts, verification for one & “whitelist” abilities for the others.

5. The same day CENTCOM sent the list, Twitter officials used a tool to grant a special “whitelist” tag that essentially provides verification status to the accounts w/o the blue check, meaning they are exempt from spam/abuse flags, more visible/likely to trend on hashtags.

6. The CENTCOM accounts on the list tweeted frequently about U.S. military priorities in the Middle East, including promoting anti-Iran messages, promotion of the Saudi Arabia-U.S. backed war in Yemen, and “accurate” U.S. drone strikes that claimed to only hit terrorists.

7. CENTCOM then shifted strategies & deleted disclosures of ties to the Twitter accounts. The bios of the accounts changed to seemingly organic profiles. One bio read: “Euphrates pulse.” Another used an apparent deep fake profile pic & claimed to be a source of Iraqi opinion.

8. One Twitter official who spoke to me said he feels deceived by the covert shift. Still, many emails from throughout 2020 show that high-level Twitter executives were well aware of DoD’s vast network of fake accounts & covert propaganda and did not suspend the accounts.

9. For example, Twitter lawyer Jim Baker mused in a July 2020 email, about an upcoming DoD meeting, that the Pentagon used "poor tradecraft" in setting up its network, and were seeking strategies for not exposing the accounts that are “linked to each other or to DoD or the USG.”

10. Stacia Cardille, another Twitter attorney, replied that the Pentagon wanted a SCIF & may want to retroactively classify its social media activities “to obfuscate their activity in this space, and that this may represent an overclassification to avoid embarrassment.”

And lots more in that thread.
1078   RWSGFY   2022 Dec 21, 10:50am  

DD214 says

richwicks says

I grew up under the unrelenting terror of the cold war.

Me too, but I do not recall "unrelenting terror" unless you are talking about going to the dentist, having to endure an extra 45 minutes in church once a month on communion Sundays or that afternoon English class with an active alcoholic who was about as unhinged as one can be and still hold a teaching position.

Wrong side of the Iron Curtain.
1079   richwicks   2022 Dec 21, 10:59am  


DD214 says

richwicks says

I grew up under the unrelenting terror of the cold war.

Me too, but I do not recall "unrelenting terror" unless you are talking about going to the dentist, having to endure an extra 45 minutes in church once a month on communion Sundays or that afternoon English class with an active alcoholic who was about as unhinged as one can be and still hold a teaching position.

Wrong side of the Iron Curtain.

This is where I grew up:


If you zoom out and look a little to the left, you'll see Fort Drum, 10th Mountain division.


I grew up next to a first strike target.

You don't understand the dynamics of war at all. Cities aren't targeted. Why bother? Military is targeted first, then supply lines and infrastructure. You leave cities alone to let them starve to death.

Cities are targeted as EXPERIMENTS. It's merely done to see what can be done. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were done to study the results of the nuclear weapons. Dresden was firebombed as a psychological experiment. None of them had any military value.
1080   HeadSet   2022 Dec 21, 2:17pm  

richwicks says

You don't understand the dynamics of war at all. Cities aren't targeted.

No. I actually had a stint in nuke war planning in Strategic Air Command, including special schooling. The gist basically is this:

The Soviet Union had a counterforce strategy. They believed a nuclear war would be like every other war in history in that nuclear would have a winner and a loser. They intended to be the winner. Therefore, the Soviets targeted military assets along with command and control.

The United States had a countervalue strategy. The idea was to deter nuclear war, and thus targeted cities to make the cost of nuclear war unacceptable to the Soviets. The US bomber and missile fleets were always on high alert ready for a retaliatory strike. This means launching within minutes. The Soviets did not bother with such a hair trigger response as they believed a nuclear war would be after a buildup of tensions and leave plenty of time to prepare.
1081   richwicks   2022 Dec 21, 2:32pm  

HeadSet says

The United States had a countervalue strategy. The idea was to deter nuclear war, and thus targeted cities to make the cost of nuclear war unacceptable to the Soviets.

