I Endorse DeSantis 2024

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2022 Jun 4, 8:19pm   41,882 views  263 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (8)   💰tip   ignore  

I put up with a lot of bad calls by Trump, defended him. But this is too much.

I will still vote for him in 2024 if he is the Candidate, but now I prefer DeSantis.

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225   Onvacation   2023 Nov 16, 5:08am  

socal2 says

DeSantis is the only politician running this cycle that has PROVEN he knows how to do the hard work and fight the deep state and fucking WIN!

DeSantis is part of the deep state.
226   socal2   2023 Nov 16, 8:26am  

Onvacation says

DeSantis is part of the deep state.

We are to believe DeSantis' entire life and legislative accomplishments were a big fake so he could get elected President - and then become Liberal like Trump and get soft on all of the hot button issues impacting our culture?

If by some miracle Trump were able to win in 2024, he will spend all his time fighting his court battles and kissing up to Liberals trying to be popular and liked again.
227   krc   2023 Nov 16, 8:37am  

socal2 says

And we will all be here on Patnet at this time next year crying about voter fraud to try and explain away our idiocy of nominating Trump again.

I just don't think that Reps can win unless Trump runs. A large segment of those who voted for Trump won't back another candidate.
It is Trump or nothing with a large segment of the populist base. And, yeah, Trump does move back and forth between right and left, but that is why he
is popular with non-traditional republicans and pulls minority voters more than any other Rep ever will.
With the voter registration in Dem favor (and growing) and spending 3:1 in $ (just look who the billionaires support), it is
already hard for a Rep to win. Without Trump - I think it is impossible. If Trump had less of an ego, he could be a king maker and have a huge influence
well into the future. But I think for him ego trumps all...

He might just be the very last Rep President ever. The Rep party is in disarray as it doesn't know what it wants to be.
All this combined with bad messaging on abortion and 2024 could be rough. Ironically, Trump may be the only one on the right who
can be flexible enough on a message that can draw wide range support - if his message is allowed out. Trump already moved toward
the left on abortion many months ago...
228   socal2   2023 Nov 16, 8:59am  

krc says

It is Trump or nothing with a large segment of the populist base. And, yeah, Trump does move back and forth between right and left, but that is why he
is popular with non-traditional republicans and pulls minority voters more than any other Rep ever will.

There are not enough black votes to make up for all the Conservatives, Moderates, Independents, Never-Trumpers and Wine Moms Trump has lost forever.

If we have to win the black vote by Trump kissing up to Kanye and the Kardashians, emptying our prisons and causing massive crime nationwide - count me out.

krc says

He might just be the very last Rep President ever. The Rep party is in disarray as it doesn't know what it wants to be.

People were saying the same thing about Florida just a few years ago. "The State has too many Liberal New Yorkers and Hispanics - it will be permanently Blue!"

We have a successful blueprint with DeSantis.

Trump will be nothing but more disarray while Democrats run laps around us.

After the Biden/Democrat catastrophe, 2024 should be the easiest layup for Republicans in history. But we are retarded and are going to nominate the one guy that is about as unpopular at Biden!
229   krc   2023 Nov 16, 9:33am  

socal2 says

There are not enough black votes to make up for all the Conservatives, Moderates, Independents, Never-Trumpers and Wine Moms Trump has lost forever.

First, elections are very very close - particularly in the battlegrounds - so every vote can make a difference. And, stuff that Trump did to attract minority voters was conservative: work is good, illegal immigration is bad. I think you believe that minority voters can't change their minds if there is an attractive position and move to the right and I disagree. Polling shows black males in particular are attracted to Trump's message. His modifications around incarceration were generally principled.

And, I see the opposite in my area. If Trump doesn't run, I know many will simply not show up to the polls. If you are a conservative and can't back Trump because he is not a full fledged member of the outsourcing/send jobs overseas to increase stock price party, or you are a conservative business relying on cross border migrant work, or your "religion" would say that Trump is not a "good person"- well - that is exactly why the Rep party is split. Trump moved the Party to populist positions that the general traditional old line Rep community wouldn't support.

socal2 says

We have a successful blueprint with DeSantis.

First, DeSantis will never be president as he is far too short. He lacks charisma. And, frankly, he hasn't really differentiated himself from Trump in any meaningful way that sticks. He is not building a great national party agenda either - he is focused on FL which is fine. He is very effective and organized, but it takes more than that to lead nationally. That said, if trump bowed out, not sure if there is another Rep who can run besides DeSantis. Vivek gets headlines, but not sure he appeals generally.
230   krc   2023 Nov 16, 9:59am  

I do disagree btw with previous commentators that FL hasn't built a strong Rep bench. If you look at statewide office, senators, etc... they are all Rep in FL. They haven't quite locked out Democrats to the level that the Dems have done to Reps in CA, but they are on track if they can close the deal and pass more laws that destroy the oppositions ability to counterattack, run for office, etc.... Now that Reps have Supermajority in the legislature, they should start preventing the Dems from organizing effectively. Pass laws that are a thorn in Dems get out the vote plans, etc... The need to copy what the Dems did in CA and assure themselves full control well into the future. And ignore the media shills that say any laws by the supermajority should be struck down etc. Ironic the media only cares about supermajorities for Rep states but are fine with CA Dem supermajority.
231   socal2   2023 Nov 16, 10:21am  

krc says

And, stuff that Trump did to attract minority voters was conservative: work is good, illegal immigration is bad.

Emptying our prisons with the "First Step Act" was not great and helped drive (along with Trump's lockdown policies) the record crime rate we have seen in recent years. Trump presided over all the BLM/George Floyd riots too. Whatever Trump is doing with the black vote, is not resulting in winning elections or safer streets.

krc says

If Trump doesn't run, I know many will simply not show up to the polls. If you are a conservative and can't back Trump because he is not a full fledged member of the outsourcing/send jobs overseas to increase stock price party,

I have said repeatedly that I will crawl over broken glass to vote for Trump (or any Candidate) who gets nominated by the Republicans, because the Democrats are that bad.

If Trumpers can't vote for a guy like DeSantis (Trump's only real competition who is 10X more successful, principled and Conservative than Trump) than they aren't Conservative at all.

krc says

First, DeSantis will never be president as he is far too short. He lacks charisma. And, frankly, he hasn't really differentiated himself from Trump in any meaningful way that sticks.

DeSantis has totally differentiated himself from Trump by actually being SUCCESSFUL in governing and winning elections.

Virtually all of the good things Trump did (and there were many) were by Executive Order and were easily erased within the first month of the Biden Administration. America is more fucked today than we were before Trump's 4 years in office. Can you name any lasting achievements from Trump's administration?

Trump has no experienced staff or operators and will once again get rolled by the Deep State and Bureaucracy while he continues to fight all the legal battles from his first terms by not having the team and experience to deal with Liberals who have weaponized government against Conservatives.
232   RayAmerica   2023 Nov 16, 10:28am  

socal2 says

DeSantis has totally differentiated himself from Trump by actually being SUCCESSFUL in governing and winning elections.

Since when does that matter when it comes to politics in America?

Case in point: Barack Hussein Obama. What were his accomplishments prior to being elected POTUS? There were none. But he proclaimed "enough is enough,' 'hope and change,' blah, blah, blah and won another term after his disastrous train wreck of a first term. (Of course the GOP ran two garbage candidates, which certainly played a major role in Obama's success.)

DeSantis appears to have been a very good governor, but the guy is so stiff and boring he's enough to put you to sleep. Videos of his performances so far in the debates could be used for torture.
233   socal2   2023 Nov 16, 11:00am  

RayAmerica says

DeSantis appears to have been a very good governor, but the guy is so stiff and boring he's enough to put you to sleep. Videos of his performances so far in the debates could be used for torture.

It is clear some want an entertainer clown, more drama and get nothing done. As much as I loved Trump "owning the Libs" we have nothing to show for it 7 years later other than a country that is worse off than it was in 2016.

Tired of the lame celebrity worship we see in Trump supporters. "Trump is going to win over the LGBTQ's since he is nice to Bruce Jenner!" "Trump is going to win the UAW vote because he is nice to unions!" "Trump is going to win the black vote because Trump emptied the jails!"

I want a guy that is cold, calculated and SUCCESSFUL in getting Conservative policies enacted in our government without selling out to Liberals and celebrities. DeSantis has proved that in spades picking (and winning) high profile fights with Corporations and entrenched government bureaucracy despite people claiming he has no charisma.

I want the guy that has the ability to serve 8 years and not be a lame duck when first elected and tied up with tons of litigation that will distract them from serving the people that elected him.

I want a guy that is not one Big Mac away from having a heart attack and dying in his 80's. Trump is certainly mentally and physically sharper than Biden, but Trump lost both of his siblings in recent years and he is not a paragon of health.
234   Onvacation   2023 Nov 16, 11:28am  

socal2 says

We are to believe DeSantis' entire life and legislative accomplishments were a big fake so he could get elected President

I don't believe that. I do believe that DeSantis was a lawyer at Guantanamo and has deep links to the intelligence agencies.

235   Onvacation   2023 Nov 16, 11:34am  

socal2 says

count me out.

Already have...
236   socal2   2023 Nov 16, 1:00pm  

Onvacation says

I don't believe that. I do believe that DeSantis was a lawyer at Guantanamo and has deep links to the intelligence agencies.

Trump's MAGA fanclub is now shitting on the US military for being too mean to Islamists.
237   krc   2023 Nov 16, 3:05pm  

socal2 says

Trump has no experienced staff or operators and will once again get rolled by the Deep State and Bureaucracy while he continues to fight all the legal battles from his first terms by not having the team and experience to deal with Liberals who have weaponized government against Conservatives.

That is very true, but at least this time his team is correcting that by getting experienced feds and others from NGOs listing themselves as willing to serve. Then, ideally, they have a go-to list. Maybe that will help - if elected.
238   krc   2023 Nov 16, 3:25pm  

socal2 says

Virtually all of the good things Trump did (and there were many) were by Executive Order and were easily erased within the first month of the Biden Administration. America is more fucked today than we were before Trump's 4 years in office. Can you name any lasting achievements from Trump's administration?

Yes, once the house was lost in the midterm he was pretty powerless. And he lost because of the russia-gate BS and because of the distaste from the run-of-the-mill country club Rep. And, yeah, Trump is conservative on some issues but willing to compromise on others. And, come on, even conservatives realize that police and others had enormous power that led to abuse. I personally went through an issue with an overzealous cop in WA, and it was a nightmare.

Lasting achievements - Supreme court, DOE letter protecting men from witch-hunt courts on university campuses ( overturned by Biden), focusing on China as a clear and present danger (Dems again copying), etc.. And obviously anytime the opposition comes into power with both exec and legislative branches any previous admin changes are undone. That is just how politics work. Can't help it if the right let the Dems steal 2020 in so many ways - the bigger steals were even before the actual election. All the couch surfing conservatives simply talking and not working are certainly frustrating everyone.
239   RWSGFY   2023 Nov 16, 3:33pm  

socal2 says

Onvacation says

I don't believe that. I do believe that DeSantis was a lawyer at Guantanamo and has deep links to the intelligence agencies.

Trump's MAGA fanclub is now shitting on the US military for being too mean to Islamists.

This is the idiocy of "always 100% opposing everything the other side does or supports, principles be damned!" on full display. Trump was super-mean to Islamonazis (ask Gen. Salami or ISIS), but since it's Sleepy Joe who's doing them the boo-boos now WE CAN'T HAVE THAT!!!
240   Onvacation   2023 Nov 16, 5:08pm  

It's probably pretty hard not to be part of the deep-state and hold high office. It's pretty obvious a lot of politicians are extremely corrupt and are enriching themselves by selling out America.

Trump may be deep state as well. He did some good things but much was just political theatre. He could have easily done some things he didn't.

I don't think Trump is deep state. I think he was originally cast to lose to Hilary and then he would settle down to a job like mayor or governor of New York, or maybe just go back to reality shows. But he won! He exposed how deep the swamp really is. He started a movement that MUST live beyond him, but for now he is our leader with the best chance to MAGA.

It's going to be a fun year. The political theatre is lit!
241   socal2   2023 Nov 27, 2:22pm  

We have the DeSantis/Newsom debate later this week.

Imagine having a big bright line General Election between these two debating substantive and meaningful topics that impact our everyday lives like immigration, law enforcement, taxes, education and culture.....and COVID

Instead, we will be exposed to another polarizing clown show of two old octogenarians that the majority of the country already hates and have made up their minds on.

Democrats love it because they KNOW they have no success to run on and people are fleeing Blue States to Red States by the droves. Democrats can only run on the fear and hatred of Trump.

242   Tenpoundbass   2023 Nov 27, 2:27pm  

Rona is just proving herself as unfit for office. This should never be allowed, DeSantis is polling lower than anyone. Trump has the nomination, the only way any of them thinks they stand a chance is if Trump gets incarcerated. Which is why the RINOs are colluding with the Commies, to have the Trump witch hunt trials right as the primary season starts, and it's too late for a MAGA replacement.

Newsome hasn't even officially entered the race, or filed for it. Has anyone forgot the trouble Kid Rock got into to teasing a run for office, and printing up political schwag, while not officially running? Again one sided rules for thee, but not for Stalin.
243   Eric Holder   2023 Nov 27, 2:28pm  

Tenpoundbass says

the only way any of them thinks they stand a chance is if Trump gets incarcerated.

Um, no: incarceration does not legally prevent anyone from running and being elected.
244   Tenpoundbass   2023 Nov 27, 2:36pm  

Eric Holder says

Um, no: incarceration does not legally prevent anyone from running and being elected.

Yeah but Liberals makes up rules as obstacles present themselves.
Just like they said there was no 25th amendment and used it as the base of their J6 persecution and Trump impeachment witch hunt.
Then when they got in office, the first order of business in 2021 was repealing the 25th that they said didn't exist.
245   Eric Holder   2023 Nov 27, 2:39pm  

Tenpoundbass says

Then when they got in office, the first order of business in 2021 was repealing the 25th that they said didn't exist.

They repealed exactly diddly squat. As in nada. Zilch.
246   socal2   2023 Nov 27, 2:53pm  

Tenpoundbass says

Rona is just proving herself as unfit for office. This should never be allowed, DeSantis is polling lower than anyone.

Yes - Rona is unfit for office. Too bad Trump was her major supporter, knowing she is useless other than running interference for Trump while Republicans were losing easy elections around the country and wasting donor money fighting Trump's legal persecution.

National primary polls mean jack shit right now. But DeSantis is clearly in the #2 position and has a good chance of winning Iowa.

It would have been nice to see if Trump can stand on a debate stage and defend is record against Conservative critiques from DeSantis. But that won't happen because the Deep State doesn't want to damage Trump too bad before he can lock up the nomination. Last debate I remember of Trump was the shit show against Biden where they just screamed over each other while Trump was looking like shit with COVID. I am sure he looks even fresher 4 years later!

I imagine 2 basement campaigns between Trump and Biden in the General. No debates on ideas or evaluation of Biden's awful record. Just more bullshit re-litigating 2020 and Republicans will likely lose another easy layup election.
247   RWSGFY   2023 Nov 27, 3:46pm  

Sadly it does look like another basement election is upon us.
248   socal2   2023 Nov 27, 3:59pm  


Sadly it does look like another basement election is upon us.

What can I say, we are the Stupid Party who thinks 2024 will be like 2016 and that Democrats will be foolish enough to run someone as unpopular as Hillary or Biden. Lots of MAGA hopium looking at worthless national polls against Biden a year out.

My Liberal in-laws are very worried about Biden and totally believe he will step down for health reasons and are totally stoked to vote for anyone not Trump.
249   Onvacation   2023 Nov 27, 4:46pm  

socal2 says

What can I say, we are the Stupid Party

Republican? Trump hating Pence type Republican? What party is the stupid party you are in?

Used to call myself a Libertarian but their party sucks. I now identify as an independent American who is sick of all the corruption, warfare, and destruction of our great country.
250   socal2   2023 Nov 27, 5:17pm  

Onvacation says

Republican? Trump hating Pence type Republican? What party is the stupid party you are in?

I voted for Trump and will vote for him again if he is the nominee. Any Conservative or Libertarian (even a JEB!) is better than any Democrat running including fucking RFK.

I'm afraid that if Trump were to somehow pull out another miracle, he will be worse than Schwarzenegger turning into a Liberal squish like Arnold did after he got whipped by the Unions during his first proposition fight in California. Trump will be a New York Liberal spending the entire 4 years trying to kiss up to the Mainstream Media and Democrats to burnish his legacy while Conservatives and MAGA will get the shaft. It's not like Trump hasn't dumped and abandoned numerous allies and supporters over the years. There is no guiding principle or loyalty beyond Trump. It's just Trump and his family. You can already see it in Trump's messaging going after Conservatives and saying nice things about Hillary and Newsom in the past few months.
251   socal2   2023 Dec 1, 9:40am  

No surprise that I am a DeSantis fan.

