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The feds said Furlow-Smiles, who had access to company credit cards and the ability to approve invoices as part of her role at the company, “caused Facebook to pay numerous individuals,” including her friends and relatives, “for goods and services never provided to the company.”
Those individuals would later funnel kickbacks to Furlow-Smiles.
Hunter Biden Given ‘Green Light to Commit Crimes’ in Anticipation of Presidential Pardon before Father Leaves Office
Reports are beginning to emerge to suggest that Democrat President Joe Biden is planning to issue a presidential pardon for his son Hunter before he leaves office.
Such a move would explain why Biden’s weaponized Department of Justice (DOJ) appears to be rushing charges through against the first son before the 2024 election.
President Biden has repeatedly said, and the White House has likewise reiterated, that he won’t use his power of executive clemency to issue a pardon for his son.
Hunter Biden is currently facing mounting legal woes and possible time in federal prison.
Yet, not everyone believes Biden will refrain from pardoning his son eventually.
Breitbart editor-in-chief Alex Marlow thinks a pardon is inevitable.
Hunter has been given “a green light to commit all the crimes between now and November,” Marlow warns.
Reports are beginning to emerge to suggest that Democrat President Joe Biden is planning to issue a presidential pardon for his son Hunter before he leaves office.
CEOs Pay for Advanced Copies of Questions at Senate Hearings
Corporations and powerful elites facing investigations can pay lobbyists for an inside scoop, Twitter File documents show. ...
The emails show the special tips and tricks in Washington, D.C., available to those who can pay for it. When legislation that would potentially harm Twitter was set to be released, lobbyists secured an advance copy and shared it with the company. When congressional staff met to discuss technology and legal issues important to Twitter, the lobbyists shared the confidential memos with Twitter’s executives.
And when Twitter and Facebook were slated to testify in 2022 at a Senate oversight hearing concerning foreign influence and extremism on social media, the company’s lobbyists came through again.
In September 2022, about two weeks before the scheduled hearing, Michael Bopp, a former Senate aide specializing in hearing preparation and investigation response, emailed Twitter’s lobbying team. “Here is a draft set of Republican questions we have pulled together,” wrote Bopp, sharing a 16-page memo that outlined the general topic areas and specific lines of questions from the GOP members of the Senate Homeland Security Committee.
Study Calling For “Unvaccinated” People to Be Barred From Public Venues Was Authored by Pfizer Adviser
by Ethan Huff, Natural News December 30, 2023
A 2022 study out of Canada that was used as justification to impose harsh restrictions on unvaccinated people accessing public venues has been exposed as a propaganda manuscript.
Researchers Joseph Hickey, Ph.D., and Denis Rancourt, Ph.D., published their own peer-reviewed study looking at the aforementioned fraudulent one, which was authored by epidemiologist Dr. David Fisman from the University of Toronto. They found that Fisman’s mathematical models are flawed, offering no true scientific backing for the imposition of anti-unvaccinated public policy.
According to Fisman, unvaccinated people pose a disproportionate risk to vaccinated people, even though the latter are supposed to be protected against disease because of their vaccines. Fisman’s claim is flawed, of course, and there is good reason for that: the guy appears to be a Big Pharma insider.
The Defender (Children’s Health Defense) reported that Fisman has worked as an adviser to vaccine makers like Pfizer, Seqirus, AstraZeneca, and Sanofi-Pasteur. He also directly advised the Canadian government on its Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) policies and restrictions.
In speaking to reporters about his flawed study, Fisman explained that the unvaccinated should not have a choice to remain as such because they are “creating risk for those around you.”
How an unvaccinated person could ever pose any kind of threat to a vaccinated person remains unknown since the shots are supposed to provide immunity to disease. Is Fisman admitting that vaccines do nothing to protect one’s health?
Even so, the media outlets Fisman spoke to ran with his anti-unvaccinated nonsense, producing bizarre headlines like:
Salon: “Merely hanging out with unvaccinated puts the vaccinated at higher risk: study”
Forbes: “Study Shows Unvaccinated People Are At Increased Risk Of Infecting The Vaccinated”
Medscape: “My Choice? Unvaccinated Pose Outsize Risk to Vaccinated”
More than 100 other media outlets ran similarly bizarre and nonsensical headlines based on Fisman’s study while the Canadian Parliament used it as “evidence” to lock people down at home, shut down small businesses, and force the public into masking and getting “vaccinated” for COVID.
💊 CNBC ran a story yesterday headlined, “Florida wins first FDA approval to import cheaper drugs from Canada.”
With great fanfare in 2021, with media praising him as some kind of big-corporation-battling, pharma-defying revolutionary, Biden signed an executive order directing the FDA to work with states to allow importing the exact same drugs from Canada that are sold to Americans for ten times as much. Florida invested a huge amount of work “applying” with the FDA and now, three years later, the FDA has responded with a conditional approval.
It’s a Biden deal, which means don’t hold your breath.
Among a long, bizarre chain of restrictions, Florida must be the middleman. Americans are too dumb to order their own drugs from Canada. And before Florida may distribute any Canadian drugs, the Sunshine State must first send the FDA a mountain of detail on each and every drug it plans to import, to “ensure that those treatments are not counterfeit or ineffective.” Florida then has to “relabel those drugs to be consistent with FDA-approved labeling.”
Sounds like a lot of work.
There’s more. Once it starts, Florida has to submit quarterly reports to the FDA showing all the cost savings and reporting any potential safety issues, among another long list of required data. And after all that, the FDA’s approval only lets Florida import drugs for two years, and then the state must re-apply.
In other words, the FDA is making sure nobody can legally get cheap Canadian drugs. Or maybe I’m just being cynical again and the Biden plan will actually work great. Any betters out there?
Springer Nature Cureus Journal of Medical Science Violates Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Guidelines
Publisher Retracts Valid, High Quality, and Widely Read Cureus Paper Calling for Halt in COVID-19 Vaccination
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
In a stunning act of scientific censorship, a little known publication integrity staffer Tim Kersjes has retracted a manuscript authored by epidemiologist M. Nathaniel Mead, MSc, after the paper drew global attention to the Springer Nature Cureus platform with record views/reads/downloads. The paper called for a halt in COVID-19 mass vaccination based on a valid evaluation of the evidence. It topped >330,000 views/reads/downloads in a month as compared to an average Cureus-promoted paper which has only ~2700 in a year.
Kersjes raised eight points previously handled in an exhaustive peer-review process. The journal and its editors had the right to reject the paper any time during the review process. Once published, it is a violation of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Guidelines to retract paper without adequate justification.
The authors’ rebuttal to this bold and unethical action taken by the publisher is posted below so you can see the points raised and responses. Please see the publication link and download your PDF version before it is censored off the platform. The authors will proceed with publication in an alternate journal.
Our understanding of COVID-19 vaccinations and their impact on health and mortality has evolved substantially since the first vaccine rollouts. Published reports from the original randomized phase 3 trials concluded that the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines could greatly reduce COVID-19 symptoms. In the interim, problems with the methods, execution, and reporting of these pivotal trials have emerged. Re-analysis of the Pfizer trial data identified statistically significant increases in serious adverse events (SAEs) in the vaccine group. Numerous SAEs were identified following the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), including death, cancer, cardiac events, and various autoimmune, hematological, reproductive, and neurological disorders. Furthermore, these products never underwent adequate safety and toxicological testing in accordance with previously established scientific standards. Among the other major topics addressed in this narrative review are the published analyses of serious harms to humans, quality control issues and process-related impurities, mechanisms underlying adverse events (AEs), the immunologic basis for vaccine inefficacy, and concerning mortality trends based on the registrational trial data. The risk-benefit imbalance substantiated by the evidence to date contraindicates further booster injections and suggests that, at a minimum, the mRNA injections should be removed from the childhood immunization program until proper safety and toxicological studies are conducted. Federal agency approval of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines on a blanket-coverage population-wide basis had no support from an honest assessment of all relevant registrational data and commensurate consideration of risks versus benefits. Given the extensive, well-documented SAEs and unacceptably high harm-to-reward ratio, we urge governments to endorse a global moratorium on the modified mRNA products until all relevant questions pertaining to causality, residual DNA, and aberrant protein production are answered.
Keywords: autoimmune; cardiovascular; covid-19 mrna vaccines; gene therapy products; immunity; mortality; registrational trials; risk-benefit assessment; sars-cov-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus -2); serious adverse events.
you put a foot wrong and they take all your bitcoin or mire you in million dollar defenses of “process as punishment” scenarios, meanwhile the congress grows insanely rich trading short dated options on companies they regulate right before they change the laws or shower subsidies.
it rapidly becomes a grotesquerie of those who own the organs of justice passing you at 140 mph on the highway just as you get pulled over for going 67.
whatever one feels about trump, the truly relentless and unprecedented attacks on him by CIA, NSA, FBI, justice, and congress and biden/obama/clinton cronies alike is so far beyond the pale as to beggar belief. it’s past banana republic and well into farce as issue after issue turns out to be illusory, invented, or irrelevant.
meanwhile inconvenient laptops, facts, and follies are swept from the internet and the docket alike. US justice and intelligence agencies circled the wagons right before an election and lied their faces off to the american people. “the laptop is a fake” made claims about “not having had sex with that woman” look like sandbox hijinks. that was real, no fooling around, bare knuckle election interference. and no one has paid any price for it. ...
(addendum: where this gets really interesting is when factions start fighting for control over who gets to hold the reins of the capricious application of law. you saw this all over the soviet, maoist, and fascist systems. one day, you are untouchable. the next, gulag. if hunter is suddenly up on charges, you’ll know that newsom and pelosi have won.)
DOJ's motion to intervene and dismiss Brook Jackson's lawsuit v Pfizer has been filed. ...
I suggest you all re-read this a few times to truly grasp the depth of depravity outlined in the argument by the DOJ. They are stating that they know that pharmaceutical fraud has been committed, and that deaths and injuries resulted from it. They are also stating that mass death and injury are in fact fully known to the pharmaceutical regulators, and that no corrective action is required because this is consistent with the United States of America’s public health policy!
They are also stating that mass death and injury are in fact fully known to the pharmaceutical regulators, and that no corrective action is required because this is consistent with the United States of America’s public health policy!
Not coincidentally, $500 million is around the same amount Trump has in his presidential campaign account, as Judge Engoran (or anybody) could easily determine from Trump’s mandatory FEC filings.
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"Stern and lasting message" my ass. Only life in prison will do. Singapore is a much better country than the US in this way.