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This morning I relished reading the following essay by Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Murphy (US Marine Corps). As his online biography states:
"While assigned to DARPA in 2020-2021 as the Commandant’s Fellow, he uncovered the EcoHealth Alliance DEFUSE Project proposal which details research work that is considered the blueprint for SARS-CoV-2. He shared this with the investigating bodies and became an official whistleblower."
I was especially gratified to read his comparison of the Biodefense Oligarchy to the oligarchy that ruled Athens during the Peloponnesian War and pressed for the disastrous Sicilian Expedition in 415-413 BC. As he points out, when oligarchies succeed in taking over key institutions of government such as the NIH—institutions that may draw unlimited funds from the treasury—it is virtually inevitable that they will embark on projects that extend their own power, glory, wealth, and privileges, even if these projects don’t serve the people who are paying for it.
This is precisely why James Madison, who knew classical history as well as anyone, repeatedly expressed concern about the danger of establishing a professional military in the new republic. As he understood, once the military becomes a key state institution, it invariably thrives on purported threats and has an entrenched interest in maintaining them instead of defusing them.
President Trump is doing a great job of mopping the floor with an array of ideologically possessed freaks who have infested Washington in recent years. However, the real test of his mettle will be whether he is willing to take on that Biodefense Oligarchy that Murphy describes in this elegant essay (click on the image below).
Two decades ago, factions argued that biowarfare threats were so significant that biodefense responsibility needed to be removed from the purview of the uniformed military and placed within NIAID under NIH and under HHS. There were structural and efficiency reasons to do this but the intangible reason was that the uniformed military officer corps would not stain its honor with biowarfare. It had held the line with the bioweapons convention since Nixon axed the US bioweapons program, so it had to be removed from the picture for the factions to proceed.
This action, called BioShield, fused the pharmaceutical industry with biodefense and fused the public health agencies with the intelligence community. The two entities in America not held accountable by law or practice, the vaccine industry and the intelligence community (IC), were joined into one. Though done to achieve a positive aim, it is obvious in hindsight that this fusion would create unaccountable oligarchy. Its most apparent manifestation is the director of NIAID’s salary, the highest in government and higher than the president’s, with corresponding tangible worldwide political power. This power structure was known previously to insiders5 but only became visible to the public during the Covid response. It also goes without saying that merging medicine with biodefense under the pretext of foreign biothreats is impossibly lucrative. So it was then, so it is now: potential profit often clouds sound judgment.
The biodefense oligarchy spread its tentacles across government and industry. There is pie to be had and it is lucrative. Adversaries make advances in biotechnology so funds must keep coming and riskier and riskier research must be done to supposedly stay ahead of those adversaries, especially if it proves true that the DOD and NIH traded advanced technology to those adversaries so the IC could gain access and spy on their laboratories.6 Now with more advanced technology, the IC must do more spying on those adversaries and NIAID more research. The biodefense oligarchy is a reinforcing feedback loop. It perpetuates its reason to exist.
America’s Sicilian Expedition is the creation and response to SARS-CoV-2. It is the compounding of errors from the Biodefense Oligarchy that culminates in our equivalent to Athens’ loss of its 30,000.
First is the death toll from SARS-CoV-2 itself. SARS-CoV-2, a synthetic virus or a reverse genetics system or a synthetic self-spreading vaccine – a living thing created in man’s hubris in “defense” against potential natural or man-made pathogens – harmed and killed many people.13 This number is clouded by the Lockdown and treatment debacle. This number will remain disputed until the actual origin and nature of SARS-CoV-2 is known – what it is down to the amino acid level – and the statisticians and systems dynamicists rework the calculations. These losses were painful, but they were predominantly the old. The creation of and losses to SARS-CoV-2 itself equate to the initiation of the Sicilian Expedition. These losses are not equivalent to the loss of the fleet and its 30,000 citizen-warriors.
The losses from the vaccines are. These losses came well after the start of the war, at a time when the purpose and value of the war and the perpetuation of it could be re-evaluated. Moreover, these losses are in the young. These losses are concealed by the oligarchy but visible: the athlete who drops on the field, the runner who clutches his heart and face-plants on the street corner, the hyper-fit lieutenant who lies dead on the side of the road, the major collapsed during the fitness test with his peers pinning his violently stroking body to stop him choking on his tongue, the captain who collapses dead in his home before his wife and children, the veteran who wakes suddenly in the night, clutches his wife, screams, and dies instantly of pulmonary embolism, the little girl playing erratically with the neighborhood kids, the mothers over dinner watch weeping that she is not the same girl since the heart medicine.
The oligarchy was forced by reality to acknowledge that the shots cause cardiac injuries. The data accumulates for autoimmune conditions, menstrual irregularities, miscarriages, cancer, and numerous other ailments – vertigo, tinnitus, hypertension, colitis, Bell’s palsy, full-body rash, Guillain-Barre, and of course the clots and the clots and the clots. Like most Americans, my wife and I have dozens of family and friends with these injuries. Some estimate the country is losing a Vietnam’s worth of men every year since the shots were introduced.14 Twenty-four percent reported knowing someone killed by the shots.15 What is the compound interest on this loss rate? I can name eighteen wounded or dead veterans. My battalion’s casualties from two Afghan War deployments were half that.
Few take the shots anymore because they know. Governments and even the media now acknowledge that there are excess deaths. But, unlike the Athenians, the number is not known because the authorities refuse to do the math. The number is visible though. For instance, the Navy cannot man its ships.16 America already cannot man its fleet. There are other factors that contribute, but every organization is short people and every organization knows it is short people, for everyone in the organizations complains about it. The manpower shortage is not just a recruitment issue. The nation does not know if it is already Athens, and it should.
The physical manpower injury is compounded by moral injury. The healthy veteran gets sudden cancer, is near dead a month later, but miraculously and thankfully survives. He is left in a daze with no cause. The wounded themselves cannot even discuss the possible cause of their injuries less the acolytes of the oligarchy shame them, which perpetuates the moral injury. Another gets clots. Repeatedly now, the same time every year, as if the mRNA made his cells permanently produce spike protein at a consistent rate in a consistent location to eventually mass and annually clot. Naturally, his wife is concerned that one of these years the just-in-time blood thinners will not work and the injury will take him.
They live with moral injury and with no redress. Can he charge his chain of command with murder ahead of his death? Naturally, away from the acolytes, the injured discuss their physical and their moral injuries, usually with the unvaxxed, most of whom were forced out, adding to the manpower shortage. There it is spoken: Their sons will not serve. The manpower loss is compounding and multi-generational.
The magnitude of this loss is great. In itself, it demands resolution. But the situation is actually far worse than the visible injury of our people. The risks and harms from the gene-encoded (mRNA) vaccine technology are direct from either the biotechnology itself or the use of the spike protein as the epitope. More significantly, indirect risks exist as well and at greater scale. Any single-epitope vaccine can cause the body to only generate immunity against that epitope and make a person vulnerable to the illness when the virus adapts that epitope (i.e. Antibody Dependent Enhancement). But the vaccinated also suffer from IgG4 antibody class switching.17 In this situation, the body adapts to the vaccine by treating the epitope as an allergen. This makes the person even more vulnerable, for the body ignores the virus when infected. That individual now risks becoming even sicker. ...
As the burden is felt, so is the newfound energy in the land. The Demos is in rebound. It dismantles illicit oligarchy. It returns accountability and vigor to the state. Let it not be spoiled by discounting the physical loss of an errant expedition. Let it not be further spoiled by ignoring the moral injury accrued from that failure. A great republic learns from the past.
January 12, 2022
WASHINGTON—On Tuesday, U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), ranking member of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, sent a letter to Department of Defense (DOD) Secretary Lloyd Austin and Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering Heidi Shyu demanding information on an August 2021 disclosure from U.S. Marine Corps Major Joseph Murphy. The senator has learned that this disclosure was sent to the DOD Office of the Inspector General (OIG) and that office referred it to DoD’s Office of Research and Engineering for investigation.
The senator wrote, “According to the Major’s disclosure, EcoHealth Alliance (EcoHealth), in conjunction with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), submitted a proposal in March 2018 to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) regarding SARS-CoVs. The proposal included a program, called DEFUSE, that sought to use a novel chimeric SARS-CoV spike protein to inoculate bats against SARS-CoVs. Although DARPA rejected the proposal, the disclosure alleges that EcoHealth ultimately carried out the DEFUSE proposal until April 2020 through the National Institutes of Health and National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases. The disclosure highlights several potential treatments, such as ivermectin, and specifically alleges that the EcoHealth DEFUSE proposal identified chloroquine phosphate (Hydroxychloriquine) and interferon as SARS-CoV inhibitors.”
The full text of the letter can be found here and below.
Read more about the letter and the Senator’s concerns in The Daily Caller.
January 11, 2022
The Honorable Lloyd J. Austin III
Secretary of Defense
U.S. Department of Defense
1000 Defense Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20301
Heidi Shyu
Under Secretary of Defense
for Research and Engineering
Department of Defense
The Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20301
Dear Secretary Austin and Under Secretary Shyu:
On January 10, 2022, Project Veritas published an August 2021 disclosure from U.S. Marine Corps Major Joseph Murphy concerning the origins of COVID-19. According to the document, Major Murphy sent the disclosure to the Department of Defense (DoD) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) for investigation. It is my understanding that the disclosure was subsequently referred by the DoD OIG to the DoD’s Research and Engineering office for further investigation.
According to the Major’s disclosure, EcoHealth Alliance (EcoHealth), in conjunction with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), submitted a proposal in March 2018 to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) regarding SARS-CoVs. The proposal included a program, called DEFUSE, that sought to use a novel chimeric SARS-CoV spike protein to inoculate bats against SARS-CoVs. Although DARPA rejected the proposal, the disclosure alleges that EcoHealth ultimately carried out the DEFUSE proposal until April 2020 through the National Institutes of Health and National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases. The disclosure highlights several potential treatments, such as ivermectin, and specifically alleges that the EcoHealth DEFUSE proposal identified chloroquine phosphate (Hydroxychloriquine) and interferon as SARS-CoV inhibitors.
In order to better understand whether DoD is investigating these allegations, I ask that you provide the following by no later than January 25, 2022:
Did the office of Research and Engineering receive a copy of the enclosed disclosure from the DoD OIG? If so, please provide the date it received the complaint.
Has the office of Research and Engineering or another DoD component initiated an investigation of the allegations in the disclosure? If so, explain what investigative steps have been taken thus far. If not, please explain why not.
Has the office of Research and Engineering or another DoD component interviewed or spoken with the U.S. Marine Corps Major who drafted the disclosure? If so, when? If not, please explain why not.
Does DoD intend to create a written investigate report or any other document based on its investigation of allegations contained in the disclosure? If so, please provide a copy of those documents. If not, please explain why not.
I further request that your office provide a briefing on the findings of any investigation into the allegations contained in the disclosure. I also request to speak with U.S. Marine Corps Major Joseph Murphy to discuss his disclosure as soon as possible.
Ron Johnson
Ranking Member
Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations