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Can 2000 Mules Change an Election?
In Dinesh D’Souza’s groundbreaking new documentary “2000 Mules,” he lays out the compelling case for 2020 voter fraud by working with a team that used cellphone geotracking to pinpoint the travel pattern of “mules”—people paid to collect and drop off ballots in ballot boxes, an illegal practice in every single state.
Arizona County Featured in ‘2000 Mules’ Investigating Voter Fraud Allegations
By Zachary Stieber May 13, 2022
Officials in an Arizona county that was featured in the documentary “2000 Mules” are investigating voter fraud, but a spokesperson said the new announcement wasn’t related to the movie.
Ballot Mules Funded by Obama-Linked NGOs Who Poured Billions Into ‘Local Insurgencies’: Analyst
An organization called True the Vote has, for the past year and a half now, been investigating the illegal ballot harvesting that took place around the entire country during the 2020 election. And after painstakingly tracking 10 trillion cell phone pings after looking at millions of minutes of surveillance footage, and after actually being able to speak with some of the whistleblowers who acted as ballot mules in 2020, they were able to conclude that around 5 million ballots were trafficked during the 2020 election, and very likely swung the results.
In order to get a better picture of what really took place, my team and I flew down to Florida in order to sit down with Greg Phillips and Catherine Engelbrecht from True the Vote and figure out what they found, what they’re doing to stop it from happening again in the future, as well as what common Americans like you and me can do to help.
Woah, I don't think you got the point. Phone geolocation data shows that thousands of people were stuffing ballot boxes.
Phone geolocation data shows that thousands of people were stuffing ballot boxes.
but there is still a lot of rabid antiMAGAers out there.
Onvacation saysbut there is still a lot of rabid antiMAGAers out there.
Regardless of how people feel about Trump, how can anyone feel good that hundreds of thousands of ballots were trafficked in battleground states? More than enough to negate the votes of legitimate voters who followed the election rules.
In battleground states, using ballots trafficked from “non-profits.”
This 2000 Mules thing sheds absolutely no light on that, since the mules’ ballots all would have been submitted together with the legitimate ones in normal ballot boxes.
Undoctored saysThis 2000 Mules thing sheds absolutely no light on that, since the mules’ ballots all would have been submitted together with the legitimate ones in normal ballot boxes.
And it still wasn't enough to put Biden over the top. They probably had boxes of ballots for Biden just in case in all of the battleground districts.
Would be perfectly legal in CA, btw.
And what impact did this have on down ticket and local races as well?
I thought the video of the ballot box stuffers looked weak.
The smoking gun of election fraud I thought was how they stopped the count in the middle of the night when Trump was winning and then magically discovered enough Biden votes to push him over when counting resumed. We’ve all seen the suspicious looking graph. This 2000 Mules thing sheds absolutely no light on that, since the mules’ ballots all would have been submitted together with the legitimate ones in normal ballot boxes.
it was mail in vote fraud
May 14, 2022
2000 Mules confirmed as a “huge hit” for Rumble and Locals, reported biggest political documentary in a decade
A win for alternatives to Big Tech platforms.
There are a ton of smoking guns. There was no single strategy employed, it was media blackout of the Hunter laptop, it was Biden hiding in his basement for months to avoid gaffes and senior moments, it was mail in vote fraud. It was deliberately lost Trump ballots. It was secret stashes of ballots run though counting machines after the election monitors left, it was trafficked ballots including across state lines, it was counting machine “errors.” After all, they put together “ the most extensive voter fraud organization in history!”
The other day, the 2000 Mules documentary came out (no, I haven't watched it, yet) and there is renewed interest in examining election fraud. I honestly do not know whether or not I'm the first to make all the observations I present here, but after a few dozen conversations with mathematicians, I think that some of my techniques are original. I was working on a paper prior to being sucked into vaccine statistics work. Really, I don't care whether this gets "published" beyond this substack. I just want to get the idea out there so that somebody (anybody) can make use of it. ...
2000 Mules Director Dinesh D’Souza says 'Our Film Proves Joe Biden is Not the President'
Rasmussen Reports
Good Morning !
Twitter search is now suppressing hashtags about a certain movie.
True The Vote has the phone number for this person and the location for all local 501(c)(3) 'non-profit' organizations that they visited.
Night after night. Trip after trip.
Shapiro argued more than cell phone data is needed to prove that “mules” were passing on fraudulent ballots in favor of Biden. He admitted his opinion might make “nobody happy,” considering his conservative audience.
Shapiro is on the border of Fox News and MAGA. He can't quite assimilate all the information available now is to assume the worst, and stop being over cautious.
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Playing around here in some theaters Tue (tomorrow) and Thu for $20.
Also will be showing for $10 suggested donation in Redwood City: