Demographics Thread

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2022 Jul 22, 11:53am   18,909 views  178 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

Number of children by political affiliation.

Leftism is self-exterminating, but it will take a while, and they will continuously try to convert the children of conservatives to replenish their numbers.

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110   HeadSet   2024 Apr 8, 6:52am  

AmericanKulak says

Millennials not wanting or needing such large properties

Mini-mansions will be converted into multi-family apartments.
111   AmericanKulak   2024 Apr 8, 9:56am  

HeadSet says

Mini-mansions will be converted into multi-family apartments.

Over time; the living dwellers of mini-mansions will not want their neighboring property converted to a multi-family.

"I didn't spend $700k to live next to an apartment building! We don't want those people coming through the gates! Stay out of our tennis court and clubhouse! The school district needs to keep out the riff--- uh, I subscribe to PBS! We control the zoning board!"

Now the kids will be like "How can I monetize McMansion dad left me?" So I agree it will happen, but it'll be a rocky road with fits and starts.
112   HeadSet   2024 Apr 8, 1:05pm  

AmericanKulak says

Now the kids will be like "How can I monetize McMansion dad left me?

And "How the devil am I going to pay those real estate taxes, HOA fees, and lawn service?" Also maybe "How do I get rid of the squatters?"
113   AmericanKulak   2024 Apr 8, 2:42pm  

HeadSet says

And "How the devil am I going to pay those real estate taxes, HOA fees, and lawn service?" Also maybe "How do I get rid of the squatters?"

So much fun is coming.

The HOAs and Condo Assocs having to double monthlies in order to build reserves to handle structural issues is not helping Condos sell in Port Saint Joe and Naples with 7% 30-year loans on top.

I think I posted the association that was talking about bank loans, loans against 401ksm etc to pay $10k now in lieu of $300 monthly assessments extra for the next 3 years.
114   stfu   2024 Apr 8, 5:38pm  

Here is everything you need to know about population decline :

It would drive wages up.

That's it.

The fact that this would only result in a temporary decline in corporate profits (eventually prices would be increased to support increased wages) just goes to show you how absolutely evil these corporate motherfuckers are. They will turn this nation into a third world shithole just to maintain their performance based compensation on a quarterly basis.

God damn right Japan can have a shrinking population and manage just fine - except the conglomerates might take a hit to EPS for a dozen quarters.

God damn right the U.S. would be a better country right now if our population was 240 million.

I'm getting tired of being polite.
115   mell   2024 Apr 8, 5:40pm  

AmericanKulak says

HeadSet says

And "How the devil am I going to pay those real estate taxes, HOA fees, and lawn service?" Also maybe "How do I get rid of the squatters?"

So much fun is coming.

The HOAs and Condo Assocs having to double monthlies in order to build reserves to handle structural issues is not helping Condos sell in Port Saint Joe and Naples with 7% 30-year loans on top.

I think I posted the association that was talking about bank loans, loans against 401ksm etc to pay $10k now in lieu of $300 monthly assessments extra for the next 3 years.

On the upside they're canning the climate change committees left and right at the HOAs, we ain't got no money for this shit!
116   KgK one   2024 Apr 8, 7:53pm  

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

Best way is to move more people near cold area where there is little to no sun. Natural selection will make ppl white so body can get solar to make vitamin D.
117   AmericanKulak   2024 Apr 8, 9:03pm  

stfu says

The fact that this would only result in a temporary decline in corporate profits (eventually prices would be increased to support increased wages) just goes to show you how absolutely evil these corporate motherfuckers are. They will turn this nation into a third world shithole just to maintain their performance based compensation on a quarterly basis.

God damn right Japan can have a shrinking population and manage just fine - except the conglomerates might take a hit to EPS for a dozen quarters.

God damn right the U.S. would be a better country right now if our population was 240 million.


Population Booms keep Wages low and rents high.

So what if we only have 1.75 kids per woman for a few generations? Will only make housing cheaper (but generally older) and wages "sticky upwards".
118   richwicks   2024 Apr 9, 12:17pm  

AmericanKulak says

The next 10 years is going to be fascinating between boomers leaving their homes due to death/health, Millennials not wanting or needing such large properties, and the general lack of wealth in younger generations due to debt spending and wage supression.

No, corporations are just buying houses. What part of "you will own nothing and be happy" don't you understand?
121   stereotomy   2024 May 18, 8:15am  

What's even scarier is the sex ratio in those two countries. IIRC, it's something like 60/40 M/F - this will be the cause of WWIII - the search for bitches.
122   DeportLibtards   2024 May 18, 10:22am  

stereotomy says

What's even scarier is the sex ratio in those two countries. IIRC, it's something like 60/40 M/F - this will be the cause of WWIII - the search for bitches.

Vietnamese, Cambodian, Laosian and Thai women, specifically. All China has to do is put 30 or so million unmarried men in uniform, equip them and send them south.

They'll kill all the males and breed with the females. They enslaved the male Uighurs and forced the women to marry them already.
123   Blue   2024 May 18, 11:23am  

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

They enslaved the male Uighurs and forced the women to marry them already.

Very few including China understands that Islam is all about just a stone soup. They do it to get away from the Islamic enforced enslavement.
No satanic media ever complain or even mention it!
126   Patrick   2024 Jun 18, 3:54pm  


Essentially every single Western state is grappling with simultaneous crises in fertility and cost-of-living, with the latter being most cruelly exemplified by the outrageous price of real estate. Starter homes are an impossible dream even for those young people who manage to secure what used to be considered a middle-class income. As a result they don’t get married and start families. Are there other factors? Cultural, religious, and so forth? No-fault divorce laws? Feminism? Atheism and nihilism? Yes, absolutely.

But until the economic factors are fixed none of that stuff matters. Most people – most white people, at least – aren’t going to have babies if they can’t afford a house.
127   HeadSet   2024 Jun 18, 6:57pm  

Patrick says

Essentially every single Western state is grappling with simultaneous crises in fertility and cost-of-living, with the latter being most cruelly exemplified by the outrageous price of real estate.

If the population were truly stabilizing, the price of houses would naturally decline.
130   Patrick   2024 Jul 8, 11:01pm  


California has undergone a transformation from one of the most homogeneous societies in the world to one of the most diverse and dysfunctional.

In the 1950s California was a 94% White society, sported one of the wealthiest middle classes in the world, and topped the rankings in safety, educational attainment and scientific accomplishment.

Today, California is a 34.7% White society which tops the national rankings in homelessness, housing prices, cost of living, and property crime.

And California's once-shining cities reflect the state of the state.

131   AD   2024 Jul 9, 12:01am  

Patrick says

California has undergone a transformation

Yeah Patrick. I see California is 37 in the US News rankings for public K-12. I remember when California was was always ranked in top 10 back going back about 30 years ago.

Also California is ranked 37 overall as far as various factors or measures like education, economy, crime, opportunity, environment, etc.


Florida is ranked 10 for public K-12. I remember when Florida was stuck at a ranking of 24 back when I remember following education rankings at least 30 years ago.

Below is the education rankings link


134   AmericanKulak   2024 Aug 23, 2:29pm  

My only critique of the 1950 chart is that most Mexicans who could remotely pass for White called themselves White, so probably 85% White. We all know about how prickly many Latin Americans are at home about emphasizing their Whiteness there, but their "Hispanidad" here.

Still, that's ovewhelmingly White.

If you want to be really stunned, check out the Black population of NYC in 1940 or 1950 vs. 1970.
135   AmericanKulak   2024 Aug 23, 2:30pm  

stfu says

Here is everything you need to know about population decline :

It would drive wages up.

And housing assets down.
136   HeadSet   2024 Aug 23, 3:22pm  

AmericanKulak says

most Mexicans who could remotely pass for White

You know different Mexicans than I do. I have a seen a few White looking Mexicans, but overwhelmingly they have the same paint job as Indians.
137   AmericanKulak   2024 Aug 23, 3:45pm  

HeadSet says

You know different Mexicans than I do. I have a seen a few White looking Mexicans, but overwhelmingly they gave the same paint job as Indians.

I know quite a few who could not only pass as Italians or Greeks, but some as Northern Europeans.

But yes, I agree, most you see are on the Indian side of the Mix.

However, I've only been in California twice and less than a week combined, so I'm meeting more a different group of Mexicans.
138   AD   2024 Aug 24, 1:06am  

HeadSet says

You know different Mexicans than I do. I have a seen a few White looking Mexicans, but overwhelmingly they have the same paint job as Indians.

Yeah, they have a lot more indigenous (Mayan, Aztec, etc) DNA than Spaniard / European DNA.

They may also have traces of African DNA since there were slaves in Mexico.

The Central Americans and Mexicans I see building the 3 story apartments and working landscaping look like they could be extras in Mel Gibson's Apocalypto.

139   DeportLibtards   2024 Sep 5, 11:40am  

The solution:

140   Ceffer   2024 Sep 5, 12:13pm  

My Irish baby factory aunt had 12 and a score of miscarriages. Old school. If you tossed the sperm across the room, they'd crank out another subhuman.

I had a client woman who did surrogacies for money. She had several of her own and five surrogacies. She was blond, pretty, and physically fit and tight as a drum even after all those deliveries. She liked being pregnant. I suppose for some, it's a hormonal high.
141   Patrick   2024 Sep 5, 7:33pm  


I bet that Israel is an outlier solely because of the ultra-orthodox birth rate and the Palestinians. I think Israel is about 20% Palestinian not even counting the West Bank or Gaza.
145   Patrick   2024 Sep 15, 4:24pm  


American woman in park in South Korea, stops & asks Ju-won who is sitting on the bench in South Korean Park with a stroller next to him, can she see the cute baby & she looks in and sees a little dog all dressed in human clothes; she asks him ‘oh, I thought it was a baby’,

Ju-won (speaks English): it is a baby, my baby

American lady: oh, so cute but why won’t you have a real baby?

Ju-won: this is my baby and easier to manage, I am not even married and have no girl in my life

American lady: there are so many strollers in this park

Ju-won: Most if not all are little doggies

American lady: Well, I find it so odd for in America we try to have babies, and we don’t use strollers for dogs like this

Ju-won: We know, but at least I am not a pedophile like many in your country’s government, our media tells us many of your top officials are pedophiles and many of your rich people and high society people? Is that right? That they abuse little children and protected by their government and police. Is that correct?

American lady: Well, no, I do not know where you get your information for that is not true

Ju-won: We love our doggies, and we treat them like babies, our human babies and this is the information we have about pedophiles and abusers in your nation. We are different than America, Canada etc. We leave our children alone. We do not molest them. At least we may abuse our doggies, yes, I admit, we get intimate with our doggies, and we may even eat them, and quite frankly dogs are safer in Springfield Ohio than here in terms of being eaten, but your peoples abuse your human children. Molest, rape, sodomize and even kill them. We do not. Which do you prefer? Sodomy to a dog or to a child? We prefer our doggies and at least we do not trouble camels and sheep and goats. We prefer doggies. We do not like to abuse little children. I thought we were being good. We also heard the sodomy of children across your country, America, was mainly by people who are democrats or on the left of politics, am I right? but recently our nation is told it is almost equal with those who are politically Republican. Is this true? Why do Americans allow these politicians and high-society, and rich people sodomize and rape their little children?

American lady: Got wobbly, got the vapors, and grabbed her handbag and ran off.
146   ForcedTQ   2024 Sep 15, 9:25pm  

Patrick says

And due to that, for the concerns of the State of California, Hispanics should be relegated to the majority race column and so called “whites” become a minority with all of the protections there previously.
147   AmericanKulak   2024 Sep 15, 9:36pm  

Patrick says

The first two prove it's not middle aged White guys and the Passport Bros. We're still going strong with our Thai and Filipinas, bustin' them out left and right.
148   Patrick   2024 Sep 17, 9:48am  


Yesterday, the Berkshire Eagle published an example of how badly Collins and his science-following bureaucrats have failed to maintain the country’s vitality, in a distressing story headlined “Declining birth rate threatens future U.S. economic growth.”

Experts like Francis Collins expected the pandemic to produce a baby boom. Their hopelessly naive thinking was that, since Americans were forced to spend more time together during pandemic lockdowns, the spark of romance would kindle a massive wave of new births, reversing an ominous post-2000 trend.

Instead, the opposite occurred. The experts were wrong, again. Birth rates declined during lockdowns, accelerating an existing Millennial trend and, for the first time, falling below replacement rates.

What do the experts say now? Nothing. They have become hopelessly baffled, worthless human detritus of a failed political science experiment. Civilization is literally collapsing while our ineffectual expert class plays dance tunes on deck. There is really nothing bad that cannot be said about our current orthodox science establishment.

The silver lining though is how well the empire’s invisible clothing has been exposed to public scrutiny. They want to cry about lost trust? As Collins’ tone-deaf, non-apology proved, loss of trust is just the beginning.

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