I understand the United States. They are run by genocidal maniacs. They purposely kill civilians. They do this in every war, from Vietnam to Iraq to Afghanistan. They target people who are innocent in the conflict to try to affect political change. The US wages war through terrorism, and uses terrorist tactics.

The US doesn't fight wars to win. They haven't done this since at least WWII.

You don't know what the Soviets would have done. Consider our propaganda. However, we can see what they are doing in Ukraine. They are doing a war of attrition. Just like they did in Vietnam, exhaust US supplies and NATO in this case. They will continue this war until the west capitulates. That's my prediction. The Ukraine war will not end any time soon, it will drag on for YEARS and Russia, just like the US isn't using their best weaponry. They're just getting rid of their old shit. Russia's economy is fine and stable, meanwhile Europe is facing energy shortages and the US is experiencing massive inflation.

Tired of my fucking government doing this shit. We're run by genocidal maniacs and IF people recognized this, and they don't, they'd be removed from power.
1082   Eric Holder   2022 Dec 21, 2:35pm  

richwicks says

You don't know what the Soviets would have done.

Of course we do. We are watching them wiping out whole cities with massive artillery fires right now.
1083   richwicks   2022 Dec 21, 2:43pm  

Eric Holder says

richwicks says

You don't know what the Soviets would have done.

Of course we do. We are watching them wiping out whole cities with massive artillery fires right now.

They aren't doing that. Our bullshit propaganda media accuses the enemy of what the US military and their "allies" do. They've been doing this for 20 years. ISIS was funded by the United States. The Mujahideen were our allies, but we renamed them the Taliban when they were convenient to be enemies.

The US commonly wages war through terrorist proxies. Shock and Awe was about making the population capitulate. You bitch and moan about Russia, but none of this would have happened if the US didn't overthrow Ukraine in 2014. I have no control over Russia and neither do you, but I have SOME control over the US, and you won't say jack about these insane policies.

The US government has bombed 7 nations in the last 20 years. Can you name them? Can you name even why they did this? What were the objectives? You're ENTIRELY disconnected from what this government does, and like a trained seal, you quickly condemn Russia, because these criminals, these maniacs, tell you do. That's your entire thought process. Obedience, blind obedience.

If Ukraine's leaders gave a FUCK about the citizenry of Ukraine, they'd surrender, because they can't win, and declare their neutrality. It's going to happen anyhow in time, but the fucking traitorous assholes that were installed by the US don't care a bit about the people that die. The US government doesn't either, of course.

The US is run by maniacs, and by extension, there's a lot of NPC maniacs in the United States as well. They're totally ignorant, impossible to educate, and completely divorced from any sense of morality or civic duty. This country is FILLED with them.

The US just gets weaker and weaker, and more and more corrupt, and all you can do is bitch and whine about Russia. The country that DIDN'T hack our election. The country that DIDN'T forge Hunter Biden's laptop. When are you going to recognize the ACTUAL enemy? Ever? Stop carrying water for them.
1084   stereotomy   2022 Dec 21, 2:55pm  

I have to say @richwicks that I'm grateful for you "telling it like it is." Those of us who have children have to think of their tummies first and can't always be as brave as you (I'm not being sarcastic here and BTW nohomo). I hope I can encourage my child to have equivalent courage when he comes of age.

I'd say more generally that PatNet has been a refuge in these crazy times, much as iTulip was during the 2007-2010 financial meltdown. Thanks @Patrick and @Rin, among others who I can't recall at this time.
1085   AmericanKulak   2022 Dec 21, 3:08pm  

FBI: Don't believe your lying eyes by looking at emails released from the large private corporation from us which show a very different timeline and motive than what we claimed publicly, but you long suspected

1086   Booger   2022 Dec 21, 3:30pm  

Trump Jr is supposed to be the new CEO of Twitter. Either that or Elon is trolling liberals big time.
1088   HeadSet   2022 Dec 21, 4:53pm  

richwicks says

You don't know what the Soviets would have done.

It was my business to know what the Soviets would have done. Much of the info I had came from the writings of Soviet generals and high policy makers.
1089   richwicks   2022 Dec 21, 6:11pm  

HeadSet says

richwicks says

You don't know what the Soviets would have done.

