What war is actually like

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2022 May 23, 2:31am   8,289 views  44 comments

by richwicks   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

original link

I need to compile a list of heroic people who have been in combat.

First Lt. Ehren Watada refused to deploy to Iraq after he had been sent to Afghanistan, because he properly recognize that the Iraq War was unjustified and based on a lie. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ehren_Watada

George W. Bush recognized this as well vvvvv

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6   RWSGFY   2022 May 23, 8:54am  

Even Russian diplomat agrees:

Boris Bondarev, Moscow's counsellor to the UN in Geneva, resigned earlier over what he called the "absolutely needless" and "criminal" conflict in Ukraine. Bondarev - now Russia's most senior diplomat to defect over the war - accused "those who conceived this war" of wanting nothing more than "to remain in power forever".
7   stereotomy   2022 May 23, 9:03am  


Even Russian diplomat agrees:

Boris Bondarev, Moscow's counsellor to the UN in Geneva, resigned earlier over what he called the "absolutely needless" and "criminal" conflict in Ukraine. Bondarev - now Russia's most senior diplomat to defect over the war - accused "those who conceived this war" of wanting nothing more than "to remain in power forever".

I'm not quite understanding this. Is he referring to the civil war by the Ukrainians/Azov militia against Donbass since 2014 that has claimed over 10,000 civilian lives, or the Russian move to stop the slaughter?
8   RWSGFY   2022 May 23, 9:06am  

stereotomy says


Even Russian diplomat agrees:

Boris Bondarev, Moscow's counsellor to the UN in Geneva, resigned earlier over what he called the "absolutely needless" and "criminal" conflict in Ukraine. Bondarev - now Russia's most senior diplomat to defect over the war - accused "those who conceived this war" of wanting nothing more than "to remain in power forever".

I'm not quite understanding this. Is he referring to the civil war by the Ukrainians/Azov militia against Donbass since 2014 that has claimed over 10,000 civilian lives, or the Russian move to stop the slaughter?

He means illegal agressive war against Ukraine started by Russia in 2014 and escalated in 2022.

Being on the inside he knows pretty well that all the phony justifications for this continuing aggression is pure FSB bullshit.

There were no "slaughter" in DumbAss until FSB colonel Igor Girkin and his gang showed up in Slovyansk in March-April of 2014 and started military action in that densely populated region.

And it was not 10,000 pre-022422, it was 15,000. Most of whom are Ukrainian military personell.
9   Eric Holder   2022 May 23, 9:32am  

A 21-year-old Russian soldier has been sentenced to life in prison Monday in Ukraine’s first war crimes trial since President Vladimir Putin’s army invaded the country months ago.

Sgt. Vadim Shishimarin pleaded guilty last week to shooting a 62-year-old man in the head in a village in the northeastern Sumy region in the early days of the war.

Shishimarin testified that he shot Oleksandr Shelipov with an AK-47 on Feb. 28 after being ordered to do so.

He told the court that an officer insisted that Shelipov, who was speaking on his cellphone, could pinpoint their location to Ukrainian forces.

10   richwicks   2022 May 23, 2:07pm  


Even Russian diplomat agrees:

Boris Bondarev, Moscow's counsellor to the UN in Geneva, resigned earlier over what he called the "absolutely needless" and "criminal" conflict in Ukraine. Bondarev

So, that's a quote from here:


I further tracked it down to:


Of course, that's the Washington Post - Jeff Bezos paper.

In it they claimed to have a link to Boris Bondarev's linked in page:


Which produces this

And there's no archive on www.archive.org

So, there's no way to confirm it's true that I've found and it probably isn't. Looks like another Ghost of Kiev story. There's literally no excuse not to provide proof of a claim today, and when they don't, it's safe to assume it's a lie.
11   Eric Holder   2022 May 23, 2:21pm  

richwicks says
In it they claimed to have a link to Boris Bondarev's linked in page:


Which produces this

And there's no archive on www.archive.org

Wow, they completely invented a "Russian diplomat" who apparently never even existed!

And these sneaky fucks even hacked the UN website to add the guy they invented out of the thin air to the list of members of Russian mission: https://www.ungeneva.org/en/blue-book/missions/member-states/russian-federation

Good thing Alina has caught them red-handed!
12   richwicks   2022 May 23, 2:50pm  

Eric Holder says
Wow, they completely invented a "Russian diplomat" who apparently never even existed!

And these sneaky fucks even hacked the UN website to add the guy they invented out of the thin air to the list of members of Russian mission: https://www.ungeneva.org/en/blue-book/missions/member-states/russian-federation


1) did he resign?
2) if he did resign did he resign over Ukraine? He supposedly posted on Linked In, what precisely did he say? Why wasn't it archived? Why is there not even a screenshot (easily faked.)

For all I know, he's got terrible ass cancer and 3 months to live and resigned, and the reasons he resigned (if he did) were entirely fabricated by western media. Our media has been caught lying repeatedly. Why do you keep thinking they are credible? Just because they are saying what you hope to hear?

I have no problem with our media lying, what I have a problem with is people like you who just assume THIS TIME, whatever they are claiming is true. You know better. You know what kind of media and government we have, 50 intelligence officials agreed that the Hunter Biden laptop was a product of Russian disinformation, except it wasn't.

original link

There's literally no credibility left of establishment news sources in the West. The BBC lies, NPR lies, as does PBS, The NY Times, The Washington Post, everybody. 30 years ago, when an outfit got a story wrong, everybody in the media would pounce on them, and the journalist that got the story wrong had to print a retraction and explain how they were deceived. That doesn't happen anymore. They don't even bother to acknowledge that a story was completely false. Operation Mockingbird is in effect, the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act was signed. The only thing that is left of Western "mainstream media" is propaganda.

CNN has 1 million viewers at any given moment, if every viewer spent $100 on products as a result of advertising on CNN, I'd believe that was possible that advertising was paying the salaries of everybody there, and the equipment and maintenance costs. This is a Fermi problem:


AKA - a back on the envelope estimation to see if something is POSSIBLY true - you just do a bunch of estimates and end, a few calculations, and you get within an order of magnitude of being correct. After doing such a problem, you can then find out if its worthwhile to do the REAL calculation. This doesn't pass the sniff test. CNN is being propped up in some way other than advertisers. Whose paying for it? No advertiser is spending money to lose money and CNN doesn't have anywhere near the number of viewers to be advertiser supported.
13   Eric Holder   2022 May 23, 2:59pm  

richwicks says

Eric Holder says
Wow, they completely invented a "Russian diplomat" who apparently never even existed!

And these sneaky fucks even hacked the UN website to add the guy they invented out of the thin air to the list of members of Russian mission: https://www.ungeneva.org/en/blue-book/missions/member-states/russian-federation


1) did he resign?
2) if he did resign did he resign over Ukraine? He supposedly posted on Linked In, what precisely did he say? Why wasn't it archived? Why is there not even a screenshot (easily faked.)

For all I know, he's got terrible ass cancer and 3 months to live and resigned, and the reasons h...

If he didn't resign or didn't resign over his bosses' war crimes, I'm sure he'll give a press-conference to dispel all these lies about him very soon. I mean, wouldn't anyone in his position do it?

And why the famous Russian MoFA press-secy (the one which looks like a meth whore) is quiet? She's usually very fast at countering Western lies about Mother Russia.

But at least we know he exists. Or existed. Unless Russia's MoFA participates in the hoax too.
14   Eric Holder   2022 May 23, 3:14pm  

Fake statement from a non-existing Russian diplomat:

15   richwicks   2022 May 23, 3:22pm  

Eric Holder says
If he didn't resign or didn't resign over his bosses' war crimes, I'm sure he'll give a press-conference to dispel all these lies about him very soon. I mean, wouldn't anyone in his position do it?

Maybe he did do this. The Western press wouldn't cover it.

Eric Holder says
And why the famous Russian MoFA press-secy (the one which looks like a meth whore) is quiet? She's usually very fast at countering Western lies about Mother Russia.

Qaddafi publicly stated that the US was lying about the "humanitarian crisis he was about to cause".

Assad publicly stated that the US was lying about him "using chemical weapons".

Hussein publicly denied he had a secret covert weapons of mass destruction program.

Putin had repeatedly denied that he's trying to restore the USSR or that he had anything do do with the (supposed) poisoning of the Skripal's.

What's the point? US media won't cover it. What outlet do you suggest that Boris Bondarev go to? RT is banned, Sputnik is banned, western media won't cover it. Twitter will delete posts. Youtube will delete videos.

I don't understand why you assume what is reported in the western press is true at this point. How much do they have to lie to you? I'm frankly surprised at how gullible Americans and Westerners are at this point. Do you really think they have any credibility at all? It's just unimaginable to me at this point. You cite compulsive liars and you still believe them. Hey, find that weapons of mass destruction program yet? Why do you believe them at this point?

At least you can have faith in the Ghost of Kyiv. Right? They'd never blatantly lie to you, right?
16   richwicks   2022 May 23, 3:26pm  

Eric Holder says

Yep, it's probably false.

It's not even written in Cyrillic. It's in fucking English.

Just like Bana al-Abed, the supposed 7 year old in Aleppo that could ONLY write in English during the destruction of Aleppo who got onto Twitter EVERY SINGLE DAY, was offered rescue for her and her family (which she declined), and couldn't write in Arabic.

Right, our intelligence agencies would fabricate that, but they couldn't POSSIBLY write up a document on MS Word, print it out, and photograph it.

And read the statement. "Russia no longer has allies"? Everybody has sided with them except Northern America, Western Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. Pakistan and India are in agreement with supporting Russia.

And where is the source? You have an image, where the fuck did it come from? Your asshole? Where's the fucking link? Jesus Chris, are you a fucking intelligence shithead asshole? Are you a paid for pro-war whore cunt propagandist traitor? Where's the fucking link? I've legitimately run into propagandists before, what the fuck is wrong with them? Are they sociopaths? Are they morons desperate for a paycheck? These mother fuckers will promote wars that will kill MILLIONS for $40,000 a year, $20 an hour. They are the lowest subhuman life on this planet.
17   mostly reader   2022 May 23, 6:23pm  

richwicks says
It's in fucking English.
And then you use that potty mouth how? Have some respect for your (alleged) mother tongue.

I'll explain. Unlike you, Bondarev have mastered at least 2 languages. He can chose which one to use, and this is a public statement intended for external consumption. That makes English appropriate. I'd say, it makes it preferred.

richwicks says
and couldn't write in Arabic.
Prove it. Prove that the author of the tweets couldn't write in Arabic. Give links to where you think it was exposed, and provide quotes.
18   richwicks   2022 May 23, 6:47pm  

mostly reader says
richwicks says
It's in fucking English.
And then you use that potty mouth how? Have some respect for your (alleged) mother tongue.

Show me your sources, or shut up. Propagandists have a plethora of "information" and no sources. This is what Hasbera does.

mostly reader says
I'll explain. Unlike you, Bondarev have mastered at least 2 languages. He can chose which one to use, and this is a public statement. That makes English appropriate. I'd say, it makes it preferred.

It's unlikely he would be appealing to English speakers rather than Russian speakers if he had a conflict of morality. He'd be begging the Russians to end this war, not demonizing his own nation.

mostly reader says
richwicks says
and couldn't write in Arabic.
Prove it. Prove that the author of the tweets couldn't write in Arabic.


There's an example.


Here, read the talk on her on Wikipedia:



I'm an expert in digital communication systems. There's no way that if a city is bombed to the extent that water and food are difficult to procure, the INTERNET communication system would still somehow work. Phones wouldn't even work, and I mean landlines which are far more reliable than cell phones.

She was obviously a construct. Remember this is what we have today:


That's an AI creating that image. It's shown to demonstrate the ability of a graphics card and an AI algorithm. The Syrian war was started by Obama in 2014.

But really, I've long ago concluded it's pointless to talk to you. You're either mindless or a propagandist, it's the same thing. You'll promote a concept and an idea, but you will never change your mind, you'll never demonstrate the ability to think.
19   mostly reader   2022 May 23, 7:31pm  

richwicks says
Show me your sources, or shut up
Sources of what?? My statement was that in this case using English would be appropriate (explaining to the slow-witted that English is not a red flag) You want a source for that?

The pattern doesn't fail: you are dodging the question, covering it up with piles of BS. Luckily, I have patience of a saint, so I'll repeat:

mostly reader says
Prove that the author of the tweets couldn't write in Arabic. Give links to where you think it was exposed, and provide quotes.
Link(s) and quote(s) please
20   richwicks   2022 May 23, 7:43pm  

mostly reader says
richwicks says
Show me your sources, or shut up
Sources of what??

Oh my fucking god.

Look, I don't want to hear from mainstream bullshit propaganda, unless it has original sources.

You have been entirely worthless for me to converse with. A complete waste of time. You are a belligerent opinionated empty mind. If I can't find out how you think I have to conclude you don't think at all. I've given you AMPLE opportunity to explain your position and why you hold such a position. I get insulted by your (that's fine!) and that's it.

I don't think you're worth talking with. You're either a propagandist or a victim of it on a mission, the perfect victim from the propagandist's point of view. In either case, you have nothing to teach me. You can scream and protest I'm wrong, but you can't demonstrate it, and you can scream and protest you're correct, but even you don't understand your own position. Propagandists promote propaganda, that's their job. They aren't paid to think, and their victims are puppets of them.

You're one or the other. All you are able to do is scream at me, tell me I'm evil, I'm stupid, I kiss Putin's asshole, but you can't explain how I'm wrong. You don't think - I have given you over 3 months to demonstrate your ability to show you can think, and have come up with nothing. You're just insulting, and that's it. Your opinion is not your opinion. Either it's from a script or you just a absorb it like an NPC. NPC's aren't just on the left. You're a government servant, paid or not.
21   mostly reader   2022 May 23, 7:45pm  

richwicks says
I have given you over 3 months to demonstrate your ability to show you can think

Sweetheart, you can't give what you don't have.

Your tantrums are so cute. No response, no explanation, no quote. Just the shit that you've picked up on RT or related.
22   richwicks   2022 May 23, 7:56pm  

mostly reader says


You expect me to take you seriously with that?

When you stated that Victoria Nuland's conversation with Geoffrey Pyatt picking out Arseniy Yatseniuk as the next leader of Ukraine, nearly 3 weeks before the "revolution" I concluded either you have levels of cognitive dissonance I've never experienced, or you're lying.

If you're a propagandist, you could teach me but won't ever do it, if you're a believer in this nonsense, it's astounding. I have a hard time imagining somebody like you (pretend to be) can actually exist. It's very difficult to imagine it. I don't see how it's possible for somebody interested in this subject to be able to operate in this society with such conflicted thinking, I can't imagine it. If the state tells you that 2+2=5 or that 2+2=3, you'll actually believe it, you won't just go along to get along, you believe it. You're
Winston Smith after being tortured.

In any case, it's worthless to spend my time trying to understand either you BS thinking, our your insanity. It's one or the other. Either you're paid produce this nonsense, or you're literally insane. Either way, communication is pointless.
23   mostly reader   2022 May 23, 8:00pm  

richwicks says
When you stated that Victoria Nuland's conversation with Geoffrey Pyatt picking out Arseniy Yatseniuk as the next leader of Ukraine, nearly 3 weeks before the "revolution"

You lie. Again. It wasn't "3 weeks before". The revolution was well under way, for at least several months. You still have trouble with that timeline.

24   richwicks   2022 May 23, 8:03pm  

mostly reader says
richwicks says
When you stated that Victoria Nuland's conversation with Geoffrey Pyatt picking out Arseniy Yatseniuk as the next leader of Ukraine, nearly 3 weeks before the "revolution"

You lie. Again. It wasn't "3 weeks before". The revolution was well under way, for at least several months. You still have trouble with that timeline.

The only possible way that the United States could predict the next leader of Ukraine before Viktor Yanukovych was removed is if the US installed that leader.

Again, I can't believe you really have this level of cognitive dissonance. I can't believe a person like you really exists. I think you're a propagandist, or, perhaps I don't understand how insane a person can be made. I just don't think Winston Smith can exist. Smith was reduced to a machine. I can't believe machines are naturally occurring or even can be created.
25   mostly reader   2022 May 23, 8:04pm  

richwicks says
Again, I can't believe you really have this level of cognitive dissonance.

Meds might help. Stay strong. Your dedication to finding truth has my blessing.
26   richwicks   2022 May 23, 8:05pm  

mostly reader says
richwicks says
Again, I can't believe you really have this level of cognitive dissonance.

Meds might help.

Again, another stupid insult.

Have you noticed I've not engaged in them? I don't believe your expressed thoughts can truly be your actual thoughts. I can't believe that propaganda works this well.
27   mostly reader   2022 May 23, 8:14pm  

Here's coherent thought: A is 2, B is 3, therefore A+B is 5. Here's an incoherent thought: US installed the leader therefore US overthrew the government. Because, see, in example one you can get from first point to the last. In example two there's a gap (in case of Ukraine that gap is few months and gazilion of events long) I don't even care to discuss if US installed Ukrainian government because that's not the main propaganda point that you are spreading all over the place. Your main propaganda point is about overthrowing the government. For which there's zero proof. However, there is a lot of circumstantial proof to the opposite, which doesn't reduce your enthusiasm.

Meds. Only meds.
28   richwicks   2022 May 23, 8:14pm  

Let's see if I can't reconstruct this:

mostly reader says
richwicks says
mostly reader says
richwicks says
When you stated that Victoria Nuland's conversation with Geoffrey Pyatt picking out Arseniy Yatseniuk as the next leader of Ukraine, nearly 3 weeks before the "revolution"

You lie. Again. It wasn't "3 weeks before". The revolution was well under way, for at least several months. You still have trouble with that timeline.

The only possible way that the United States could predict the next leader of Ukraine before Viktor Yanukovych was removed is if the US installed that leader.

Again, I can't believe you really have this level of cognitive dissonance.

Meds might help. Stay strong. Your dedication to finding truth has my blessing.

I really can't believe you're for real. It's impossible for me to believe you're being honest, and if you are being honest in your opinions, I think you must be literally insane.
29   mostly reader   2022 May 23, 8:16pm  

I'm very much for real. So for real that I'll repeat myself:

mostly reader says
Here's coherent thought: A is 2, B is 3, therefore A+B is 5. Here's an incoherent thought: US installed the leader therefore US overthrew the government. Because, see, in example one you can get from first point to the last. In example two there's a gap (in case of Ukraine that gap is few months and gazilion of events long) I don't even care to discuss if US installed Ukrainian government because that's not the main propaganda point that you are spreading all over the place. Your main propaganda point is about overthrowing the government. For which there's zero proof. However, there is a lot of circumstantial proof to the opposite, which doesn't reduce your enthusiasm.

Meds. Only meds.
30   richwicks   2022 May 23, 8:18pm  

mostly reader says

I'm very much for real. So for real that I'll repeat myself:

mostly reader says
Here's coherent thought: A is 2, B is 3, therefore A+B is 5. Here's an incoherent thought: US installed the leader therefore US overthrew the government. Because, see, in example one you can get from first point to the last. In example two there's a gap (in case of Ukraine that gap is few months and gazilion of events long) I don't even care to discuss if US installed Ukrainian government because that's not the main propaganda point that you are spreading all over the place. Your main propaganda point is about overthrowing the government. For which there's zero proof. However, there is a lot of circumstantial proof to the opposite, which doesn't reduce your enthusiasm.

Meds. Only meds.

This is nonsense. Many people have said I'm overly patient with you, that you're a troll, etc.

I want to talk to you. I've broken propagandists, and trolls as well. Can you be honest? Are you willing to do this?

mostly reader says
For which there's zero proof.

...except Victoria Nuland picked him out on a tapped phone call with Geoffrey Pyatt nearly 3 weeks before Viktor Yanukovych fled.

But beyond that, no evidence, besides that hard, absolute, unassailable evidence.

