by GNL ➕follow (0) 💰tip ignore
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What does this mean for markets in the short-term? No one knows, but I doubt this is “the big one.” Sure, the repo market is flashing red sirens. But the run on repo can be stalled in one of two ways: (1) banks raise new equity capital, or (2) the Fed injects more dollars into the system.
But, as usual, the Fed will almost certainly do what it always does—stem the run by injecting cash into the system in various ways, thereby socializing losses among all US dollar holders.
This is what happened with the ‘repocalypse’ of September 2019: interest rates spiked to 10.5% in a matter of hours, panic broke out affecting futures, options, currencies, and other markets where traders bet by borrowing from repos.
If I remember correctly, there was an interbank overnight lending crisis in 2019.
You start an "investment company" where you raise money in the short-term lending market by providing collateral that you do not own outright, and invest the money in higher yielding assets. Eventually this fraud gets so out of control that institutions do not trust the collateral claims of other institutions ("the music stops"), and so the Fed prints trillions of dollars to inject into the system, debasing the dollar. Oh, and as an executive of said company, you are paid handsomely.
Did people profit handsomely from this issue? Is there a victim? As in, who ultimately pays for this mistake?
An Antidote to Corporate Media
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