People bitch and moan about sick bullshit on television - throw your fucking television away. They whine and complain about censorship done by corporations - stop using them.
All this shit, it just distraction. Do you think Mitt Romney gives a shit about the culture war, or Joe Biden does? Do you think Clinton "felt your pain" or cares about it? Does "the left" care about if the president is mentally incompetent, if he's corrupt, if he's a warmonger? Well, they did, supposedly, when Trump was president, don't now.
It's just the establishment. When we next have a president like George Bush or some other asshole - and we will have one - the standards will change again which means there are no standards.
Our problem is that people are stupidly divided, and that's exactly how the establishment prefers it. Break us up into tiny small groups, fund them, and use them to create havoc. Remember the Feminism in video games bullshit? ...
Lincoln Project is funded by Soros and the DNC. They are not a "right wing" org by any stretch of the imagination.
Romney is a moderate lefty. You can tell by his voting record. He may "not care" about the culture war, but he is empowering it based on the ideas being touted by all prominent lefties.
Clinton is a lefty.
George Bush is probably the only moderate right guy you brought up, but then again, he never was a major factor in the current culture war.
This is why your idea is stupid. You claim it's not "left vs right", but all the culture war enemies are lefties. All the institutions are controlled by lefties. You can't just gloss over it. You need to explain it for your idea to work.
@Patrick Goran nailed it. Issuing new shares out of nowhere would damage their stock price considerably, but I guess it’s legal.
In the beginning not so much since their purchase price is discounted, but once they have made some gains they will dump and the increased float will crater the pps slowly but surely.
This is why your idea is stupid. You claim it's not "left vs right", but all the culture war enemies are lefties.
20 years ago it was "we have to bring back Christian school prayer" "Evolution and Creationism are both THEORIES" "Comedians can't use those words!!" "We need the CDA to protect THE CHILDREN on the Internet!"
It alternates. Maybe you've not bee around long enough.
In the early 1990's when the first Communication Decency Act was being pushed through we had USENet. USEnet was a global bulletin board system that had a variety of topics. When they were trying to regulate the Internet back then, a bunch of spooks started posting pornography on alt.computing.amiga and, etc - when there was already People complained because there was a place for that, but "it is my RIGHT to say whatever I want WHEREVER I want!!!". This continued until the CDA failed, and then it all went away.
IP addresses were recorded at that time, and we found out they all when back to military sites.
The culture war is promoted CONSTANTLY just to get idiots to fight.
I really don't mind it that much in that FINALLY people are inspecting what kind of BULLSHIT their kids are being taught. When it was just bullshit "Common Core Math" nobody really got up in arms about it - although they should have. It was just a way to sell more books, and not educate kids. That was important, but now they want to teach about transgendered people in 3rd grade, FINALLY people wake up.
People aren't vigilant and those that are, are called quacks.
It's quite simple, if you don't have control, YOU are being controlled.
20 years ago it was "we have to bring back Christian school prayer" "Evolution and Creationism are both THEORIES" "Comedians can't use those words!!" "We need the CDA to protect THE CHILDREN on the Internet!"
None of this hurts children, and there was never any actual censorship. Yes, it's an example of the bigot right, but it had no bearing on people's health or daily lives.
20 years ago it was "we have to bring back Christian school prayer" "Evolution and Creationism are both THEORIES" "Comedians can't use those words!!" "We need the CDA to protect THE CHILDREN on the Internet!"
It alternates. Maybe you've not bee around long enough.
In the early 1990's when the first Communication Decency Act was being pushed through we had USENet. USEnet was a global bulletin board system that had a variety of topics. When they were trying to regulate the Internet back then, a bunch of spooks started posting pornography on alt.computing.amiga and, etc - when there was already People complained because there was a place for that, but "it is my RIGHT to say whatever I want WHEREVER I want!!!". This continued until the CDA failed, and then it all went away.
Are you going to continue to be dishonest? Because I'll just block and ignore you without hesitation if you're just trolling.
Are you comparing the "Evolution vs Creationism" debate to K-12 educators talking to kids about taking puberty blockers, drag queen story time, and forcing them to take experimental vaccines? People are literally being banned from social media, or fired from their jobs for not agreeing that "men can get pregnant" and that "women can have dicks".
Because if you consider those things equivalent, we're fucking done here.
20 years ago it was "we have to bring back Christian school prayer" "Evolution and Creationism are both THEORIES" "Comedians can't use those words!!" "We need the CDA to protect THE CHILDREN on the Internet!"
None of this hurts children, and there was never any actual censorship. Yes, it's an example of the bigot right, but it had no bearing on people's health or daily lives.
Indoctrinating children into anything, including religion, is evil. Convincing a kid that the world is 5,000 years old because the Bible said so - that kid isn't going to be a very good biologist, because it will make the concept of evolution quite difficult to them.
Are you comparing the "Evolution vs Creationism" debate to K-12 educators talking to kids about taking puberty blockers, drag queen story time, and forcing them to take experimental vaccines?
No, this is worse - far worse.
It's worse because it has to be to get people to react. It wouldn't happen if you have local control over your school which you should have.
Really, I don't care if some insane parent sterilizes their kid. I feel badly for the kid. My main objection is that none of this belongs in school. School is for reading, writing, and arithmetic and it hasn't been for a long time.
Schools have sucked for a long long time. I'm glad people are finally recognizing it.
This is an attempt to extinguish education. There's ONE governor that is resisting it.
20 years ago it was "we have to bring back Christian school prayer" "Evolution and Creationism are both THEORIES" "Comedians can't use those words!!" "We need the CDA to protect THE CHILDREN on the Internet!"
None of this hurts children, and there was never any actual censorship. Yes, it's an example of the bigot right, but it had no bearing on people's health or daily lives.
Indoctrinating children into anything, including religion, is evil. Convincing a kid that the world is 5,000 years old because the Bible said so - that kid isn't going to be a very good biologist, because it will make the concept of evolution quite difficult to them.
They were taught side by side so you could still make up your mind. And this doesn't compare to forcibly injecting children with deadly substances. I'd say the boosh era brought a lot of death and destruction to foreign counties, but leftoids excel in destroying America and its citizens
It's worse because it has to be to get people to react. It wouldn't happen if you have local control over your school which you should have.
Really, I don't care if some insane parent sterilizes their kid. I feel badly for the kid. My main objection is that none of this belongs in school. School is for reading, writing, and arithmetic.
Schools have sucked for a long long time. I'm glad people are finally recognizing it.
I agree that religion generally shouldn't be the basis of public school education but that was never really a war waged by the right. Otherwise the entire boomer generation and Gen X and their kids would have been religious zealots. In fact, as history has shown, the majority of them went the exact opposite. Literally never was an issue.
Compare that to Millennials where 90% of them are woke gaytards who use the term "birthing people". The left has waged a culture war, and they are winning.
Whether you like it or not, there is nothing in the history of the country as wide spread and dangerous right now than the culture war that the left is waging in America. It's literally destroying the country before our eyes. The argument that "both sides do it!" is extremely weak because the right has never held the institutions of culture in the same dominant fashion as the left does now.
They were taught side by side so you could still make up your mind. And this doesn't compare to forcibly injecting children with deadly substances. I'd say the boosh era brought a lot of death and destruction to foreign counties, but leftoids excel in destroying America and its citizens
What is being done in foreign countries will be done here in time.
Our government, or rather the cabal that has become our government, has no issues about killing 100's of thousands of people for resource extraction, they have no problem using eminent domain to steal private property for mines. They have no problem falsifying the mortgage system either to bankrupt people and stealing their homes.
Who owns the Federal Reserve and the ECB? Toss a coin between them.
They literally own a money printer, and there is no auditing. If you don't realize they are the wealthiest people on the planet, I admire your trust in the good nature of people that have unlimited power, when they have no oversight.
KATY TUR, MSNBC: It's so tricky because there are real and devastating consequences for using that platform to lie. We have seen it happen.
I wonder -- you know, in talking about this, it's kind of funny, oh, Elon Musk wants to buy it, but there are massive life and globe-altering consequences for just letting people run wild on the thing.
The culture war is promoted CONSTANTLY just to get idiots to fight.
Can't disagree more. The culture war is THE war.
Convincing people that little kids can make rational decisions about their sex that can and should overrule parents isn't just ritual humiliation, but it's just a variant of the
"The Party says 1+1=3, WINSTON! Now, how many fingers am I holding up?" power trip.
The John Birchers and Social Cons accurately predicted the next stage after Gay Marriage.
Also, Creation vs. Evolution is a false dichotomy. It's Neo-spontaneous generation disguised as "evolution", for which there is no evidence for, vs. Creationism (for which there is equally no physical evidence for). In other words, to weigh in on the side of Evolution, which is just the secular version of creationism without evidence, is the government putting their finger on the scale for one evidence free explanation over another. Evolution explains partially how life changes over time (why and how do massive amounts of new DNA information come from during explosions of entirely new lifeforms within mere million or so years with nothing remotely resembling an ancestor?), but had nothing to say about OOL.
I do think the media promotes the culture war to get the rest of us to fight and not look upward, knowing that the culture war is important and will distract us.
As long as we don't talk about the low capital gains tax relative to the high tax on earned income, the billionaires are happy.
As long as we don't talk about the low capital gains tax relative to the high tax on earned income, the billionaires are happy.
The culture war is indirect attacks: By weakening the family, by turning science into TheScience(tm) of white coated court astrologers or East India Company Factors, etc., they can weaken the public power generally by shifting the locus of power from family, religion, personal belief to Institutions they control. By Weakening religious belief, another source of potential power source that can mobilize against globalism, is also useful in imposing borderless corporate fascism.
I agree that religion generally shouldn't be the basis of public school education but that was never really a war waged by the right. Otherwise the entire boomer generation and Gen X and their kids would have been religious zealots. In fact, as history has shown, the majority of them went the exact opposite. Literally never was an issue.
Compare that to Millennials where 90% of them are woke gaytards who use the term "birthing people". The left has waged a culture war, and they are winning.
Whether you like it or not, there is nothing in the history of the country as wide spread and dangerous right now than the culture war that the left is waging in America. It's literally destroying the country before our eyes. The argument that "both sides do it!" is extremely weak because the right has never held the institutions of culture in the same dominant fashion as the left does now.
The claim of the Social Cons was that the Left was disingenuous and the Liberals useful idiots, that the endgame was exactly what we are seeing now.
We've seen the Left takes a mile when given an inch: It took 50+ years to normalize Homosexuality, and then it had to be imposed by Judicial Fiat with even California voting down Gay Marriage just a little over decade ago. Within a decade of imposing gay marriage by dictators in robes, we are now at the point where at Governors and even the President of the USA is promoting Prepubescent Sex Changes, Puberty Blockers, and Sex Ed in K-3 regardless of parental wishes.
To get meta for a second, the US System rests on a particular Anglo-Saxon branch of Western Culture. If you alter that culture, it's inevitable the politics will be altered. It's no accident the Left has been doing all they can from the 60s to dilute Western Nations with Turd Worlders, undermine the Family, undermine any role of religion in society/culture. If the Media was actually free market, you'd see about 20-30% of the programming with a nod to the Lord. The few decades of TV made plenty of references to religion - from It's a Wonderful Life to Bishop Sheen, most 50s-60s shows and movies and even news had a religious person give a moral message or report on some doing in religion in the area, etc. But it isn't, which is why you see even less mentions of religion on TV (both fiction and non-fiction) than White Males in ads. It's a control tool designed to subvert.
Elon really has backed these lefty pedos into a corner.
- They accept the sale, they get paid but lose power over the town square. - They don't accept the sale, the stock price crashes, and Elon can buy more at cheaper and cheaper prices. - Elon decides it's not worth it, and he dumps (worst case scenario for stock HODLers).
Now add - after Elon dumps his stock, he starts up a serious competitor. Notice Elon did not buy Ford and convert that company to making electric cars - rather, he created a new successful company from scratch.
The culture war is promoted CONSTANTLY just to get idiots to fight.
Can't disagree more. The culture war is THE war.
It's the war that that the oligarchs doesn't care about. They don't care who wins. It's an intentional civil war where the outcome doesn't matter to them.
Also, Creation vs. Evolution is a false dichotomy. It's Neo-spontaneous generation disguised as "evolution", for which there is no evidence for, vs. Creationism (for which there is equally no physical evidence for).
We have no idea how life started, but we have certainty that it adapts to the environment over time. We'll probably never have any clue how life started.
We have 23 chromosomes and apes have 24. We can see what chromosome combined. We can tell it combined because it's got a telomere at the center.
It's the war that that the oligarchs doesn't care about. They don't care who wins. It's an intentional civil war where the outcome doesn't matter to them.
No, they care about it. The fight by Twitter, Disney, MSNBC, etc. against Free Speech and for LGBTQ+P worship proves it.
Not to mention the GOPe rollover at every stage of the culture war. They all talked tough - say on abortion, gay marriage, and now Tranny Indoctrination - that once it was imposed, they surrendered. Kristol, French, Romney, Collins, etc.
Everything is downstream from Culture. By atomizing individuals, destroying the family, destroying traditional sexuality as the norm, etc. etc. they help create the Human Hive of Insectoid Arcology living where people Own Nothing And Be Happy..
Not to mention the GOPe rollover at every stage of the culture war. They all talked tough - say on abortion, gay marriage, and now Tranny Indoctrination - that once it was imposed, they surrendered. Kristol, French, Romney, Collins, etc.
They are also useful idiots, sometimes enablers like Kristol.
Everything is downstream from Culture. By atomizing individuals, destroying the family, destroying traditional sexuality as the norm, etc. etc. they help create the Human Hive of Insectoid Arcology living where people Own Nothing And Be Happy..
They are just doing genetic selection for those that survive.
I view our oligarchs as the Hapsburgs - not gods. They don't know the rules or understand them. Their progeny will be wiped out in time. To prolong their existence (genetic existence) they will have to claim to be gods and have the public believe them.
I'm pretty much an atheist, but I see the utility of religion. I consider it incorrect, but it keeps people together during hard times, and maintains culture. It kept Europe together for 1000 years, quite brutally in some cases, but it maintained society in many cases. Same is true of Islam.
As an example, the "Freeze Peach" and "Disinformation" and "Misinformation" campaigns began in the Media and Academia, not by politicians, who embraced it later.
The Regime Media is scared shitless of Musk because they have devoted so much to destroying the cultural value of Free Speech, which is consistently characterized as White Supremacy, Russian Misinformation, and Medical Misinformation that needs the Guiding hands of OligarchyExperts (paid by the Oligarchy).
The war on Free Speech began in US Universities in the 90s, moved to Big Tech and Media in the early 2010s, and only in the past couple of years has been a subject for politicians.
I'm pretty much an atheist, but I see the utility of religion. I consider it incorrect, but it keeps people together during hard times, and maintains culture. It kept Europe together for 1000 years, quite brutally in some cases, but it maintained society in many cases.
I think genealogy also has that same utility, and without the requirement of belief in unprovable things. This is why I've been dedicating myself to genealogy lately.
In particular, the Roman gens, the Irish clan, and the Chinese family were all based on patrilineal descent, giving men (specifically men) a reason to join together and fight against enemies. These social structures each lasted for over 1000 years. So one could argue that the feminist attack on female fidelity is also an attack on this alternate source of male unity which threatens the supremacy of borderless corporate fascism.
They aren't the oligarchy - they are the useful idiots.
No. They are under the control of their Execs and Employees who were culturally transformed... in College, at DIE sessions, etc.
It's no accident that @Mell contrasted Tech in the 90s and early 2000s with Tech Today. That was a result of a new generation - millennials - that were reculturalized in College to hate Free Speech and embrace Expert Worship, the latter being controlled by the Elites, as we saw with the CDC, FDA, even the Smithsonian.
The Tech Wives, Soros, Wall Street, World Economic Forum, etc. all embrace Wokey Dokey, unlimited mass immigration, etc. and are imposing it with the help of employees and executives in big corporations.
I view our oligarchs as the Hapsburgs - not gods. They don't know the rules or understand them. Their progeny will be wiped out in time. To prolong their existence (genetic existence) they will have to claim to be gods and have the public believe them.
This may be the case, but they will do great damage in the meantime.
The Tech Wives, Soros, Wall Street, World Economic Forum, etc. all embrace Wokey Dokey, unlimited mass immigration, etc. and are imposing it with the help of employees and executives in big corporations.
I'm watching corporations implode because of that.
People are like "why won't Twitter just change???" - it won't change because people still use it. Duh. When Yahoo! tried to enact censorship and fuck with their search algorithm to give "preferred" (paid for) search results, people just left. Leave. The shitshow depends on you paying attention to it.
When alternatives show up our "news" media screams "it's far right, white supremacist!!" - that works for a little bit. Not long. They just constantly undermine their credibility, and what is left behind is a bunch of morons that really aren't wanted. Talking to an NPC is pretty fucking boring. I have Facebook entirely blocked on my computer, you know how often I come across somebody giving me a link to Facebook? I NEVER do. Maybe literally once a year. Nobody here uses it.
I view our oligarchs as the Hapsburgs - not gods. They don't know the rules or understand them. Their progeny will be wiped out in time. To prolong their existence (genetic existence) they will have to claim to be gods and have the public believe them.
This may be the case, but they will do great damage in the meantime.
They always do, but they aren't real oligarchs. You can just dump them.
People are like "why won't Twitter just change???" - it won't change because people still use it. Duh.
Just like Big Media, Airlines, and Banks have been bailed out, so will Disney and Big Tech.
The GOAL of the Technocrat Oligarchs is to create a Fascist Economy where the line between Government and Public is hazy; established large corps are simply insulated from the market. It's Socialism by subverting Corporations, rather than Direct Control by Kommisars.
Elon can't take over Twitter because it threatens Big Tech Regime Media.
The Tech Wives, Soros, Wall Street, World Economic Forum, etc. all embrace Wokey Dokey, unlimited mass immigration, etc. and are imposing it with the help of employees and executives in big corporations.
I'm watching corporations implode because of that.
People are like "why won't Twitter just change???" - it won't change because people still use it. Duh. When Yahoo! tried to enact censorship and fuck with their search algorithm to give "preferred" (paid for) search results, people just left. Leave. The shitshow depends on you paying attention to it.
When alternatives show up our "news" media screams "it's far right, white supremacist!!" - that works for a little bit. Not long. They just constantly undermine their credibility, and what is left behind is a bunch of morons that really aren't wanted. Talking to an NPC is pretty fucking boring. I have Faceb...
You said yourself that they get funding from all kind of government and ngo dark pools, so it's not simple selection anymore, the big tech titans of the dot com boom who didn't make it or went back to being moderately large companies were examples of selection through commoditization, but now with the govt so vastly overreaching and entrenched in every decision it's not natural selection. This war matters and elections still matter until they are consistently stolen without any uprising. We're not there yet.
The GOAL of the Technocrat Oligarchs is to create a Fascist Economy where the line between Government and Public is hazy; established large corps are simply insulated from the market. It's Socialism by subverting Corporations, rather than Direct Control by Kommisars.
It will just create a system of shortages. Shortages for food, or entertainment, for toilet paper, whatever. Just like the communist system did in the USSR.
Elon can't take over Twitter because it threatens Big Tech Regime Media.
He can't take it over because it's owned by the intelligence agencies. You don't believe us.
They are free of market forces, but they still need people paying attention to them.
The death of newspapers is ongoing (pretty much finished actually) and the death of television is following. You'd be shocked at how many people are out there just want to inform you, and are doing it out of their basement. The cost of entry is 0 now. They do this shit as a hobby. That's why there's censorship, it's not to protect corporations, its to prevent the truth from coming out, and that's surprisingly easy to do today.
The GOAL of the Technocrat Oligarchs is to create a Fascist Economy where the line between Government and Public is hazy; established large corps are simply insulated from the market. It's Socialism by subverting Corporations, rather than Direct Control by Kommisars.
It will just create a system of shortages. Shortages for food, or entertainment, for toilet paper, whatever. Just like the...
Disagree. It can still be brought down by competition, sure the agencies can fund it but it will become meaningless if it's not the main free speech site anymore. Also at any given point in time there are plenty of backstabbers and people who are not powerful enough yet who will consider switching sides just to advance, or who realize they will be facing increased animosity and poor prospects by the proles which eventually does matter (see the NV governor followed and cussed out in Vegas), the system is not rigid but dynamic, it's a constant tug-of-war, the power balance has shifted left-wards quite a bit in the past years but it could change by mid terms quickly.
Disagree. It can still be brought down by competition, sure the agencies can fund it but it will become meaningless if it's not the main free speech site anymore.
If it's just a few companies selling products who are subsidized by the government - through tax payer money, and "social media" is also subsidized the same way, and there's no need for advertisement, they will persist.
People won't be able to make a living making alternatives, and people won't be able to make a living selling genuine products.
I keep pointing out that at least 4.6 billion dollars was handed out to unknown corporations during the "covid bailout". That's a decent sum of money.
There are companies that can take on loans at basically 0% interest being kept alive. Compete against that when you have to pay 1% interest on a billion dollars.
Disagree. It can still be brought down by competition, sure the agencies can fund it but it will become meaningless if it's not the main free speech site anymore.
If it's just a few companies selling products who are subsidized by the government - through tax payer money, and "social media" is also subsidized the same way, and there's no need for advertisement, they will persist.
People won't be able to make a living making alternatives, and people won't be able to make a living selling genuine products.
I keep pointing out that at least 4.6 billion dollars was handed out to unknown corporations during the "covid bailout". That's a decent sum of money.
There are companies that can take on loans at basically 0% interest being kept alive. Compete against that when you have to pay 1% interest on a billion dollars.
If Musk doesn't succeed twatter will fail, slowly but surely. Alternatives will eventually take over. Once it loses influence it's not worth much to tptb
Elon really has backed these lefty pedos into a corner.
- They accept the sale, they get paid but lose power over the town square. - They don't accept the sale, the stock price crashes, and Elon can buy more at cheaper and cheaper prices. - Elon decides it's not worth it, and he dumps (worst case scenario for stock HODLers).
Now add - after Elon dumps his stock, he starts up a serious competitor. Notice Elon did not buy Ford and convert that company to making electric cars - rather, he created a new successful company from scratch.
Option 5: He breaks the Poison Pill. Option 6: He gets friends and they play Gamestock with Twitter
If Musk doesn't succeed twatter will fail, slowly but surely. Alternatives will eventually take over. Once it loses influence it's not worth much to tptb
It doesn't have to have any influence, it just has to APPEAR to have influence.
CNN has less than 1 million viewers at any given moment. How is that being funded? They have multiple hosts that make more than $1 million a year. Ae they really getting $10 out of every viewer on a yearly basis for the commercials to pay for it?
When the government was allowed to directly send money to CORPORATIONS, that was the end of the country. Government Motors.
I remember when Lee Iacocca went to the government for a loan for Chrysler and what a huge deal that was. He got it, but he got a LOAN, and not at 0% interest, and it was public.
Everybody was asleep with covid when the government purchased our entire fucking economy. We have NO IDEA where the money went.
* The Executives are super stupid morons who don't realize their often trust fund baby bored Wokie Millie employees are shitting them * The Executives know what they have to say, do/promise to stay in the Club that guarantees future employment.
I'm in the second camp. There's no way Disney Chapek and the Twitter Execs. Chapek started with Heinz and then multiple household brands with Thompson before joining Disney, he knows all about market research and knows that the people who want 50% LGBTQ Disney Characters are Full of Shit and way out of the mainstream. He also knows he's "Out of the Club" and "No longer in the Party" if he doesn't toe the line. The final proof is watching the video of the Disney Execs THEMSELVES talk about their kids in Private Leftist Schools in LA/SF saying half the kids are queer, about their Transkids, etc. etc.
If Musk doesn't succeed twatter will fail, slowly but surely. Alternatives will eventually take over. Once it loses influence it's not worth much to tptb
It doesn't have to have any influence, it just has to APPEAR to have influence.
CNN has less than 1 million viewers at any given moment. How is that being funded? They have multiple hosts that make more than $1 million a year. Ae they really getting $10 out of every viewer on a yearly basis for the commercials to pay for it?
When the government was allowed to directly send money to CORPORATIONS, that was the end of the country. Government Motors.
I remember when Lee Iacocca went to the government for a loan for Chrysler and what a huge deal that was. He got it, but he got a LOAN, and not at 0% interest, and it was public.
Everybody was asleep with covid when the government purchased our entire fucki...
No it does have to have influence otherwise it won't sway enough people and is useless to tptb. CNN is already circling in the toilet.
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Lincoln Project is funded by Soros and the DNC. They are not a "right wing" org by any stretch of the imagination.
Romney is a moderate lefty. You can tell by his voting record. He may "not care" about the culture war, but he is empowering it based on the ideas being touted by all prominent lefties.
Clinton is a lefty.
George Bush is probably the only moderate right guy you brought up, but then again, he never was a major factor in the current culture war.
This is why your idea is stupid. You claim it's not "left vs right", but all the culture war enemies are lefties. All the institutions are controlled by lefties. You can't just gloss over it. You need to explain it for your idea to work.
In the beginning not so much since their purchase price is discounted, but once they have made some gains they will dump and the increased float will crater the pps slowly but surely.
20 years ago it was "we have to bring back Christian school prayer" "Evolution and Creationism are both THEORIES" "Comedians can't use those words!!" "We need the CDA to protect THE CHILDREN on the Internet!"
It alternates. Maybe you've not bee around long enough.
In the early 1990's when the first Communication Decency Act was being pushed through we had USENet. USEnet was a global bulletin board system that had a variety of topics. When they were trying to regulate the Internet back then, a bunch of spooks started posting pornography on alt.computing.amiga and, etc - when there was already People complained because there was a place for that, but "it is my RIGHT to say whatever I want WHEREVER I want!!!". This continued until the CDA failed, and then it all went away.
IP addresses were recorded at that time, and we found out they all when back to military sites.
The culture war is promoted CONSTANTLY just to get idiots to fight.
I really don't mind it that much in that FINALLY people are inspecting what kind of BULLSHIT their kids are being taught. When it was just bullshit "Common Core Math" nobody really got up in arms about it - although they should have. It was just a way to sell more books, and not educate kids. That was important, but now they want to teach about transgendered people in 3rd grade, FINALLY people wake up.
People aren't vigilant and those that are, are called quacks.
It's quite simple, if you don't have control, YOU are being controlled.
None of this hurts children, and there was never any actual censorship. Yes, it's an example of the bigot right, but it had no bearing on people's health or daily lives.
Are you going to continue to be dishonest? Because I'll just block and ignore you without hesitation if you're just trolling.
Are you comparing the "Evolution vs Creationism" debate to K-12 educators talking to kids about taking puberty blockers, drag queen story time, and forcing them to take experimental vaccines? People are literally being banned from social media, or fired from their jobs for not agreeing that "men can get pregnant" and that "women can have dicks".
Because if you consider those things equivalent, we're fucking done here.
Indoctrinating children into anything, including religion, is evil. Convincing a kid that the world is 5,000 years old because the Bible said so - that kid isn't going to be a very good biologist, because it will make the concept of evolution quite difficult to them.
No, this is worse - far worse.
It's worse because it has to be to get people to react. It wouldn't happen if you have local control over your school which you should have.
Really, I don't care if some insane parent sterilizes their kid. I feel badly for the kid. My main objection is that none of this belongs in school. School is for reading, writing, and arithmetic and it hasn't been for a long time.
Schools have sucked for a long long time. I'm glad people are finally recognizing it.
This is an attempt to extinguish education. There's ONE governor that is resisting it.
They were taught side by side so you could still make up your mind. And this doesn't compare to forcibly injecting children with deadly substances. I'd say the boosh era brought a lot of death and destruction to foreign counties, but leftoids excel in destroying America and its citizens
I agree that religion generally shouldn't be the basis of public school education but that was never really a war waged by the right. Otherwise the entire boomer generation and Gen X and their kids would have been religious zealots. In fact, as history has shown, the majority of them went the exact opposite. Literally never was an issue.
Compare that to Millennials where 90% of them are woke gaytards who use the term "birthing people". The left has waged a culture war, and they are winning.
Whether you like it or not, there is nothing in the history of the country as wide spread and dangerous right now than the culture war that the left is waging in America. It's literally destroying the country before our eyes. The argument that "both sides do it!" is extremely weak because the right has never held the institutions of culture in the same dominant fashion as the left does now.
What is being done in foreign countries will be done here in time.
Our government, or rather the cabal that has become our government, has no issues about killing 100's of thousands of people for resource extraction, they have no problem using eminent domain to steal private property for mines. They have no problem falsifying the mortgage system either to bankrupt people and stealing their homes.
We're run by a criminal syndicate.
I read a quote somewhere like "Government is just mafia with a budget to project a veneer of legitimacy."
Hopefully America isn't that bad yet, but then trend has not been good.
Colombian drug dealers build schools and hospitals in areas where the official government fails to do so. Those drug dealers look like a government.
Russian government tax collectors in masks confiscate business inventory to cover the business's back taxes. Those agents look like bandits.
Who is? Rothchilds, I guess.
According to Forbes, he is:
That's from 2022, but not sure if things changed in the last few months.
Who owns the Federal Reserve and the ECB? Toss a coin between them.
They literally own a money printer, and there is no auditing. If you don't realize they are the wealthiest people on the planet, I admire your trust in the good nature of people that have unlimited power, when they have no oversight.
Except, they're the liars.
Can't disagree more. The culture war is THE war.
Convincing people that little kids can make rational decisions about their sex that can and should overrule parents isn't just ritual humiliation, but it's just a variant of the
"The Party says 1+1=3, WINSTON! Now, how many fingers am I holding up?" power trip.
The John Birchers and Social Cons accurately predicted the next stage after Gay Marriage.
Also, Creation vs. Evolution is a false dichotomy. It's Neo-spontaneous generation disguised as "evolution", for which there is no evidence for, vs. Creationism (for which there is equally no physical evidence for). In other words, to weigh in on the side of Evolution, which is just the secular version of creationism without evidence, is the government putting their finger on the scale for one evidence free explanation over another. Evolution explains partially how life changes over time (why and how do massive amounts of new DNA information come from during explosions of entirely new lifeforms within mere million or so years with nothing remotely resembling an ancestor?), but had nothing to say about OOL.
As long as we don't talk about the low capital gains tax relative to the high tax on earned income, the billionaires are happy.
The culture war is indirect attacks: By weakening the family, by turning science into TheScience(tm) of white coated court astrologers or East India Company Factors, etc., they can weaken the public power generally by shifting the locus of power from family, religion, personal belief to Institutions they control. By Weakening religious belief, another source of potential power source that can mobilize against globalism, is also useful in imposing borderless corporate fascism.
The claim of the Social Cons was that the Left was disingenuous and the Liberals useful idiots, that the endgame was exactly what we are seeing now.
We've seen the Left takes a mile when given an inch: It took 50+ years to normalize Homosexuality, and then it had to be imposed by Judicial Fiat with even California voting down Gay Marriage just a little over decade ago. Within a decade of imposing gay marriage by dictators in robes, we are now at the point where at Governors and even the President of the USA is promoting Prepubescent Sex Changes, Puberty Blockers, and Sex Ed in K-3 regardless of parental wishes.
To get meta for a second, the US System rests on a particular Anglo-Saxon branch of Western Culture. If you alter that culture, it's inevitable the politics will be altered. It's no accident the Left has been doing all they can from the 60s to dilute Western Nations with Turd Worlders, undermine the Family, undermine any role of religion in society/culture. If the Media was actually free market, you'd see about 20-30% of the programming with a nod to the Lord. The few decades of TV made plenty of references to religion - from It's a Wonderful Life to Bishop Sheen, most 50s-60s shows and movies and even news had a religious person give a moral message or report on some doing in religion in the area, etc. But it isn't, which is why you see even less mentions of religion on TV (both fiction and non-fiction) than White Males in ads. It's a control tool designed to subvert.
Now add - after Elon dumps his stock, he starts up a serious competitor. Notice Elon did not buy Ford and convert that company to making electric cars - rather, he created a new successful company from scratch.
It's the war that that the oligarchs doesn't care about. They don't care who wins. It's an intentional civil war where the outcome doesn't matter to them.
AmericanKulak says
We have no idea how life started, but we have certainty that it adapts to the environment over time. We'll probably never have any clue how life started.
We have 23 chromosomes and apes have 24. We can see what chromosome combined. We can tell it combined because it's got a telomere at the center.
No, they care about it. The fight by Twitter, Disney, MSNBC, etc. against Free Speech and for LGBTQ+P worship proves it.
Not to mention the GOPe rollover at every stage of the culture war. They all talked tough - say on abortion, gay marriage, and now Tranny Indoctrination - that once it was imposed, they surrendered. Kristol, French, Romney, Collins, etc.
Everything is downstream from Culture. By atomizing individuals, destroying the family, destroying traditional sexuality as the norm, etc. etc. they help create the Human Hive of Insectoid Arcology living where people Own Nothing And Be Happy..
They aren't the oligarchy - they are the useful idiots.
AmericanKulak says
They are also useful idiots, sometimes enablers like Kristol.
AmericanKulak says
They are just doing genetic selection for those that survive.
I view our oligarchs as the Hapsburgs - not gods. They don't know the rules or understand them. Their progeny will be wiped out in time. To prolong their existence (genetic existence) they will have to claim to be gods and have the public believe them.
I'm pretty much an atheist, but I see the utility of religion. I consider it incorrect, but it keeps people together during hard times, and maintains culture. It kept Europe together for 1000 years, quite brutally in some cases, but it maintained society in many cases. Same is true of Islam.
That's a pretty good description of the enemy.
The Regime Media is scared shitless of Musk because they have devoted so much to destroying the cultural value of Free Speech, which is consistently characterized as White Supremacy, Russian Misinformation, and Medical Misinformation that needs the Guiding hands of
OligarchyExperts (paid by the Oligarchy).The war on Free Speech began in US Universities in the 90s, moved to Big Tech and Media in the early 2010s, and only in the past couple of years has been a subject for politicians.
I think genealogy also has that same utility, and without the requirement of belief in unprovable things. This is why I've been dedicating myself to genealogy lately.
In particular, the Roman gens, the Irish clan, and the Chinese family were all based on patrilineal descent, giving men (specifically men) a reason to join together and fight against enemies. These social structures each lasted for over 1000 years. So one could argue that the feminist attack on female fidelity is also an attack on this alternate source of male unity which threatens the supremacy of borderless corporate fascism.
No. They are under the control of their Execs and Employees who were culturally transformed... in College, at DIE sessions, etc.
It's no accident that @Mell contrasted Tech in the 90s and early 2000s with Tech Today. That was a result of a new generation - millennials - that were reculturalized in College to hate Free Speech and embrace Expert Worship, the latter being controlled by the Elites, as we saw with the CDC, FDA, even the Smithsonian.
The Tech Wives, Soros, Wall Street, World Economic Forum, etc. all embrace Wokey Dokey, unlimited mass immigration, etc. and are imposing it with the help of employees and executives in big corporations.
richwicks says
This may be the case, but they will do great damage in the meantime.
I'm watching corporations implode because of that.
People are like "why won't Twitter just change???" - it won't change because people still use it. Duh. When Yahoo! tried to enact censorship and fuck with their search algorithm to give "preferred" (paid for) search results, people just left. Leave. The shitshow depends on you paying attention to it.
When alternatives show up our "news" media screams "it's far right, white supremacist!!" - that works for a little bit. Not long. They just constantly undermine their credibility, and what is left behind is a bunch of morons that really aren't wanted. Talking to an NPC is pretty fucking boring. I have Facebook entirely blocked on my computer, you know how often I come across somebody giving me a link to Facebook? I NEVER do. Maybe literally once a year. Nobody here uses it.
AmericanKulak says
They always do, but they aren't real oligarchs. You can just dump them.
The whole trick is "you need us" - no we don't.
Just like Big Media, Airlines, and Banks have been bailed out, so will Disney and Big Tech.
The GOAL of the Technocrat Oligarchs is to create a Fascist Economy where the line between Government and Public is hazy; established large corps are simply insulated from the market. It's Socialism by subverting Corporations, rather than Direct Control by Kommisars.
Elon can't take over Twitter because it threatens Big Tech Regime Media.
You said yourself that they get funding from all kind of government and ngo dark pools, so it's not simple selection anymore, the big tech titans of the dot com boom who didn't make it or went back to being moderately large companies were examples of selection through commoditization, but now with the govt so vastly overreaching and entrenched in every decision it's not natural selection. This war matters and elections still matter until they are consistently stolen without any uprising. We're not there yet.
Yes, this will happen. We are communists now, didn't you realize?
AmericanKulak says
It will just create a system of shortages. Shortages for food, or entertainment, for toilet paper, whatever. Just like the communist system did in the USSR.
AmericanKulak says
He can't take it over because it's owned by the intelligence agencies. You don't believe us.
They are free of market forces, but they still need people paying attention to them.
The death of newspapers is ongoing (pretty much finished actually) and the death of television is following. You'd be shocked at how many people are out there just want to inform you, and are doing it out of their basement. The cost of entry is 0 now. They do this shit as a hobby. That's why there's censorship, it's not to protect corporations, its to prevent the truth from coming out, and that's surprisingly easy to do today.
Disagree. It can still be brought down by competition, sure the agencies can fund it but it will become meaningless if it's not the main free speech site anymore. Also at any given point in time there are plenty of backstabbers and people who are not powerful enough yet who will consider switching sides just to advance, or who realize they will be facing increased animosity and poor prospects by the proles which eventually does matter (see the NV governor followed and cussed out in Vegas), the system is not rigid but dynamic, it's a constant tug-of-war, the power balance has shifted left-wards quite a bit in the past years but it could change by mid terms quickly.
If it's just a few companies selling products who are subsidized by the government - through tax payer money, and "social media" is also subsidized the same way, and there's no need for advertisement, they will persist.
People won't be able to make a living making alternatives, and people won't be able to make a living selling genuine products.
I keep pointing out that at least 4.6 billion dollars was handed out to unknown corporations during the "covid bailout". That's a decent sum of money.
There are companies that can take on loans at basically 0% interest being kept alive. Compete against that when you have to pay 1% interest on a billion dollars.
That's the irony, if it had a large readership, this place would suck. We're mostly free of trolls and spooks, and idiots.
If Musk doesn't succeed twatter will fail, slowly but surely. Alternatives will eventually take over. Once it loses influence it's not worth much to tptb
Option 5: He breaks the Poison Pill.
Option 6: He gets friends and they play Gamestock with Twitter
It doesn't have to have any influence, it just has to APPEAR to have influence.
CNN has less than 1 million viewers at any given moment. How is that being funded? They have multiple hosts that make more than $1 million a year. Ae they really getting $10 out of every viewer on a yearly basis for the commercials to pay for it?
When the government was allowed to directly send money to CORPORATIONS, that was the end of the country. Government Motors.
I remember when Lee Iacocca went to the government for a loan for Chrysler and what a huge deal that was. He got it, but he got a LOAN, and not at 0% interest, and it was public.
Everybody was asleep with covid when the government purchased our entire fucking economy. We have NO IDEA where the money went.
* The Executives are super stupid morons who don't realize their often trust fund baby bored Wokie Millie employees are shitting them
* The Executives know what they have to say, do/promise to stay in the Club that guarantees future employment.
I'm in the second camp. There's no way Disney Chapek and the Twitter Execs. Chapek started with Heinz and then multiple household brands with Thompson before joining Disney, he knows all about market research and knows that the people who want 50% LGBTQ Disney Characters are Full of Shit and way out of the mainstream. He also knows he's "Out of the Club" and "No longer in the Party" if he doesn't toe the line. The final proof is watching the video of the Disney Execs THEMSELVES talk about their kids in Private Leftist Schools in LA/SF saying half the kids are queer, about their Transkids, etc. etc.
No it does have to have influence otherwise it won't sway enough people and is useless to tptb. CNN is already circling in the toilet.
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