I can't believe anybody can have this level of cognitive dissonance.
31   mostly reader   2022 May 23, 8:23pm  

richwicks says
I've broken propagandists, and trolls as well.

That's what we are doing, talking. Publicly, to boot. You substitute logic with tantrums, which doesn't fare very well.

But tell me: the last propagandist that you broke, was he under your bed? Were you off the meds at the time?
32   richwicks   2022 May 23, 8:26pm  

mostly reader says
richwicks says
I've broken propagandists, and trolls as well.

That's what we are doing, talking. Publicly, to boot. You substitute logic with tantrums, which doesn't fare very well.

You're the one saying I'm tonguing Putin's asshole. That's you. I don't degrade myself like that, you do. You substitute insults for information.

mostly reader says
But tell me: the last propagandist that you broke, was he under your bed? Were you off the meds at the time?

It was a Hasbera asset that felt badly for what he was doing. It's been a while. I have no idea where he lived. Israel subsides university study if people do this. I pulled him off from public discourse into a secure communication system because otherwise it was a threat to his scholarship.

It wasn't important he stopped lying, somebody else would have replaced him, I wanted to know what he actually thought.

Here - this is my qTox ID:


You can be entirely honest with me there. It's point to point, end to end encrypted. Skype used to be like that 15 years ago.

33   mostly reader   2022 May 23, 8:30pm  

richwicks says
You're the one saying I'm tonguing Putin's asshole.

(patting myself on the shoulder) At least you've remembered where you stand.

richwicks says
It was a Hasbera asset that felt badly for what he was doing. It's been a while. I have no idea where he lived. Israel subsides university study if people do this. I pulled him off from public discourse into a secure communication system because otherwise it was a threat to his scholarship.
Aaaaand! you don't disappoint. This is better than "under the bed".
34   richwicks   2022 May 23, 8:32pm  

mostly reader says
richwicks says
You're the one saying I'm tonguing Putin's asshole.

(patting myself on the shoulder) At least you've remembered where you stand.

Again this is absent any information which would allow me to consider I'm incorrect.

I am cognizant of you, that's hardly a complement to you.

mostly reader says
richwicks says
It was a Hasbera asset that felt badly for what he was doing. It's been a while. I have no idea where he lived. Israel subsides university study if people do this. I pulled him off from public discourse into a secure communication system because otherwise it was a threat to his scholarship.
Aaaaand! you don't disappoint. This is better than "under the bed".

You have my tox id. Don't use a phone. It's not secure. You'll have to use a personal device. If you're working to produce propaganda, all devices you have been given for this work are tapped. An AI reviews it, not a person.
35   mostly reader   2022 May 23, 8:33pm  

richwicks says
You have my tox id. Don't use a phone. It's not secure. You'll have to use a personal device.

Tsh-sh-sh-sh. It'll be our little secret. Don't tell mom.
36   mostly reader   2022 May 23, 8:35pm  

Actually, I've changed my mind. I'm up for it. My going rate is $400/h. Considering the situation, I'll take it in bitcoins.
37   richwicks   2022 May 23, 8:42pm  

mostly reader says

Actually, I've changed my mind. I'm up for it. My going rate is $400/h. Considering the situation, I'll take it in bitcoins.

I'm not that curious to talk to what I think is either

1) an insane person programmed by a propaganda machine.
2) a propagandist that is paid to say what you do.

I'm willing to talk to you on a P2P E2E encrypted system if you want to. It's genuinely difficult to believe you actually believe what you claim to believe, and I know of propaganda houses that produce this sort of nonsense on the internet to influence opinion. You may actually genuinely believe what you say, but it's difficult to believe that. We all model the world based on ourselves though, you may be extremely different from me but if you're really honestly this different, we are hardly the same species. I really cannot imagine it. You've shown no reasoning in all the time I've talked to you. I want to know if my reasoning is wrong, so I will readily share it, you protect your "reasoning" like gold - I conclude you have no reasoning, you either are reading a script or are mindlessly repeating propaganda. It's the same thing.

It seems you have no reasoning, and you aren't concerned with explaining how people are wrong, you just want to bludgeon them to accept what you are instructed for them to accept.
38   mostly reader   2022 May 23, 8:45pm  

richwicks says
I'm willing to talk to you on a P2P E2E encrypted system if you want to.

I'm fully comfortable talking in public forum. That's pleasure. The rest is work, for which you'd have to pay. So far your performance in public leaves little to anticipate in a different setting. I have enough nut cases as is, too many to also voluntarily invite them without being compensated.
39   richwicks   2022 May 23, 8:50pm  

mostly reader says

richwicks says
I'm willing to talk to you on a P2P E2E encrypted system if you want to.

I'm fully comfortable talking in public forum. That's pleasure. The rest is work, for which you'd have to pay. So far your performance in public leaves little to anticipate in a different setting.

I don't believe you're a real person. I believe either you're either a propagandist or you're a construct created by propaganda.

I have said repeatedly you've offered nothing to me in terms of thought. Propagandists change minds through psychological pressure, not through reasoning. You may be a dupe or an active propagandist. You could be a troll as well, somebody that just upsets thinking for their own enjoyment.

I enjoy propaganda. I know how it works at the source, but the trickle down, I'm still working on that.
40   mostly reader   2022 May 23, 8:55pm  

richwicks says
I don't believe you're a real person. I believe either you're either a propagandist or you're a construct created by propaganda.

I'm very real. Which you can verify for only $400. $200 actually, if you decide to cut it off within 1/2h.
41   richwicks   2022 May 23, 9:23pm  

mostly reader says
richwicks says
I don't believe you're a real person. I believe either you're either a propagandist or you're a construct created by propaganda.

I'm very real. Which you can verify for only $400. $200 actually, if you decide to cut it off within 1/2h.

But do you have any information? I've long concluded you do not.

original link

I think you're either a propagandist or a tool of propagandists. You have a way to talk to me, if you wish, but that's the ONLY way you can talk to me. I won't know who you are when (if) you connect, you can pretend to be anybody you wish. I want(ed) to work on the Tox Core protocol, but I think it's hopeless. Fixing it would break compatibility. There's quite a few fundamental flaws in implementation. I wanted to fix it at one point, but it's fundamentally flawed in the design. The design can't be repaired in my opinion, it's too complex and too broken, but the basic ideas of it were brilliant. I'm incorporating the (admittedly) amazing concepts. Many excellent ideas, just the implementation of it is awful.

The design of the protocol for communication is point to point end to end secure. No need for any servers, however they depend on distributed hash tables, the data transfers are not reliable (for no reason), the program spins (for no reason). It's a super smart concept designed by a bunch of novices in software. My trouble has always been doing NAT traversal, it's poorly explained but I cracked it, it's FAR simpler than I imagined (of course!) all the rest of it can be reduced to centralized servers for connection, and those servers can connect to one another - though probably a DHT - but tox is entirely dependent on DHT, which makes it slow to connect. I think they designed this around the original idea of Skype.

So anyhow, if you connect to me through TOX, this is what I will gravitate toward. It's an awesome concept in many ways, and just a terrible implementation.
42   RWSGFY   2022 May 24, 5:07am  

Oh noes: Peskov has confirmed that the diplomat does indeed exist, has indeed defected and is now considered the enemy of the people. But there is still hope: I looked up Peskov's LinkedIn page - and it doesn't exist! Meaning that "Peskov" person is also a figment of the Western propaganda!
43   richwicks   2022 May 24, 11:18am  


Oh noes: Peskov has confirmed that the diplomat does indeed exist, has indeed defected and is now considered the enemy of the people. But there is still hope: I looked up Peskov's LinkedIn page - and it doesn't exist! Meaning that "Peskov" person is also a figment of the Western propaganda!

Well, show links. You repeat bullshit a lot or just make shit up. Who believes anything you say?

original link
44   mostly reader   2022 May 24, 11:51am  

richwicks says
Well, show links. You repeat bullshit a lot or just make shit up. Who believes anything you say?

Have you already found links/quotes to support your claim that Bana al-Abed couldn't write in Arabic? Not meaning to derail your conversation with RWSGFY, just checking.

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