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In a 2022 interview, Russian dissident podcaster Konstantin Kissin pointed out to media host John Anderson that, "In Russia last year, 400 people were arrested for things they said on social media." Duh, we know... Russia bad (repeat often). Kissin is privileged to live in Britain, in the free world where, in 2021 only 3,300 people were arrested for things they said on social media. That sounds great, unless you're good at math, which, thankfully, is less and less of a problem in the free world. After all, math is racist. (here's a video of Kennesaw State University students working out that 15 x 4 = 48).
However, if we did embrace math and explored facts, Goethe's quote might strike much closer to home. For example, we might work out that in Great Britain, the cradle of western democracy, almost 17 times as many people per capita were arrested in 2021 over social media posts as in Russia! John Anderson was incredulous at what Kissin was telling him and he probed about what kind of posts could get you arrested in Britain. Kissin did offer one example. Another example recently made the news: one Michael Chadwell, a 62 year-old former Policeman earned himself a 6-month prison sentence over a meme he posted, not on social media but in a private WhatsApp group shared with former colleagues.
The meme showed a picture of multi-colored parrots and a picture of children from different ethnic groups with a question asking why diversity is celebrated in animal species and not humanity? A comment below the meme said, "Because I've never had a bike stolen out of my front yard by a parrot." Chadwell's offence was not in what he actually posted but what could be implied by it. Whatever.. good enough to give the man a six-month prison term! Thank you for your service, officer! ...
What if they’re freer than we are?
Could it be that Russia does have a respectable degree of media freedoms and that dissenting voices do get heard? Is that degree greater or lesser than what we have in the west? I don't know, but the book in which I published some of this research was banned in our free world, only 5 weeks after it was published in 2017: all it took was a letter from a US State Department lawyer to Amazon.com, and the book was disappeared (it is now only available from the RedPill Press).
Of course, I did fare much better than Julian Assange who has been rotting for years in a London dungeon, not far from where Bill Browder lives and works with various think tanks and NGOs that contrive much of the mud that is slung daily in the direction of Russia and her president by our media. Incidentally, Julian Assange has not been convicted of any crime. But whatever... we are free, Russia bad, China bad, Iran bad... We know that all this is true because our 'reputable media' told us so.
UK Covid Vaccine Investigation 'Unexpectedly' Postponed
It took less time to develop Covid Vaccines than it does to start the investigation
The hearings have been postponed to occur ‘after the general election.’ ...
Why the connection to the ‘general election’? Is that related to the incumbents’ desire to keep their elected positions, which could be threatened by the ‘vaccine inquiry’? Are there hopes that COVID vaccine skeptics like Andrew Bridgen will lose their districts?
Are they hoping the general public will forget “Covid vaccines” by then?
Will there ever be an honest official “Covid inquiry”?
London police noticed muggings were on the uptick so they did an undercover op and arrested these guys
British police had secured 21 convictions to date on a group of 31 men who have been charged with a spree of muggings and theft in the capital city, London.
All of the men are first- or second-generation immigrants.
... Here are some of the names:
Sayid Mohamed
Mohammed Hamdani
Mohamed Khadir
Isaaq Mohamud
Amin Abdelkader
Ahmed Abdi
Abdullahi Osman
Nahim Ahmed
Minhaj Hussein
Shamsi Ali
Omar Hussein
Sharmarke Ali
Abdul Azizmohamed
Yousef Garef
Damilola Odunoren
Soul Kwakye-Amgpomah
Don't go using that brain of yours now - you wouldn't want to be called a racist!
Yep, that's the Nazi party of Palestine. The hint is how "Palastina" is spelled.
Patrick says
Every place on earth same issues, people need to wake up.
And now to top it off, a businessman who is paid by the government to house asylum seekers, has been named in the Sunday Times rich list.
Last year, Graham King wasn’t anywhere in the top 350 but suddenly he has hit the 221st position with a net worth of £750 million
King’s company Clearsprings charges the government £3.5million a day to transport and house asylum seekers that reach the UK. His business made £62.5 million in profits after tax last year which was more than double the £28 million made in 2022. ...
So whilst your services are declining, the rich are getting richer.
Britain’s snap elections, called in May by now former conservative-party Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, wreaked havoc on the historic party of Margaret Thatcher and rocketed the liberal socialist labour party into equally historic control of the entire British Government by a massive margin. Corporate media is trumpeting the result as a failure of conservatism in England, and a narrative opposing the recent ascendency of the ‘far right’ in the rest of Europe. But contrary to that narrative, Labour’s winning campaign slogan was “Make Brexit Work.”
Perhaps even more tellingly, now-dominant Labour was the only major British party to oppose vaccine mandates and most of the vaccine passport rules during the pandemic. So.
The aforementioned Nigel Farage quickly spun up his new Reform Party (f/k/a the Brexit Party) after the snap elections were called, and despite that short runway, still handily won several parliamentary seats, even though he’s tried and failed to be elected to the British Parliament seven times before. Eight times was the charm, for Nigel.
One possible explanation for his new success is that, like Labour, Nigel Farage also strongly opposed vaccine mandates.
While corporate media myopically pretends to celebrate the election of a left-wing government in Britain, they have (probably intentionally) missed the gist. In yesterday’s election, voters overwhelmingly rewarded parties that had opposed jab mandates. Britain’s RINO conservative party undermined Brexit, which was bad enough, but even worse it deployed severe jab mandates and passport rules. And Boris Johnson, the pandemic Prime Minister and conservative leader, infamously partied while locking down the rest of Great Britain.
Think about that. The pandemic fallout not only continues but appears to be gathering steam.
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- almost no homeless, saw just one so far
- lots of trash though
- prices seem reasonable, a bit lower than SF, but that's because the pound is so low against the dollar
- the majority of people on the street are clearly not English; they are from everywhere else on earth
I did not know there was a Saint Chad: