Corruption Thread

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2022 Jul 6, 2:09pm   52,242 views  378 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (61)   💰tip   ignore  


Hawaii Senate Dem Majority Leader Gets 3 Years in Prison for Bribery

Former Senate Majority Leader J. Kalani English, 55, pleaded guilty to honest services wire fraud in February, admitting he accepted bribes from a Hawaii business owner in exchange for shaping legislation that would benefit a company involved in publicly financed cesspool conversion projects...

English “peddled the power and influence of his position as a Hawaii State Senator and Majority Leader to enrich himself and betray the trust bestowed upon him by those he was elected to serve,” U.S. prosecutors said in a sentencing memo urging the judge to send him to prison for three-and-a-half years.

The sentence, a little more than three years, must send a “stern and lasting message” that corruption of elected officials will be punished, the memo said. ...

Choy is a prolific donor, as are his immediate family members and business associates. Choy, his family members, and his employees from various companies have donated more than $356,000 to political campaigns since 2014, according to campaign finance data. Of that, Choy has contributed more than $160,000 to the elections and reelections of numerous Democrats.

Choy himself has donated to 55 campaigns — including 29 sitting lawmakers — since 2014. Money has gone to former Gov. Neil Abercrombie and current Gov. David Ige. He has most recently contributed to former Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell’s campaign for governor, and to Honolulu Mayor Rick Blangiardi’s campaign.

"Stern and lasting message" my ass. Only life in prison will do. Singapore is a much better country than the US in this way.

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156   Ceffer   2023 Mar 16, 11:27pm  

Patrick says

urusla van der bought 10 doses of the death vax for every citizen in europe after being bribed with millions of €uros by pfizer...

How do we launder bribes to politicians? Let me count the ways. Kill the people while harvesting profits from their suffering. Satan smiles.
158   Patrick   2023 Mar 20, 3:53pm  


Under the title “43-Year Secret of Sabotage: Mission to Subvert Carter is Revealed,” Peter Baker reports the eleventh-hour revelation, by Texas pol Ben Barnes (a Democrat), that, in the 1980 presidential race, Team Reagan, fearing that Jimmy Carter might somehow succeed in freeing the Americans held hostage in Iran (an “October Surprise” that would ensure his re-election), covertly—and illegally—convinced Iran to keep the hostages locked up until Election Day, by promising to arm Iran with missiles (shipped through Israel).

In fact, the hostages were held for months beyond Election Day—specifically, until January 20, 1981, when Reagan was inaugurated with much lavish pomp (by deliberate contrast with Carter’s no-frills entry into office four years earlier, he being the first new president to walk to the White House from the Capitol). The moment stirred excitement for two reasons: Reagan’s installation, and the hostages’ release just hours before. Those two events were pointedly commingled by the media, the networks cutting back and forth between the ceremonial in Washington and the hostages’ air journey home, and the print press following suit, so that the two “dramas” seemed to be related—not (of course) as they really were related, but in a way less rational, and far more flattering to Reagan’s image. When the hostages’ plane finally landed minutes after Reagan’s speech, it seemed as if they had been freed because he was now president—a propaganda masterstroke suggesting that Team Reagan had arranged that most propitious timing with the Revolutionary Guards.
159   Patrick   2023 Mar 20, 3:56pm  


How Fauci’s Wife Used NIH Role of Chief Ethicist to Bolster Her Husband’s Pandemic Policies

While Dr. Anthony Fauci gave the nation its pandemic public policy prescriptions, his wife, Christine Grady, Ph.D. — chief bioethicist at Fauci’s employer, the National Institutes of Health — provided the moral framework.

Lol, a very unethical "bioethicist".
160   Ceffer   2023 Mar 20, 4:44pm  

Patrick says

Lol, a very unethical "bioethicist".

LOL! a 'Satanic Inversion Bioethicist" Learn the ethics so you can distort them and use them for virtue signaling deceptions.
161   Patrick   2023 Mar 20, 10:44pm  


For her efforts to report injuries to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) and to educate others in her hospital system on doing the same, Physician Assistant Deborah Conrad said she was labeled an anti-vaxxer and fired from her job.

Today, the New York-based Conrad tells her story at medical freedom conferences throughout the country, the most recent being one in Mississippi where physicians, scientists, and the vaccine injured warned state lawmakers to pull the COVID-19 vaccines from the market.

Conrad told The Epoch Times she began to see early danger signals in 2021 upon the vaccine rollout, and with that, resistance among her colleagues to report on them.

“After the vaccines came out, there was this uptick in unusual symptoms, some of which I had never seen in my 20-year career,” Conrad said. “In every case, it was in somebody who had received the COVID-19 vaccine.” ...

“I was then told that by doing VAERS reports and even discussing VAERS that it was an admission that the vaccines were unsafe, so it’s contributing to vaccine hesitancy,” Conrad said.

From there, it became a “very hostile environment” that compelled her to seek legal counsel, who wrote letters to the Department of Health, the CDC, and the FDA.

“No one cared,” Conrad said. “Finally, I had had it. It was so unethical; I couldn’t take it anymore. These VAERS reports are critical to assuring these vaccines are safe for us all. I could no longer be a part of a system that is lying to the American people.”

Conrad decided to become a whistleblower, telling her story on Del Bigtree’s The Highwire, knowing, she said, that it would cost her job.

“I couldn’t remain silent, even if it meant losing my career and everything I worked for,” she said. “I was fired a few weeks later and walked out like a criminal in front of all my peers.”
162   Patrick   2023 Apr 6, 8:34pm  


A chunky cop, around 50, with a graying blonde buzzcut assigned to New Brunswick on one election day told me and the other attorneys that he was about to retire. Seated and smiling, he boasted that he had spent the past three years very actively patrolling and ticketing in that college town. He explained that his pension would be based on his final three years of wages and that, by working abundant overtime during those years, he could boost his income and thereby pad his pension. He said that he targeted college students because students loved to challenge tickets. Cops testify against those whom they ticket. They’re paid, at overtime rates, for their court time, most of which was spent waiting for their cases to be heard. He said that many cops bulked up their pensions by doing what he was doing.

It angered, but didn’t surprise, me that people charged with enforcing the law proudly gamed the system and gleefully harassed others for personal gain.
163   Patrick   2023 Apr 9, 9:31pm  


Early physician reimbursements were in line with other vaccines, though the USG interestingly paid more for the second dose. Then the payment per dose rose to $40 in March 2021

Vaccinating during a house call got you $75.50

None of this was for the benefit of the public, who were in fact greatly harmed by it and not helped at all. Made a lot of medico-whores a lot of bux though.
164   Patrick   2023 Apr 9, 9:32pm  


The incentives for doctors got much higher for a) recalcitrant patients and b) higher percentages taking a COVID shot--up to $250 per patient!!
Truly sickening and I am embarrassed for my profession by this
165   Patrick   2023 Apr 9, 9:33pm  


California dangled $350 million to increase vaccinations in its unvaxxed medicaid population on Aug. 6, 2021--right after Walensky admitted it didn't stop transmission
166   Patrick   2023 Apr 9, 9:36pm  


FOIAed email from FDA's #2 vaccine regulator to the FDA Commissioner reiterates that the Commissioner (and/or the #1 vax regulator) believed mandates of EUA vaccines were illegal

This is the proof that a bait and switch took place: FDA improperly issued a COVID vax license in order to impose mandates. This needs to be part of the litigation
168   Patrick   2023 Apr 22, 6:08pm  


and i suspect we may be dealing with an amoral few happy to set fires all over town so that the police are busy while the rob the bank.

because one thing is certain: the best way to keep you from responding to depredations and incursions into your life and livelihood is to keep you in acute distress elsewhere.

no one is paying a ton of attention to policies about internet censorship when their kid just came how from school having learned that the second law of thermodynamics is a patriarchal plot to prevent racial equality and ravage the earth with climate change so that no one can have free healthcare. cuz fascism.

the original el gato malo (who alas is no longer with us) was a savannah cat of astonishing cunning. there was nothing he loved more than ham. one day i was eating a ham sandwich in my home office. he arrived and started seeking to eat it. i told him no. so he walked over and knocked over my water bottle so it was pouring into my printer. when i jumped up to grab the bottle, he grabbed the sandwich and made his getaway.

how many times has this been done to us of late?

how many times have we been threatened on some orthogonal axis so that a prize may be grabbed from us while we are distracted?

how many times was the real fight about tightening the ratchet of control while we were fixated on some outrage or supposed safety?

i’m not sure we can possibly know and that would certainly be the desired outcome in such a system as epistemological evisceration would seem to be a feature not a bug in this product of “grand theft society” by technocratic totalitarians bent on lives of lavish legal plunder and ant farm social control.

what is the aim is to keep us too busy fighting evil clowns to cotton on?

i doubt very much that this can ever be untangled. it’s too deep, too wide, and too pervasive. it’s just everywhere and it’s a bewildering mix of a priori intent and unconscious evolved practice.

trying to parse it is a fool’s errand.

the good news is that we don’t have to because whatever the answer, the solution is the same: take power away from the state.

this is the fundamental moral case for liberty, libertarianism, and the primacy of rights and free organization. ...

the simple fact is that this is the inevitable end result of a state with the power to determine that which is bought and sold, to demand credential to allow the practice of professions, and to license everything from dogs to lemonade stands. this is what happens when liberty and property are privleges and not inalienable rights.

this is the price of “but we just need to do my special important thing to protect you!”

the wild communal incohesion and dissolution is not some failure of freedom, it’s the path to predation by plunderers.

this is not safety, it’s servitude.

and this is the mindset we need to get away from.

it’s nothing but a societal sinkhole trying to pass itself off as civilization.
169   Patrick   2023 Apr 25, 10:54am  


Why do you think pharma and defense industry are the primary ad buys? Do you think that a commercial for the new cholesterol drug makes any difference to sales for the pharmaceutical industry when it’s a doctor who has to prescribe it? Do you think Northrop Grumman makes any extra sales of weapon systems by putting ads on a news channel? No these are legal ways for the government to pass along money to news media with out it being “government funded”. Tucker pissed off the government so the government got rid of tucker.

Good point.
170   Patrick   2023 Apr 27, 9:40am  


Federal, state, and local governments provide $764.7 billion or $15,120 per pupil to fund K-12 public education.

this is in excess of $300,000 per class of 20. so, sorry, but no possible way this is an “insufficient funding” problem. the unions are skimming something like 10% of this right off the top for themselves and for kickbacks to politicians in the form of donation and PAC’s to maintain their monopoly on public funded ed. the rest is going to the sort of administrative bloat that replaces AP math with a third DEI obersturmführer with designs on proving that biology class is a form of patriarchy.
172   Patrick   2023 Apr 28, 8:35pm  

From an email list I'm on:

The Director of Women's Studies at CSUEB makes "Real Dr. Fauci" required reading, very interesting article:


"Comerford noted that as part of the $2 trillion federalCoronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act https://home.treasury.gov/policy-issues/coronavirus/about-the-cares-act ,U.S. colleges and universities https://www.ncsl.org/state-legislatures-news/details/higher-education-provisions-in-cares-act were allocated billions of dollars on the precondition that they complied with COVID-19 mandates.

In another example, she said,Yale University https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/my-day-at-yale received, in 2022 alone, $607 million from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), compared to $475 million in student tuition. Indeed, since 1998,Yale has received https://www.independent.org/news/article.asp?id=14367 $9 billion from HHS — $1 billion of which has been disbursed since 2020."
177   Patrick   2023 May 2, 12:29pm  


When Colleges Accept Golden Handcuffs from the Medical Cartel...
Rutgers has been captured ...

If you’re wondering if universities like Rutgers are willing to bite the hand that feeds them, consider Rutgers’ efforts to drive COVID policy since that time:

Rutgers Doubles Down on “Obey To Play” COVID Policies Despite Science
Rutgers has decided to continue imposing indoor mask and vaccine mandates for the fall semester citing concerns about the continued spread of the BA.5 subvariant of Omicron…
8 months ago

... You can see a thread of headlines demonstrating all the ways the university has worked to push vaccines and fight vaccine hesitancy and “misinformation” here. ...

Do we really want to trust the minds of the future to these institutions?
178   Patrick   2023 May 2, 3:02pm  


The Twitter community outed two Gen-Z shills paid to promote old-man Biden and it was beautiful to behold, my friends!

... In late 2022, Biden's campaign team connected with young social media influencers, including Harry Sisson, to draw in voters ages 18-29.

Sisson recently signed with Palette management. Palette received more than 200k from the DNC in the last 8 months.


In the past, paid actors could get away with the grift because the fAcT-cHecKers and social media were there to prop up the Democratic Party.

That doesn't work in free-speech land, where you get to be objectively analyzed by everyone under a microscope!
179   Patrick   2023 May 6, 1:08pm  

I've been listening to a podcast about ancient Greek ideas for reducing corruption.

One idea is that children should be taught virtue and to be opposed to corruption starting from an early age.

Another idea is that people with political power should be obligated to give up all their wealth in order to hold office. They would be supported by the state alone, so would have no use for bribery, as they would not be allowed to have their own money.

In a different place (Aristotle's "Politics") I read that corruption is reduced when the community all knows each other and eats together.
180   PeopleUnited   2023 May 6, 7:01pm  

Patrick says

In a different place (Aristotle's "Politics") I read that corruption is reduced when the community all knows each other and eats together.

This is very effective. It is much more desirable to lie and screw over strangers than to lie and cheat your neighbors and friends.
181   PeopleUnited   2023 May 6, 7:02pm  

Patrick says

In a different place (Aristotle's "Politics") I read that corruption is reduced when the community all knows each other and eats together.

This is very effective. It is much more desirable to lie and screw over strangers than to lie and cheat your neighbors and friends.Patrick says

One idea is that children should be taught virtue and to be opposed to corruption starting from an early age.

10 commandments anyone?
182   Patrick   2023 May 10, 9:56am  


The House Oversight Committee revealed Wednesday that more than $1 million flowed from a corrupt Romanian businessman to the Biden family while then-Vice President Joe Biden paid lip service to cleaning up corruption in the Eastern European nation.

“While Vice President Biden was lecturing Romania on anti-corruption policy, in reality he was a walking billboard for his son and family to collect money,” committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) said at a morning press conference.
188   Patrick   2023 May 30, 6:59pm  


By fall 2021, I no longer recognized New York.

It had vaccine passes and mask mandates and a crazy-eyed governor telling unvaccinated people they weren’t “listening to God and what God wants.” (Apparently God wanted New York to pay $600 million for Covid tests to one of the governor’s biggest donors, too.)
190   Patrick   2023 Jun 6, 9:30am  


Federal judge in Brook Jackson’s case covered up DoD’s Dec. 2020 knowledge of Pfizer’s clinical trial fraud, to fabricate a false timeline, to better immunize DoD from prosecution. ...

Like their historic counterparts in Hitler’s Germany, Mussolini’s Italy, Stalin’s Russia and many other mass murdering police-states, American federal judges have played a key role in maintaining and expanding the supranational covert biowarfare program run through the Trump/Azar-Biden/Becerra police-state apparatus since January 2020.
192   Patrick   2023 Jun 8, 8:39pm  


Imagine, just for a moment, for the sake of argument, that early in the COVIDcrisis it became clear that the major route of infection and transmission of SARS-CoV-2 was intranasal (but also oral and ocular infection), and that a simple nose wash (nasal lavage) with a dilute solution of stabilized Hypochlorous acid could drastically reduce the risk of disease and transmission associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Clinical endpoints which the much touted, highly promoted, and frequently mandated genetic Spike-based COVID vaccines never were able to achieve.

Surely this must be an imaginary parallel universe. There is no way that the US FDA would have blocked rather than expedited the availability of such lifesaving treatment using an inexpensive agent which is less toxic than povidone–iodine!

I am very sorry to tell you that what I am describing is not some parallel, dysfunctional universe in which the FDA has been transformed into a bootlicking sycophantic captured promoter of the commercial interests of the patented pharmaceutical industry, or yet another sordid example of the US Federal Imperial Administrative State making arbitrary and capricious decisions which have indirectly led to a large unnecessary loss of life. Unfortunately, as is often the case, both scenarios are clearly true in THIS universe.
194   Patrick   2023 Jun 11, 2:08pm  


Video (On UK Column): Money for Bad’s sake
An epidemic of fake money is just about the worst thing that can happen to a society, because it embraces the possibility of just about every other bad thing you can imagine.

JUN 11, 2023

... ‘Money is not what it used to seem to be’ is the opening line in John Waters’ most recent article, ‘Fake Money as Cluster Bomb'. He argues that money has ceased, in a sense, to be real, and has become instead a chimera. It is, in effect, a strange sort of weapon used to coerce our societies to morph into the form chosen not by the people but by bureaucrats in think tanks and international institutions.

When governments used to say, ‘There is no money, we cannot do that,’ money remained real. Now, all reality is gone and the impossible becomes possible. Political will is no longer restrained. This has a profoundly corrupting effect. ...

Waters writes that ‘smirking scoundrels’ rule over us only because of the falsity of what has replaced real money. As a result, we have a society of lies where morals are inverted. Evil has become good and black has become white. The destruction of our civilisation has become a profitable business.

John Waters concludes that there are indeed links between these three things: money, perverted desire and evil.

The Federal Reserve must be completely eliminated and we must return to physical metal silver coins by weight alone, not by "dollars" or other such fictions.
195   Patrick   2023 Jun 11, 2:11pm  


We live in an era where mainstream society does violence to language. Mainstream society assaults language to the point where words no longer have any meaning. Then they proceed to do violence to people because if words have no meaning then it becomes impossible to hold anyone to account. Examples include toxic injections described as “safe & effective”, riots described as “mostly peaceful”, and surgical castration of autistic children referred to as “gender affirming care”.

One can generally spot the captured words because they look, feel, and sound Orwellian and are usually the result of extensive market research and focus group testing by Pharma (and other corporate) public relations firms.

If we are to survive, we absolutely must take language back from the postmodernists in the mainstream media, in the three letter agencies (CDC, FDA, NIH), and in academia.

The use of these fraudulent phrases must end with us. We must refuse to ever utter them because they are lies. We must always speak the blunt truth instead:

dangerous and ineffective
violent BLM riots
sexual mutilation surgery

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