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The other day, the 2000 Mules documentary came out (no, I haven't watched it, yet) and there is renewed interest in examining election fraud. I honestly do not know whether or not I'm the first to make all the observations I present here, but after a few dozen conversations with mathematicians, I think that some of my techniques are original. I was working on a paper prior to being sucked into vaccine statistics work. Really, I don't care whether this gets "published" beyond this substack. I just want to get the idea out there so that somebody (anybody) can make use of it. ...
2000 Mules Director Dinesh D’Souza says 'Our Film Proves Joe Biden is Not the President'
Rasmussen Reports
Good Morning !
Twitter search is now suppressing hashtags about a certain movie.
True The Vote has the phone number for this person and the location for all local 501(c)(3) 'non-profit' organizations that they visited.
Night after night. Trip after trip.
Shapiro argued more than cell phone data is needed to prove that “mules” were passing on fraudulent ballots in favor of Biden. He admitted his opinion might make “nobody happy,” considering his conservative audience.
Shapiro is on the border of Fox News and MAGA. He can't quite assimilate all the information available now is to assume the worst, and stop being over cautious.
Walmart Agrees to Sell 2000 Mules DVD. "They're going to be going up shortly on Walmart."--Dinesh D'Souza
https://patriots.win/p/15HvUX9zhE/breaking-walmart-agrees-to-sell-/c/Walmart Agrees to Sell 2000 Mules DVD. "They're going to be going up shortly on Walmart."--Dinesh D'Souza
Yeah it's not "controlled opposition" he is simply hedging his bet, I despise that in the face of such flagrant fraud, and I think he will fare worse as the current climate does not support cucks. However it's at least understandable, def moreso than "men can get pregnant you bigot! Reeeee!"
And so, yes, clearly the 2020 presidential election stank. An unprecedented pincer movement of media mobilization and corrupt voter mobilization has allowed the Left to substantially tilt the result in their favor.
For what it’s worth, such shenanigans are highly uncommon, even non-existent, in other developed nations. In my home country of Israel, there is no “early voting.” There is also no mail-in voting or absentee voting. To vote, one has to go to a polling station, having registered in advance, then identify oneself using a government-issued ID. Suggesting this somehow amounts to “voter suppression” would be preposterous.
The Canadian, British, Danish, and Swiss systems are also similar. Only in America, somehow, the debasement and unverifiability of the voting process have become a rallying cry.
“2000 Mules” Investigator Gregg Phillips Drops a Bomb: Investigators Discovered Multinational Player and Federal Agencies Involved in Operation – A “Multinational Deal Involving Billions of Dollars”
And so, yes, clearly the 2020 presidential election stank. An unprecedented pincer movement of media mobilization and corrupt voter mobilization has allowed the Left to substantially tilt the result in their favor.
For what it’s worth, such shenanigans are highly uncommon, even non-existent, in other developed nations. In my home country of Israel, there is no “early voting.” There is also no mail-in voting or absentee voting. To vote, one has to go to a polling station, having registered in advance, then identify oneself using a government-issued ID. Suggesting this somehow amounts to “voter suppression” would be preposterous.
The Canadian, British, Danish, and Swiss systems are also similar. Only in...
There's also a representative of every political party that has minimal votes in that precinct, usually about 6, at the smallest of polling places. All 6 must agree the voter is legal, with appropriate signatures and ID. So if it's a few blocks with maybe 100 voters, there's still at least 6 jurists from each party who must agree that the voter is qualified before they can cast a ballot.
Poll: ‘2000 Mules’ Documentary Convinces Voters, Including Dems
'...survey finds that 77% of those Likely U.S. voters who have seen '2000 Mules' say the movie strengthened their conviction that there was systematic and widespread election fraud...'
June 4, 2022
The new documentary “2000 Mules,” which investigates evidence of widespread cheating in the 2020 presidential election, is hitting home with voters who have seen the film.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 77% of those Likely U.S. voters who have seen “2000 Mules” say the movie strengthened their conviction that there was systematic and widespread election fraud in the 2020 election. Only 19% of those who have seen the documentary say their belief in election fraud was weakened. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
So far, only 15% of voters have seen “2000 Mules,” the movie by conservative activist Dinesh D’Souza that premiered last month at former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort. Nineteen percent (19%) of Republicans, 14% of Democrats and 11% of voters not affiliated with either major party report having watched “2000 Mules.”
Hey, Bill Barr!… Kentucky Supreme Court Rules on Cellphone Geo-Tracking Case — Proving Premise Behind “2000 Mules” Is VALID and Very Much in Use Today
richwicks says
PeopleUnited says
richwicks says
I hope to live long enough to see humanity regain control of the planet.
Humanity has control of the planet. This is what you get when a nation turns its back on God.
Again although I do not share your religion, I respect it.
The people who run this nation are not like me. If I was able to make a trillion dollars by killing a single person, I wouldn't do it. They kill people for pennies. They are not like me at all, and it's not because of "God", it's because I respect life.
You vehemently support the guy who already killed tens of thousands of people, including his own compatriots, over some loony pseudo-histori...
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Playing around here in some theaters Tue (tomorrow) and Thu for $20.
Also will be showing for $10 suggested donation in Redwood City: