The modern feminist woman

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2022 Apr 21, 7:16am   7,400 views  82 comments

by Goran_K   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

I feel sorry for men today who have to go into the dating market and meet the modern feminist woman (of which the majority of young women under 30 fall into).

The modern woman believes they deserve everything, and don't need to provide anything, they just need to "exist".

Modern women are not very feminine. A lot of them talk and act like dudes. God help you if they make more money than you. They will make sure to "show their dick" any chance they get.

Modern women don't believe they need to be physically fit (a lot of these liberal women are overweight, if not outright obese). Once they have a kid or two, they usually pack on 50 pounds, and BLAME YOU for it.

Modern women think that having a Master's degree or PhD makes them more "valuable" on the sexual market place (it doesn't, it actually makes them LESS attractive since these women tend to be more disagreeable, snobby, and insufferable to talk to).

Modern women are usually feminist. They don't care about you as a man or a partner, they see you as a pool of resources to use for her purposes. To pay for her lifestyle, to support her kids, to pay her bills. They don't want to work, they are perfectly happy to stay at home, enjoy a stress free lifestyle at YOUR expense.

The worst part of it, overwhelmingly, the majority of divorces in the United States are initiated by women (over 70%). So when things are going 99% perfect for them, they will be happy to spend your money, live in your house, and MAYBE provide you with sexual pleasure once a week tops. But you ever slip up, or things are getting a little rough, they will without hesitation divorce you, take half your net worth, and put you on the hook for child support, and alimony for years to come.

I'm not saying I'm an official member of the MGTOW movement (since I am married to a non-modern woman, very happily I might add), but I believe younger men need to be very careful about who they date, and who they commit to. Men need to realize their self worth, and realize that as you grow older, your value actually goes up. For women, it's the exact opposite (their value tends to drop more and more as they age, and exponentially after the age of 30 and they get closer to "the wall").

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42   richwicks   2022 Apr 27, 12:05am  

HunterTits says
PeopleUnited says
I applaud anyone who is wise enough to know they are not willing to be a parent. But the time to make that choice is before the child is growing up inside you. At that point the child deserves a choice, and because they cannot advocate for themselves it is the responsibility of all of us to advocate for the unborn, just like we would for any person unjustly condemned on death row.

And this is exactly why the Abortion Holocaust folk fight tooth and nail to deny that the unborn are living, human beings. They cannot give an inch on this because if they do...it is all fucking over for them.

It's more nuanced than that. I'm not a fan of abortion, but I think it should be safe, legal, but also rare.

The problem is, that it makes money. That's the core of the problem. It's an industry.

Terminating a pregnancy at 6 weeks in, is a lot different than 6 months in. "Life begins as conception" might be a good saying, but at conception, that is clearly not yet a human being, it hasn't developed a brain, it couldn't possibly have any consciousness or awareness, it's still a thing. When that changes nobody can say. It can be reasonably argued babies don't hit sentience and awareness until well after they are born, but that does not justify infanticide.

If people care about unborn children, they need to draw reasonable lines. I have read, perhaps been misinformed, that a fetus doesn't have a brain in the first trimester, it's developing, but it's not there yet. 3 months to terminate a pregnancy is a reasonable cutoff if that is the case. Maybe the heartbeat detection is reasonable.

This is a self correcting problem anyhow. The people that welcome and support abortion are being out populated by the people who oppose it. Same with atheists, I know I am a dying breed, same with homosexuals, same with transgendered, same with liberals really. Liberals ARE sort of a death cult, let them kill themselves off. Just back away, and let them do what they want although none of us like clown world.

It should also be considered a possibility that attitudes and thinking are possibly somewhat inherited. If this is the case, permissiveness is cleaning up the gene pool. I should caution, it's possible that none of this is hardware and its all software in which case, permissiveness changes nothing other than the ideas die out slowly.

If women who get abortions with abandon are just sociopaths, what kind of mother will they be? Nobody considers that. We may have had a drop in violent crime because of the legalization of abortion in 1971. I'm not justifying it, I'm pointing out this is perhaps a salient fact. Correlation doesn't imply causation, but it's something to consider.
43   Patrick   2023 Mar 14, 7:25pm  


This means that if a woman wants to marry at or above her educational level, then there is going to be a high level of competition between women for the limited number of men. This is disastrous news if you think that promiscuous behavior is bad. When men are in demand they get to be the price setters and women the price takers, in econ terms (ceteris paribus etc). And seeing how men are the fallen creatures that we are, that price is sex. ...

On the one hand, app using women receive a signal that they are highly socially desirable because they are inundated with more likes than they could ever possibly know what to do with. However, as a result, 4/5ths of them are fighting over only 1/5th of the men on the app. In other words, in the app dating economy there are 4 women per high status man. This is a ratio beyond anything like what happens at colleges with more women than men, which is where Birgir draws lots of research from. (Birgir thinks that criticisms of dating apps are misguided, but I think that when the numbers are crunched it actually lends support to his argument).

The end result of this is that we are seeing some people return to what basically amounts to polygamy as women have to increasingly sexualize themselves in an attempt to win the affection of the high status men and these high status men take advantage of the situation to have tons of sex. ...

An older acquaintance of mine seemed to not understand why I said I would never in a million years try to flirt with a girl at the gym. And that was before the whole recent kerfuffle where some tik tok girl was doing hip thrusts in a skimpy gym outfit and accused some guy in the background of basically eye raping her so she could get internet clout (and presumably subscriber to her OnlyFans). ...

Now, just expand this phenomenon out to the rest of society and you can see why men are reluctant to approach women in public, even without all the pressure from fear of rejection etc. Let's look at the math that goes through men’s minds. Not only does approaching a woman to talk in public mean that you run the risk of being rejected, which is unpleasant, but there is also the risk that for daring to speak to a woman in public you will be labeled a creepy perv. Is it surprising that more and more men do the math and conclude it would just be safer and all around easier to go home and watch porn instead? ...

I am just going to speak frankly here and not bother to try and sugar coat things. I can’t begin to describe how many conversations I have had with male friends who bemoan that a woman is physically attractive but has basically been ruined by feminism. In general this means that women have adopted attitudes that are profoundly unfeminine and unattractive to men. Think of the stereotypical pink/purple haired angry ranting feminist. But even to lesser degrees than that women have adopted many views that are rather hard for men to honestly accept. ...

Millions of women are effectively online prostitutes. No matter what men say, most of them don’t want to marry a prostitute. They might want to mess around and have fun with one, but they most likely won’t want to marry one.

Feminism exterminates humanity.
44   Ceffer   2023 Mar 14, 7:43pm  

Patrick says

They might want to mess around and have fun with one, but they most likely won’t want to marry one.

Men marry prostitutes all the time, especially if they like to please and don't hate men. Women mostly sell it for one reason or another, it's wired in by nature, it's just the negotiated terms, conditions, amounts, circumstances, service agreements, compensations and length of demanded proximity that vary.

My experience when single was seldom zipless. They usually don't just bounce after the act, at least half become stalkers or quasi stalkers if you have had them. You pay for it one way or another. Screw more of them, they start running into each other and even starting little stalker and spy clubs. It's why you don't 'poison the waters' and try to keep the liaisons non proximate. Pick some girl up at the gym and have her, then your gym waters are poisoned. Women also like to deploy their orbiting wallets and male relatives to stomp other men, so there is also hazard involved in sleeping around.
46   HeadSet   2023 Jul 8, 8:32am  

Booger says

You realize that is a satirical joke, right?
47   richwicks   2023 Jul 8, 9:12am  

HeadSet says

You realize that is a satirical joke, right?

How can you know it's satire other than there are no names so you can check the story?
48   SoTex   2023 Jul 8, 10:04am  

richwicks says

HeadSet says

You realize that is a satirical joke, right?

How can you know it's satire other than there are no names so you can check the story?

49   Ceffer   2023 Jul 8, 10:48am  

Always make them swallow and show their tongue before they leave the hotel room, and always flush the condoms.
50   richwicks   2023 Jul 8, 10:57am  

just_passing_through says


Well how about that? There's actually a fact checking site that actually checks facts. This is the first one I've ever seen.
51   SoTex   2023 Jul 8, 10:58am  

richwicks says

Well how about that? There's actually a fact checking site that actually checks facts. This is the first one I've ever seen.

LOL, same!
53   mell   2023 Oct 15, 5:37pm  

It's pretty close to what womyn do every day. Not much satire about it.
54   clambo   2023 Oct 16, 1:20pm  

Unfeminine women are OK; after you've used them you feel no remorse.
"It's fuck or walk pal." Glengarry Glenn Ross

They can win the early battles in the war of the sexes; however, they age quickly, they miss the security of a father or older brother to help them fix shit, they notice that every year new chicks are coming up like the NFL draft.

Meanwhile, guys who take care of themselves don't look a lot worse in their 40s than their 20s, and even 50s guys can score pretty good quality strange.
The key is; have your money straight pal. No money, no honey. Money talks, bullshit walks.

Even with the feminine ones, it's generally an act.
55   stereotomy   2023 Oct 16, 2:32pm  

clambo says

Unfeminine women are OK; after you've used them you feel no remorse.
"It's fuck or walk pal." Glengarry Glenn Ross

They can win the early battles in the war of the sexes; however, they age quickly, they miss the security of a father or older brother to help them fix shit, they notice that every year new chicks are coming up like the NFL draft.

Meanwhile, guys who take care of themselves don't look a lot worse in their 40s than their 20s, and even 50s guys can score pretty good quality strange.
The key is; have your money straight pal. No money, no honey. Money talks, bullshit walks.

Even with the feminine ones, it's generally an act.

Ultimately, for those long-married men who have had to resort to dread game to cure a "light switch off" recalcitrant wife, it is as @clambo says. They will always have financial security at the back of their minds, and better the devil you know, than the devil you don't know.
56   Ceffer   2023 Oct 16, 4:02pm  

It's the cheap fungibility of gazillions of irritating, dead end sperm vs. the commodity value of limited eggs promising genetic perpetuity.
60   Ceffer   2024 May 29, 12:21pm  

If you can get past the relentless, deep dive gold digging, the third and fourth generation mom trained serial divorce artists, the spoiled affect, the movie star feckless narcissism, and the worthless home body, then California girls aren't half bad.
61   stereotomy   2024 May 29, 12:27pm  

A woman - the smartest teenager in the household. Said household is led by a man.
62   komputodo   2024 May 29, 9:27pm  

Ceffer says

My experience when single was seldom zipless. They usually don't just bounce after the act, at least half become stalkers or quasi stalkers if you have had them. You pay for it one way or another.

That's probably because you are so handsome.
63   HeadSet   2024 May 30, 12:06pm  

stereotomy says

A woman - the smartest teenager in the household. Said household is led by a man.

Interesting, since if it were not for women, men would never mature. If Eve never showed up, Adam would still be having burping contests with the hippos.
64   stereotomy   2024 May 30, 12:22pm  

HeadSet says

stereotomy says

A woman - the smartest teenager in the household. Said household is led by a man.

Interesting, since if it were not for women, men would never mature. If Eve never showed up, Adam would still be having burping contests with the hippos.

Women do great for the first 10-12 years of a child's development, before the transition from the asexual/androgenous phase - why are practically all primary up to secondary teachers women? After that, it's sex-specific training. Ancient/Primative societies still practice giving a new name to the woman or the man as they sexually mature.

I put forth the hypothesis, that modern society has largely decided that most males shall be raised in the same fashion as females (Ritalin, etc.), with the exception of those raised to be "Alpha Chad" males from a young age, destined for sports glory.
65   AmericanKulak   2024 May 30, 1:08pm  

Very few women advance beyond stage 3 ("I'm trying to look good") of the Kohlberg Morality Scale. Most men reach stage 4 (Law and order for all, evenly enforced) by their teens and 20s and almost all do by middle age. Many men achieve stage 5 in their lives.

Essentially, women are locked in the 12-14 y.o. "Good Kid Attitude" based on Social Roles. This is why women are virtue signalers par excellence, as this is the highest morality stage they achieve. This is why they are the most responsible teenager in the house and why high income women are often broke since most of their income goes to signaling worth and value. And why financial/insurance firms stopped advertising to women. Men still have something like 80% of the life insurance, even though more women are the primary parent and income levels have been equalizing for half a century. Almost all women who have ANY retirement or insurance is due to mandatory withdrawals/benefits from their employer, such as the Government Public School.

Kohlberg was working off Piaget who was an empiricist and experimentalist, observing actual behavior, not a bullshit theorist.

Female Psychologists have been working overtime to disprove Piaget/Kohlberg for going on a century now, one of the bullshits they came up with is an "Empathy Scale" which replaces Morality with Empathy, but that simply enshrines Kohlberg's Stage 3 as the epitome. You know "I am so advanced, I empathize with the guy who stabbed my mother!" women-morality.
66   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Jul 30, 1:25pm  

Who is going to tell her?

68   WookieMan   2024 Sep 3, 6:04pm  

DemocratsAreTotallyFucked says

No interest in a 25 year old as a 41 year man. All that is trash falling out of a garbage truck. I don't care about the fuck. Someone passed on that bitch for at least 10 years. There's a reason. If it's just for the sex, fine. Commitment fuck no. You're damaged goods by 25.

I'd rather pull a Rin and fuck whores that are likely clean and have no commitment. If you can't get a dude by 25 you're kind of a massive female loser. Unwanted baggage. Moron dudes will commit and fuck anything. If they didn't get you by 25 just be a striper, escort or whore. Your lot in life is over. You'll get stuck with a loser male because you suck at being a female that no one wants. Probably get beaten. Your life will suck. You won't make money.

If you're a man that wants to commit, you don't touch a fucking thing over 25. That's plastic trash in the ocean that didn't drown. Run on water like Jesus would as far away as possible.
69   Ceffer   2024 Sep 3, 7:10pm  

I think anybody who is looking for 'peace' from a woman was starting out on the wrong beam to begin with. Most of them will turn your 'orderly' man life into some kind of emotional impressionistic mess. It may be a fun mess, but a mess nonetheless.
71   HeadSet   2024 Sep 4, 7:28am  

DemocratsAreTotallyFucked says

Reality - Women in their twenties are hotter, period.
72   mell   2024 Sep 5, 4:24pm  

Womyn sleeping herself to the top (confirmed) as the side bitch => stronk woman!!

Guy sleeping with a few side bitches (unconfirmed) during his best years: sleazy misogynist!!
73   Ceffer   2024 Sep 5, 4:29pm  

Yeah, the themes in the captured media always show women who are sexual aggressors, initiators, bosses, etc. Real life, if you are dumb enough to let female officers out doing male officer work, then they will get their asses beat in a ghetto second.

Women are essential to police work because of their special female observational and research skills, seldom if ever as muscle. They might even work as bosses, but not like in the relentless propaganda media.
76   Ceffer   2024 Sep 5, 5:36pm  

I suppose it's better than wearing Downton Abbey servant livery while accompanying her on her shopping expeditions.

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