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People have no understanding of where the average person is, or even the below average person is.
richwicks says
People have no understanding of where the average person is, or even the below average person is.
I remind my wife of this periodically. If you're 1-sigma smart then 84% of all people are dumber than you. These are the people who work all around you - just think about it: 8 out of ten people you meet are dumber than you. They can't understand many of the rational arguments you make, because they are incapable of rational thought. People like this have the residual knowledge of their bodies - for men, it's skilled hands, for women, it's childrearing.
Now imagine if you're 2- or 3-sigman smart. The rest of the human race must resemble an odd zoo of human-appearance animals.
It is very difficult to measure intelligence, and even if you are measured as very intelligent you can still make very bad choices, i.e. support policies and politics that eventually destroy you and your culture. Wisdom and street smarts are different qualities than intelligence or intellect.
Film theaters in the future will be for the experience with being part of an audience, it won't be to see the latest flick.
•There has been a longstanding fixation within the ruling elite that it is absolutely imperative for them to control the world’s population.
•In many cases, this has resulted in cruel and inhumane campaigns being enacted around the world in areas where the people did not have the civil rights protections afforded to them within the Western Democracies.
•Some of the most disturbing campaigns occurred within China, where due to the One Child Policy, parents were forced to only have one child, even if this meant forced abortions, sterilizations or infanticide.
•It is critical to learn what happened there, both so that we do not allow the global elite to enact similar measures here and so that we can recognize why it is imperative to have a culture which sincerely values morality as that ethical framework is often the only thing which can stop these disasters from happening.
Japan in Population Meltdown as Two People Now Dying for Every One Born
New data from the Japanese government shows that Japan’s population is continuing to spiral into an unsustainable meltdown.
Japan’s birth data for 2023 has just been published by the government and it shows the shocking crisis of the nation’s falling population appears to be accelerating.
The imposition of the death jab sure didn't help Japan's demographic crisis.
I understand that Japan is so fucking crowded that the population could decline for decades before anyone would even notice.
understand that Japan is so fucking crowded that the population could decline for decades before anyone would even notice.
Millennials not wanting or needing such large properties
Mini-mansions will be converted into multi-family apartments.
Now the kids will be like "How can I monetize McMansion dad left me?
And "How the devil am I going to pay those real estate taxes, HOA fees, and lawn service?" Also maybe "How do I get rid of the squatters?"
HeadSet says
And "How the devil am I going to pay those real estate taxes, HOA fees, and lawn service?" Also maybe "How do I get rid of the squatters?"
So much fun is coming.
The HOAs and Condo Assocs having to double monthlies in order to build reserves to handle structural issues is not helping Condos sell in Port Saint Joe and Naples with 7% 30-year loans on top.
I think I posted the association that was talking about bank loans, loans against 401ksm etc to pay $10k now in lieu of $300 monthly assessments extra for the next 3 years.
The fact that this would only result in a temporary decline in corporate profits (eventually prices would be increased to support increased wages) just goes to show you how absolutely evil these corporate motherfuckers are. They will turn this nation into a third world shithole just to maintain their performance based compensation on a quarterly basis.
God damn right Japan can have a shrinking population and manage just fine - except the conglomerates might take a hit to EPS for a dozen quarters.
God damn right the U.S. would be a better country right now if our population was 240 million.
The next 10 years is going to be fascinating between boomers leaving their homes due to death/health, Millennials not wanting or needing such large properties, and the general lack of wealth in younger generations due to debt spending and wage supression.
What's even scarier is the sex ratio in those two countries. IIRC, it's something like 60/40 M/F - this will be the cause of WWIII - the search for bitches.
They enslaved the male Uighurs and forced the women to marry them already.
Essentially every single Western state is grappling with simultaneous crises in fertility and cost-of-living, with the latter being most cruelly exemplified by the outrageous price of real estate. Starter homes are an impossible dream even for those young people who manage to secure what used to be considered a middle-class income. As a result they don’t get married and start families. Are there other factors? Cultural, religious, and so forth? No-fault divorce laws? Feminism? Atheism and nihilism? Yes, absolutely.
But until the economic factors are fixed none of that stuff matters. Most people – most white people, at least – aren’t going to have babies if they can’t afford a house.
Essentially every single Western state is grappling with simultaneous crises in fertility and cost-of-living, with the latter being most cruelly exemplified by the outrageous price of real estate.
California has undergone a transformation from one of the most homogeneous societies in the world to one of the most diverse and dysfunctional.
In the 1950s California was a 94% White society, sported one of the wealthiest middle classes in the world, and topped the rankings in safety, educational attainment and scientific accomplishment.
Today, California is a 34.7% White society which tops the national rankings in homelessness, housing prices, cost of living, and property crime.
And California's once-shining cities reflect the state of the state.
California has undergone a transformation
Here is everything you need to know about population decline :
It would drive wages up.
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Leftism is self-exterminating, but it will take a while, and they will continuously try to convert the children of conservatives to replenish their numbers.