But as a Californian, it was very enjoyable to watch DeSantis just mop the floor and slap our smugly Governor all over the place. It wasn't even close. Gavin has never faced that level of scrutiny being so used to fawning press carrying his water. Honestly can't believe Newsome agreed to this debate. He got absolutely clobbered.

Meanwhile, Trump world grifters like Laura Loomer were busy defending Gavin and making more left wing attacks against DeSantis.
252   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Dec 20, 3:27pm  

He just slit his political throat:

253   HeadSet   2023 Dec 20, 7:48pm  

Moot point anyway if the Colorado Republican Party goes through with having a caucus instead of a primary if Trump is not on the ballot.
254   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Dec 21, 10:37am  

HeadSet says

Moot point anyway if the Colorado Republican Party goes through with having a caucus instead of a primary if Trump is not on the ballot.

Not really. Because ppl outside of CO won't really know.
255   socal2   2023 Dec 21, 1:13pm  

PumpingRedheads says

He just slit his political throat:

Cry baby MAGA taking a break from sucking up to Disney, Bud Light, BLM, Trannies, Gavin Newsom and Hillary Clinton to complain about DeSantis not bowing down to Trump in the primary?

Did DeSantis try to get Trump disqualified like Trump's Super PAC tried to get DeSantis disqualified earlier this year?

MAGA likes to throw all kinds of punches and low blows, but shriek like hypocritical Democrat women if they are not shown sufficient fealty.


256   socal2   2023 Dec 21, 1:31pm  

Even though the Colorado Supreme Court is totally corrupt and insane to try and get Trump removed off the ballot, sadly - the majority of Americans are happy about it.

The reality is that Biden won't be running next year and Trump is still one of the most unpopular people in America that will motivate millions to vote against him.

It is not fair, but it is the reality we live in. Trump remains deeply unpopular and is losing more Conservatives like me with his dopey Leftwing attacks on DeSantis.

Yet - knowing all this, we are still sleepwalking into oblivion nominating Trump again. Democrats and the Media are playing us like a fiddle knowing that Trump's popularity would go up with Republican primary voters with every B.S. indictment.

We will all be here in 2024 wondering how Trump lost just like Trump's picks of Dr. Oz and Herschel Walker lost badly and costing us the Senate in 2022.

257   Onvacation   2023 Dec 21, 1:49pm  

socal2 says

more Conservatives like me

Define conservative?
socal2 says

We will all be here in 2024 wondering how Trump lost just like Trump's picks of Dr. Oz and Herschel Walker lost badly and costing us the Senate in 2022.

Some of us know that Democrats cheat.
258   Onvacation   2023 Dec 21, 1:50pm  

Top Democrats

259   socal2   2023 Dec 21, 3:54pm  

Onvacation says

Some of us know that Democrats cheat.

Of course they do.

But if it is not close, they can't cheat.

We need to run someone who can win by a decent margin and knows how to run a ground game organization. DeSantis just did that quite handedly in Florida while many Trump candidates flamed out.
260   Onvacation   2023 Dec 21, 5:45pm  

socal2 says

many Trump candidates flamed out.

Flamed out? Or cheated?
261   Patrick   2023 Dec 21, 8:09pm  

socal2 says

Even though the Colorado Supreme Court is totally corrupt and insane to try and get Trump removed off the ballot, sadly - the majority of Americans are happy about it.

One thing I learned from Trump's first election in 2016 was the polls are very wrong. Apparently they are just another tool used to manipulate the public, and not to read the pubic.
262   WookieMan   2023 Dec 21, 8:15pm  

Patrick says

socal2 says

Even though the Colorado Supreme Court is totally corrupt and insane to try and get Trump removed off the ballot, sadly - the majority of Americans are happy about it.

One thing I learned from Trump's first election in 2016 was the polls are very wrong. Apparently they are just another tool used to manipulate the public, and not to read the pubic.

You said pubic.... lol. Joking aside polls are shit. I think they're getting worse as well. I actually don't understand why we need or want them. By default it's manipulation of the voter. Follow the crowd type mindset. Pick your pony and don't rely on other bull shit propaganda.

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