THE Elon Musk

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2022 Apr 14, 4:28am   238,751 views  1,724 comments

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1155   Shaman   2023 Feb 14, 2:40pm  

Last week I got my Twitter account unbanned after submitting a third appeal. I logged in and got the message that my account was locked. A screen much like the one above was revealed with a tweet I did March of 2022, saying something like “scratch a LBGT activist and find a groomer. And trans women aren’t women.”

Yah I can see why the snowflakes banned me. Haha.
1156   Shaman   2023 Feb 14, 2:45pm  

Patrick says

And Elon's Twitter banned me for stating the fact that "Trans is mental illness."

1) try another appeal. Mine worked on the third try.

2) I’m kinda glad that Elon made the twin horrible mistakes of voting for Biden and getting vaxxed. And that he admits/regrets both openly. It makes space for other lefties to admit that their choices to do the same were also mistakes. It gives them an out when one of the smartest richest most successful people in the world can admit to making those ones too.
1158   Patrick   2023 Feb 14, 3:03pm  

Shaman says

1) try another appeal. Mine worked on the third try.

They demand my phone number.

I say no to that.

They demand that I delete my factual tweet.

I say no to that.
1161   Eman   2023 Feb 18, 11:14am  


Was there a reason why you didn’t include Elon’s comment where he said she photobombed him on this pic?
1162   HeadSet   2023 Feb 18, 1:18pm  

I would think that Elon could afford a tux that actually fits.
1163   richwicks   2023 Feb 18, 1:23pm  


He's not on the flight logs to pedophile rape island. I know that's a low bar, but that's where the bar is.

I could show you some pictures from Hunter Biden's laptop, but I don't intend to screw Patrick here by posting what is basically child porn.
1164   HeadSet   2023 Feb 18, 2:38pm  

richwicks says

I could show you some pictures from Hunter Biden's laptop, but I don't intend to screw Patrick here by posting what is basically child porn.

Is it possible to put in a link of some sort?
1165   Patrick   2023 Feb 18, 2:42pm  

I think a link to the contents of the laptop of the son of the corrupt "president" is fair.

The Marco Polo project is documenting Hunter's laptop:


I don't know of a specific link to the pictures though.
1166   richwicks   2023 Feb 18, 2:42pm  

HeadSet says

richwicks says

I could show you some pictures from Hunter Biden's laptop, but I don't intend to screw Patrick here by posting what is basically child porn.

Is it possible to put in a link of some sort?

I'm not going to look it up again. It was a while ago, and given current technology, I can't be certain it was real.

IF you want to risk it, and it is absolutely a risk, you can download all of Hunter Biden's laptop as a single image through torrent. Although the fucking criminal government will never prosecute Hunter Biden, they sure as fuck will prosecute you.

So, think a few times about whether you really want to see anything. I've got all of Hillary Clinton's emails, but I won't download child porn. They finally found a way to keep me from looking.

At this point, I'm in favor of revolution by the way. We can't get these assholes to prosecute these fucking kiddy diddlers and our own goddamned government PROTECTS them. Fuck them.
1167   HeadSet   2023 Feb 18, 3:04pm  

richwicks says

I've got all of Hillary Clinton's emails, but I won't download child porn.

Good call. I'll take a pass on that as well.
1168   RWSGFY   2023 Feb 22, 10:06pm  

Aaaaaaand, Tesla is moving their engineering HQ back to CA:

Tesla Motors is taking over the former headquarters of HP in Palo Alto as its new global engineering HQ.

Musk, who has been spending a lot of time in the Bay Area due to his recent purchase of Twitter, made the announcement next to California Gov. Gavin Newsom in front of the building at 1501 Page Mill Road.

“This is a poetic transition from the company that founded Silicon Valley to Tesla,” Musk said, noting that Newsom was one of the first people to purchase a Tesla Roadster.
1169   AmericanKulak   2023 Feb 22, 10:07pm  

richwicks says

He's not on the flight logs to pedophile rape island. I know that's a low bar, but that's where the bar is.

He said he was at an event and got photo bombed, which happens all the time.

Elon is a real man who is interested in producing a large brood with fertile adult women, rather than chasing perversions. Two wives and he had twins with a female executive of his: 9 kids in total (10, but one died in infancy).
1170   RWSGFY   2023 Feb 22, 10:08pm  

Eman says


Was there a reason why you didn’t include Elon’s comment where he said she photobombed him on this pic?

Never seen his comment. Besides, how do we know it's true? Until Hirsh and Gonzalo confirm I'm not buying it yet.
1171   gabbar   2023 Feb 23, 2:54pm  

Join Elon in following this interesting twitter thread. I am a dumbo and I got a question; is America fighting wars on behalf of Jews?

1172   AmericanKulak   2023 Feb 23, 2:59pm  

gabbar says

I am a dumbo and I got a question; is America fighting wars on behalf of Jews?

What does Ukraine have to do with Jews?
1173   socal2   2023 Feb 23, 3:05pm  


Aaaaaaand, Tesla is moving their engineering HQ back to CA:

Makes sense as there is lots of engineering talent and empty HP buildings available in the Bay Area at bargain prices these days.

Tesla got their first factory in Fremont at a bargain price of $42 million back in 2010.
1174   richwicks   2023 Feb 23, 7:34pm  

AmericanKulak says

gabbar says

I am a dumbo and I got a question; is America fighting wars on behalf of Jews?

What does Ukraine have to do with Jews?

Ihor Kolomoyskyi is the Jewish oligarch behind Zelenskyy. Ihor owned the television station that made Zelenskyy a "star" playing the president.

Mayors have been APPOINTED in Ukraine for years, I think 5 of them are Jewish. I've heard that repeatedly, but engh, I dunno. I've tried to confirm it, but names don't give any hint, and they aren't notable enough to show up to get a biography anywhere I can find.

But it's not so much Jewish, it's a Zionist mafia.
1176   AmericanKulak   2023 Feb 28, 11:10pm  

richwicks says

But it's not so much Jewish, it's a Zionist mafia.

I'm not hearing a coherent narrative about WHY Zionists support Ukraine. Nor is it true, going by Israeli public opinion.

It's like the old "Zionists want Europe Muslified" when most Jews in and out of Europe disliked it, and from a geopolitical perspective it makes no sense whatsoever. A Muslim Europe would simply cut off the entrance/exit to the Med (and the Suez, and the Bosphorous) to Israel, strangling it completely.

There's also this story, though it could be just for show:

Ukraine has launched a fresh wave of anti-corruption raids on high-profile figures, including one of the country's richest men, Ihor Kolomoisky.

The home of former interior minister Arsen Avakov was also searched, as part of the apparent purge.

Ukraine has launched an anti-corruption drive and officials said the leaders of the customs service had been fired.

President Volodymr Zelensky said raids were necessary to ensure "people do not abuse power".


And of course, one of Putin's top backers is the Jewish Russian Oligarch, Roman Abramovich. They are so close that Putin refers to him as a Son and uses the informal Russian "You" with him.

But the narrative will then be "Jews back both sides, to profit from war". So there's no ability to falsify: Either side or both sides, it's still evil Zionism.

More likely it's just two rich guys backing whatever country/leader the majority of their wealth depends on.
1177   WookieMan   2023 Feb 28, 11:12pm  

richwicks says

He's not on the flight logs to pedophile rape island. I know that's a low bar, but that's where the bar is.

What flight logs? Flying into STT? Not saying shit didn't go down, but just flying in means nothing. A private chopper doesn't need to be recored. So STT to the island on that is not traceable with passenger info. There's no landing strip on the island. It's a 15-20 minute boat ride as well. Again, no tracing.

It's probably the reason there's no charges of people accused of going there. It's a US territory, but Epstein's plane landed at STT. However they got to the island via private air or watercraft isn't trackable. ATC would know if a chopper went in or out, but you don't have to file a flight plan or names of people on board. So anyone on that jet landing at STT has plausible deniability that they never went to Epstein's island. It was really a brilliant setup if that's your jam.

