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Thomas Massie
Jul 30
There’s a reason you never see a Communist, a Marxist, or even a Socialist politician support the right of common people to keep and bear arms:
Those forms of government require more submission to the state than armed citizens would tolerate.
Thomas Massie
Aug 1
At the beginning of COVID, hospitals, some pharma, and insurance companies got a big favor from the federal government.
The President invoked the PREP Act, which means nobody can sue if they are negligently injured by EUA COVID vaccines, COVID treatments, or COVID testing.
If you believe there’s nothing sketchy about the pharma.gov COVID “vaccine” program, ponder this:
Nearly one year after FDA approval, why haven’t FDA approved versions of the vaccine been made available?
Thomas Massie
Democrats want to take guns away from law-abiding citizens, and arm federal agencies with what they call "weapons of war."
On whom are they planning to wage war?
I am cosponsoring @RepMattGaetz's HR 8268 to prohibit the IRS from acquiring ammunition.
Thomas Massie
.@CDCgov is quietly deleting misleading information from their website
The following statement was removed from their website between July 16th and July 22nd:
“The mRNA and the spike protein do not last long in the body.”
Thomas Massie
Aug 1
At the beginning of COVID, hospitals, some pharma, and insurance companies got a big favor from the federal government.
The President invoked the PREP Act, which means nobody can sue if they are negligently injured by EUA COVID vaccines, COVID treatments, or COVID testing.
If you believe there’s nothing sketchy about the pharma.gov COVID “vaccine” program, ponder this:
Nearly one year after FDA approval, why haven’t FDA approved versions of the vaccine been made available?
This is why the pharma fucks are trying to get the clot shot on the pediatric vaccine schedule, because it would confer blanket immunity from liability.
Reminder: taking the shots did not meet the definition of “vaccination,” so @CDCgov changed the definition.
This was a gift to the not-real-vaccine marketeers and despots who would later force these drugs on Americans as a condition of employment, healthcare, education & travel.
History will judge you harshly if you forced or coerced people to receive the shots.
The mandates are immoral and without scientific merit.
Is would be prudent at this point to notoriously reverse your position and apologize to those you have abused.
Sep 17, 2022
Thomas Massie
If “the pandemic is over” as Biden says, then all of the President’s emergency powers predicated on a pandemic, all COVID vax mandates, the emergency powers of every governor, Emergency Use Authorizations, and the PREP act should all be voided tomorrow
If “the pandemic is over” as Biden says
Check out the disclaimer on the new menus at Beans Cafe and Bakery in Northern Kentucky! Governor @AndyBeshearKY tried to shut down this restaurant during COVID, but the owner refused to comply with his tyranny. These are the real patriots
Thomas Massie
Oct 9
You can’t possibly say you are pro-freedom and support COVID vax mandates.
In fact, if you’re an elected official and you’re not actively opposing vaccine mandates, you’re pretty much worse than useless for liberty.
Because the jab doesn’t stop spread, there is no gray area.
Thomas Massie
The incoming GOP House majority can defund every executive order. I would start with the COVID-19 vaccine mandates that are unconstitutional and illegal.
Feb. 1, 2023
On Tuesday, Congressman Thomas Massie gave a speech explaining the reasons the vaccine mandate against healthcare workers must end.
“I rise in support of this resolution because it would facilitate the passage of HR 497, the Freedom for Healthcare Workers Act,” he said. “What does that bill do? It ends the unscientific, illogical, immoral, unconstitutional, unethical vaccine mandate on healthcare workers that is predicated on lies.”
He listed the five predicates for the mandate that turned out to be lies:
1. The vaccine prevents spread
2. The vaccines don’t cause any harm
3. The mandates are scientific
4. Natural immunity should be ignored
5. Nobody’s liable for the damage the mandate can cause
As he put it, “We’re living under medical malpractice martial law right now under the PREP Act and the EUAs.”
He concluded by dropping the ultimate truth bomb. “This is the epitome of hypocrisy. Nobody in this room was mandated to take a vaccine, and we’re voting on whether we’re going to force people who want to take care of people whether they have to take the vaccine.”
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