It was my business to know what the Soviets would have done. Much of the info I had came from the writings of Soviet generals and high policy makers.

The only way you'd know what the Soviets would have done is if you were in the upper echelons of command in the Red army.

I am ENTIRELY used to the US government, AND military lying to the public. People are fed the information that is necessary to make them perform, and that has nothing to do with it being true or correct.

It's the same in a large corporation as well. It's called drinking the kool-aid if you believe it.

I can be (and frequently have been) wrong, about my conclusions and expectations, but I'm way fucking better than the propaganda that is fed to me. Here, let me show you something:


And MAYBE it will show up on bitchute in time:

original link

They ACTUALLY put that on television expecting people to believe it. They think the public are the dumbest fucking assholes in the world, but maybe it's just the people that still watch television for "information" are?
1091   Patrick   2022 Dec 21, 9:22pm  


What [Elon Musk is] giving us is a roadmap to take down the entire deep state. Because we're going to take these files and we're going to apply it to Google, and we're going to apply it to Wikipedia, and we're going to apply it to Meta, and Facebook and Instagram, we're going to apply it all across Silicon Valley.

And then we're going to take those meetings and we're going to apply it to the FBI, and the CIA, and the Department of Homeland Security, and the federal reserve. And we're going to take all of them and we will... go to them and say "no!"

The federal government has teamed up with Big Tech to censor Americans, rig elections by suppressing information, and police speech.

Only by [rooting them all out] will we be able to take our country back.
1092   Patrick   2022 Dec 21, 9:25pm  


At the same time that capability at any time could be turned around on the American people. And no American would have any privacy left... There would be no place to hide.

If this government ever became a tyranny, if a dictator ever took charge in this country. The technological capacity that the intelligence community has given the government could enable it to impose total tyranny.

And there would be no way to fight back. Because the most careful effort to combine together in resistance to the government, no matter how privately it was done, is within reach of the government to know. Such is the reach of this technology...

I don't want to see this country ever go across this bridge. I know the capacity that is there to make tyranny total in America.
1094   mell   2022 Dec 22, 8:35am  

lol my retard leftoid woke "friends" on facetwat are not !ditching twatter! and in deep conflict over their teslas
1096   Patrick   2022 Dec 23, 11:33pm  


Elon Musk Perplexed as Twitter Begins Widespread Suspensions of Accounts Critical of U.S. Funding for Ukraine and Zelenskyy Grift
December 22, 2022

I'm not sure Elon is really in control of Twitter even now.
1097   Patrick   2022 Dec 24, 12:51am  

Companies you might want to avoid because they stopped advertising on Twitter the moment that free speech was allowed:

1098   Onvacation   2022 Dec 24, 8:21am  

Patrick says

Companies you might want to avoid because they stopped advertising on Twitter the moment that free speech was allowed:

What's up with the asterisk on some of the companies?
1099   SoTex   2022 Dec 24, 10:03am  

Subsidiaries of parent companies was my guess.
1100   SoTex   2022 Dec 24, 10:04am  

l guess that wouldn't apply to Ford though.
1103   Ceffer   2022 Dec 25, 11:24am  

'Caste status' is a bit of a compliment to them. I prefer 'depraved ass licking whores for thirty pieces of silver'.
1104   richwicks   2022 Dec 25, 12:53pm  

Booger says


Only site that is claiming this, probably bullshit.

Plenty of bullshit propaganda sites being run by the government's intelligence agencies, and I wouldn't be surprised that vancouvertimes.org is one of them. Twitter was (and still is) stuffed to the gills with Feds, they OPENLY promote child pornography so even if Agrawal is doing this, nothing will happen to him.

We don't have a government, we have a criminal syndicate, and that's it.
1105   mell   2022 Dec 25, 1:00pm  

It's a satire news site.
1106   richwicks   2022 Dec 25, 1:33pm  

mell says

It's a satire news site.

"Satire" is very generous. There's nothing in there that indicates it's satire, it's just disinformation - much like CNN, Fox, NPR, NY Times, MSNBC, etc are.

It's run by the intelligence agencies to feed the public bad information. It's part of Operation Mockingbird.

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