Rockefeller owned damn near the entire island of St. John. Likely the original Epstein island, but gave it to NPS, probably because of similar shit going down like Epstein. Probably part of some payoff for the government not to charge him with shady shit.
1178   Patrick   2023 Mar 2, 9:24pm  


So why am I banned from Twitter for saying "Trans is mental illness"?
1179   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 7, 10:32am  

And no, I'm NOT going back and copying the links to each of the 3 screenshotted tweets. The date and time stamp and usernames involved are there if you're skeptical. Twitter has a search function for dates, times, users, etc.

1180   Eric Holder   2023 Mar 7, 12:04pm  

AmericanKulak says

He should go ahead and label CNN as an arm of the Demon Rat party.
1184   Patrick   2023 Mar 19, 9:35pm  

They trying to honeypot Elon?
1185   Patrick   2023 Mar 20, 12:51pm  


So how do I get my Twitter account unlocked then?
1186   Patrick   2023 Mar 20, 12:55pm  

I'm still locked out for saying the same thing:

1187   Patrick   2023 Mar 20, 12:59pm  

Hey, the "appeal" links without forcing me to give them my phone number. OK, I tried the appeal thing, though I have very little faith in Twitter's supposed commitment to free speech anymore.
1188   Patrick   2023 Mar 21, 12:15pm  

Twitter allowed me back on:

But the damage is done.

Twitter is still not at all trustworthy, and therefore not worth any great investment of time.
1189   Eric Holder   2023 Mar 21, 1:41pm  

Did he or did he not get rid of bots? It seems like he's still broadcasting news from the future on how "AI will get them pesky bots this time for good".
1190   richwicks   2023 Mar 22, 4:42am  

AmericanKulak says

richwicks says

But it's not so much Jewish, it's a Zionist mafia.

I'm not hearing a coherent narrative about WHY Zionists support Ukraine.


They don't support Ukraine, they oppose Russia, because Russia kicked out and prosecuted a bunch of Zionist criminals starting around 2000.

Israel is run by a mafia. Portions of that mafia were prosecuted and stripped of their wealth and power in the early 2000's. This war is revenge for that. They do not care about Ukrainians, and they will kill every single one of them for revenge. Ukrainians are just useful tools to them in this endeavor.

People just don't understand the situation. Our nation is controlled by this same mafia. Ever hear of "ZOG"? It stands for Zionist Occupied Government. There's some reality to this claim, why did the US go to war with Iraq? Well, since the US did its last war against Iraq, Israel receives 75% of it's oil energy from Iraq and 10 years before that war, Iraq was sending missiles to Israel. Iraq is Zionist controlled now and the United States enabled that.

Zionists are nothing more than the Jewish mafia and their useful idiots, of which there are plenty. People who say they are Zionists almost universally don't understand what that means to say. This is a criminal, Jewish supremacist, group. They are criminals, and they create their own problems, and they drag other nations into their conflicts, because "the holocaust" - which is VASTLY over-exaggerated. There WAS a holocaust, but nothing like we're told. There were no bars of soap made out of Jewish bodies, no lampshades made from their skin, Jews (among MANY OTHER GROUPS) were put into forced labor camps, the allies cut off supply lines to cripple the war effort, and that's why we saw those horrific pictures of walking skeletons. People who couldn't work, were put to death, but not at Auschwitz - that's Pedowood fiction and US government propaganda.

I hate getting into this because there's SO MUCH you have to unlearn. There is so much bullshit from WWII that was propaganda for the war, which is accepted as true, which isn't true. It was horrific, all wars are, but we are told STUPID stories about the time, which people believe and deprogramming the population, showing them this was just 70 year old propaganda, is arduous - but there were horrific things that happened, every war has horrific things happen. WWII was no particular exception, but bring it up, and everything thinks "holocaust". You are PROGRAMMED to think this, all you think is "oh, the poor Jewish people", you've been indoctrinated. Everybody is subject to this. Jewish people did NOT suffer uniquely in WWII.

Sorting out the reality, is not difficult once you realize most of what you think you know about WWII is bullshit but convincing you it's bullshit, making you jump over that gorge, it's difficult.

Listen to David Irving, he's not ENTIRELY correct probably, but he's far more right than he is wrong, and just for being right, he's called a "Holocaust Denier" - he isn't at all. His crime was pointing out what was and what wasn't propaganda in WWII. He got destroyed for doing this, so when I touch this topic, I'm careful. You have Norman Finkelstein and Bobby Fischer as well - you can't easily touch this subject, the mafia will go after you. Finkelstein and Fischer are both Jewish, even they weren't above the mafia going after them, but they were courageous, they did something unthinkable, they went against the mafia, the Jewish mafia, which is as real as the Italian mafia, and the Japanese and the Yakuza.

Israel is just a mafia state, racist in origin and founding. It takes time to explain this, but it's obvious. This is a nation that is founded on ETHNICITY. You know this is true, you'd typically object to this for any other nation, but not Israel. We're all programmed, we are all indoctrinated, you cannot escape propaganda, and I can't despite being very aware of it.

I pointed out that Russia had a bunch of Zionist mafia assholes with undue influence on that nation. Who do you think Jamie Dimon is? Mark Zuckerberg? Victoria Nuland
Robert Kagan? Joe Lieberman? We have the same fucking problem, but oh they are all Jewish, the holocaust! You're programmed that way, and I am as well. How did these fucking assholes do all this terrible shit? They are mafia. They aren't exceptional geniuses, they were placed into these positions of power. I can give you more names, Albert Bourla, Janet Yellen, Henry Kissinger, George Soros, Ihor Kolomoyskyi, Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Why are these AWFUL people in positions of power? They are the Jewish mafia. They do war though deception. Who is the Prince of Lies in Christian mythology? That's who they serve.

AmericanKulak says

It's like the old "Zionists want Europe Muslified" when most Jews in and out of Europe disliked it

MOST Italians weren't part of the Italian mafia. MOST Japanese aren't part of the Yakuza.

Zionists, the Jewish mafia, go OUT OF THEIR WAY to conflate themselves with just "Jews". 99.9% of Jews are innocent and a good portion (I'd say over 90%) are dupes, and have no idea that Zionists are their mafia. They're clueless. They are truly innocent, but they have been recruited into being shields, because nearly all of them 100% believe in a hoax that's 70 years old. They believe they are victims, when there's a SMALL portion of them that are terrible victimizers.

Karl Marx was Jewish. How many people died in implementing his ideas? Look at his life, you'll see what a filthy disgusting hypocrite he was.
1192   Patrick   2023 Mar 29, 2:19pm  


Federalist CEO Sean Davis was locked out of his Twitter account Tuesday night for factually reporting on the “Trans Day Of Vengeance” following the deaths of three children and three staff members at a Christian school in Tennessee at the hands of a transgender shooter.

“The cold-blooded mass murder at a Christian school in Nashville by an apparent transgender person came just days before a planned ‘Trans Day Of Vengeance’ organized by the Trans Radical Activist Network,” wrote Davis.

According to Twitter, Davis’ objectively true tweet violates the app’s rules “against violent speech.” Twitter has already deleted the tweet but informed Davis his account will remain locked until he manually deletes it as well. Davis, however, is refusing to participate in Twitter’s Orwellian re-education exercise.

“This is deliberate censorship and gaslighting designed to memory-hole the FACT that the Nashville shooter targeted and murdered Christian children and teachers just days ahead of a scheduled ‘Trans Day of Vengeance,’” Davis wrote in a statement. “Twitter is lying about the facts and defaming those of us who reported on them.”

Davis is not the only one to be censored on Tuesday. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Daily Wire journalist Luke Rosiak were also punished for reporting on the “Trans Day Of Vengeance.”

According to Twitter’s head of trust and safety, Ella Irwin, Twitter had to “automatically sweep our platform and remove >5000 tweets /retweets of [the ‘Trans Day of Vengeance’] poster.”

Davis didn’t share the poster with his statement, however. He linked to a Daily Wire news story about the topic that included the poster as part of its good journalism.

Elon, you're still fucking this up.
1193   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 29, 3:05pm  

richwicks says

I hate getting into this because there's SO MUCH you have to unlearn. There is so much bullshit from WWII that was propaganda for the war, which is accepted as true, which isn't true. It was horrific, all wars are, but we are told STUPID stories about the time, which people believe and deprogramming the population, showing them this was just 70 year old propaganda, is arduous - but there were horrific things that happened, every war has horrific things happen. WWII was no particular exception, but bring it up, and everything thinks "holocaust". You are PROGRAMMED to think this, all you think is "oh, the poor Jewish people", you've been indoctrinated. Everybody is subject to this. Jewish people did NOT suffer uniquely in WWII.

Very light on proof, very heavy on assertion.

richwicks says

I pointed out that Russia had a bunch of Zionist mafia assholes with undue influence on that nation. Who do you think Jamie Dimon is? Mark Zuckerberg? Victoria Nuland

Evidence? Zuckbuck and Dimon have bupkes to do with Ukraine-Russia. Nuland is a Neocon. Princeton Professor Cohen, who passed in the last few years, warned against antagonizing Russia by using Ukraine and was a regular on the John Batchelor show.

richwicks says

Robert Kagan? Joe Lieberman? We have the same fucking problem, but oh they are all Jewish, the holocaust! You're programmed that way, and I am as well. How did these fucking assholes do all this terrible shit? They are mafia. They aren't exceptional geniuses, they were placed into these positions of power. I can give you more names, Albert Bourla, Janet Yellen, Henry Kissinger, George Soros, Ihor Kolomoyskyi, Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Why are these AWFUL people in positions of power? They are the Jewish mafia. They do war though deception. Who is the Prince of Lies in Christian mythology? That's who they serve.

Assertions. Sure, Kagan and Nuland - who I believe are not only Neocons but related by blood or marriage - have similar opinions, imagine family members sharing opinions

You FEEL like any powerful Jew is behind Ukraine, but you don't have evidence for this. Pre-Musk Twitter was all for Ukraine but they're mostly South Asians.

Let's see extraordinary proof, for your extraordinary claims.

Zionism is merely Hebrew Nationalism. For example, just like IRISH nationalists in Clan-na-Gael attacked US Ships, tried to Poison US Horse herds, and blew up Black Tom to help the Kaiser and hurt the British, Zionists attacked the British who never created the Jewish Home they promised in the Balfour Document and in fact already gave the Levantine Arabs their homeland in Jordan, 2/3rd of Mandatory Palestine, in the 1920s.

As for the Prince of Lies being Jews, that's old fart Central European Superstition from the time before the Bible was readily available and when most Priests were illiterate themselves. The Prince of Lies is Satan, who omits key words when quoting the Psalms in Matthew. This Jewish mafia is responsible for psychology, capitalism, socialism, underdevelopment, over investment, and whatever Bad Thing(tm) needs a scapegoat.

I urge you to consider your position in light of available evidence, rather than updating an old discredited ideology for modern times.
1194   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 29, 3:07pm  

richwicks says

Listen to David Irving, he's not ENTIRELY correct probably, but he's far more right than he is wrong, and just for being right, he's called a "Holocaust Denier" - he isn't at all. His crime was pointing out what was and what wasn't propaganda in WWII. He got destroyed for doing this, so when I touch this topic, I'm careful. You have Norman Finkelstein and Bobby Fischer as well - you can't easily touch this subject, the mafia will go after you. Finkelstein and Fischer are both Jewish, even they weren't above the mafia going after them, but they were courageous, they did something unthinkable, they went against the mafia, the Jewish mafia, which is as real as the Italian mafia, and the Japanese and the Yakuza.

Zionism predates the Holocaust by almost a century. Zionism dates from the Dreyfuss affair, when an innocent Jewish artillery captain was accused of treason and it was later proven he was framed.

In any case, with the Nuclear Triad, Israel isn't going anywhere. Especially with the birthrate of the most militant Jews being over 3 and now exceeding the Fakestinian Levantine Arabs who control 90% of the Levant from Jordan to Lebanon to Syria to Iraq.

Nobody is going to risk their home being nuked to satisfy Judenhass.

Jew blame is just a version of Black paranoia: "Deys put the liquor stores done by the Bus Stops, man, the White Man did that, and wes would be like Wakanda with spaceships if it wasn't for De White Man"

"It's the Jew fault I pawned my sword and uniform to buy beer and gamble on horse races", said former Sargeant Taddeuz. "He also made my Uncle's cow go dry and Sheeeit-zy."

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